ELp Report

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Marigold Gladiolus

Flowers to be cultivated :-
- Marigold - Gladiolus

This is to certify that the project report entitled submitted to

Jharkhand Rai University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of B Sc
(Hons)Agriculture ,is an authentic and original work carried out by Mr.AMAN INDWAR with
enrolment no.BA/15/033 under my guidance.

The matter embodied in this project is genuine work done by the student and has not
been submitted whether to this University or to any other University/Institute for the fulfillment of the
equipments of any course of study.
It gives me immense pleasure to express my deepest sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to my highly
respected and esteemed guide AAASDSDDSSDDS,for his/her valuable guidance, encouragement and
help for completing this work.His/Her useful suggestions for this whole work and co-operative
behavior are sincerely acknowledged.I would like to express my sincere thanks to fodjfodgj jhkflebm
Ranchi for giving me this opportunity to undertake this project.I also wish to express my gratitude to
Coordinator vdjsnvdndndknckdnkcnkdnfkndfkncknccnknfn,Ranchi for his kind hearted support.I am
also grateful to my faculty members for their constant support and guidance.I also wish to express my
indebtedness to my parents as well as my family member whose blessings and support always helped
me to face the challenges ahead. At the end I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends
and others who helped me directly or indirectly during this elp report work.

Place : Student Name :

Date : Enrollment No.


DATE- (4/9/18)

ACTIVITY - An Introduction class with Neha Nischal ma’am & Asfaq Alam sir .

 Neha Nischal ma’am briefed us about the field allotted, Rules and Regulations to be followed
during Elp and supported staff who are involved with us in our ELP (experimental learning

 Asfaq Alam sir briefed about planning ,marketing and budgeting .He told us about the three
groups which are formed during this ELP season i.e. Floriculture(Flower production),
Olericulture (Vegetable production) & Mushroom production(Oyster Mushroom).

 Following Questions were explained about planning –

Planning = What? Who? When? How?

Day 2

DATE- (5/9/18)

ACTIVITY - Discussion about planning and budgeting of the cultivation among the group

 The well defined plan and the budgeting of the plan for the cultivation of flowers to earn maximum
and maximum profits from the field allotted was discussed among the members of the group and the
proper work division was also done among the members.
 We decided among ourselves how we can best use of all the resources provided in the benefit of
cultivation of flowers in the field.
Day 3

DATE- (6/9/18)

ACTIVITY - Interaction in class with our field incharge Shyam Sundar Bedia.

 He briefed us about how to earn maximum and maximum profits with limited use of water.
 He also shared his Israel tour experience with us and also briefed us about his field work on
various flowers.
 Field visit with Neha nischal ma’am and Shyam sundar bedia sir and the area of the field was
measured with the help of GPS system.The measurement was of the field which was allotted
for floriculture.

Field allotted for floriculture.

Day 4

DATE- (7/9/18)

ACTIVITY - Ploughing , Harrowing and Weeding is done in the Allotted floriculture field.
 Ploughing :-It is an agricultural process through which lands are prepared for cultivation of
 Harrowing was done with the help of spade to break the soil clods into smaller mass and
incorporate plant residue into the soil to enrich the nutrient content in the soil.
 Removal of weeds : It is necessary to remove weeds to prevent the insect and diseases to enter
in the field.
 Spade was used to remove the weeds from the mainfield to maintain filed’s cleanliness and




DATE- (8/09/18)

ACTIVITY – Individual Report Preparation.

 Individual report is prepared on daily basis.
 Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.



ACTIVITY- Individual Report Preparation.

 Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.
 Individual report is prepared on daily basis.



ACTIVITY –Weeding and leveling of the field.

 The very first we have done today is harrowing after harrowing we removed weeds from the
field and leveling was done with the help of leveler.
 leveling is necessary for the preparation of the bed easily.



ACTIVITY –Weeding and leveling of the field.

 The very first we have done today is harrowing after harrowing we removed weeds from the
field and leveling was done with the help of leveler.
 Few of the members were loosening the soil with the help of spade and then we were
removing the weeds from the loosened soil with the help of hand fork and the was leveling it.


ACTIVITY - Layout of the field and beds preparation for the plantation.

