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Sir, the hon,finance minister has told us why he has thought have bring this finance Bill in a

middle of the year. The plan contempleted a tax about rate 400 crores.

now that the Finance Minister does not want to recource deficit fianancing naturaly. Tax has got
increase it has now comes about 100 crores. Therefore,money must come

must come where ever decade some sort of tax has to be imposed. Now the proposal has
examined from that point of view this some people acclaimed a very neccessary a

a more consider while while other fund able to ground for criticising them. Whatever may be
taxtion felt though aprail proparly that sympathy have been measered which

are not like to be made before appriciat less objective to. I have no doubt as Finance Minister he
will say that the measure sympathitically administered and that has

has done.Most of the objective that might be have been put farward to the proposal would be
removed as you may remember Five Year Plan discuse in this House and other

House. some of the member felt propose very oprimistic view might have been taken of the
resorces that may be available to carring out the five year plan.

Even now people feel that the plan has got to be implimented lot depend implimantion but
question have taken not correctly that are available over estimated rather

optimistic but implimantion will not be very much affected for instance of over the year. few
more month taken up ,i am saying is fact resources is not to carring

out plan of Five Year increasing by few important . I may not be very havy of our resources and
so that go on the account of havy strain that may be pur there on

another thing looked very affected weather or not has certain amount of saving can be affected.
So far as the proposal in two bill is concerned. we have start the

record capital against tax most of the examtion that were in previous act has been removed on
so far as the capital against complasary aquisition by Government is concerned s

still continue to be exemped when person sell capital asset make equial provide.He may be tased
prposed consider no consider justification in raising objective but when property

he does not want under compulation at the instance of the Govenment in use of the
Government in the case compalasary equicision. there is no doubt realy justification for

making capital against time special consider never to part his propoerty they object there 2 part
with it becuase authority wanted to more sugestion capital tax is

concened. I have any doubt because complasay aquisition take place it is for the Government
where or not, thay will think giving really unfortunatly person whome part with
his proparty in instide of imposed another sugestion is so far as the compolsary diposite is
concerned. The people who are conservative

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