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SULIT 4531/2

Kertas 2 NAMA:................................................................... Tingkatan :..............
Ogos 2013
2 ½ Jam





Kertas 2
2 Jam 30 Minit



1. Tulis nama dan tingkatan anda pada ruang yang disediakan. Untuk Kegunaan Pemeriksa
Bahagian Soalan Markah
2. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa. 1
3. Calon dibenarkan menjawab keseluruhan atau sebahagian 3
soalan sama ada dalam bahasa Inggeris atau bahasa Melayu.
A 5
4. Jawapan kepada Bahagian A hendaklah ditulis dalam ruang
yang disediakan dalam kertas soalan. 6
5. Rajah tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan. 8
6. Markah maksimum yang diperuntukkan ditunjukkan dalam B 10
kurungan pada hujung tiap-tiap soalan atau
C 12
7. Penggunaan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan
adalah dibenarkan. Jumlah Besar

Kertas ini mengandungi 28 halaman bercetak

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The following information may be useful. The symbols have their usual meaning.
Maklumat berikut mungkin berfaedah. Simbol-simbol mempunyai makna yang biasa.

1. a = 16. Power, P =

2. v2 = u2 + 2as Kuasa, P =

3. s = ut + ½ at2 17. V = IR

4. Momentum = mv 18. Power, P = IV


5. F = ma 19.

6. Kinetic energ = ½ mv2 20. Efficiency =

Tenaga kinetik Kecekapan

7. Gravitational potential energy = mgh 21.

Tenaga keupayaan graviti

8. Elastic potential energy = ½ Fx 22. n =

Tenaga keupayaan kenyal

9. ρ= 23. n=

10. Pressure, P = hg n =


11. Pressure, P = 24. λ =

25. Q= It
12. Heat, Q = mc
Haba 26. E = I (R + r)

13. = Constant (pemalar) 27. eV = ½ mv2

14. E = m c2 28. g = 10 ms-2

15. v= f 

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Bahagian A
[60 marks]
[60 markah]
Answer all questions in this section
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

1 Diagram 1.1 shows a vernier callipers.

Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan sebuah angkup vernier.

Diagram 1.1
Rajah 1.1

(a) Name the physical quantity measured by the vernier callipers.

Namakan kuantiti fizik yang diukur oleh angkup vernier.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) Name the part labelled X.
Namakan bahagian yang berlabel X.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(c) State the function of X.

Nyatakan fungsi X.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

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(d) What is the reading of a vernier callipers shown in Diagram 1.2?

Berapakah bacaan yang ditunjukkan oleh angkup vernier dalam Rajah 1.2?

Diagram 1.2
Rajah 1.2

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

2. Diagram 2 shows a worker lifting a load of mass 10 kg using a smooth pulley system.
The worker applies a force of 110 N to pull up the load at a distance of 0.5 m.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan seorang pekerja mengangkat beban berjisim 10 kg dengan
menggunakan sistem takal yang licin. Pekerja itu menggunakan daya 110 N untuk
menarik beban keatas pada jarak 0.5 m.

Diagram 2
Rajah 2
(a) What is meant by work?
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kerja?

[ 1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) Calculate
(i) the work done by the worker
kerja yang dilakukan oleh pekerja tersebut

[ 2 marks]
[2 markah]

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(ii) the acceleration of the load

pecutan beban itu.
[ 2 marks]
[2 markah]

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3 Diagram 3.1 shows the structure of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).

Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan struktur sebuah osiloskop sinar katod (OSK).

Diagram 3.1
Rajah 3.1

(a) State the process involved in producing electrons from electrode X.

Nyatakan proses yang terlibat dalam penghasilan elektron daripada elektrod X.
[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) Describe the type of motion of the electron moving from Y to Z
Nyatakan jenis gerakan bagi elektron yang bergerak dari Y ke Z.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(c) A student uses the CRO to study the output voltage from a signal generator.
Diagram 3.2 shows the trace displaced on the screen and the settings of the CRO.
Seorang pelajar menggunakan OSK itu untuk mengkaji voltan output daripada
sebuah penjana isyarat.
Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan surih yang dihasilkan pada skrin dan pelarasan OSK itu.

Diagram 3.2
Rajah 3.2

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(i) Determine the peak voltage of the signal generator.

Tentukan voltan puncak bagi penjana isyarat itu.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(ii) Determine the frequency of the signal generator.

Tentukan frekuensi bagi penjana isyarat itu.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(iii) Sketch the new trace in Diagram 3.3 if the time-base setting is now set at
0.01 s / div.
Lakarkan surih baru dalam Rajah 3.3 jika dasar-masa ditetapkan pada
0.01 s / bhg.

s / div V / div

Diagram 3.3
Rajah 3.3
[1 mark]
[1 markah]

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4. Diagram 4.1 shows a metal block of mass 1 kg at initial temperature 30 0C is heated by

12 V, 48 W immersion heater for 15 minutes.
Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan sebuah blok logam berjisim 1 kg pada suhu awal 30 0C
dipanaskan oleh pemanas rendam 12 V, 48 W selama 15 minit.

Diagram 4.1
Rajah 4.1

(a) What is meant by specific heat capacity?

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan muatan haba tentu?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(b) If the final temperature is 90 0C, calculate the specific heat capacity of metal
Jika suhu akhir ialah 90 0C , hitung muatan haba tentu bagi blok logam itu.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(c) Diagram 4.2 shows a phenomenon which occur in our daily life.
Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan satu fenomena yang berlaku dalam kehidupan
seharian kita.

Diagram 4.2
Rajah 4.2

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(i) Using the physics concept, explain how the phenomenon occurs.
Menggunakan konsep fizik,terangkan bagaimana fenomena ini berlaku.



[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(ii) Name the phenomenon that occurs

Namakan fenomena yang berlaku

[ 1 mark]
[1 markah]

5 Diagram 5.1, Diagram 5.2 and Diagram 5.3 show identical metal blocks of mass 40 g
which are in three different situations.
Rajah 5.1, Rajah 5.2 dan Rajah 5.3 menunjukkan blok logam yang serupa berjisim 40 g
berada dalam tiga situasi yang berbeza.

Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2 Diagram 5.3

Rajah 5.1 Rajah 5.2 Rajah 5.3

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(a) Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2:

Berdasarkan Rajah 5.1 dan Rajah 5.2:

(i) Compare the reading of the spring balances.

Bandingkan bacaan neraca-neraca spring itu.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(ii) State the physical quantity that causes the difference in the spring balance
Nyatakan kuantiti fizik yang menyebabkan perbezaan dalam bacaan neraca

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(b) Based on Diagram 5.2 and Diagram 5.3:
Berdasarkan Rajah 5.2 dan Rajah 5.3:

(i) Compare the reading of the spring balances.

Bandingkan bacaan neraca-neraca spring itu.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Compare the density of the water to the density of the cooking oil.
Bandingkan ketumpatan air dengan ketumpatan minyak masak.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(iii) State the relationship between the density of liquid and the physical quantity
stated in your answer in 5(a)(ii).
Nyatakan hubungan antara ketumpatan suatu cecair dengan kuantiti fizik
yang dinyatakan dalam jawapan anda dalam 5(a)(ii).

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

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(c) (i) Compare the pressure at point X and point Y in Diagram 5.2.
Explain your answer.
Bandingkan tekanan di titik X dan titik Y dalam Rajah 5.2.
Jelaskan jawapan anda.


[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(ii) Write an equation involving difference in pressure, P, surface area of the

object, A and the physical quantity stated in 5a(ii).
Tuliskan satu persamaan melibatkan perbezaan tekanan, P, luas keratan
rentas bagi objek, A dan kuantiti fizik yang dinyatakan di 5 a(ii).

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

6. Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show two arrangements of the apparatus in the
laboratory to study the interference of sound waves.
Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan dua susunan radas dalam makmal bagi
mengkaji interferens gelombang bunyi.

Diagram 6.1
Rajah 6.1

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Diagram 6.2
Rajah 6.2

(a) What type of wave is the sound wave?

Apakah jenis gelombang bagi gelombang bunyi?

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(b) Explain how loud sound and soft sound occurs.

Terangkan bagaimana bunyi kuat dan bunyi perlahan berlaku.


[2 marks]
[2 markah]

(c) Observe Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2.

Perhatikan Rajah 6.1 dan Rajah 6.2.

(i) Compare the distance between the two loud speakers, a.

Bandingkan jarak antara dua pembesar suara.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

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(ii) Compare the distance between two consecutive loud sounds, x.

Bandingkan jarak antara dua bunyi kuat berturutan.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(iii) Relate a and x.
Hubungkaitkan a dan x.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(d) State two physical quantities that should be remain constant throughout the
Nyatakan dua kuantiti fizik yang mesti kekal malar sepanjang eksperimen.

(i) …………………………………………………………......................….

(ii) …………………………………………………………….......................
[2 marks]

7. Diagram 7.1 shows an image is formed by a curved mirror.

Rajah 7.1 menunjukkan satu imej yang dibentuk oleh satu cermin melengkung.

Diagram 7.1
Rajah 7.1

(a) Name the light phenomenon occurs.

Namakan fenomena cahaya yang berlaku.

[1 mark]
[1 markah

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(b) (i) Complete the ray diagram in Diagram 7.2 to show the formation of
Lengkapkan gambarajah sinar dalam Rajah 7.2 untuk menunjukkan
pembentukan imej.

Diagram 7.2
Rajah 7.2
[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(ii) State one characteristic of the image formed.

Nyatakan satu ciri bagi imej yang terbentuk.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(c) Explain how to use a concave mirror to heat up water in a container using solar
Terangkan bagaimana menggunakan cermin cekung untuk memanaskan air di
dalam sebuah bekas menggunakan tenaga suria.


[2 marks]
[2 markah]

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(d) Diagram 7.3 shows a microscope. You are given two convex lenses P and Q,
with focal lengths of 7 cm and 5 cm respectively . Both of the lenses are used
to build a microscope.
Rajah 7.3 menunjukkan satu mikroskop. Anda diberi dua kanta cembung P dan Q
dengan jarak fokus 7 cm dan 5 cm masing-masing. Kedua-dua kanta digunakan
untuk membina mikroskop.

Diagram 7.3
Rajah 7.3

(i) Based on the two lenses given, state which is suitable to be used as objective
Berdasarkan dua kanta cembung yang diberi, nyatakan yang manakah sesuai
digunakan sebagai kanta objek.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(ii) Name one additional component that can be used at the microscope to get a
clearer image.
Namakan satu komponen tambahan yang boleh digunakan pada mikroskop
untuk menghasilkan imej yang lebih jelas.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]

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8. Diagram 8 shows one bulb connected to one dry cell.

Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu mentol disambungkan kepada satu sel kering.

Diagram 8
Rajah 8

(a) What is meant by the label “9V, 20W ” on the bulb?

Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan label 9 V, 20W pada mentol itu?

[ 1 mark ]
[1 markah]
(b) Based on Diagram 8, calculate
Berdasarkan Rajah 8, hitungkan

(i) current flowing through the bulb.

arus mengalir melalui mentol.

[2 marks]
[2 markah]
(ii) resistance of the filament of the bulb?
rintangan bagi filamen mentol tersebut?

[2 marks]
[2 markah]

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(c) Table 8.1 shows three different types of filament to be used in bulb in
Diagram 8 above.
Jadual 8.1 menunjukkan tiga jenis filamen berbeza yang akan digunakan di
dalam mentol pada Rajah 8 diatas.

Filament Power supplied to the Power produced

Filamen bulb (Light)
Kuasa dibekalkan Kuasa dihasilkan
kepada mentol (Cahaya)
P 20Js-1 15Js-1
Q 30Js-1 28Js-1
R 50Js-1 43Js-1

Table 8.1
Jadual 8.1

(i) State the effect of thickness of wire of the filament to the rate of energy
loss in the filament.
Nyatakan kesan ketebalan dawai filamen terhadap kadar kehilangan
tenaga pada filamen.

[1 mark]
[1 markah]
(ii) Calculate the efficiency of each filaments P,Q, and R.
Hitungkan kecekapan setiap filamen P,Q dan R.

