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Economic Science and Ethical Neutrality:

The Problem of Teleology Bernard Hodgson

ABSTRACT. Two disputes have continually frustrated a t t e m p t to resolve questions concerning the
attempts to provide a tenable method of enquiry for logical status o f economic theory. On the one
economic science: hand, constituting the persistent "official view"
(a) Should theory construction in economics include among econon:dc methodol0gists are those econ-
a commitment to moral principles? Or should economic omists and philosophers o f science w h o in
theory remain Value-free? general have endorsed principles o f scientific
(b) Does the peculiar subject matter of economics m e t h o d urged by logical positivists, a cardinal
demand a 'teleological', or a 'mechanistic' pattern of
tenet of w h o m has been that o f the "unity of
explanation ?
It is the aim of this paper to shed light on both the m e t h o d " between the natural and social sci-
preceding controversies by seeking to clarify the relation ences. 2 Hence, in conformity to what are taken
between them. In particular, it is argued via a case study to be "mechanistic models" o f the natural
of the theory of rational Choice that over-simplified sciences, it is argued that economic events are
mechanistic constructions have distorted the normative explained b y invoking causes comprised o f
content and applicability of economic theory. "antecedent conditions" or events logically
"external" and temporally prior to the "ex-
Yet still in an explosively changing planandum-events". Or, more precisely, econom-
world, we have a fragmented eco- ic events are explained by deducing such items
nomics... One reason for this goes o f behaviour from 'ordinary' causal laws re-
deep. It is the lack of a philosoph-
presenting uniformities in such mechanistic
ical basis for economic theory.
sequences. In particular, thus, a mechanistic
Economic life is looked upon as
model of explanation would aver any mention
deliberative action, and again it is
looked upon as action determined of the family of intentional entities consisting
by the combination of tastes and of the reasons, motives, goals, purposes, social
circumstances. Which is it? Can it conventions, moral principles, etc. for the sake
be both? Nobody asks, and such of which, or in compliance with, the economic
problems being unrecognized, the agent might be claimed to undertake his activity.
diversity of hidden assumptions As Jevons succintly put this viewpoint in the last
creates a babel of conflicting lan- century, economic theory in general is to be
guages! I conceived as a "mechanics o f utility and self-
The preceding quotation from G.L.S. Shackle On the other hand, economic theory has also
well articulates one o f the most severe sources o f been construed as a 'teleological' rather than
confusion besetting methodologists in their 'mechanistic' model of explanation, accounting
for an economic action, not merely by adducing
Bernard Hodgson is Associate Professor of Philosophy, its antecedent, external causes, b u t by citing
Dept. of Philosophy, Trent University. He was a the agent's goals or objectives for the sake of
Commonwealth Visiting Scholar at the Depart- which he deliberately undertakes the action.
ment of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge Under this interpretation, it is argued that since
University, 1979-80. economic behaviour belongs to the category o f

Journal of Business Ethics 2 (1983) 237--253. 0167-4544/83/0024-0237501.70.

© 1983 by D. Reidel Publishing Company.
238 Bernard Hodgson

human action, it is purposive, and, as such, its normative applicability and distorted its
cannot be adequately explained by its subsump- ethical implications.
tion under standard causal laws, of the same
form as employed in the natural sciences, but
only by deduction from laws of a special type.
Or, even more disparately, eschewing any appeal
to explanatory laws, it is contended that such In dealing with such problems in the method-
purposive explanation takes place, not by speci- ology of science, it invariably promotes the
fying causes, but by ascertaining the suitable plausibility of an analysis to have recourse to
reasons or grounds for the action, as determined actual case-studies. For our purposes, the neo-
by the appropriate social norms or moral princi- classical theory of consumer choice will prove
ples to which the "rule-following" agent sub- instructive, not only since it provides evident
scribes in seeking to realize his ends. 4 and serious problems concerning the role of
As the preceding characterization of the moral judgments in micro-economics, but also
mechanism-teleology controversy suggests a host because choice theory supplies the foundational
of interrelated problems in the philosophy of concepts and postulates on which a good deal
the social sciences, it will serve the purposes of of orthodox economics rests. 7 The particular
clarity to sort out some of the primary ones in form of the theory to which we will make appeal
the specific context of a second major dispute is that of individual choice under conditions of
which has continually frustrated attempts to certainty, as typically represented by indif-
provide a tenable method of enquiry for eco- ference curve analysis (hereafter labelled CCT).
nomic science. I refer here to the unflagging This theory is regularly systematized by begin-
debate concerning the ethical neutrality or ning with a set of primitive assumptions con-
"value-freedom" of economics. Economic theory cerning the individual consumer, S, confronted
has been conceived as an essentially normative with a comparison between, and choice of,
discipline, which, by applying fundamental alternative combinations (A, B, C, etc.) of
ethical principles, prescribes the canons according various commodities (q, r, s, etc.). For example,
to which agents ought to engage in the produc- A might represent a combination of 2 operas
tion and exchange of material commodities. 5 and 7 blue movies. The axioms of this version
And yet, it has also been argued that economics of consumer choice theory follow:
counts as an entirely 'positive' science, com- A (comparability) given any two alternatives
prising a set of purely descriptive hypotheses to compare, say A and B, any consumer either
that explain de facto regularities in the behaviour prefers A to B, B to A, or is indifferent between
of the subjects under study. However, again A and B.
under the influence of positivist doctrines of A2 (nonsatiety) No consumer is sated with
scientific method, in particular, those advo- any particular commodity. That is, he prefers to
cating the disparate character of "values" in possess more of any available commodity.
contrast to "facts", the latter interpretation Aa (transitivity) For any three commodity
has become the orthodoxy among economic combinations, say A, B and C, if S prefers A
methodologists. The economic scientist qua to B and B to C, then he prefers A to C. Like-
scientist subscribes to a standard of ethical wise if S is indifferent between A and B and
neutrality. Categorical moral judgments are indifferent between B and C, then he is indif-
not presupposed by the statements of the ferent between A and C. In this sense, the
theories he constructs. 6 consumer is consistent in his choices.
It is the aim of this paper to shed light on A4 (diminishing marginal rate of substitution)
both the preceding controversies by seeking to Roughly, this postulate asserts that the amount
clarify the relation between them. In particular, of Y the consumer is willing to give up to get
it is argued that over-simplified mechanistic an additional unit of X becomes progressively
constructions of economic theory have precluded smaller as the quantity of Y diminishes. Con-
The Problem of Teleology 239