 Ridge and furrow type beds were prepared in the field for the plantation of flowers
 .These types of beds are best for cultivation and irrigation.
 Raised beds are of 60cm and furrows between the beds are of 30cm.
 Beds are prepared with the help of spade.
 Proper lining were made for the beds with the help of rope.


DAY 10


ACTIVITY - Layout of the field and beds preparation for the plantation.

 Raised type beds were prepared in the field for the plantation of flowers. These types of beds
are best for cultivation.
 Raised beds are of 60cm and furrows between the beds are of 30cm. Beds are prepared with
the help of spade.
 Proper orientation of line for the beds were made with the help of rope so that beds prepared
would be straight. After the bed preparation, the beds were cleaned.
 Some of the members were making lines at proper spacing with the help of rope and some
were raising the beds at proper orientation and I was leveling the beds properly , with the use
of hand I leveled the beds by getting soil in between from the sides of the bed and then leveling
it with the help of leveler

Day 11

DATE - (14/09/2018)

ACTIVITY - Cleaning of the bunds around the field.

 Cleaning of bunds is necessary to prevent the unwanted particles or foreign material to enter in
the field.
 This helps in maintaining the cleanliness and sanitation of field.
 It also protect the field from many insects and diseases and reduces competition between the
target crop and weed hence reduces yield loss.

Day 12


ACTIVITY – Field visit and group report presentation.

 The field was visited along with Bedia sir to inspect whether the beds are made are made in a
proper way or not.
 After that the group report was prepared. In that report daily wise activity which were done on
the field by the members of the group is being presented in this report.
 Detailed information of each and every work is being mentioned in this report.

DAY 13

ACTIVITY – Individual Report Preparation.

 Daily wise individual report of every day work which were being done on the field was being
 Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.

Day 14


ACTIVITY – Planning for nursery preparation.

 It was advised by our instructor that we have to prepare a nursery of marigold.
 So it was decided that nursery will be prepared through stem cutting method.

Day 15


ACTIVITY –Nursery bed preparation.

Process of nursery bed preparation:-

 First of all we made a raised bed for raising the marigold cuttings.Raised bed was prepared with the
help of soil and sand ,sand was filled upto 1 inch above the soil for proper growth of roots in the soil.
 Nusery was shaded with the help of iron rods and green house covering material so that only required
amount of sunlight passes through it and to maintain the the temperature and moisture content
inside the nursery.
 Stem cuttings were planted .and irrigation was provided.

DAY 16


ACTIVITY – Field visit along with Bedia sir and weeding in the field.

 The main marigold field was visited along with Bedia sir and then he told us to remove the
weeds from the prepared beds before the transplantation of marigold seedlings.
 We used kurpi and hand hoe to remove the weeds from the field.

DAY 17


ACTIVITY - Individual Report Preparation.

 Daily wise individual report of every day work which were being done on the field was being
 Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.

DAY 18


ACTIVITY - Individual Report Preparation.

 Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.
 Daily wise individual report of every day work which were being done on the field was being

DAY 19


ACTIVITY –Transplantation of marigold in the main field.

 Almost thousands of marigold seedlings were given for the transplantation in the field. All the
seedlings were being transplanted by us in the zig-zag pattern at proper spacing of 30*30cm.
 One of the member was making a mark at the proper spacing in zig-zag pattern and then
planting the seedling.
 Then the fertilizer was being spread at all the digging point and then planted the marigold
seedlings in the field.
 Seedlings were planted 1 inch deep in the soil and then the roots were properly covered with
soil and then pressed deeply.
 Fertilizer mix was made by mixing Urea, DAP and MOP in a proper ratio as was required by the
marigold seedlings.


DAY 20


ACTIVITY – Group report preparation.

 The group report till the date was prepared. In that report daily wise activity which were done
on the field by the members of the group is being presented in this report.
 Detailed information of each and every work is being mentioned in this report.
DAY 21


ACTIVITY – Stem cutting of Marigold for nursery plantation and irrigation in the main

 Under the guidance of Bedia sir stem cutting was done for raising nursery ,this processes is
good for proper root emergence. We all were assigned to get almost 200-300 stem cuttings of
marigold and then the stem cuttings were dipped in rootex for proper root emergence.
 On raised bed stem cutting were planted.