[4 marks]
[4 markah]
(iii) Suggest the most suitable filament to be used in the bulb.
Justify your choice.
Cadangkan filamen yang paling sesuai digunakan di dalam mentol.
Berikan alasan bagi pilihan anda itu


[2 marks]
[2 markah]

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Section B
Bahagian B
[20 marks]
[20 markah]
Answer any one question from this section.
Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

9 Diagram 9.1 (a) and Diagram 9.2 (a) show two identical springs are compressed by two
identical trolleys at different compression distance.

Diagram 9.1 (b) and Diagram 9.2 (b) show the position of the trolleys after the
compression force is released due to the elasticity of the spring.
Rajah 9.1 (a) dan Rajah 9.2 (a) menunjukkan dua spring yang serupa dimampatkan
oleh dua buah troli yang serupa pada jarak mampatan yang berbeza.

Rajah 9.1 (b) dan 9.2 (b) menunjukkan kedudukan kedua-dua troli apabila daya
mampatan dilepaskan disebabkan oleh kekenyalan spring-spring itu.

(a) (i) What is the meaning of elasticity?

Apakah maksud kekenyalan?
[1 mark]
[1 markah]

(ii) Using Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the compression distance of
the springs, the distance moved by the trolley and the elastic potential energy
stored in the spring.

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Relate the compression distance of the spring with the distance moved by the
trolley to make a deduction regarding the relationship between the
compression distance of the spring and the elastic potential energy stored in
the spring.

Menggunakan Rajah 9.1 dan Rajah 9.2, bandingkan jarak mampatan spring,
jarak troli bergerak dan tenaga keupayaan kenyal yang tersimpan dalam

Hubungkaitkan jarak mampatan spring dengan jarak troli bergerak untuk

membuat kesimpulan tentang hubungan antara jarak mampatan spring
dengan tenaga keupayaan kenyal yang tersimpan dalam spring.
[5 marks]
[5 markah]

(b) When the spring is compressed, its length decreases and returns back to its original
length after compressive force is removed due to elasticity property of a material.
Based on the forces between atoms, explain why the spring is elastic.
Apabila spring dimampatkan, panjangnya akan berkurang dan kembali semula
kepada panjang asal apabila daya mampatan dilepaskan disebabkan oleh sifat
kenyal bahan. Berdasarkan kepada daya antara atom, terangkan mengapa spring
bersifat kenyal.
[4 marks]
[4 markah]

(c) Diagram 9.3 shows a trampoline. It uses the elastic property of a material to
rebounce a person upwards.
Rajah 9.3 menunjukkan sebuah trampolin. Ia menggunakan sifat kenyal bahan
yang boleh melantun pengguna ke atas.

Diagram 9.3
Rajah 9.3

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You are required to give some suggestions to improve the design of the trampoline
so that it can be used by the children safely and can jump higher.

Anda dikehendaki memberi beberapa cadangan untuk memperbaiki rekabentuk

trampolin supaya ianya dapat digunakan oleh kanak-kanak dengan selamat dan
dapat melompat dengan lebih tinggi.

Explain the suggestions based on the following aspects :

Terangkan cadangan itu berdasarkan aspek-aspek berikut :

(i) the number of spring used

bilangan spring yang digunakan
(ii) spring constant
pemalar spring
(iii) the material used for frame
bahan yang digunakan untuk bingkai
(iv) the material used for fabric
bahan yang digunakan untuk fabrik
(v) extra fitting or design of the trampoline to ensure safety
pemasangan tambahan atau rekabentuk trampolin untuk memastikan
keselamatan terjamin.
[10 marks]
[10 markah]

10. Diagram 10.1 and diagram 10.2 show coils of wire connected to ammeter, switch and
d.c power supply.
Rajah 10.1 dan 10.2 menunjukkan gelungan dawai disambung kepada ammeter, suis
dan bekalan arus terus.

Diagram 10.1 Diagram 10.2

Rajah 10.1 Rajah 10.2

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When the switch is on the magnetic field pattern is formed as shown in the diagram above.
Apabila suis dihidupkan corak medan magnet terbentuk seperti dalam rajah di atas.

(a) What is meant by magnetic field? [ 1 mark]

Apakah maksud medan magnet? [1 markah]

(b) Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram10.2 compare the number of turns of the coils, the
pattern of the magnetic field and the ammeter reading. [ 3 marks]
Berdasarkan Rajah 10.1 dan Rajah 10.2, bandingkan bilangan lilitan gelung,
corak medan magnet dan bacaan ammeter. [3 markah]

(c) State the relationship between the strength of magnetic field and,
Nyatakan hubungan antara kekuatan medan magnet dengan,

(i) the pattern of magnetic field. [1 mark]

corak medan magnet. [1 markah]

(ii) the number of turns of the coil. [1 mark]

bilangan lilitan gelung. [1 markah]

(d) Diagram 10.3 shows two thin copper strip KL and MN connected to circuit.
Rajah 10.3 menunjukkan dua jalur kepingan kuprum nipis KL dan MN yang
disambung kepada satu litar.

Diagram 10.3
Rajah 10.3

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(i) What happens to the copper strip KL and MN, when the switch is on.
[ 1 mark]
Apa yang berlaku kepada jalur kuprum KL and MN apabila suis dihidupkan.
[1 markah]

(ii) Explain your answer by drawing a catapult field. [ 3 marks]

Terangkan jawapan anda dengan melukis medan lastik. [3 markah]

(e) Diagram 10.4 shows an incomplete parts of a simple electric motor.

Rajah 10.4 menunjukkan sebuah motor elektrik ringkas dengan bahagian yang
tidak lengkap.

Rajah 10.4

You are required to give some suggestions and modification of additional

components to make an efficient direct current motor.
Explain the suggestions based on the following aspects:
Anda dikehendaki memberi beberapa cadangan dan pengubahsuaian bagi
beberapa komponen untuk membuat sebuah motor arus terus yang efisien.

(i) Number of turns of the coil

Bilangan lilitan gelung
(ii) Additional components to enable the coil to rotates continously
Komponen-komponen tambahan untuk membolehkan gelung berputar
(iii) Shape of the permanent magnet
Bentuk magnet kekal
(iv) Type of the core for the motor.
Jenis teras untuk motor itu.
[10 marks]
[10 markah]

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Section C
Bahagian C
[20 marks]
[20 markah]
Answer any one question from this section.
Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.
11. Diagram 11.1 shows a weather balloon is used to carry a radiosonde instrument for
collecting data about the atmosphere. The weather balloon rises up in the air due to
Archimedes’ Principle
Rajah 11.1 menunjukkan sebuah belon kaji cuaca digunakan untuk membawa
peralatan radioson untuk mengumpul data mengenai atmosfera. Belon kaji cuaca
naik ke atas disebabkan oleh Prinsip Archimedes.