sumers are relatively stingy with relatively By a teleological form of explanation, I shall
scarce goods. mean one wherein the initial or antecedent
Now, on the basis of these four axioms, conditions of the action to be explained require
economists intend, in a purely 'positive' vein, a reference to the end or goal for the sake of
to explain and predict the behaviour of the which the action was performed. And a purposive
individual "rational" c o n s u m e r - the one who explanation will be a teleological one which also
employs the optimal means in seeking to maxi- includes the "intentional" properties that (i) the
mize his 'utility' or subjective satisfaction, given goal of the action is the end as conceived and
the constraints of his budget or income and desired by the agent himself and (ii) where the
complete knowledge or certainty as to outcomes action is believed by the agent to be a necessary
of alternative choices. means to the attainment of that end. Contrari-
Hence, employing our axioms as premises in wise a mechanistic explanation of human action
conjunction with particular budget constraints, includes, in the antecedent conditions, either no
economists deduce the theorem that for any reference to the 'goal' of the action, or no men-
consumer, the point of equilibrium, or alloca- tion of intentional properties concerning the
tion of income that maximizes his satisfaction, agent's desires and beliefs about his end-in-view
will be the one at which he purchases that and its requisite means.
combination of commodities wherein the Philosophical arguments abound concerning
marginal utilities of the goods are proportional the relationship between purposive and mecha-
to their respective prices. nistic explanations of human behaviour. Our
particular concern will not require that we join
issue on the general controversy whether ex-
II planation by purpose can always, in principle,
be 'reduced' to, or translated into mechanistic
We might usefully begin our analysis of CCT by ones. Rather our interest will centre on a case-
observing that perplexities concerning the study of the normative adequacy of one such
normative implications of deciding whether CCT r e d u c t i o n - t h a t provided by certain inter-
is better understood as describing and explaining pretations of the economic theory of rational
mechanistic processes or purposive actions are choice - CCT.
not of recent vintage. Indeed, one can go some At firth sight, then, the account of consumer
way in unravelling these issues by observing their behaviour provided by CCT appears to be most
historical source in the connection between the appropriately placed within the category of such
development of the neo-classical theory of teleological explanation. For do not the ante-
rational choice and the framework of nineteenth cedent conditions of the purchasing-event to be
century utilitarian ethics. Of course, this affini- explained include a reference to the end for the
ty is not simply a surprising historical accident. sake of which the purchasing is carried out,
The groundwork for the construction of the namely, the satisfaction derived from the use of
economic theory of choice was laid by theorists commodity-bundles? Teleological explanation
who, for the most part, endorsed some version within CCT, moreover, seems to fit our defini-
of Utilitarianism as an ethical s y s t e m - Jevons tion of the sub-class of purposive ones, since the
and Edgworth are perhaps the most notable commodity-bundle preferences,the end desired,
examples among English economists. 8 In the and the action believed necessary for its efficient
present context, I should like to examine the realization describe a decision-theoretic 'situa-
implications of viewing CCT within the frame- tion' as perceived by the agent himself.
work of utilitarian moral philosophy to the Furthermore, it seems that the value-basis of
extent that they illuminate the mechanism actions explained by CCT is ready at hand - the
versus teleology controversy concerning the economic agent can be seen as following the
structure of economic theory in general. traditional Utilitarian rules for prudential deci-
First, some terminological house-cleaning. sion-making. For in his choices, manifesting a
240 Bernard Hodgson

purchasing strategy consisting of the selection of Utilitarian cure mechanistic terms - as the
a commodity-bundle fulfilling the condition of mechanics of pleasure and pain. 9 As Pikler
equalization at the margin, he is ipso facto points out, Edgeworth and Pareto went so far
maximizing his utility or subjective satisfaction. as to model the theory of consumer behaviour
May we not, then, straight-forwardly conclude on the field theory of the motion of a physical
that the explanation of behaviour furnished by object in classical mechanics. I0
CCT, is of the purposive, rather than mechanistic Edgeworth's understanding of the person as
type, and that its normative basis is to be under- a "pleasure-machine" provided a vigorous,
stood as the obvious application of the rules of albeit strange, general conceptual framework for
Utilitarian decision-theory to consumer choices? such modelling...
Such a conclusion would be misleading and
premature. In the first place, the history of the A system of such charioteers and chariots is what
integration of the neo-classical theory of choice constitutes the object of Social Science. The attrac-
within the framework of a Utilitarian model of tions between the charioteer forces, the collisionsand
compacts between the chariots, present an appear-
practical reasoning attests to a persistent muddle
ance of quantitative regularityin the midst of bewilder-
concerning whether or not CCT is more plausibly ing complexity resembling in its general characters
interpreted as a purposive or mechanistic ex- the fleld of electricity and magnetism.., at least the
planatory system. This state of affairs might conception of Man as a pleasure machine may justify
strike one as puzzling; for, in the first instance, and facilitate the employment of mechanical terms
classical Utilitarianism appears as a paradigm and mathematical reasoningin social science.11
moral theory stipulating a hedonistic standard
for the justification of practical decisions - that Although the distinction between purposive
actions are right in so far as they produce and mechanistic behaviour is not clearly formu-
pleasurable consequences. And, surely the lated by these early theorists, the general import
applicability of an ethical theory is not, primari- and rationale behind their conception of con-
ly, ex post facto, to determine whether actions sumer behaviour as the mechanics o f pleasure
already performed have been wise or foolish, and pain is clear enough. In conscious analogy
right or wrong. Rather its fundamental applica- to the motion of a material object whose move-
tion is ex ante, in the context of moral reasoning ments are causally necessitated by the antecedent
qua deliberation, in deciding, on the basis of the physical forces, such as gravity and magnetism,
appropriate rule, what one ought to do - in the to which it is subject, the behaviour of any
case of the Utilitarian standard that one ought economic agent, like consumer S, is considered
to choose that action whose end is one of maxi- to be the causally necessitated effect of the
mum pleasure. Seen in this context, an ethical antecedent psychic forces to which he is subject
theory such as utilitarianism would, evidently, - in the case of S his sensations of pleasure and
be best suited to integration within purposive pain. The causal process might be represented,
explanation where moral standards would in simplified fashion, something like this:
govern the positing of desirable goals in pur- (a) The initial use of diverse combinations of
suance of which an agent would undertake commodities induces in S different degrees of
actions. sensations of pleasure and pain.
Nevertheless, for the most part, the inclusion (b) In the tradition ofassociationist empiricist
of utilitarian moral philosophy within the psychology, on the occasion of conscious reflec-
economic theory of choice has, from the begin- tion, these sensations, or 'primary impressions',
ning, taken a different d i r e c t i o n - that of being induce secondary impressions consisting of
deployed to construct a mechanistic theory. desires for such commodity-bundles, varying in
The pioneers in the construction of the neo- intensity in proportion to the strength of the
classical theories of entrepreneurial and consumer original impressions.
behaviour - Jevons, Edgworth, Walras and Pare- (c) The desires or standing wants, on the
t o - a l l conceptualized market behaviour in occasion of their realizability in a future price-
The Problem of Teleology 241

