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Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School

Secondary VI English Language 2018-2019

SBA (3) Part B Group Interaction Social Issues
Topic 2 --- Addictions
*** The following texts are for your reference only. To enrich your ideas in

the group interaction on the topic, do good research on your own.

Text A

Text B
Properly diagnosing gaming addiction will yield better treatment
Classifying addiction to video game playing in a problem as “a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming
Text category
similar C to cocaine, as the World Health Organisation behaviour” that becomes so extensive that it “takes
aims to, may seem extreme, but the thinking involved makes precedence over other life interests”.
the decision justified. The draft of the latest edition of the
United Nation body’s “bible” of recognised diseases and Such recognition is important to ensure the WHO,
illnesses refers to the problem as a mental health disorder. governments and health professionals acknowledge the
existence of the condition. An estimated 2.6 billion people
For people worried about the excessive screen time of in the world play video games and the annual revenue of the
children, friends and work colleagues, the move could not have gaming industry is expected to grow by 31 per cent over the
next three years to US$181.1 billion.
come at a more timely moment. The digital and video game
industry is booming and the more players who get hooked on Game-makers reject the WHO’s classification as
its products, the greater the need for help. “deeply flawed”, contending their products have
educational, recreational and therapeutic value. With so
Most game players can moderate their screen time.
much at stake, the lobbying of governments by both sides
But some put their gaming ahead of family and work. The
ahead of next year’s vote will be intense. But the debate is
WHO’s updated International Classification of Diseases, to be
necessary; addiction exists and for those affected, health,
presented to member states at the annual World Health
relationships and work suffer to the extent that lives are
Assembly next May for adoption in 2020, describes the
being ruined.
Text D

Hongkongers’ shopping habits among unhealthiest in the world

Hongkongers have some of the unhealthiest While the survey did not touch on the reasons why
shopping habits compared with other consumers around Hongkongers scored higher on such habits, Greenpeace
the world, a new Greenpeace survey revealed, ranking at campaigner Bonnie Tang Man-lam said the city’s values
the top or second in 10 out of 12 indicators showing a and way of life centred on consumerism. “Most
tendency to spend excessively on material goods as well as Hongkongers said their feelings of satisfaction from
an unhealthy reliance on shopping. shopping only lasted a day, and they would then shop
again just to fill that empty void. The more they shop, the
The non-profit group conducted the survey lonelier they get.”
involving over 5,000 people in Hong Kong, mainland
China, Taiwan, Italy and Germany from the end of last
year to early this year to look at their consumption habits. Some 110,000 tonnes of textile waste were sent to
Hong Kong topped the charts in a number of indicators, landfills in 2015, official figures showed, and only 4 per
such as those admitting they owned more clothes than they cent of such waste was recycled. That’s equivalent to
needed and that they had previously tried to conceal their 1,400 t-shirts being thrown out per minute.
spending sprees. The survey found that 53 per cent of
1,000 polled Hongkongers owned clothes that were still The results showed it was time for Hongkongers
tagged, compared with only 51 per cent on the mainland, to reflect carefully on their shopping habits and
46 per cent in Italy, 41 per cent in Germany and 40 per differentiate what they needed from what they wanted.
cent in Taiwan.

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