Diagram 11.1
Rajah 11.1

(a) State the Archimedes’ principle. [1 mark]

Nyatakan Prinsip Archimedes. [1 markah]
(b) Explain why a weather balloon that is rising up in the air will stop at certain
altitude. [4 marks]
Terangkan mengapa belon udara panas yang bergerak naik ke atas akan
berhenti pada satu ketinggian tertentu. [4 markah]

(c) Diagram 11.2 shows four boats, P, Q, R and S, with different specifications.
You are required to determine the most suitable boat that can carry many
passengers, move with high speed and safe.
Study the specifications of all the four boats from the following aspects.
Rajah 11.2 menunjukkan empat buah bot P, Q, R dan S dengan spesifikasi
yang berbeza.
Anda dikehendaki menentukan bot yang paling sesuai digunakan untuk
membawa penumpang yang ramai, bergerak dengan laju yang tinggi dan
Kaji spesifikasi keempat-empat bot itu dari aspek berikut:

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- The material used to build the body of the boat

Bahan yang digunakan untuk membina badan bot.
- The volume of the boat
Isipadu bot
- The distance of the Plimsol line from the surface of the sea
Jarak garis Plimsol dari permukaan air laut.
- The size of the propeller
Saiz kipas.

Volume is 50m 3
Isipadu 50m 3

Plimsoll line
Boat P Garisan Plimsol
Bot P Propeller
Fibre composite
Gentian komposit Kipas

Volumen is 100m3
Isipadu 100m3

Plimsoll line
Boat Q Garisan Plimsol
Bot Q
Fibre composite Propeller
Gentian komposit Kipas

Volumen is 100m3
Isipadu 100m3

Plimsoll line
Garisan Plimsol
Boat R
Steel Propeller
Bot R Kipas
Besi keluli

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Volumen is 100m
Isipadu 100m3

Plimsoll line
Boat S Garisan Plimsol
Bot S
Steel Propeller
Besi keluli Kipas

Diagram 11.2
Rajah 11.2

Explain the suitability of the above aspects and hence, determine the most suitable
boat to carry heavy load and move with high speed.
Justify your choice.
Terangkan kesesuaian aspek-aspek di atas dan seterusnya tentukan bot yang paling
sesuai untuk membawa muatan yang berat dan bergerak dengan laju yang tinggi.
Berikan sebab bagi pilihan anda.
[ 10 marks]
[10 markah]

(d) The weight of a boat without load is 15000 N. The boat is then loaded with a heavy
box. The volume of the immersed portion of the boat is 5.0 m3.
Berat bot tanpa muatan ialah 15000 N. Bot kemudian diisi dengan sebuah kotak yang
berat. Isipadu bahagian bot yang tenggelam ialah 5.0 m3.

(i) Calculate the buoyant force exerted to the boat.

[ Density of sea water is 1020 kgm-3] [3 marks]
Hitungkan daya keapungan yang bertindak pada bot itu.
[ Ketumpatan air laut adalah 1020 kgm-3] [3 markah]

(ii) Calculate the maximum weight of the box so that the boat will not sink
completely. [2 marks]
Hitungkan berat maksimum kotak supaya bot itu tidak tenggelam sepenuhnya.
[2 markah]

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12. Diagram 12 shows a Geiger Muller tube is connected to a counter that reads the
background reading.
Rajah 12 menunjukkan sebuah tiub Geiger Muller yang disambungkan kepada
pembilang yang memberikan bacaan latar belakang.

Diagram 12.1
Rajah 12.1

(a) Name one source that produced the background reading. [1 mark]
Namakan satu punca yang menghasilkan bacaan latar belakang. [1 markah]

(b) Diagram 12.2 shows a charged electroscope. When a radioactive source is

brought near the metal plate of the electroscope the gold leaf collapsed.
Rajah 12.2 menunjukkan sebuah elektroskop bercas. Apabila satu sumber
radioaktif dibawa mendekati plat logam elektroskop itu daun emas akan

Diagram 12.2
Rajah 12.2

(i) Name the type of radiation emitted by the source. [1 mark]

Namakan jenis pancaran yang dipancarkan oleh sumber. [1 markah]
(ii) Explain why the gold leaf collapsed. [3 marks]
Terangkan mengapa daun emas itu menguncup. [3 markah]

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SULIT 27 4531/2

(c) Radioisotopes is used to detect the position of blood clots (thrombosis) in the
blood vessels. You are required to investigate the characteristics of the
radioisotopes as shown in Table 12.

Radioisotop digunakan untuk mengesan kedudukan darah beku di dalam salur

darah. Anda dikehendaki untuk menyiasat ciri-ciri radioisotop seperti
ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 12.

Radioisotope State of Half life Type of Type of detector

Radioisotop Matter Setengah radiation Jenis Pengesan
Keadaan hayat Jenis
Jirim Sinaran
J Liquid 6 days Gamma GM tube
Cecair 6 hari Gama Tiub GM
K Liquid 15 hours Gamma GM tube
Cecair 15 jam Gama Tiub GM
L Solid 140 days Beta Spark counter
Pepejal 140 hari Pembilang Bungapi
M Solid 28 years Beta Spark counter
Pepejal 28 tahun Pembilang Bungapi

Table 12
Jadual 12

Explain the suitability of each characteristics of the radioisotope to be used to

detect the blood clots in the blood vessels. Determine the most suitable
radioisotope that can be used to detect the position of the blood clots.Give
reasons for your choice.

[10 marks]
Terangkan kesesuaian setiap ciri radioisotop yang akan digunakan untuk
mengesan kedudukan darah beku dalam salur darah. Tentukan radioisotop
yang paling sesuai yang boleh digunakan untuk mengesan kedudukan darah
beku itu. Beri sebab-sebab untuk pilihan anda.