income situation, in turn induce S to purchase tions of CCT of only antiquarian interest. The
that set of commodities whose initial consump- contemporary theory of rational choice is heir
tion had caused stronger impressions than the to its original construction, and, as we will see,
alternative bundles now available to him. Trans- has yet to escape many of the conceptual con-
lated into terms of CCT, S will now be at his fusions which beset the initial nineteenth century
point of equilibrium, E, wherein his 'utility' formulation. One recent locus of confusions is
(in traditional terms his psychic pleasure) is offered by certain 'functionalist' constructions
the maximum possible. of economic theory. 11
Now it is critical to note that the preceding Functional explanation appears prima facie
explanation-sketch which we have attributed to as a version of teleological explanation, that is,
these nineteenth century theorists is not a pur- as outlined above, one which employs an essen-
posive one. For the final state (E) of the process, tial reference to the goal or end for the sake of
the occurrence of consumer equilibrium, cannot which the phenomenon to be explained occurs.
be adequately interpreted as a goal of human Basically, functional varieties of teleological
action. The fundamental reason that E cannot patterns of explanation can be distinguished by
be so categorized is that it is a defining feature a special feature of the end towards which the
of action-goals that they constitute "ends-in- explanadum-event is directed. Briefly, the end
view" at which an agent consciously aims and of a functionalist account can be classified as a
hence, that the reflective deliberations or directed 'need' or 'functional requirement' of some
reasonings of agents make an essential difference system. A 'system', for present purposes, can be
with respect to whether or not the realization of identified with an individual human being. And
the goal occurs. However, the manner in which a 'need' is to be interpreted as a necessary con-
our nineteenth century theorists used the dition for some generally desired end-state,
concept 'equilibrium state E' indicates that they which state is typically construed biologically
understood this concept as designating merely as "continued existence" or "survival". Strictly
the terminating point of a natural process, that speaking, then, a need is best interpreted not
is, and 'end-state' uniformly following upon the as the final end of the system but as an 'inter-
consumer's behaviour, and which would regular- mediate' end or means which is required to bring
ly obtain independently of the rationality or about the ultimate end, say survival. Hence,
irrationality of any practical reasoning on the schematically, a functional explanation of the
part of the consumer. In other words, the cor- existence of some institution or action, A,
relation between an economic agent's behaviour would mention some "function" or causal con-
and its consequences, in the 'field of his desires', sequence of the existence of A, which conse-
was conceptualized as a 'blind' contingency, that quence could be understood as the fulfillment
is, as unconditioned by his conscious delibera- of a need or necessary condition N of the survival
tion. It was empirically guaranteed by the 'laws or other desired condition G of some system S.
of motion' of psychic processes that consumer An oft-cited biological illustration is that the
behaviour, irrespective of the conscious intent of beating of the heart (A), fulfills the "functional
the agent, would regularly be equilibrating by requirement" of circulating the blood (N)
effecting a terminal state of maximal subjective which is necessary to maintain a "healthy state"
pleasure, in the same manner as the effects of G of the human organism, S.
the movement of an inorganic object in a field We find that the structure of CCT well fits
of physical force, was guaranteed by the laws the explanatory pattern of such functionalist
of physical motion. analysis. Briefly, a functionalist formulation of
the explanation of consumer behaviour within
CCT would seek to account for a particular
III commodity-bundle choice, A, of some consumer
S, in terms of A causing or maintaining a 'func-
Nor are these aspects of the historical founda- tional requirement' or 'need' N, understood as
242 Bernard Hodgson
his state of equilibrium, defined by the marginal- by formal identities or "structural analogies"
ity conditions. And this equilibrium fulfills a between various "levels" of phenomena. Method-
necessary condition (indeed for CCT both a ologically, the most fruitful interpretation of
necessary and sufficient condition) for the the meaning of "structural analogy" as employed
realization of the ultimate goal of S - the in general systems theory would be that of an
maximization of his utility or subjective satis- isomorphism of the laws accounting for the
faction. Is it not evident, then, that a function- phenomena of different levels. Within the
alist account of consumer choice is teleological context of an analysis of a theory of individual
in form - explaining such behaviour in terms of choice, we may limit our attention to three
the intermediate and final end to which it leads, levels of phenomena corresponding to three
i.e. an equilibrium state and maximum utility, types of entity or system - an inanimate physical
respectively? object, an individual human qua biological
Not surprisingly, however, the general disposi- organism and an individual a g e n t - the con-
tion o f contemporary economists has been to sumer. For the purposes of this paper, we will
follow the lead of nineteenth century Utilitarian concentrate on the latter two categories.
economics in devising mechanistic formulations The basic structural analogy which is claimed
of functionalist theories of rational choice. One by system theoretic economists to hold between
such construction which is currently in vogue is the behaviour of a person qua living entity and
the effort to provide a mechanistic version of a qua agent-consumer is that both exhibit the
functionalist analysis of CCT, by considering pattern of "homeostatic" processes. And, the
this theory a special case of a general systems fundamental idea of homeostatic explanation
theory. is to characterize the behaviour of a system as
Of course, system theorists are themselves manifesting a regular tendency to maintain some
divided as to whether all "systems approaches" "equilibrium" state. The stock example cited is
to the explanation of social phenomena are the biological one of the preservation of an
mechanistic in form. 12 Within economics, how- equilibrium consisting of a constant body tem-
ever, the prevailing tendency has been to delib- perature in particular kinds of organisms.
erately base their interpretation of CCT qua If We take the case of the human body,
system on an analogy with mechanical systems, considered as a system S, we observe that under
and our attention, therefore, will be centered the causal influence of changes in the tempera-
on the tenability of such a mechanical analogy ture of the external environment I of S, the
for CCT. 13 'parts' or physiological processes, P, within S,
Unfortunately, there is not a precisely uni- such as blood pressure, perspiration and the
form specification of the meaning of 'system' contraction of muscles, undergo alteration so as
among system theorists. We will, however, to maintain S in an equilibrium or 'steady state'
follow Bertalanffy in defining a system as a "set E, that is, within a restricted range of tempera-
of elements (sometimes labelled the 'parts') stand- tures, o f course, strictly speaking, E is not the
ing in interaction (i.e. in causal relations)'.14 As final "end-state" realized by such processes but
in our general conception of CCT as a functional is itself a necessary causal condition for the final
theory, the "system", S, under investigation in 'end', 'G', 15 the survival of S, since temperatures
CCT is to be understood as t h e individual or- beyond the range of E will terminate S's exis-
ganism or economic agent, i.e. the consumer, the tence.
elements or 'parts' of S being, in classical em- Similarly, according to systems-oriented
piricist fashion, the set of interrelated psychic economists, the axioms of CCT lend themselves
states constituting S, in particular his beliefs and to a functional-cure-system theoretic analysis.
desires. For the behaviour of the system, now the con-
The underlying modus operandi in the "sys- sumer, call his S', is explained in terms of a
tems approach" to the construction of a social uniform tendency to maintain equilibrium state
scientific theory is for the theorist to be guided E' - t h a t of "equalization at the margin". The
The Problem of Teleology 243

