School Subject Class/ Semester Meeting Time / Duration: Lesson Plan

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Subject : English
Class/ Semester : XI Social Science One / Odd
Meeting : 2 st
Time / duration : 2 x 45 Minutes

A. Standard of Competence
3. Communicate orally, fluently and accurately in the interactional discourse and or short
dialogue in context daily life.

B. Basic Competence

3.2 Expressing meaning in a transactional dialogue (to get things done) and interpersonal
(socialization) formally and informally, using spoken language fluently, accurately
and acceptable in many contexts daily life in the form of text: asking and giving

C. Indicators
 Use speech act of expressions of asking and giving opinion.
 Respond speech act of expressions of asking and giving opinion.

D. Learning Objectives
 Students are able to use speech act of expressions of asking and giving opinion.
 Students are able to respond speech act of expressions of asking and giving opinion

E. Teaching material
Expressions of asking and giving opinion:
Asking for opinion

- What do you think about/feel about/think of …?

- What is your news …?
- What is your opinion of …?
- What are your feelings about …?
- How’d you see …?
- Could I know your reaction to …?

Giving for opinion

- I think/believe/feel …
- It seems to me …
- As I see it, it’s probably …
- Well, I must say …
- Don’t you think …?
- I’d just like to say …


 Make a short dialogue with your friend by using expression of asking and giving
opinion and practice in front of class!

F. Methodology
- Grammar translation method
- Role-playing
- Giving task

G. Learning activities:
a. Pre activities (‘10)
1. Greeting.
2. Apperception, teacher reviews the last lesson.
3. Teacher does warming up by asking question about the expressions of asking
and giving opinion
4. Whilst activities (’70)
1. Exploration, teacher explains the material.
2. Elaboration, Students make a short dialogue about the expressions of asking and
giving opinion
3. Students perform in front of the class
4. Confirmation, Teacher guides the students’ performance.

5. Post activities (’10)

1. Teacher gives the students opportunity to ask.
2. Teacher concludes the lesson.
3. Teacher gives the students homework.
4. Teacher informs the next lesson.

H. Source / Media :
1. The relevant textbook, English SMA/ MA Grade XI Natural and Social Science
Programs published by Bumi Aksara.
2. Dictionary

I. Assesment :
 Cognitive : Oral Test
 Affective : Students’ participation in performing dialogue
 Psychomotor : Demonstration the dialogue
Score System:

No Aspect Score

1. Pronounciation and Intonation 30

2. Fluency 30

3. Performance ( eye contact, Expression, body Language ) 40

Kayuagung, August 2013

English teacher Prospective Teacher

Siti Sakdiah, S. Pd Asmelis

NIP. 197112112000122001 NIM. 112010047



Husnul Yaqin, M.Pd

NIP. 196801221999031003

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