[10 markah]

(d) A nuclear reaction is represented by the following equation:

Satu tindak balas nuklear diwakili oleh persamaan berikut:

92 U + 01n → 141
55 Cs +
37 Rb + 2 01n + energy
Mass of:
Jisim bagi:
92 U = 235.04392 u
0n = 1.00867 u

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SULIT 28 4531/2

55 Cs = 140.91963 u
37 Rb = 92.92157 u
1 u = 1.66 x 10 -27 kg
Speed of light = 3.0 x 10 8 ms-1

Based on the equation,calculate:

Berdasarkan persamaan itu, hitungkan

(i) the mass defect in kg

cacat jisim dalam kg.

(ii) the energy released.

tenaga yang dibebaskan
[5 marks]
[5 markah]



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SULIT 4531/3
Kertas 3 NAMA:.................................................... Tingkatan :....................
Ogos 2013
1 ½ Jam





Kertas 3
1 Jam 30 Minit


1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua bahagian :

Bahagian A dan Bahagian B.
2. Jawab semua soalan dalam Bahagian A. Kegunaan Pemeriksa
Tuliskan jawapan bagi Bahagian A dalam
ruang yang disediakan dalam kertas soalan.
3. Jawab satu soalan daripada Bahagian B.
Tuliskan jawapan Bahagian B pada ruangan Bahagian Soalan Markah Markah
yang disediakan.. Penuh
Jawab Bahagian B dengan lebih terperinci.
Jawapan mestilah jelas dan logik.
1 16
4. Tunjukkan kerja mengira, ini membantu anda
2 12
mendapat markah.
5 Gambarajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak 3 12
dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan. B
6. Markah yang diperuntukkan bagi setiap soalan 4 12
atau ceraian soalan ditunjukkan dalam
7 Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator JUMLAH
saintifik yang tidak boleh di programkan.
8 Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab
Bahagian ialah 60 minit dan Bahagian B
ialah 30 minit.

Kertas ini mengandungi 15 halaman bercetak

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SULIT 2 4531/3

Section A
Bahagian A
[28 marks]
[28 markah]
Answer all questions in this section
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

1 A student carries out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the image
distance, v, and the linear magnification m, of a convex lens. The apparatus is set up as
shown in Diagram 1.1
Seorang pelajar menjalankan eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara jarak
imej, v dan pembesaran linear,m untuk sebuah kanta cembung. Susunan alat radas
ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.1.

At the beginning, the object is placed at the distance u = 6.3 cm from the lens. The screen
is adjusted until a t sharp image is formed. The image distance, v is then measured by
using the metre rule.
The above procedure is repeated by varying the values of u to be 6.5 cm, 6.7 cm, 6.9 cm,
and 7.1 cm.
Diagram 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on page 3, page 4 and page 5 show reading of the
metre rule when the image distance, v, is measured.

Pada permulaan, objek diletakkan pada jarak objek u = 6.3 cm daripada kanta. Skrin
dilaraskan sehingga satuimej tajam terbentuk . Jarak imej , v kemudian diukur
mengunakan pembaris meter.
Prosedur di atas diulang dengan nilai u =6.5 cm, 6.7 cm,6.9 cm, dan 7.1 cm.
Rajah 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 dan 1.6 pada halaman 3, halaman 4 dan halaman 5
menunjukkan bacan pembaris meter bila jarak imej, v, diukur.

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SULIT 3 4531/3

Diagram 1.2
Rajah 1.2

Diagram 1.3
Rajah 1.3

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Diagram 1.4
Rajah 1.4

Diagram 1.5
Rajah 1.5

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Diagram 1.6
Rajah 1.6

(a) For the experiment described on page 2, identify,

Bagi eksperimen yang diterangkan di halaman 2 , kenal pasti ;

(i) The manipulated variable,

Pembolehubah yang dimanipulasikan,

[ 1 mark ]
[1 markah]
(ii) The responding variable
Pembolehubah bergerak balas,

[ 1 mark ]
[1 markah]

(iii) A fixed variable,

Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan,

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SULIT 6 4531/3

[ 1 mark ]
[1 markah]

(b) (i) Based on Diagram 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on page 3, page 4 and page
5 , measure the image distance, v .
Berdasarkan rajah di 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 dan 1.6 pada halaman 3,
halaman 4 dan halaman 5 , ukur jarak imej, v.

(ii) For each value of v, in 1 b(i), calculate the linear magnification using
the formula below:
Untuk setiap nilai v di b(i), hitung pembesaran linear dengan
mengunakan rumus di bawah:


(iii) Tabulate your results for u, v and m in the space below.

Jadualkan data anda bagi semua nilai u, v dan m dalam ruang di

[7 marks ]
[7 markah]

(c ) On the graph paper on page 7, draw a graph of v against m.

Pada kertas graf di halaman 7, lukiskan graf v melawan m.

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SULIT 7 4531/3

[ 5 marks]
[5 markah]

(d) Based on the graph on page 7, state the relationship between v and m .
Berdasarkan graf anda di halaman 7, nyatakan hubungan antara v dan m.

[ 1 mark ]
[1 markah]

4531/3 © 2013 Hak Cipta BPSBPSK SULIT

SULIT 8 4531/3

Graph of v against m
Graf v melawan m

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SULIT 9 4531/3

2 The graph R against in Diagram 2 shows the results of the experiment to determine
the electromotive force, E and the internal resistance, r of a battery.
Graf R melawan di dalam Rajah 2 menunjukkan keputusan satu eksperimen untuk
menentukan daya gerak elektrik, E dan rintangan dalam, r bagi suatu bateri.

(a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2 on page 11,

Berdasarkan graf dalam Rajah 2 di halaman 11,

(i) What happen when R increases?

Apakah yang berlaku jika R meningkat?

[1 mark ]
[1 markah]

(ii) Determine the value of the internal resistance , r when the value 1 = 0.0 A-1
Tentukan nilai rintangan dalam, r apabila nilai 1 = 0.0 A-1
[1 mark ]
[1 markah]

(b) Determine the gradient of the graph.

Tentukan kecerunan graf.

[3 marks ]
[1 markah]

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SULIT 10 4531/3

(c) The equation to find the electromotive force , E of the battery is given by the equation ,
Persamaan untuk menentukan nilai daya gerak elektrik, E bagi suatu bateri diberikan oleh
persamaan berikut,

E = IR + Ir

Based on your answer in (b) , determine the electromotive force , E of the battery.
Berdasarkan pada jawapan kamu di (b), tentukan daya gerak elektrik, E bagi bateri itu.