environment, I', comprises the relative prices of G'). Hence, the functionalist cum system theorist
the available commodities along with the con- would conclude that we are also in a position to
sumer's income. Changes inI' cause the processes provide a mechanistic explanation of P' events.
constituting S', that is, his beliefs, desires, Or, if a teleological explanation T of a consumer
preferences, and choices, P', to change so as to choice has already been formulated in terms of
induce S' to buy commodity-bundles that keep the choice being required, given initial conditions
him at the point of equilibrium, E'. And E', as I', in order to attain a goal of equilibrium E' (or
we have seen, is intermediate to S's final 'end- thereby G'), then a mechanistic translation of T
state', G' - that of maximum utility or subjective along such functional, system-theoretic lines is
'satisfaction'. constructible.
The preceding comparative sketch of the Of course, in the light of our earlier mention
"systems behaviour" of the human body and the of the 'field theoretic' constructions of choice
individual consumer already exhibits the similar- theory introduced by nineteenth century Util-
ity in formal or structural relations into which itarian economists, it is sobering to remind our-
the set of external and internal states affecting S selves that such mechanistic reductions, however
and the set affecting S' enter (i.e. I, E, P and G fashionable, merely rehearse an entrenched tradi-
on the one hand, and I', E', P' and G' on the tion. To my mind, however, no matter how
other). More explicitly, if the general laws cover- sovereign the tradition, it has not earned the
ing the two classes of phenomena were explicitly allegiance given it. I would like, therefore, to
stated, and to the degree that the structural direct some critical comments towards the latest
analogy is exact, there would be a isomorphism offspring of this lineage - that is, to the formula-
between the laws explaining the physiological tion of CCT qua functional cure system theoretic
phenomena and those explaining the economic framework. My investigation will centre on the
- t h a t is, there would be an identity of syn- normative adequacy of the basic concept of
tactical structure between these laws. 'equilibrium' or 'homeostatis' as it is used within
The consequence of such a 'systems analysis', such a framework.
if successful, in furnishing CCT with a mechanistic It will be remembered that at the point of
or non-teleological pattern of explanation can consumer equilibrium, E', in CCT, the ratios of
also be made evident. First, on the basis of the the marginal utilities of the available commodi-
above schema, it is to be observed that we can ties to their respective prices were equal. And
identify the antecedent conditions, I, of the nineteenth century Utilitarian economics, we
homeostatic bodily processes, P, where I = noticed above, identified utility with a quality
the temperature of the external environment, of a mental state (i.e. pleasure) expected to
and confirm the regular effects that changes in follow certain acitivities. Given this meaning for
I cause in P independently of referring to any 'utility', the consumer was understood as being
goal of heat equilibrium, E, for the sake of at equilibrium when the increments of conscious
which P occurs. In short, we are epistemically pleasure he experienced, from the final dollar
equipped to explain P - processes mechanistical- he spent on each commodity, were equal.
ly (as defined above), by subsumption under Economists proposing mechanistic interpreta-
laws connecting an "efficient" cause with its tions of choice, however, have attempted to
contingent effects. But, likewise, as system- make a clean break with the classical Utilitarian
theoretic economists argue, we can identify origins of CCT and its concept of pleasure as a
the antecedent "environmental conditions", quality of a conscious mental state. The general
I', of consumer beliefs, preferences and choices, drift has been to eschew mentalistic theory-
P', where I' = the price-income situation, and construction by attempting to translate the
note the uniform effects which alterations in basic concept of utility and its implications into
I' induce in P', independently of referring to a behaviourist language referring to publicly~
(consciously intended) goal of marginal utility observable phenomena. Briefly, on this view, the
equilibrium E' (and ultimately maximum utility concept of utility is better understood as a pure-
244 Bernard Hodgson
ly structural feature of the theory of choice. 16 should be introduced into a scientific theory
To the extent that the term "utility" represents that could not be explicitly defined in terms of
a unique entity at all, it should be construed as vocabulary referring to publicly observable
a "logical construct" or "convenient fiction", data. But purposive language, in employing such
operating as a shorthand device for indicating mentalistic concepts as ends-in-view, reasons for
overt choices. Accordingly, the phrase "more actions, states of desire and preference, etc.,
utility" simply marks off the fact that "one makes at least prima facie reference to publicly
collection of goods is preferred to another", unobservable, introspective entities. Accordingly,
with the phrase "equal utility" indicating the one of the alleged virtues of bypassing such
fact that an agent is indifferent between several purposive concepts in a behaviourist construc-
collections, but where "preference" and "in- tion of CCT was that such a procedure would
difference" in turn are translated, respectively, permit "basing the theory on objectively observ-
as "choosing A rather than B, when both able data", thus rendering its hypotheses testable
are available", and "choosing A and B with and hence scientifically respectable.
equal frequency". Although this extremist conception of scien-
Now, it is especially significant that two of tific method is misguided, it has remained blood
the primary motives for such behaviourist re- brother to the expulsion of value considerations
interpretations of the theoretically vocabulary from economic theory-construction. And the
of CCT have been elicited by the twofold con- ethical neutrality thereby allegedly secured has
troversy of this paper. For, as our system- been understood in a very strong sense. Let me
theoretic economists see it, only by constructing elucidate this point more fully.
a conceptual framework in terms of behavioural- Suppose we were to make the critical demar-
ly defined variables is the econorhic theorist cation of cases wherein the economist in con-
able to steer clear of the twin rocks of purposive structing CCT:
explanation and value-laden theories. It is worth (a) restricts himself to a description of the
briefly observing the reasons such economists value systems held by the agents whose behaviour
feel obliged to follow a behaviourist course, and he is studying from,
why they believe it provides clear sailing. (b) includes h/s own (moral) value-judgments
In the first place, many of them are skeptical as part of the content of the theory.
that the purportedly mechanistic explanatory Of course, only (b) would remove the "value-
system of their classical utilitarian forbears freedom" of CCT, would entail that the theory
ever entirely succeeded in divesting itself of incorporates (allegedly illicit) moral presupposi-
purposive concepts. In particular, the explana- tions. And yet, it does appear that the economic
tory role played by the "secondary impressions" processes described in CCT as the realization of
of desire and preference remained suspect. Were equilibrium and thereby the maximation of
not economic agents still being conceived as utility are at least intended by economists as
performing actions in order to attain a desired instances of type (a), as denoting outcomes of
goal of pleasure, and, therefore, their behaviour evaluation in the weaker sense of those of the
being explained by the end to which it naturally consumer, not the economist. Surely a positive
leads? answer to this question is inescapable, given the
Such purposive language, however affronts fact that what is to be explained, namely the
the methodological scruples of system-theoretic, choices of agents, suggests that their evaluations
and indeed, most neoclassical economists. For determine the desirability of available objects of
this orthodoxy remains wedded to a primitive choice. In short, should not the use of the term
"operationalist" philosophy of science, intro- "utility" be construed as providing a concept
duced over forty years ago, and to whose first to stand for the evaluative basis of any consumer
formulation ever its original proponents have choice?
long ceased to adhere. Basically, such an opera- Not according to our economic behaviourists.
tionalism proposed that no technical concepts For they have defined utility in terms of a con-
The Problem of Teleology 245