 Before planting the stem cutting watering was done so that proper moisture could be retained.


DAY 22


ACTIVITY – Stem cutting of Marigold for nursery plantation and irrigation in the main

 For raising nursery we were adviced to use stem cutting method by our advisor.200-300 stem
cuttings were done using cutting equipment.
 The stem cuttings were then taken to the nursery bed and there it was planted on the bed .
 Before planting the stem cutting watering was done so that nusery get properly moisture


DAY 23


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the main field as well as in nursery and weeding on the field
beds around marigold seedlings.

 Optimum irrigation was given in the field using furrow irrigation method.
 The nursery was also watered to keep the nursery bed moist .
 The weeds present around the marigold plant was removed with the help of khurpi.

DAY 24


ACTIVITY – Individual Report Preparation.

 Daily wise individual report of every day work which were being done on the field was being
 Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.

DAY 25


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the main field as well as in nursery and weeding on the field
beds around marigold seedlings

 Optimum irrigation required for the plant was provided in the field with the help of furrow
irrigation .
 Nursery was also watered to keep the nursery bed moist .

DAY 26


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the main field as well as in nursery and weeding on the field
beds around marigold seedlings.

 The required amount of water was provided in the field with the help of furrow irrigation.
 Also the nursery was also watered to keep the nursery bed moist.
 Weeding was done in order to keep the field clean.
DAY 27


ACTIVITY – Group report preparation.

o The group report till the date was prepared.
o In that report daily wise activity which were done on the field by the members of the group is
being presented in this report.
o Detailed information of each and every work is being mentioned in this report.

DAY 28


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the main Marigold field

o Irrigation required for the plant was provided in the field for better development and growth of

o The drip irrigation is the type of micro-irrigation system which has potential to save water and
nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the surface
or buried below the surface.
o In our field the drip irrigation system is arranged above the surface.

DAY 29


ACTIVITY –Drip Irrigation in the main Marigold field.

 The required amount of water was provided in the field with the help of drip irrigation so that it
favors the proper growth of the seedlings.
 The drip irrigation is the type of micro-irrigation system which has potential to save water and
nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the surface
or buried below the surface.
 In our field the drip irrigation system is arranged above the surface.

DAY 30


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the main field as well as in nursery and weeding on the field
beds around marigold seedlings.
 Furrow irrigation was provided in the main field for keeping the field moist.
 Also the nursery was also watered to keep the nursery bed moist.
 The weeds present around the marigold plant was removed with the help of khurpi.

DAY 31


ACTIVITY – Individual Report Preparation.

 Daily wise individual report of every day work which were being done on the field was being
 Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.

Day 32


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the main field as well as in nursery and weeding on the field
beds around marigold seedlings.

 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip
irrigation which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 In our field the drip irrigation system is arranged above the surface.
 Nursery was also watered to keep the nursery bed moist.
 The weeds present around the marigold plant was removed with the help of khurpi and
hand fork ,so that it could get the required amount of nutrients as required by the plants
and weeds may not hinder with its growth.

DAY 33


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the main Marigold field.

 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip
irrigation which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 Also the nursery was also watered to keep the nursery bed moist for proper root

DAY 34


ACTIVITY – Group report preparation.

o The group report till the date was prepared.
o In that report daily wise activity which were done on the field by the members of the group is
being presented in this report.
o Detailed information of each and every work is being mentioned in this report.

DAY 35

ACTIVITY- Irrigation in the main marigold field.

 Required amount of water was provided in the mainfield through drip irrigation system for
proper growth of plants.
 Drip irrigation is the micro irrigation system ,which allow water and mutrients to slowly drip in
the root area of the plants either above the surface or below the surface.

DAY 36


ACTIVITY- Irrigation in the main marigold field.

 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip
irrigation which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 Also the nursery was also watered to keep the nursery bed moist for proper root emergence.
 Water is provided as required by the marigold plantlets for proper growth.

DAY 37

DATE- (10/10/18)

ACTIVITY – Sowing of Gladiolus corms in the main Gladiolus field.

