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DuBois Area High School 

Career Exploration Project 

Student Information:
Name: Brianna Nelson Grade: 11th
Teacher: Mr.Pasternak Course: Ap us history

Career Events and Journal Entry Requirements:

Complete 1 Job Shadow and Reflection 25 Points
Attend 2 Post-Secondary Planning Events and Reflections 30 Points (15 Points for each event)
Complete 3 Career Cruising Activities and Reflections 15 Points (5 Points for each activity)
Total Points 70 Points

Career Events and Journal Entry Overviews:

Job Shadow and Reflection Overview:
This year you must participate in one job shadow AND complete one job shadow reflection. You may choose to do an on-site
job shadow or a virtual Job Shadow on Career Cruising. However, you are required to complete ​2​ on-site job shadows by the
end of your senior year.
To participate in an on-site job shadow you must complete a ​DAHS Job Shadowing Form​. This form will walk you through the
steps that you must complete before, during, and after your job shadow. To participate in a virtual job shadow on Career
Cruising, you will need to login to your Career Cruising account. Career Cruising has over 1000 professionally produced job
shadowing and videos that deliver interactive and engaging career exploration experiences.
Once you complete your job shadow, you will need to complete a job shadow reflection.
Post-Secondary Planning Events and Reflections:
This year you must participate in two post-secondary planning events and complete one reflection for each event. You may
participate in DAHS post-secondary events or you may decide to attend post-secondary events at other campuses or
locations. Examples of post-secondary events include:
DAHS Post-Secondary Events Post-Secondary Events at other Campuses
● Career Presentations during Tutoring Period ● Group College Visitation Days
● Post-Secondary Visitations (Military, College, etc. ● Individual College Visitation Days
● DAHS Financial Aid Night ● Technical School Visitation Days
● DAHS Post-Secondary Options Fair ● College or Trade Fair
Once you complete each post-secondary planning event, you will need to complete a reflection.
Career Cruising Events and Reflections:
This year you will need to complete 3 Career Cruising activities and complete one reflection for each activity. You will learn
more about Career Cruising in Social Studies.

Job Shadow Reflection

Type of Job Shadow You Completed:​ ​Check One
Yes On-Site Virtual
Reflection Format:
Directions: ​After completing your job shadow (on-site or virtual), reflect upon the experience using the Job Shadow essay
Job Shadow Essay Format (20 points)
1. (2pts) Paragraph 1: Introduction (2 pts)
a. Why did you choose this job shadow experience?
b. What type of job shadow did you complete? On-site or Virtual?
c. Where did the job shadow take place?
d. Who was the job shadow with?
2. (4 pts) Paragraph 2: Explanation of experiences
a. (​On-Site​) What did you do during your on-site job shadow?
b. (​Virtual​) What did they do during the virtual job shadow?
3. (5 pts) Paragraph 3 for ​On-Site​: Supervisor Interview
a. Using your responses from your Supervisor Interview found on the job shadow form, provide a summary of
what you learned
4. (5 pts) Paragraph 3 for ​Virtual​: Explanation of what you learned
a. Provide a summary of what you learned watching the virtual job shadow
5. (4pts) Paragraph 4: Conclusion
a. How did this job shadow impact your career goals? Do you want to continue to pursue this career or do you
want to pursue a different career? Why? What are your next steps?
Job Shadow Artifact (5 Points)
1. On-Site – If you completed an On-Site Job Shadow, you must scan/photograph and upload your Job Shadow Form
2. Virtual – If you completed a virtual Job Shadow, you must include a screenshot of your online Job Shadow Experience.
​Job Shadow Reflection Entry:
I chose this job shadowing experience because I am going to go into the medical field and when
provided with this experience I knew it would help me with deciding if I still wanted to go into this
field. I job shadowed Dr. Hallstrom On-site, he is a physiatrist in Dubois, Pa and owns his own
practice which is where I was given the opportunity to see what his job entails.
When I first arrived he described what we would be doing throughout the day and what I would
be able to observe. First, he would ask the patients if they were comfortable with me in the room
and observing the appointment, all of them approved and were comfortable. Throughout the day
he had many appointments that he did electromyography (EMG) which is used to study nerve and
muscle function. I had time at the end to ask questions about the medical field and how he entered
this field.
I learned how much work it was to become a doctor and how dedicated you need to be to
your career. He still learns things to this day about the field, there is always new information to
keep up to date on. You have to deal and communicate with people each day and you must be
discerning, because many are not in pain and are just looking for medication.
I still want to go into the medical field but I do not want to be a physiatrist. I do not feel that
I would be able to do these same tasks each and everyday, I need change. I need to try to find ways
to job shadow other areas of medicine such as pediatrics and surgeries. This is difficult due to laws
placed in hospitals.