cept of choice which might be called "choice The transition from descriptive to policy
simpticiter", referring to the overt act of select- science presented no barriers to the traditional
ing an object in the context of obtainable alter- Utilitarian version of CCT. Indeed, within that
natives, irrespective of questions concerning framework, the descriptive and normative uses
what reasons or evaluations, if any, might be were two sides of the same theoretical coin. For
determining the choices. In this way their tactics consumer behaviour was described and explained
fit hand-in-glove with the intention to conceive in terms of an agent being motivated to choose
of the axioms of CCT as value-free. For they maximum anticipated happiness, and happiness
lead to the conclusion that these axioms do not constituted the agent's ultimate good. But once
report the determinate content of valuations at this utilitarian knot between positive and
all, even of the consumers whose behaviour is normative aspects of behaviour is severed, either
to be explained. Afortiori, the axioms of CCT on grounds of its moral or empirical inadequacy,
would not include the value-judgments of the the amenability of descriptive theories of choice
neo-classical economists who have constructed to normative employment becomes problematic.
the theory. In this regard, in tackling the policy side of the
In sum, if the system-behaviourist construc- theory of choice, the analyses of behaviourists
tions of CCT are defensible, "official view" suggest that they have not perceived that the
economists can have their theoretical cake and normative-descriptive gap, once closed by
eat it. Not only would their conception of the Utilitarian definition, requires careful bridging
"unity of science" be supported by the elimina- when the utilitarian link is abandoned.
tion through translation of purposive concepts Suppose, then, the system-behaviourist is
from a foundational theory-CCT, but their asked why the consumer ought to allocate his
conception of such unity would also be promoted income to purchasing that combination of
by the behaviourist guarantee of ethical neutrali- commodities at the equilibrium point, E'. In
ty for CCT. economic parlance, why would the "welfare"
As I see it, however, economic theory gags of the consumer be at its maximum if he made
on the cake offered by such behaviourist analyses such a purchase? May such equilibria also be
of consumer choice. I have argued elsewhere reasonably construed as optima? Now, it will
that behaviourist versions of mechanistic reduc- be recalled that system-behaviourists do continue
tions of CCT truncate the theory's explanatory to use their version of a "utility function" for
power. But such a collusion also mangles the individual consumers. However, the behaviourist
normative dimension of theories of rational concept of utility has been employed strictly
choice such as CCT. The remainder of this paper within the limits of a descriptive theory intend-
will attempt to sustain this charge. ing only to explain or predict actual choices, and
where "utility" has been scrupulously shorn of
value connotations. Accordingly, ascending
IV degrees of the "utility function" are taken to
number successively higher levels of 'preference'
Now it is significant that those economists who for sets of commodity-bundles (between which
belong to the orthodox group which espouses the consumer is indifferent), but where "set
ethical neutrality would not wish to disavow the A is preferred to set B" has been given the
normative applicability of CCT. For, along with behavioural meaning "A has been chosen rather
their opponents, they intend to put the theory than B, even though B could have been chosen".
of choice to normative use as a policy science In effect, therefore, the maximization principle
prescribing rules for the optimal pattern of affirming that a consumer will choose that
choices to be undertaken by the rational con- combination of goods which maximizes his
sumer. But system-behaviourist renditions of utility is to be interpreted as meaning that,
mechanistic formulations of CCT bar its norma- assuming constant tastes, prices and income,
tive deployment. Let me expand on this claim. he will choose that combination A rather than
246 Bernard Hodgson
any other available ones B, C, D, etc. given that rather than the other available possibilities.
A has been chosen rather than B, C, D, etc. But surely, the proposition "S purchases what
in his past behaviour. Or, in epistemic terms, he has regularly chosen rather than available
within CCT an agent is (implicitly) defined as alternatives" does not, in itself, logically entail
maximizing his utility, if and only if he chooses "S secures maximum personal satisfaction".
that object which, on the basis of historical Only if background assumptions are (implicitly)
evidence, he has indicated he has an overriding included in the content of the proposition "S
propensity to choose. chooses A" specifying the reasons or motives
But the question remains as to whether what for the choice, or the standards of evaluation
Little advocates 27 as a translation of a (descrip- used by S in making choices in terms of some
tive) utility theory into choice theory permits kind of desirability of ends, would there possibly
a defensible normative application in prescribing be an entailment relation between "S chooses
what choice a "rational" consumer ought to A rather than B" and "S secures more satisfac-
make in seeking to maximize what is "good" for tion from A than B". But inclusion of reasons,
him. Suppose, for instance, we were to construct motives and value-standards for choosing has
a "welfare" function for an individual consumer, been deliberately and systematically renounced
where individual points described by this "W- in the system-behaviourist interpretation of CCT.
function" represented consumer choice ordered Of course, the economic behaviourist is free to
normatively, according to whether any choice covertly rely on mentalistic concepts such as
was "better", "equally good", or "worse" than reasons, which he has formerly repudiated as
any other choice. And let us call the utility inadmissible in the construction of scientific
function of CCT defined by economic behaviour- t h e o r i e s - but inconsistency is a more obvious
ists the U-function. We might then put our ques- scientific vice than the mentalism he professedly
tion as to the normative usefulness of the abjures.
system-behaviourist construction of CCT by
adapting a succinct formula of Kenneth Boulding
-viz., Is the U-function identical with any V
defensible W-function?
The answer to this question, moreover, is not Besides obstructing the normative applicability
as automatic and straightforward as many trea- of CCT, crudely mechanistic analyses of rational
tises in economic theory suggest. That is, it is choice have issued in unwarranted moral perspec-
not the case that we can unproblematically tives on economic theory. In this regard, how-
simply rechristen CCT, construed behaviour- ever, recent system-theoretic constructions
istically as a 'positive' model explaining actual merely update the misconceptions of their
choice, as a normative model adequately pre- Utilitarian ancestors. Hence, the following
scribing worthwhile choices. This rechristening critical comments may be taken as a plague on
would indeed be possible if there were some both their houses.
kind of necessary connection between economic What is philosophically at stake here has its
choices conforming to the equilibrium point, origins in certain pivotal features of the purposive
E', and the good of the individual. But even if explanation of human action. We find, then,
we were, for the sake of argument, to permit the that such accounts make at least implicit re-
consumer's good to be equated with his own ference to the deliberative, problem-solving,
maximum happiness, a behaviouristic inter- cognitive capacities of human agents. Herein
pretation of CCT precludes the affirmation of an agent is conceived not merely as an unreflec-
such a necessary connection. As presented above, tive object, being moved passively and 'auto-
under a system-behaviourist analysis, the equi- matically' by external stimuli. Rather the
librium point is taken to refer to a maximally human subject or person is conceived as a self-
preferred purchase only in the sense that the moving agent, capable of correctly understand-
consumer has r~gularly chosen that bundle ing his environmental 'situation', preliminary
The Problem of Teleology 247