 First, the healthy and best seeds were selected for plantation and was dipped in water before
 Then some of the members with the help of spade dug at the two either sides of the beds at
proper spacing as it is clearly shown in figure.
 We planted the corms in the marked position such that root portion was directed in the
downward direction.
 Seeds were then covered with soil for seedling emergence.
 After the placing of the corms , it is covered with the soil for proper emergence of seedlings.
 2,460 corms were taken of which 60 corms were damaged and hence 2400 corms were sown in
the field.
 Corms of diameter 2.5 cm were planted in 30 x20 cm row to row and 15 x 20 cm corm to corm



DAY 38

DATE- (11/10/18)

ACTIVITY: Irrigation on the main field

 The required amount of water was provided in the field with the help of Drip Irrigation.
 The drip irrigation is the type of micro-irrigation system which has potential to save water
and nutrients by allowing water to drip slowly to the roots of plants, either from above the
surface or buried below the surface.
 Water is provided in gladiolus field as required for proper germination of Gladiolus corms.

DAY 39

DATE- (12/10/18)

ACTIVITY – Individual Report Preparation.

 Daily wise individual report of every day work which was being done on the field was being
 Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.

DAY 40

DATE - (13/10/18)

ACTIVITY – Sowing of Marigold seedling in the main marigold field and irrigation in the
Gladiolus as well as marigold field.

 Marigold seedlings were given for transplantation. All the seedlings were being planted in the
zig-zag pattern at proper spacing of 30 x 30cm.
 One of the member was making a mark at the proper spacing in zig-zag pattern and other
members were planting the seedling.
 Fertilizer was applied at the marked point and then marigold seedlings were planted in the
 Seedlings were planted 1 inch deep in the soil and then the roots were properly covered with
soil and then pressed deeply.
 The required amount of water was provided in both the fields with the help of Drip Irrigation
so that it favors the proper growth of the corms as well as growth of marigold seedlings.

Day 41

DATE- (14/10/18)

ACTIVITY – Group report preparation.

 The group report till the date was prepared.

 In that report daily wise activity which was done on the field by the members of the group is
being presented in this report.
 Detailed information of each and every work is being mentioned in this report.

DAY 42


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the Gladiolus as well as marigold field.

 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip
irrigation which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 The required amount of water was provided in both the fields with the help of Drip Irrigation.
 Water is provided as required by the marigold plantlets for proper growth and in gladiolus field
as required for proper development of Gladiolus plants.

DAY 43


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the Gladiolus as well as marigold field.

 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip
irrigation which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 The required amount of water was provided in both the fields with the help of Drip Irrigation.
 Water is provided as required by the marigold plantlets for proper growth and in gladiolus field
as required for proper development of Gladiolus plants.

DAY 44


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the Gladiolus as well as marigold field.

 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip
irrigation which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 The required amount of water was provided in both the fields with the help of Drip Irrigation.
 Water is provided as required by the marigold plantlets for proper growth and in gladiolus field
as required for proper development of Gladiolus plants.

DAY 45


ACTIVITY – Irrigation in the Gladiolus as well as marigold field.

 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip
irrigation which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 The required amount of water was provided in both the fields with the help of Drip Irrigation.
 Water is provided as required by the marigold plantlets for proper growth and in gladiolus field
as required for proper development of Gladiolus plants.

DAY 46


ACTIVITY – Individual Report Preparation.

 Daily wise individual report of every day work which was being done on the field was being
prepared. Each and every detail of the work done on the field is being mentioned in this report.
 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip
irrigation which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 Water is provided as required by the marigold plantlets for proper growth and in gladiolus field
as required for proper development of Gladiolus plants.

Day 47


AC TIVITY – Irrigation in the Gladiolus as well as marigold field.

 The required amount of water was provided in both the fields with the help of Drip Irrigation so
that it favors the proper growth of the corms as well as growth of marigold seedlings.
 As much water required by the particular plants is being provided by the process of drip irrigation
which is generally provided in the morning for 1hour.
 Water is provided as required by the marigold plantlets for proper growth and in gladiolus field as
required for proper development of Gladiolus plants.
Day 48


ACTIVITY – Group report preparation.

 The group report till the date was prepared.

 In that report daily wise activity which was done on the field by the members of the group is
being presented in this report.
 Detailed information of each and every work is being mentioned in this report.

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