[3 marks ]
[3 markah]

(d) By using graph on page 11, what is the current flow, when R = 10.5 .
Dengan mengunakkan graf pada halaman 11, berapakah nilai arus yang mengalir, apabila
R= 10.5 .

[3 marks ]
[3 markah]

(e) State one precaution that should be taken during this experiment.
Nyatakan satu langkah berjaga-jaga yang patut diambil ketika eksperimen ini.


[1 mark ]
[1 markah]

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SULIT 11 4531/3

Graph R against
R melawan
R/ Ω












0.0 / A 1
0.5 1.0 1. 5 2. 0 I



Diagram 2
Rajah 2

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SULIT 12 4531/3

Section B
Bahagian B

[12 marks]
[12 markah]
Answer any one question from this section
Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

3 Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2 show that a foot feels more painful when it is step on
by a high heel shoe compare to a flat one.
Rajah 3.1 dan Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan kaki merasa lebih sakit apabila dipijak oleh
kasut bertumit tinggi berbanding kasut tapak rata.

Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2

Rajah 3.2 Rajah 3.2

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SULIT 13 4531/3

Based on the observation:

Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda:

(a) State one suitable inference. [1 mark]

Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai. [1 markah]

(b) State one suitable hypothesis. [1 mark]

Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai. [1 markah]

(c) With the use of apparatus such as load, ruler and others apparatus, describe
an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3 (b).
Dengan mengunakan radas seperti beban, pembaris dan lain-lain, terangkan
satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang dinyatakan pada 3(b).
In your description, state clearly the following:
Dalam penerangan anda, nyatakan dengan jelas perkara berikut:
(i) Aim of the experiment.
Tujuan eksperimen.
(ii) Variables in the experiment.
Pembolehubah dalam eksperimen.
(iii) List of apparatus and materials.
Senarai radas dan bahan
(iv) Arrangement of the apparatus.
Susunan radas.
(v) The procedure of the experiment which include one method of
controlling the manipulated variable and one method of measuring the
responding variable.
Prosedur eksperimen termasuk satu kaedah mengawal pembolehubah
dimanipulasikan dan satu kaedah mengukur pembolehubah bergerak
(vi) The way you would tabulate the data.
Cara untuk menjadualkan data.
(vii) The way you would analyse the data.
Cara menganalisis data.
[10 marks ]
[10 markah]

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SULIT 14 4531/3

4. The lamp of the bicycle lights up when the magnet in the dynamo is rotated by
turning the wheel.
Diagram 4.1 shows a lady cycles her bicycle with moderate velocity .
Diagram 4.2 shows a bicycle cyclist cycles his bicycle with high velocity. It is found
that his bicycle’s lamp lights up brighter.

Lampu sebuah basikal menyala apabila magnet di dalam dinamo itu berputar oleh
putaran tayar.
Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan seorang wanita mengayuh basikalnya dengan kelajuan
Rajah 4.2 pula menunjukkan seorang pelumba basikal mengayuh basikalnya dengan
halaju yang tinggi. . Didapati nyalaan lampunya lebih terang.



Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

Rajah 4.1 Rajah 4.2

Based on the observation above and your knowledge of electromagnet;

Berdasarkan pemerhatian diatas dan pengetahuan berkaitan elektromagnet:

(a) State one suitable inference. [1 mark]

Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai. [ 1 markah]

(b) State one suitable hypothesis. [1 mark]

Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai. [ 1 markah]

(c) With the use of apparatus such as a bar magnet, a coil of a copper wire and
others describe one experiment framework to investigate the hypothesis stated
in 4(b).

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SULIT 15 4531/3

Dengan menggunakan alatan seperti magnet bar, gegelung dawai kuprum dan
lain-lain, terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang nyatakan
di 4(b).

In your description state clearly the following :

Dalam penerangan anda jelaskan perkara berikut :

(i) Aim of the experiment.

Tujuan eksperimen.

(ii) Variables in the experiment.

Pembolehubah dalam eksperimen.

(iii) List of apparatus and materials.

Senarai radas dan bahan

(iv) Arrangement of the apparatus.

Susunan radas.

(v) The procedure of the experiment which include one method of

controlling the manipulated variable and one method of measuring the
responding variable.
Prosedur eksperimen termasuk satu kaedah mengawal pembolehubah
dimanipulasikan dan satu kaedah mengukur pembolehubah bergerak

(vi) The way you would tabulate the data.

Cara untuk menjadualkan data..

(vii) The way you would analyse the data.

Cara anda menganalisis data.
[10 marks]
[10 markah]

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SULIT 1 4531/1





1 C 26 C
2 B 27 D
3 D 28 B
4 B 29 D
5 B 30 C
6 D 31 A
7 C 32 D
8 A 33 B
9 B 34 D
10 D 35 B
11 B 36 A
12 C 37 D
13 C 38 C
14 C 39 B
15 B 40 D
16 C 41 D
17 A 42 A
18 A 43 A
19 D 44 B
20 A 45 C
21 C 46 C
22 B 47 D
23 C 48 C
24 B 49 B
25 B 50 A

4531/1 © 2013 Hak Cipta BPSBPSK SULIT



No Answer Marks Total

1 (a) length 1
(b) Tail 1
(c) to measure depth 1
(d) 0.42 cm 1
Total 4

No Answer Marks Total

2 (a) Product of an applied force and displacement / distance 1 1
//Force X distance
(b) W=FXS 1 2
M1 = 110 x0.5 1
M2 = 55 J / Nm
(c) F = ma 2
M1 110 – 100 = 10 (a)
M2 10 = 10 a 1
a = 1 ms-2 1

Total 5

Answer Marks
No Total
3 (a) Thermionic emission 1

(b) Uniform acceleration 1

(c) (i) VP = 4 V 1
(ii) T = 3 x 0.02 = 0.06 s 1
f = 16.7 Hz

(iii) Sinusoidal with one complete cycle 1

Total 6

No Answer Marks Total

4 (a) The amount of heat energy required to increase the the 1 1
temperature of 1kg mass by 10 C.
(b) Pt = mcӨ 2 2
c = 48(900)
= 720 J kg-1 0C-1
(c) M1 Land has a smaller specific heat capacity than sea 1 3
// Land faster increase in temperature // Land is
warmer than the sea
M2 Air above the land is heated up and rises 1
M3 Cooler air from the sea moves towards the land 1

