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Prambanan temple is the largest and the most beautiful Hindu temple which ever
built on the Java island. The temple was built during the Hindu kingdoms in Indonesia in
the 10th century. Prambanan temple was built by Rakai Pikatan as a rival to Borobudur
and Sewu Temple located not far from Prambanan temple. However, a legend tells that It
is a temple built by Bondowoso as a promise to marry Rorojonggrang. However, the
construction of this temple was not completed because the ruse of Rorojonggrang. Finally
Bondowoso cursed Rorojonggrang become a statue to complete the temple.
As the temple which is very beautiful and gorgeous, the building complex of
Prambanan temple located at an altitude of 154 m above sea level and becomes one of the
tourist destinations in Jogjakarta. It is located in Prambanan village, District Bokoharjo. It
is approximately 17 miles from Jogjakarta. The location is only about 100 m from the
highway of Yogya-Solo so that it must be easy to reach.
The Height of Prambanan temple is about 47 meters. It is 5 meters higher than
Borobudur. The complex of Prambanan temple shaped rectangular consists of 4 main parts:
the outer courtyard, Jaba Yard (outer court), Central Court, and Njeron court (Back Court).
The outdoor courtyard is an open area which has no the temple. The outdoor courtyard
surrounds the outer court which shaped square with an area of 390 m2. It does not have a
single temple inside. At first the outer courtyard surrounded by a stone fence, but now the
stone fence is not there anymore.
After the outer court, there is a central courtyard which shaped rectangular with an
area 222 m2. In the middle of the central courtyard there are 4 terraces in which the deeper
of the terrace location, the higher it is. The first terrace which is the lowest terrace has 68
small temples which are lined and divided into four lines that connect between entrances
to every yard. In the second terrace, there are 60 temples, in the third terrace there are 52
temples and the last, top terrace or fourth terrace has 44 temples which has same size 6 m
X 14 m2. However, almost all the temples in the fourth terrace of the only remain the ruins
because of natural disasters.
Back Court or inner court is the highest and the most holy place in the Prambanan
temple. The Court shaped rectangular with an area of 110 m2 and height is about 1.5 m.
Back court is surrounded by a stone fence. On its four sides, there are gate which arch-
shaped or also called Padaruksa. In front of the court gate, there is a small temple which
shaped square with the area of 1.5 m2 and the height is about 4 m.
Inside the back court, there are 2 temples which line from north to south and 3
temples in the west overlook east. In the back court, there are also temples which are
representing three gods in Hinduism namely Vishnu temple in the northern, Brahmin
temple on the south, and in the middle, there is a Shiva temple. In front of each of these
temples, there are vehicle temples which represent the vehicle of god.
The Vehicle temples are Garuda temple located in front of Vishnu temple, Nandi
temple (Ox) in front of Shiva temple, and Swans temple in front of Brahma temple. The
area of these sixth temples is 15 m2 with 25 m in height. They face each other and form a

The first week of April, me and my four friends went to Prambanan temple to look
for tourists. We went by motorbike from home.
Arrived at Prambanan we bought an entrance ticket and went straight into the
temple area. I saw tourists who were walking around the temple and chasing him for
interviews. After conducting an interview with one tourist I saw another tourist and tried
to interview him. however, it turns out that there are those who can not speak English
and there are those who want to be interviewed but do not want to take pictures, videos
or audio.
For a long time I sat on the stairs to climb the temple waiting for the other tourists
to come to the temple area. because the weather was very hot that day and we didn't rent
an umbrella. After waiting for a while I saw a tourist who had just come I chased him
and he wanted to be interviewed.
Since it was late we decided to go home and look for tourists the following week.
the following Sunday, I went looking for more tourists in Taman Sari and Malioboro.
There I found no one tourist there. my friend and I decided to look for prambanan again.
When I arrived at Prambanan temple I bought a ticket and went straight into the
temple area. I was a bit difficult because that day many students from other campuses
also conducted interviews.
About 3 hours I waited for finally one tourist I could interview. after finishing the
interview I immediately went home.

1. Tourist 1 : Isyana ( Nederland )

She is Isyana her come from is Nederland. She is height Tall. She has dark
brown hair. She has pointed nose. The colour of her eyes is blue. She is so
friendly.she is beautiful and I think she is good person.

2. Tourist 2 : William ( England, United Kingdom)

His name is William, his come from is England, United Kingdom. His height
is short. He Use sunglass and hat. I think he is a good person.
3. Tourist 3 : Cadline ( Canada)

She is Cadline her come from is Canada. She is height Tall. She has dark brown
hair. She has sharp nose. The colour of her eyes is brown..she is beautiful and
I think she is good person.

1. Tourist 1 : Name
2. Tourist 2 : Name
3. Tourist 3 : Name

Mozila Firefox ( 2019 ) hasil penelusuran gambar. (
diakses tanggal 5 mei 2019).
https://id. (Diakses tanggal 5 mei 2019)
1. Syafitri

1. Syafitrri
a. The Dialogue with Ms. Isyana
Syafitri :Excuse me, My Name is Syafitri. I am student from
University at Yogyakarta. I have a duty from my lecture to
interview with native speaker. Are you willing interview
with me?
Isyana : Okay, yes sure.
Syafitri : What is your name?
Isyana : My name Isyana
Syafitri : Where are you come from?
Isyana : I come from Neterland
Syafitri : What is you purpose in coming at Jogja?
Isyana : I just Travelling
Syafitri : what did you choose to visit at Jogja?
Isyana : I think the nature or something.
Syafitri : What place do you like the most of Jogja?
Isyana : Borobudur and this place do like.
Syafitri : Okay, thank you very much miss
Isyana : Your Welcome.

b. The dialogue with Mr. William

Syafitri : Excuse me, My name is Syafitri. I am student from
University at Yogyakarta. I have a duty from my lecture to
interview with native speaker.
William : Yes, what asking your?
Syafitri : What is your Name?
William : Name is William
Syafitri : Where are you come from?
William : England, United Kingdom
Syafitri : What is your purpose in coming at Jogja?
William : I come to Jakarta to work and now i’m holiday.
Syafitri : Why did you choose to visit at Jogja?
William : emm.. why I’m visit jogja ?I’m visit the temple also
because nice place to java, I mind you have been working in
Jakarta plus everyweek.You one to come out and this
country neat and clean of.Jakarta is nice place,if are you
living in Jakarta,So you know. I love to Java.
Syafitri : What place do you like the most of Jogja?
William : I’m at here and Java?
Syafitri : yes
William : okay, I thing visit more impressive this one. But, I also meet
in Bromo at up after Surabaya and very impressive. I’m so
impressive. Volcano- volcano this is amazing.
Syafitri : Okay, Thank you for Interview. Please Picture with me?
William : Okay.

c. The Dialogue with Ms. Cadline

Syafitri :Excuse Me, I’m Syafitri. I’m a nursing student from
university in Yogyakarta. I have a duty from my lecture to
interview with native speaker. Do you willing interview with
Cadline :To do what sorry? What do you asking?
Syafitri : What is your name?
Cadline : Cadline
Syafitri : Where do you from?
Cadline : Canada
Syafitri : What is your purpose in come at jogja?
Cadline : Sorry?
Syafitri : What is your purpose in come at jogja?
Cadline : Holiday
Syafitri : what place do you like the most of Jogja?
Cadline : I just come here, to visit the temple
Syafitri : Okay, thank you for interview
Cadline : Your welcome

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