English Assignment 222

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“ Give an Example ”

Name : Salsabila Afriani

Topic : Physical Activity
Class : XI Science 6
In this new era, most of teenagers around the world
are lazy to do some exercise. They choose to sit on their
sofa and drink coke while watching TV. This lifestyle is
unhealthy, we must change it. Chill at home and do
nothing on the bed is like a heaven. Yet, that can make
our body unfit and easy to get sick. For some teenagers
who already do daily exercise, it will be easy for them.
How about they who only get physical activity / sporty
activity only once a week at school? Do you think that is
enough for our body? That is totally not enough. So,
because of that they should get used to do daily sport
activity. For beginner maybe they can do simple physical
activity. For example, push-up, sit-up, plank, wall-squat,
and hop on one foot.

For the first time, that kind of that easy exercise will
looks so hard, that’s why we should do a progressive
increase in activity to eventually achieve the target. It is
appropriate to start with smaller amounts of physical
activity and gradually increase duration, frequency and
intensity over time. But, trust me that will be worth it
someday and you will get the advanteges e.g; better
Especially for us, the childrens and teenagers aged 5-
17 years old. Physical activity is really important because
that will bring some specific benefits , such as develop
healthy musculoskeletal tissues (i.e. bones, muscles and
joints); develop a healthy cardiovascular system (i.e. heart
and lungs); develop neuromuscular awareness (i.e.
coordination and movement control) and maintain a
healthy body weight.

Physical activity has also been associated with the

benefits of young people by improving their control over
the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Similar,
participation in physical activity can assist in the social
development of young people by providing opportunities
for self-expression, building self-confidence, social
interaction and integration. It has also been suggested
that physically active young people are more readily adopt
other healthy behaviors (e.g. avoidance of tobacco,
alcohol and drug use) and demonstrate higher academic
performance at school.

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