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Narrator: Do we find true love or destiny finds it for us? When young people say they are
in-love, how do they know that it’s really love and not just any process through puberty?
Adults say you can’t because you’re too young and love takes time but how long? And in the
process of loving someone are you willing to lose someone important? To lose your BEST

Narrator: Anna and Shaina are bestfriends for 10 years. They always have each other’s
back. They are together through thick and thin. Now they are already grade 10 students.
(Pinapakita na masaya sila shaina at anna, nagtatawanan, nagkkwentuhan)
Shaina: Anna let us study our lesson so that we can have a perfect score later.
Anna: You are so GC bff. Let’s relax and chill.
Shaina: No! Let’s go to the library, better to study our lesson than to waste our time.
Anna: Wait friend I’ll just wait someone here.
Shaina: And who’s that someone?
Anna: John Michael Castro. (Kinikilig)
Shaina: And why you’re waiting the most notorious playboy of the campus huh?
Anna: You’re so harsh. He’s so handsome Shaina!
Shaina: Don’t tell me he’s courting you.
Anna: No friend, He’s my boyfriend.
Shaina: What? When? My god I can’t believe you Anna. You know he’s reputation right?
And another thing, All along I think I’m not only your best friend, I think you treat as your
sister, why you didn’t tell me that he’s courting you back then huh?
Anna: I’m sorry Shai. I don’t tell you because I know you will react like that.
Shaina: But Shai don’t tell me that I didn’t warn you. I’ll just go to the library. Take care!
(Dadating na si John Michael Castro)

Narrator: Months passed by, Shaina and Anna didn’t see each other frequently in school
unlike when Anna is still single; they are inseparable. One day, accidentally, Shaina saw
Anna’s boyfriend with another girl.
(Magmamadali si Shaina na hanapin si Anna para sabihin ang nakita niya)
Shaina: Anna I want to tell you something important.
Anna: What is that all about?
Shaina: I saw your boyfriend with another girl. I heard that JM is just using you.
Anna: No! That’s not true! You liar! You’re telling these things because you are insecure
because I’m the girlfriend of the most handsome student in our campus.
Shaina: I can’t believe that you’re accusing me this things! I’m just concern about you.
Believe me I saw him.
Anna: Stop! Stop making lies! I hate it! I hate you! Ever since I know you don’t want him for
me that’s why you’re here making this drama.
Shaina: No Anna! I love you because you are my best friend.
Anna: Best friend? Now we’re not! Bye for life Shaina!
(Magwawalk out si Anna and iiyak si Shaina)
Narrator: 10 years friendship of Shaina and Anna ended because of one guy. Shaina
became really sad because of what happen but she still loves her best friend. One day, the
adviser of the class talks to Shaina.
Teacher: Shaina where is Anna? Why she is always absent?
Shaina: Ma’am I don’t know. She’s mad at me.
Teacher: I’m so disappointed. She had 8 consecutive absences and all her subjects starting
to fail. If this will continue, she cannot advance to senior high school.
Shaina: Ma’am I’m sorry for her shortcomings, I will talk to her and please give her another
Teacher: Okay, I’ll think about it.
Shaina: Okay Ma’am thankyou.

Narrator: Shaina went to Anna’s house to tell what their adviser said and Shaina found out
that Anna was impregnated by his boyfriend JM and already living with that man. Shaina
was so shocked because she saw that her best friend really changed. Anna looks so stressed
and unhealthy.
Anna: What are you doing here? Are you here to tell that you’re right?
Shaina: No, Anna I’m here for you.
Anna: I don’t need you. I don’t need all of you.
Shaina: (aakapin si Anna) I’m here for you no matter what. Do you remember our
Anna: That we will always be here for each other through thick and thin.
Shaina: Yes, I will always be here for you. Where is JM?
Anna: He’s busy drinking with his friends.
Shaina: And he left you here? Do you eat already? You need to eat healthy foods for your
baby. Here’s my allowance buy some fruits.
Anna: Thankyou so much Shaina. I’m so sorry for everything. I love you my one and only
best friend

----------------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------------

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