Job Shadow Artifact:

Post-Secondary Planning Event Reflection
Q: What Post-Secondary Planning event did you attend?
Reflection Format:
Content (10 points)
1. (2pts) Paragraph 1: Introduction (2 pts)
a. What post-secondary planning event did you attend?
b. Why did you choose this event?
c. Who did you meet with during this event?
2. (4 pts) Paragraph 2: Explanation of what you learned
a. What did you learn during the post-secondary planning event?
3. (4pts) Paragraph 3: Conclusion
a. How did this experience impact your post-secondary goals? Why? What are your next steps?
Post-Secondary Artifact (5 Points)
1. If you attended a DAHS Event, you must scan/photograph and upload DAHS Event Certificate
2. If you did an on-site visitation, must scan/photograph and upload a visitation artifact
​Post-Secondary Planning Event​ ​Reflection Entry:

I went to a “career cluster” which is something our school presents in which people come in and
are asked questions about their job so that we as students get to learn more about each field. I did
not really have a person come in that I was really interested in their career for but I went so that I
could learn more and keep my eyes open just in case. So I met Jodi August. She works at the
Chamber of Dubois.
I learned that I certainly do not want to go into business. However, I already knew this because
my father is a real estate agent and from his stories I would not be able to do what he does each
and everyday.
I will continue on my search in medicine but grateful for the information this presentation
provided me with.
Post-Secondary Planning Event Artifact:
Post-Secondary Planning Event Reflection
Q: What Post-Secondary Planning event did you attend?
Reflection Format:
1. Content (10 points)
2. (2pts) Paragraph 1: Introduction (2 pts)
a. What post-secondary planning event did you attend?
b. Why did you choose this event?
c. Who did you meet with during this event?
3. (4 pts) Paragraph 2: Explanation of what you learned
a. What did you learn during the post-secondary planning event?
4. (4pts) Paragraph 3: Conclusion
a. How did this experience impact your post-secondary goals? Why? What are your next steps?
Post-Secondary Artifact (5 Points)
1. If you attended a DAHS Event, you must scan/photograph and upload DAHS Event Certificate
2. If you did an on-site visitation, must scan/photograph and upload a visitation artifact

​ ost-Secondary Planning Event​ ​Reflection Entry:

Type entry here
I did another “career cluster” at my school and an optometrist came so this was extremely
interesting to me, because I use to want to become an eye doctor. I did not receive his name for his
questions were broadcasted over the televisions in the classrooms and it was extremely loud.
I wish he would have explained more types of surgeries and operations he has had to do on
patients but I still enjoyed learning about the field. He rarely is on call, for there are few eye
emergencies. He was in school for almost 14 years.
I still do not want to become an optometrist for I am not interested in the eyes however it was
interesting to learn how he got into this field and how difficult school was. He described what you
need to become a doctor and why it is worth it. I am going to further look into medical schools and
try to figure out if I would like to be a doctor or a physician assistant.
Post-Secondary Planning Event Artifact:
Career Cruising Activities Reflections
Career Cruising Online Assignments
Reflection Points:
1. (5pts) Library Session 1: Reflection 1: Learning Styles Activity Summary
2. (5 pts) Library Session 2: Reflection 2: Career Selector Exploration Activity Summary
3. (5pts) Library Session 3: Reflection 3: Education/School Selector Activity Summary
​REFLECTION 1: Learning Styles Activity Summary

I discovered I am a visual-tactile learner. I already knew this because of tests I have done
previously, except last time I was just tactile. I need to take notes, make diagrams, notecards, and
demonstrations. I also need to be able to take breaks in between long sessions of work. Auditory
learning is harder for me, I only scored 20% compared to my visual and tactile at both 40%.
REFLECTION 2: Career Selector Exploration Activity Summary

I received the results that I am interested in! So I am glad that I am on the right track.
I would love to be a pediatric doctor or a pediatric surgeon. I have considered the pros and cons, the
positive aspect is that I could help many people and likely go on mission trips to areas that need my help.
I would also make quite a bit of money and this would help me live and create the type of lifestyle I would
love for my children to have. However, the cons are high, for if I were to chose this profession I would be
in college for likely about 14 years. It would also be very hard to spend time with my family because of
hours and being on call. Therefore I am considering a Physician Assistant.
REFLECTION 3: Education/School Selector Activity Summary
Overall, I think this was a good experience to complete these projects because it helps you realize
what you are going into and if you will truly be interested and excel at your career. However, the
results I received were things I have already looked into and will likely choose for a career, so I felt
it was slightly repetitive towards the end. For those with no knowledge or plan for their future
after highschool, this is a wonderful tool to help along the process.

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