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Holiday Homework- Class X (2017-2018)

Topic: Popular Struggles and Movements

“A social movement that only moves people is merely a revolt. A movement that
changes both people and institutions is a revolution.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

Content coverage
1. Case study on any one popular struggle or movement in the world. (Social Science)
2. Integrated Project (other subjects) To be done in separate file.
Learning objective: Students will analyse the different ways through which an ordinary citizen can play
an extra - ordinary role in a democracy.
Execution of task: Research and Prepare a Case study on any one the following popular
a) Environmental Movement
b) Feminist Movement
c) Human Rights Movement
d) Indigenous Peoples Movement
In your Case study highlight the following:
 The origins, nature and reasons for the movement/struggle.
 The difference between a movement , revolt and revolution.
 The different types of movements.
 The objective, contributions of different organisations/leaders and pressure groups behind the
popular movement.
 Collect newspaper articles/reports about the movement or struggle you have chosen and
interpret the relationship between the activists, political parties and government.
 Research on the present status of the movement.
 English – You are Milind/Megha , the coordinator for the Social Justice Club of your school.
You have been deeply affected by something you saw on the television. You decide to create
awareness about the same through a poster designing competition and by holding a rally to
raise funds to fight for the cause. Draft a notice for the school notice board requesting
students, parents, teachers and the Principal of your school to come forward to contribute
towards the same.
 Maths - Van Mahotsav is an annual tree-planting movement in India, which began in 1950. It
has gained significant national importance and every year, millions of saplings are planted
across India in observation of Van Mahotsav week.100 plants each were planted in 50 schools
during Van Mahotsav.After one month,the number of plants that survived were recorded as
Construct a frequency distribution table for the above data taking one of the intervals as 20-30.
Also, construct a histogram and frequency polygon to represent the data.
 Science – Narmada Bachao Andolan is a social and environmental movement consisting of
adivasis, farmers, environmentalists and human rights activists against the large dams being
built on the river. Highlight the disadvantages, technical implications, environmental and human
aspects of building such dams. Suggest alternatives to Multi- purpose Dam projects.
 Hindi - Create an advertisement in Hindi that expresses your thoughts about the movement
given below:
ßD;k gSa taxy ds midkj]
feV~Vh] ikuh vkSj c;kjA
feV~Vh] ikuh vkSj c;kj]
ft+nk jgus ds vk/kkjAß
;g ?kks"kokD; gS] cgqpfpZr ^fpidks vkanksyu^ dkA ;g vkanksyu o`{kksa dh dVkbZ jksdus gsrq pyk;k
x;k FkkA bl vkanksyu dh i`"BHkwfe ls ifjfpr gksrs gq, o orZeku esa ^Xykscy okfeZax^ dh leL;k ls
bls tksM+rs gq, Hkkjr ljdkj dh vksj ls o`{kkjksi.k dks c<+kok nsus gsrq ,d foKkiu rS;kj dhft,A

vko';d funsZ'k %
 x`gdk;Z ds fy, ,&3 vkdkj ds i= ¼'khV½dk iz;ksx vko';d gSA
 dk;Z jpukRed o vkd"kZd 'kSyh esa fd;k tk,A
 dk;Z djus esa iw.kZ :Ik ls fganh Hkk"kk dk iz;ksx fd;k tk,A
 LoPNrk o izLrqrhdj.k dk fo'ks"k /;ku j[kk tk,A
Follow Up: Students will present their case study in class.
General Instructions: (For social science project only)

1. The project should be hand written.

2. It should be well presented, researched, and pictorial.
3. Cover page, table of contents, acknowledgements, bibliography, headings and sub – headings
are a must.
4. Each section should be done on white/colored A4 size sheets.
5. The project should be presented in a file.
6. The project should not exceed 15 pages.
7. Do not exceed 700 words.
8. The project carries 10 marks:
a. Content accuracy and originality – 2 mark
b. Presentation and creativity – 2 mark
c. Process of project completion: Initiative, cooperativeness, participation and punctuality
– 2 marks
d. Viva or written test for content assimilation - 4 marks

General Instructions: (For other subjects)

1. The project should be hand written.

2. It should be well presented, researched, and pictorial.
3. Cover page, table of contents, acknowledgements, bibliography, headings and sub – headings
are a must.
4. Each section should be done on white/colored A4 size sheets.
5. The project should be presented in a file.
6. The project should not exceed 15 pages.


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