to forming intelligent choices from amongst point is appreciated, it makes all the difference
alternative courses of action in order to most with respect to the question of whether pur-
efficiently attain the end to which he himself posive explanation can be assimilated to explana-
imputes a value. tions of the 'ordinary' causal variety.
In order to gain a critical view of the method- Consider, then, that by an 'ordinary' causal
ological implications of this deliberative dimen- explanation we understand a 'purely mechanistic'
sion of purposive explanations, it will be fruit- one as outlined above. As instances of such ex-
ful to examine certain aspects of the 'purely planations we can take our accounts of the varia-
mechanistic' explanations of 'merely physical' tions in body temperatue or the movement of
phenomena, that is, those wherein questions of the physical sphere in its semi-circular container.
the exercise of rational thought-processes are Now, it is clear that the explanations provided
not at issue, even when such explanations bear for both these phenomena are factually sound.
important structural similarities to the purposive It is empirically true that gravitational phenom-
explanation of human behaviour. I refer again to ena, in the former case, and physiological
system-theoretic explanations of physical phe- processes, in the latter, do regularly occur as
nomena that employ the notion of the move- described. More precisely, the general laws
ment of a physical system towards some type of covering such events have been empirically
equilibrium. Consider, for example, accounts of validated. Furthermore, the cause-effect se-
the physiological processes involved in the main- quences referred to by these laws are, in a crucial
tenance of the temperature of the human body, sense, 'unintentional' or 'automatic'. Briefly,
or the movement of a sphere in a semi-circular in a sense to be explicated more fully below, by
container. Both of these cases refer to equilibrat- an automatic causal process we shall understand
ing phenomena: with respect to the former, one which is not dependent on deliberate control
this aspect has been clarified above; with respect - that is, conscious, intentional human decision.
to the latter, we might briefly take note of the Hence, both natural gravitational processes and
fact that if the sphere is displaced from a posi- the human organism's temperature mechanisms
tion of rest at the base of the container, then, can be classified as automatic - they both occur
within a certain range of displacement, it will independently of human intention.
return to its original 'steady-state' at the base. Again, the preceding have been two cases of
In this structural respect, furthermore, such ordinary or 'purely mechanistic' causal explana-
physical movements do not differ from a wide tion. Consider, however, a sub-class of the class
range of intentional human actions that exhibit of purposive explanations. In particular let us
equilibrating tendencies. In particular, thus, we investigate a purposive reading of the explanatory
have noticed that they do not differ from the model provided by CCT. Seen in this light, we
consumer choices described by neo-classical are better able to appreciate that the proffered
economic theory. explanations of CCT are factually true only
In general, then, we may observe that certain for the ideal case of the actions of the rational
kinds of natural events and human activities, i.e. economic man and (generally) false ff claimed
those to which 'equilibrating' or homeostatic to describe the behaviour of other agents. More-
properties can be significantly ascribed, display over, to the extent that a consumer's behaviour
a similarity of logical structure. However, it is fails to agree with the predictions of the axioms
of the first importance for present purposes to of CCT, although directing his behaviour towards
realize that whether or not any sequence of the equilibrium end affirmed in CCT, i.e. the
events, natural or human, exhibit a tendency to maximization of his utility, then such behaviour
establish a steady state or (stable) equilibrium can be criticized as not being the product of the
is entirely an empirical q u e s t i o n - there is no appropriate deliberative processes embedded in
necessary, a priori reason why any kind of actual CCT as means towards utility maximization. In
events, in the natural or human domain, would short, according to the explanatory model, the
exhibit equilibrating tendencies. But once this consumer has acted irrationally. Nevertheless,
248 Bernard Hodgson
his unsuccessful behaviour is rectifiable, on con- of such processes to a rational agent's deliberative
dition that he consciously subjects it to revised assessment. And, thus such explanation can be
practical reasoning or intentional control by placed in the class of causal explanation, but not
adopting the means encapsulated by the axioms. of the 'ordinary' or purely mechanistic kind.
For instance, his original foundering might have Nevertheless, it should be noted that this con-
been due to transgressing Axiom 3, by not order- ception of the consumer's agency or self-deter-
ing his preferences in a transitive manner. Such mination does not commit us to an acceptance
a mistake is, however, avoidable through a re- of a libertarian doctrine of "contra-causal"
newed deliberation that recognizes the necessity freedom. For we are not denying that there
of a transitive ordering for attaining the equili- might be antecedent conditions, say factors of
brium providing for maximum utility. In sum, his learning experience, which are necessary and
the equilibrating processes described by CCT are jointly sufficient causal conditions for the
not, in league with gravitational phenomena and rational consumer's acquisition of the requisite
the body's ho meostati c temperature mechanisms, knowledge, and such learning is as subject to
species of the 'ordinary' causal variety as adum- the governance of deterministic causal laws as
brated above. That is, the causal sequences re- other phenomena.
ferred to by CCT are not 'automatic', they can Further light can be shed on the distinction
and do vary (succeed or fail) in reaching their between automatic equilibrating systems and
equilibrium state in proportion to the rationality those involving intentional control by examining
or irrationality of intentional human delibera- the differences in the nature of the equilibrium
tion and decision. "end-state" of each. Of course, in an important
Furthermore, it is in this sense of rational sense, the equilibrium states of automatic and
consumers being able to correct for irrational deliberative equilibrating systems are similar,
activity by means of reflective deliberation, since such end-states, if they are realized by
that an understandable and genuine sense can either type of system are consequences or effects
be given to the concept of a consumer as a self- of prior causal processes - in the former case of
determining and responsible agent. For their non-purposive mechanisms, in the latter case,
behaviour, unlike moving spheres and automatic of purposive decision-making. However, the
physiological processes, is not the inevitable effects themselves can be instructively dis-
'blind' effect of unavoidable external causal criminated. It is empirically true that automatic
conditions. For, in so far as the consumer can end-states occur irrespective of the excellence of
clarify his end-in-view, and understand and deliberative processes, whereas intentional end-
critically appraise his past purchasing behaviour states obtain only on condition that the events
in realizing that end, the knowledge thus acquired of the equilibrating system can be correctly
can itself function as a new causal condition per- described as rational deliberative processes. Put
mitting and indeed inducing different, more another way, defective deliberative events
rational purchasing behaviour in the future. In constitute interfering conditions for intentional
this sense, then, the consumer-agent has 'liber- equiliberating systems, but not for automatic
ated' himself from the constraint of ignorance ones. It is not unexpected, therefore, that it is
implicit in the previous set of causal antecedents, less generally true that equilibrium states obtain
which ignorance brought about irrational for intentional systems than for automatic
behaviour. Moreover, since his purchasing is ones - for the simple reason that the 'irrational'
corrigible by means of his own practical delibera- interfering conditions to which the former are
tion, he can be legitimately considered responsi- subject are not rare, but all too frequent human
ble for his consumption practices. In general, the phenomena.
processes referred to by 'rational man' explana- On the other hand, writers on economic
tions belong to the general class of causal se- methodology in the neo-classical tradition have
quences, but also to the sub-class of those causal typically underplayed or misrepresented the
processes which are corrigible upon submission deliberative aspect of the equilibrating processes
The Problem of Teleology 249

