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Black Blooded Elves-

CON: +13 | x4/3 (x1)2/3

STR: +05 | x15/10 (5/2)
SPD: ---
DEX: +07 | x17/10 (x1)3/2
LCK: ---
ESS: +10 | x2
INT: --- 3/2
CHR: +10 | x2 2
The Black Blooded Elves of the Syul Haraq <Grand Spillway> wetlands are thought
to be descendents of vampiric elves created hundreds of years ago through the fa
ilure of an adventuring party mainly composed of elves. Their plundering of an a
ncient vampire family awoke those undead's wrath, and through arcane blood magic
ks, the long-lived elves were perverted from creatures of green and life, to tho
se of blackness and death.
They are 2" shorter than an Elven height result, and 3/4 Human weight.
They are grey skinned, with their veins and arteries visible, marbling their fle
sh. Their hair is long and thin, usually greying-black, with elders wearing a sn
owy crown that then darkens at shoulder-length. Their manner of dress is opulent
for their station, and often employs the Cat, Raven, and Wolf standard of the v
ampire lords they were once utterly subject to.
Each member of the sub-race is capable of attacking an individual target at a ra
nge equal to one yard per point of ESS expended, doing 1d6 points of damage dire
ctly off CON for every four points. Thus, for four points, the Black Blooded Elf
has the ability to do 1d6 direct damage out to a range of four yards. The creat
ure may expend any amount of ESS desired to increase the two effects, such as 06
ESS for a range of six yards, and 1d6 damage; or, 08 ESS and a range of eight y
ards and 2d6 damage.
The Black Blooded Elves are functionally immune to all physical damage, unless f
rom a 'Hocus-Pocus'd sword of Ashe or Yew wood. They take normal damage from spe
lls and spell-like sources. If the Priest Type is used, their miraculous powers
likewise affect the creature.
Black Blooded Elves can not be healed by conventional magicks, but they have cre
ated a spell which vampirically heals by draining a victim of its health. The sp
ell requires 06 ESS to empower, then drains two points of CON to heal the recipi
ent of 1d6+1 CON. Boosting the spell requires an additional 06 ESS per 'level' a
nd an additional two points of victim-CON, and increases the total healing by +1
d+1. The spell's translated name is 'Blood Alchemy'.
Feeding requires the magickal draining of a victim's STR. Normally, 20 points of
STR are needed to maintain the average Black Blooded Elf, but those whose own S
TR score has been depleted require +02 victim-STR points per point of the Elf's
STR to be restored. Black Blooded Elves are able to drain STR from one victim at
a rate of 01 point per Round, out to a range of three yards.
Adventurer Black Blooded Elves should be extremely rare, as only a few hundred e
xist. They are capable of turning other elves into Black Blooded Elves through a
ritual performed during copulation; thus, the race endures. Humans who are thus
ritually consumated are instead turned into Zombies with 3/4 their original INT
. They loose all spell-casting abilities, however. No other kindred have ever be
en noted to be used in the Black Blooded Elves' ritual.
As a race, they abhor sunlight, perferring to confine their activities to nighti
me or in the shadows of cities or 'dungeons'.
One impetus of high CHR Black Blooded Elves might be to create new colonies in d
istant areas by preying upon elves and securing their brood through the use of h
uman zombies. If this is the mission of the PC BBE, then adventuring should only
be performed to secure funding or new magicks / marvelous items rumored to be o
f use to their kind.
Their native culture is of a feudalistic nature, with a very few older, more pow
erful bloodlines of the original stock ruling over those many of lesser families
and those elves turned to their kind.
Within the wetlands, at least three separate and often warring greater houses dw
ell, in search of ancient magick items owned by the slumbering vampire lords to
whom they owe their twisted existences. Nothing is known of these true undead, o
r their continued involvement in the Elves' society.

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