Termites: "Silent Destroyers"

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How can you prevent termites from damaging your


Termite control is a two-part process: preventing

termites from accessing your home and treating
known termite colonies.

 Receiving regular, typically annual, termite

inspections from a qualified expert.
“Did you know? Termites
 Working with your pest control have been around
professional to address conditions around
your home, such as excess moisture and since the time of the
wood-to-ground contact, which can be dinosaurs!”
conducive to termite activity.
 Determining what preventative termite
treatments, direct wood treatment, bait

and monitoring systems, etc. will be most
effective based on your home's
construction and signs of activity around
your home and neighborhood.

How do you identify What is Termites?
To identify a termite,
examine a single bug Termites all belong to the phylum
carefully. Things like the wings Arthropoda, the class Insecta, and
and antennae can help the order Isoptera. There are over
you identify a bug as
a termite. You should also
2,000 different species of termites
look for signs of an infestation, with over 40 species in the United
like mud tubes and droppings. States alone. Although they have
If you have distinct characteristics, most look
a termite infestation, consult a similar. They typically measure
professional for treatment.
between 1/4 and 1/2 of an inch long
and have soft bodies with straight
antennae. The queens and kings
What are the sign of are larger, capable of reaching over
termites in your home? one inch long. Colors range from
white to light brown where worker
Where they live? There are 5 sign of termite at your termites often appear lighter, while
home. swarming termites darker. Flying
Nests are formed either in trees, in termites, also called reproductives,
soil mounds or underground. There 1. Blister in woof floring
are 5 main nest types and many have two pairs of prominent wings.
2. Hollowed or damaged
species will build more than one wood.
type of nest:
3. Evidence of swarms.
 Ground mounds 4. Mud tube
 Tree nests (outside tree, 5. Drywood termite droppings
connected to internal cavity)
 Pole nests (on human
structures such as fence
posts and telegraph poles)
 Subterranean nests
(underground, in soil,
stumps and tree bases)
 Tree wood (inside the tree)

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