of economic choices. Some, in failing to observe cedent and consequent conditions formulated
the role that deliberate control can play in the by the law. That is, if the antecedent conditions
actual occurrence of equilibrium, seem to simply are realized, the occurrence of such a state of
assimilate the kind of equilibrating mechanisms affairs is always a sufficient condition for the
appropriate to a theory of rational choice such occurrence of the event mentioned in the
as CCT to those of automatic physical systems, consequent. Even if the regularity referred to
in viewing the entire economy as a system of by the law is one of human behaviour, the
"impersonal market forces". In this light, as uniform conjunction of antecedent and conse-
long as he is free from external "perturbating quent events is not alterable by human control
factors" like governmental control, the con- or decision. Nevertheless, it is to be remembered
sumer is conceived, irrespective of his practical that the conditional supported by a universal
reasoning, to be moved by "natural" market law is a counterfactual one asserting that if
mechanisms to his maximum satisfaction. In- certain initial conditions were satisfied, then
deed, Blaug 18 goes so far as to suggest that certain events would regularly follow. But the
Adam Smith's "invisible hand", which allegedly central consideration with respect to laws of
functions to ensure that the pursuit of self- human behaviour is that, although the regular
interest will promote the common good, be sequence between antecedent and consequent
identified with the "automatic equilibrating events is not amenable to human choice, it
mechanisms" postulated by ne0-classical theories frequently is accessible to an agent's conscious
of producer and consumer behaviour. decision as to whether or not the antecedent
The sort of confusion exemplified by Blaug conditions will be satisfied. In this way, the
is often compounded in neo-classical discussions behaviour characterized by the consequent
of economic methodology through a misconcep- conditions, which behaviour is necessitated if
tion of the meaning of the "necessi~;y" or "un- the antecedent conditions were to occur, is
alterability" of the regularities described by rendered avoidable for rational agents. (And,
deterministic scientific laws. Since consumer of course, if the antecedent conditions of an
activity in accord with CCT was conceptual- empirical law are not satisfied, the fact that the
ized as a mechamism not significantly different consequent event does not take place offers no
from inanimate natural processes in the level refutation of the law.)
of complexity of its antecedent determi- It is just this failure to appreciate the precise
nants, it was typically concluded that such be- role which deliberative processes or practical
haviour must occur, in the sense that it was reasoning play in the manner in which human
u n.;voidable. And this condition was underwritten behaviour validates social scientific laws which
by an over-simplified reduction of the laws of has led to the endorsement of an ill-founded
economics to those of physics. Because the ethical standpoint towards C C T - indeed to-
consumer's 'situation', antecedent to his choices, wards 'mainstream' economic theory in general.
was not (correctly) understood as being acces- Of course, we might immediately object that
sible to his conscious revision, the laws cor- any such standpoint would be methodologically
relating such antecedent states with his subse- incoherent. For, in the light of their official
quent choices and their outcomes were consid- claim to ethical neutrality in the construction of
ered to be as timelessly applicable as the laws of their theories, have not neo-classical economists
physics; hence, these laws were understood to qua economists restrained themselves from
govern behaviour which could be deemed in- moral commitments in general? Apparently not.
evitable and unalterable. Moreover, their strategy in this regard is one
However, even if, in general, teleological of theoretical treachery. No doubt, whether
descriptiOns can be "reduced to" a mechanistic the neo-classicist is fully conscious of his theo-
counterpart, this type of mechanistic interpreta- retical subterfuge, or merely its unwitting victim,
tion of economic behaviour is a specious one. is something only his psycho-analyst and Marx
Admittedly, a universal law of nature does assert know for sure. In any case, let me unravel the
a relation of causal necessity between the ante- treachery.
250 Bernard Hodgson

In simplified form, the epistemic phase of commitment to normative claims, being con-
their argument (call it Q) can be presented thus- cerned only to conjecture and confirm descrip-
ly: tive hypotheses. Accordingly, he might remind
P1 I f economic behaviour is predicted us that the system-behaviourist constructions of
by deterministic laws, then any CCT, by forgoing any reference to the 'mental-
such behaviour is causally necessi- istic' valuations determining the choices of even
the consumers under study, remain value-free
in an exceptionally strong sense. Nevertheless,
P2 X-type economic behaviour is pre-
dicted in the consequence of a as a responsible 'citizen', he is fully justified in
morally commending given behaviour which
deterministic law
C X-type behaviour is (causally) inevi- accords with the axioms of his covering theory
table - that is, it will occur and - a n d in an unimpeachable, because 'scientific'
cannot be avoided. sense. For, again, it just so happened that it was
empirically necessary, according to scientific
Now consider that it /s true that X-type law, that economic subjects exhibit the behaviour
behaviour - say a pattern of consumer choice - predicted by his theory; afortiori the only
gives expression to certain moral principles. practicable moral principles for guiding consumer
And let us assume that such behaviour does, activity would be the ones already expressed by
as a matter of observable fact, occur. Finally, actual consumer practices. 19
suppose we define ethico-economic conserva- However, in the light of our analysis of the
tivism in terms of a disposition to endorse de import of cognitive processes on equilibrating
facto economic behaviour as morally desirable models involving the identification of rational
and, therefore, not to be altered. action, we can see the fallacy in the neo-classical,
But if the preceding assumptions did obtain, "conservative" argument. Basically, the conserva-
and argument Q were sound, then our neo-clas- tive errs because he equivocates with respect
sical conservative would have adequately de- to the meaning of the phrase "behaviour which
fended his supportive attitude towards the is compatible with scientific laws of human
ethics of actual economic behaviour. For he behaviour". As we have seen, it is true that if
would be the bearer of a happy coincidence. the antecedent conditions of an economic (or
Not only would de facto economic behaviour be any other) law are satisfied, then the behaviour
in accord with his moral principles, but no predicted in the consequent is causally necessi-
other behaviour prescribed by different moral tated - no alternative behaviour is possible, such
principles would be empirically possible, since behaviour being incompatible with the implica-
only the behaviour actually occurring would tions of the law. Nevertheless, it is possible, by
be compatible with scientific law. Consequent- means of the practical deliberations of economic
ly, recommending that the actions of economic agents, that the satisfaction of the antecedent
agents exhibit conformity to an alternative set conditions be avoided, and, thus, the behaviour
of moral principles than the one with which which otherwise would have been necessitated,
they already do agree would be pointless - after had such conditions been fulfilled, need not take
all, "ought implies can" and the moral principles place. And if alternative behaviour does occur,
recommended by our economic conservative it might very well be in conformity to different
are the only ones with which economic behaviour moral principles than those espoused in the con-
can comply. Moreover, the conservative could servative's allegiance to the moral principles
also plausibly contend that he could have it being followed in the economic status quo.
both ways - viz. that he could adopt an attitude (Nevertheless, it is important to realize that if
of moral approval towards the prevailing pattern such novel behaviour does occur, it does not
of economic behaviour while still preserving his thereby constitute a phenomenon which is
ethical neutrality as a scientist. For, as a respon- incompatible with the scientific (economic)
sible theorist, he might continue to disclaim any law at issue, since, ex hypothesi, such behaviour
The Problem of Teleology 251

