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Personal Training Plan

Client: Alley Trahan

Case Narrative:

The following training plan has been developed for Alley. It will consist of 3 days of strength training based on a split program. Cardio
is recommended 3 days per week based on availability. The program is set up to incorporate all major muscle groups.

Training Guidelines:

 Always warm-up prior to your workout (I recommend 5 min on the treadmill or bike to get the full body engaged and primed for workout)
 Always remember to never lock your knees and use a neutral spine
 Always stretch after every workout

Program Breakdown:

 3 Days per week weights/3 Days per week cardio (alternating schedule)
 To be reassessed based on progress


Off Upper Body Cardio Lower Body Cardio Shoulders Cardio
Strength Strength and Abs
Training Training
Sit nice and tall, lean back slightly and flex abs to
remain in that position, wide grip bar pull elbows
Wide grip seated seated Back 3 TBD 12 2-1-2 30 sec
down, when extending keep a slight bend in the
lat pull down

Lean back slightly again abs tight so you don’t

Narrow grip seated pull
Back 3 TBD 12 2-1-2 30 sec sway. Chest out when you pull in so elbows go
One knee on bench, nice extension but keep back
Back 3 TBD 12 2-1-2 30 sec straight don’t let shoulder drop, head in line with
One arm bent over rows
Seated chest press Keep back flat against seat, shoulders back and
wide/or bench press wide Chest 3 TBD 12 2-1-2 30 sec press while keeping a slight bend in the elbow
grip when extended
Keep back flat against seat, elbows slightly
Peck Deck Chest 3 TBD 12 2-1-2 30 sec
bent….flex chest as you do a bear hug motion
Place hands shoulder width apart, control decent
Chest 3 2-1-2 60 sec of chest to floor, head in line with your spine,
Pushups lu
exhale press upwards to starting position

Standing dumbbell Curls

(one at a time) - Abs contracted, curl dumbbell up twisting
Super Set with palm upward.
3 sets
Seated Hammer Curls - Stand tall, always keep tension on the bar
Biceps of TBD 12 2-1-2 30 sec
Then finish with - When doing seated hammer curls make
Standing Cable Curl (with sure you don’t swing/sit tall shoulders back
short bar) to avoid slouching

3 sets 12
Standing Tricep Press - Stand tall, abs tight, shoulder back and
Triceps of TBD - 2-1-2 30 sec
Super Set with down, elbows tucked at the sided, press
each 15
Overhead Rope Cable bar downward, control release and stop at
Extensions 90 degree angle
Then finish with - For incline seated, keep Db behind head,
Incline single arm DB isolate upper arm so all the work is on the
tricep extensions tricep
ABS and Shoulders Feet flat on floor, rest head in hands and raise face
Abs 2 - 15 sec
Crunches up to ceiling
Crunch with Knee to chest
Abs 2 - 15 sec On mat, single knee in chest and down
Crunch with Alternate 15
knee cross over Abs/core 2 - 15 sec Bring elbow to opposite knee
10 Lay on your back raise one leg and keep the other
Alternate Leg Raise Abs 2 - 15 sec leg elevated off the floor, hold for 4 seconds then
15 switch legs..keep abs engaged
1- Hold, keep shoulders in line with elbows, abs are
2 tight and keep back nice and straight with head in
Plank Abs/core 2
mi line with spine, do not let back sway
Heels to heaven Lay on your back hands to the side, raise legs up to
2 sets 15
And finish with Mason the ceiling and flex feet so heels are pushed
Lower Abs of -
Twists with a DB or towards the ceiling. Exhale as you raise your butt
each 20
medicine ball off the floor (slight lift)
Seated shoulder press Shoulders 3 TBD 12 2-1-2 30 secs Stop at T
Weights start at side and raise at side while
Standing side shoulder
Shoulders 3 TBD 2-1-2 30 secs simulating pouring out a glass of water, return to
raise 12
start position
Sit at end of bench, bend right forward while
Seated rear delts
3 of engaging your abs, head in line with spine, arms
Super Set with Rear cable Shoulders TBD 12 2-1-2 30 secs
each down by feet, bring elbows up to the side and bring
them back down to our feet
Standing with dumbells at side, raise one at a time
Front DB raise Shoulders 3 TBD 12 2-1-2 30 secs twisting palm downward to the front of your face,
lower to start position and proceed with other arm.
- For Shrugs Stand tall and raise shoulders
Shoulder shrug 3 of and return to neutral position with
And finish with Upright each 12 dumbells in hand. Go heavy
rows either with Barbell or
With bar on your shoulders behind your neck,
place feet wide apart, grasp bar and lower to a
LEG DAY squat position then press upwards. Do not lock
Legs/Glutes 4 TBD 12 2-1-2 60 secs
Squat Smith Machine your knees and always ensure your toes do not go
over your knees (Exhale as you press upwards) Abs
always engaged.
Watch foot alignment, legs apart on press
Leg press wide 2 sets For lunges, Stand tall and look upwards, make sure
Super set with of TBD 12 2-1-2 60 secs front knee does not go over toes of front foot,
Controlled DB lunges each lower til back knee almost touches floor then press
up. Repeat for 12 then switch legs.
Jump Squats (with band
Legs/Quads 2 TBD to 2-1-2 60 secs
around ankles)
Curl your legs towards your glutes and slowly
Leg Curls (Lying) return to start position of legs extended. Again Abs
Super set with 2 TBD 12 2-1-2 60 secs tight to protect lower back
and Quads
Leg Extensions For extensions, seated, extend the legs and slowly Commented [RF1]:
lower to start position
Side squat steps with band Legs/and outer If you don’t have a hall to do these all in one line,
2 TBD 12 2-1-2 60 secs
around ankles thighs do it side to side (step together/step together)
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
Feet close together, knees slightly bent, bend
2 forward at waist with a flat back, head in line with
One week Finish off with 12 spine, abs engaged (go down till you feel a pull in
standing calves and seated Legs 3 sets TBD - 2-1-2 60 secs the hamstrings and glutes) no need to go all the
calves and the next week of 15 way down.
do Inner Outer Thighs on each
the machine
Cardio-Respiratory Training Guidelines

For Cardio you need to add a bit of variety, on treadmill, warm up for 3 min at brisk walk then go into 10 sets of intervals, run for 1 min, recover
walking for 1 min. Work towards reducing the recovery to 30 sec and increasing the running to 1.5 min.

On your next cardio do the Summit Climber at the Hills interval workout. Start at 30 min. Work toward 40 to 45 min.

Remember, never do these cardio workouts before your weight training workouts! These are on their own.


Perform each stretch for a minimum of 16 seconds

 Standing Back Stretch / cross hands out front as you extend arms and roll shoulders forward to bring lats apart
 Overhead Triceps Stretch
 Palms on back and bring shoulder back for a chest stretch
 Standing Bicep stretch against the wall
 Cross Body Posterior Deltoid Stretch
 Gastrocnemius /Soleus Stretch
 Seated Hip Hinge / legs out front and reach towards your toes
 Quad Stretch (laying on side) or Standing

Renate can be reached by texting her cell at 705-477-4994 email: I also have a facebook account. Add me as a friend.

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