Or diagram

M1 Label Sea(cold), Land (Hot)

M2 Show Hot air on land rises up
M3 Show Cold air moves towards the sea
(d) Sea breeze 1 1

No Answer Marks Total

5 (a)(i) Spring balance reading: diagram 5.1 > 5.2 1

(ii) Buoyant force / Upthrust 1 2

(b)(i) Spring balance reading: diagram 5.3 > 5.2 1

(ii) Density of water > density of oil 1

(iii) As density of liquid increases, buoyant force increases 1 3

(c)(i) pressure at Y > pressure at X // vice versa // Y is at 1

greater depth than X // pressure is directly proportional to
depth. 1

(ii) Buoyant force = (Difference in pressure) x A 1 3

Total 8

No Answer Marks Total

6 (a) Longitudinal waves // Mechanical wave 1 1

(b) 1. Loud sound - when antinodes/crest/trough 1 2

overlapped/meet/encounter another
antinodes/crest/trough, a constructive interference
2. Soft sound – when nodes/crest/trough 1
overlapped/meet/encounter another nodes/ trough,
a destructive interference occur

(c) (i) Diagram 6.1 > Diagram 6.2 // vice-versa 1

(ii) Diagram 6.1 < Diagram 6.2 // vice-versa 1

(iii) aα 1 3

(d) M1 frequency// wavelength 1 2

M2 amplitude 1
M3 Distance between loud speaker and observer
(Any two)

No Answer Marks Total

7 (a) Reflection 1 1

(b) (i) 1 3

(ii) Virtual // Upright // Diminished 1 1

(c) 1. Aim the concave mirror to the sun 1 2

2. parallel ray from sun reflected and focus to F 1
3. amount of heat increases as all rays focus at F
Max : 2 points
(d) (i) 1. lens Q 1 1
2. f is smaller 1
(ii) Use concave mirror 1 1
Total 10

No. Answers Marks

8 (a) When a potential difference of 9V is connected across the 1 1
bulb, it will produce power of 20J per second.
(b) (i) P = V/I
20W = 9V/I 1
I = 20W/9V
= 2.22A 1 2
(ii) R = V/I
= 9V/2.22A 1
= 4.05 Ω 1 2
(c) (i) The more the thickness of the wire, the lower the loss of
energy from the filament. 1 2
(ii) Efficiency = Energy Output / Energy Input x 100%
E Filament P = 15 x 100 % 1
20 1
= 75.00%
E Filament Q = 28 x 100 %
= 93.33% 1
E Filament R = 43 x 100 %
= 86.00% 1 5
(iii) Filament Q has highest efficiency 1
1 2
Total 12

No Answer Marks Total

9 (a) (i) Property of material that enable it to return to its original 1
shape and size after an external force that acting on it is

(ii) Compression of the spring in Diagram 9.2(a) is higher 1

than 9.1 (a)
Distance moved by the trolley in Diagram 9.2 (b) is
further than 9.1 (a)

Elastic potential energy of the spring Diagram 9.2(a) is 1

higher than 9.1 (a)

The higher the compression, the further the distance 1

moved by the trolley

The bhigher the compression, the higher the elastic

potential energy 1

(b) The forces between atom are attractive force and 1

repulsive force

When the force is applied , the distance between atoms

decreases 1

The repulsive force is acted on the atoms 1

When applied force is removed, repulsive force pushes 1

the atoms back to original

(c) Design Reasons

Many springs
High elasticity
(arranged in parallel)
Strong material for Not break easily //
frame // steel Not rust easily

Low spring constant To get more extension

Nylon// polyethene//
Does not tear easily
strong fabric 2

Has net around / / 2

bigger diameter of Prevent children from
trampoline 2
slipping to the floor

Total 20

No Answer Mark Total

10 (a) A magnetic field is a region in which a magnetic material 1 1

will experience a magnetic force

(b) The number of turns of the coils shown in diagram 10.2 1 3

is greater than 10.1
The pattern of magnetic field in diagram 10.2 is denser
than 10.1 1

The deflection of ammeter in diagram 10.2 is bigger than

(c) The closer the pattern of magnetic field // the denser of 1
magnetic field, the greater the strength of the magnetic
field. 1 2

The strength of the magnetic field increase when the

number of turns of coils increase
(d) (i) 1. Repel each other 1 1

(ii) 1. When current flows, magnetic field is form // 1 3

2. Direction of magnetic field at the centre is the same 1
// Magnitude of magnetic field is stronger at the
centre // Diagram
3. Two forces produced is in opposite direction //
Diagram 1


(e) Modification Explanation

More number of Increase the strength of

turn for the coil/ magnetic field // increase the speed of
Has commutator To reverse the current flow
in the coil // ensure core

rotate in one direction 1,1

Brush Enable current flow through the coil

Semicircular To produce radial magnetic field

magnet // curved

Soft iron core Concentrate the magnetic field.


Total 20

11 (a) Archimedes’ Principle states that the buoyant force is 1 1

equal to the weight of fluid displaced.
(b) 1.Density of air decreases as altitude increases 1 4
2.Bouyant force become smaller
3.At certain height, weight of displaced air equal to 1
weight of the balloon. 1
4.Net force zero 1
(c) Characteristics Explanation 2
Fiber composite Light and strong
Bigger volume High buoyant force 2
The distance between Can carry more load
plimsoll line from the
surface of the sea is high 2
Bigger size of the To produce greater
propeller forward thrust
Q is chosen the body is made from 2
fibre composite, volume
is bigger, the distance 2 10
between plimsoll line
from the surface of the
sea is higher and bigger
size of the propeller
(d) (i) F = ρgv 1 2
= 1020 × 10 × 5 1
= 51000 N
(ii) Total weight 1 3
15000 + W = 51000 N 1
W = 36000 N 1

Total 20

No Answer Marks Total

12 (a) Cosmic ray// radiation from surrounding

//radioactive materials from earth// leakage of
1 1
radioactive from nuclear power plant

(b)(i) Alpha 1 1

(ii) 1. The ray ionises the air molecule 1 3

2. Negative ions attracted to the plate 1
3. Neutralised the electroscope

(c) Characteristics Reasoning 10

Liquid Easy to flow with blood
Short half life Not long in the body //
less harmful 2
Gamma Ray Cannot ionised the
living cell // high
penetrating power
GM tube detector Can detect ray
effectively// portable 2
K is chosen Because it is in liquid
state , has short half
life, emits gamma ray
and can be detected 2
easily detected by GM
tube detector.

