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Franco Legaspi Bitalac Calvo Mo-ay Tobias STEM 12- 1

Family A lives in a slum area located near a creek with stagnant water. The father is unemployed while
the mother, who is expected to give birth to her eleventh offspring, is working as a secondary school
teacher in their community. The eldest son of the family is diagnosed to have asthma while the second
child, who is a high school graduate, has been terminated from his job in a factory. Apparently, the
parents are financially incapable to support the family need. This made the children suffer from
malnutrition and some communicable diseases. Despite these problems, the family still have a very
positive outlook in life. Every Sunday, they will be found attending the Sunday service in their local


1. Identify five family health problems for primary and secondary assessments.

First Level Assessment

Wellness Condition Health Threats Health Deficits Foreseeable Crisis

 Children  Poor  Financial  Additional
suffering from environmental incapability family member
malnutrition condition due to jobless  Second Child
and some (nearness of members and has been
communicable the slum area family size terminated
diseases to creek with  Asthma (eldest from his job
stagnant son)
 Soon to be a
family of 11
and resources
cannot be
 Inappropriate
father and
mother is the
only one
 Threat of
infection from
 Unhealthful
Second Level Assessment

Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or the problem due to:

1. Lack of knowledge
2. Very optimistic in life which hinders acceptance of the problem

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to:

1. Failure to comprehend the nature of the problem

2. Lack of knowledge of alternative care
3. Fear of consequences of action

Inability to provide adequate care of the sick, disabled, dependent, or vulnerable/ at- risk member of the
family due to:

1. Lack of knowledge about the health condition

2. Lack of knowledge of the extent of care needed
3. Altered role performance
4. Inadequate family resources for care
5. Lack of knowledge and skill in carrying out the necessary interventions

Inability to provide home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due

1. Inadequate family resources

2. Ineffective communication
3. Lack of knowledge of preventive measures

Failure to utilize community resources foe health due to:

1. Inadequate family resources

2. Inaccessibility of required care
3. Unavailability of required care

2. Determine which of the identified problems have to be solved first.

3. Make a fishbone analysis for each identified problem.

4. Illustrate in a role play the situation of the family.

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