(d)(i) (i) m = [235.04392 + 1.00867] – [140.91963 +
92.92157 + 2(1.00867)]
= [236.05259] – [ 235.85854]
= 0.19405u

m = 0.19405 x 1.66 x 10 -27

1 3
= 0.0322 x 10

= 3.22123 x 10-28 kg

(ii) E = mc 2
= (3.22123 x 10-29) (3.0 x 10 8)
= 28.99107 x 10-12
= 2.899107 x 10 -11 J 1 2

Total 20




No. 1 Answer Mark

(a) (i) Manipulated variable = Object distance, u // Image distance, v 1
(ii) Responding variable = Image distance, v // M 1
(iii) Constant variable = Thickness//focal length//power 1
(b) Tabulate u, v and m correctly in the table. 7
A Shows a table u,v and m.
B State the correct unit of u, v and m.
C At least 3 values of v are correct
D All values of v are correct
E At least 3 value of m are correct
F All values of m are correct
G State a consistent decimal place for u, v and m.
u/cm v/cm m
6.3 8.8 1.40
6.5 7.7 1.18
6.7 6.7 1.00
6.9 5.5 0.80
7.1 4.3 0.61
(c) Draw the graph of v against m .
A - Label y-axis and x-axis correctly
B - States the unit at the axis correctly
C - Both axes with the even and uniform scale:
D - 5 points correctly plotted:
E - a smooth best straight line
F - minimum size of the graph is 5 x 4 squares of 2 x 2 cm.
Draw the graph of v against m .
A - Label y-axis and x-axis correctly
B - States the unit at the axis correctly
C - Both axes with the even and uniform scale:
D - 5 points correctly plotted:
E - a smooth best straight line
F - minimum size of the graph is 5 x 4 squares of 2 x 2 cm.
No of ticks Score
6 5
5 4

3-4 3
2 2
1 1 5
(d) State the correct relationship based on the candidate’s graph 1
v is increasing linearly to m
No 2 Answer Mark
(a)(i) 1 increases // I decreases 1
(ii) 1.0 Ω 1
(b) Show a big  on the graph to determine the gradient(5 x 4 blocks) 1
y  y1 1
The correct 2 from the  drawn
x x
2 1
m = 5.14A (Ans + unit)
(c) 1
R=E(1) -r 1
I 1
E = gradient of the graph
= 5.14 V // 5.14 A

(d) Show line on graph to get 1/I 1

1/I =2.25 1
I = 0.44 1
(e) 1. The connection of the wires must be tight. 1
2. The circuit is switched off whenever the readings were not taken
from the meters. This is to reduce energy loss from the cell.
3. The eye is perpendicular to the scale of ammeter // Pointer’s image
is not seen on the mirror strip of ammeter.
Max 1 mark
Total 12


No Answer Mark
3 (a) State the suitable inference
The foot feels more painful when it is stepped on by an object that has
smaller surface area // Pressure depend on surface area
(b) State a relevant hypothesis
The smaller the surface area the greater the pressure 1
(c) State the aim of experiment
To investigate the relationship between surface area and pressure. 1
State the suitable manipulated variables and responding variable
(Quantity that can be measured)
MV - surface area 1
RV - pressure/depth of depression
State the constant variable
CV – Weight/force/mass 1
State the complete list of apparatus and materials
Plasticine, slotted weight , wooden rod and meter rule 1
Draw the functional arrangement of the apparatus

State the method to control the manipulated variable

The apparatus is set up as shown in the diagram.
Start the experiment with a wooden rod has surface area 1 cm .
Placed the load of mass 200 g on the top of wooden rod as shown on

State the method to measure the responding variable

Measure the depth of depression made on the plasticine

Repeat the experiment at least 4 times with the values

Repeat the experiment 4 times with surface area of rod 2 cm2, 3 cm2 , 4
cm2 and 5cm2 1
(Note : Based on SPM standard , at least five manipulated values

State how the data tabulated with the title MV and RV
Surface area Depth
2 1
State how the data is analysed, plot a graph RV against MV

4(a) State the suitable inference
The brightness of the lamp increases when the speed of the magnet in the 1
coils(solenoid) increases// Induced current depend on the speed of

(b) State a relevant hypothesis

The magnitude of the induced current increases when the speed of the 1
magnet increases.

(c) State the aim of experiment

To study the relationship between the speed of a magnet in a coil and the 1
magnitude of the induced current.

State the suitable manipulated variables and responding variable

(Quantity that can be measured) 1
Manipulated variables : the height of the magnet fall
Responding variables : Deflection/ reading of the galvanometer

State the constant variable

strenght of the magnet / number of the turns in the coils. 1

State the complete list of apparatus and materials

Bar magnet, cardboard tube, galvanometer, insulated copper wire, retort 1
stand and metre rule.

Draw the functional arrangement of the apparatus

State the method to control the manipulated variable

1. Make a solenoid of 50 turns by winding an insulated copper wire
round a cardboard tube. Connect the ends of the wire to a galvanometer. 1
2. Hold a small bar magnet at a height of h = 5 cm above the top end of
the solenoid.

State the method to measure the responding variable

3. Drop the magnet into the solenoid into the solenoid and record the
deflection of the galvanometer as the induced current. 1

Repeat the experiment at least 4 times with the values

4. Repeat the eksperiment by changing the height h to 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 1
cm , 25 cm and 30 cm.

State how the data tabulated with the title MV and RV

Height of the magnet,h Induced current I
State how the data is analysed, plot a graph RV against MV


4c(viii) Tabulation of data:
Number of turns of Output voltage, V
wire in secondary /V
coil, N

4c(ix) Analyse the data .


No. of turns


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