is outside of the scope of the antecedent con- 8 See W.S. Jevons, op. cir. and F.Y. Edgeworth,
ditions formulated in the law.) Mathematical Psychics (London, 1932).
This conclusion, furthermore, is o f even more 9 In this regard, see the historical studies of A.G.
general significance with respect to the ethical Pikler, 'Utility Theories in Field Physics and Mathe-
implications o f received economic theory. For matical Economics', (I) and (II) British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, 1954 and 1955.
consider that contrary to the disclaimers o f the 10 A.G. Pikler, op. cir. p. 303f.
"official view", neo-classical economics does 11 See S. R. Krupp, 'Equilibrium Theory in Economics
have a particular moral system embedded within and Functionalism as Types of Explanation' for a general
it. In that case, the naively mechanistic view discussion of 'functional analyses' of economic behaviour.
o f economic behaviour outlined above would Krupp's article appears in Functionalism in the Social
arrest criticism o f whatever moral foundations Sciences, Monograph No. 5 of the American Academy
neo-classical t h e o r y did (covertly) comprise. of Political and Social Sicence, Philadelphia, 1965, pp.
For, again, the mechanistic mis-reading o f 84-110.
economic processes w o u l d suggest no need, in- 1~ As an example of a mechanistic approach, see James
deed w o u l d preclude the possibility, o f an G. Miller's 'Introduction', in Chicago Behavioural
alternative moral foundation for economic Sciences Publications No. I: Profits and Problems of
Homeostatic Modes in the Behavioural Sciences. For
theory. I believe, moreover, that the statements
an affirmaton that mechanistic structures are inap-
o f neo-classical theory do presuppose moral
propriate to explain the behaviour of "higher level"
values. I also believe that crudely mechanistic systems such as individual agents and social groups,
articulations o f the economic theory o f rational see E. Laszlo, System, Structure and Experience, (New
choice have undercut criticism o f these values. York, 1969), Chapt. 1.
Reasoned support for my claims, however, must 13 For the claim that system approaches to economic
be deferred until an examination o f the integra- theory are based primarily on an analogy with mecha-
tion o f substantive ethical commitments in the nistic systems see G. Pikler, op. cir.; K. Boulding,
construction o f economic theory can be under- ~eneral Systems Theory - The Skeleton of a Science',
taken. in his Beyond Economics (Ann Arbor, U. of Michigan
Press, 1968), esp. pp. 95-97; F.H. Knight, On the
History and Method of Economics (Chicago, 1956),
Chapt. VIII.
Notes 14 L. von Bertalanffy, General Systems Theory (New
York, 1965), p. 55, my parentheses.
1 G.L.S. Shackle, A Scheme of Economic Theory, p. is I put "end" in single quotation marks here as indicat-
ix. ing that it is to be understood mechanistically, merely
2 The locus classicus is M. Friedman 'The Methodology as the terminating point of a natural process, rather than
of Positive Economics', in his Essays in Positive Eco- as an "end-in-view" or goal at which an agent conscious-
nomics (University of Chicago, 1953). ly aims.
3 W.S. Jevons, Theory of Political Economy (4th ed., 16 For a representative endorsement of this viewpoint
London, 1924), p. 21. see J. Rottenberg, 'Values and Value Theory in Eco-
4 Some representatives of this view are A.R. Louch, nomics', in S. R. Krupp ted.), The Structure of Economic
Explanation and Human Action (Oxford, 1966); P. Science (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1966), pp. 22ff, or I.
Winch, The Idea of a Social Science (London, 1958) ; W. D.M. Little, A Critique of Welfare Economics, 2nd ed.
H. Dray, Laws and Explanation in History (London, (Oxford, 1957), Ch. 2.
1957) and R.S. Peters, The Concept of Motivation 17 I.D.M. Little, op. cit., p. 35.
(2nd ed., London, 1960). 18 M. Blaug, Economic Theory in Retrospect, p. 59.
s See, e.g., A. R. Louch, op. cir., p. 74, 197. 19 Pareto, in his theory of income distribution provides
6 See, e.g., K. Khppholz, 'Value Judgments and Eco- an early and emphatic example of such neo-classical
nomics', The British Journal for the Philosophy of moral conservatism. In his Cours d'Economie Politique
Science 15 (1964), 97-114. (1896), Pareto formulated what he took to be an em-
7 See, in this respect, L. Robbins An Essay on the pMcal law expressing a regularity in the distribution of
Nature and Significance of Economic Science (London, personal income, for any country, in any historical
1952), pp. 75f. period, thusly: N = A x - B , where N is the numer of
252 Bernard Hodgson

persons receiving income x or more, and A and B are conscious purpose of the whole proceeding. With
constants. Moreover, Pareto was an ardent advocate distribution, on the other hand, men are said to
of both (i) value-free social science and (i_i) the moral be allowed, in fact, all kinds of arbitrary action. 2
worth of classical liberalism, affirming the incontrovert-
ible right of freedom of choice for individual economic Marx's point, then, is that, in order to covert-
agents, along with its implied doctrine of laissez-faire ly defend and entrench what are in fact alterable
governmental policy. Applied to questions of income "bourgeous" social relations in the sphere o f
distribution such liberalism proscribed political interven- production - that is, institutional norms within
tion to remove the de facto inequalities of income that a capitalist form o f society prescribing such
had resulted from the operation of 'natural market
conventions as entitlements to the ownership
mechanisms'. Most importantly, Pareto saw no in-
of private property economists like Mill have
consistency in such a moral commitment and his value
neutrality as a scientist. For he believed, in virtue of fallaciously re-classified such transient, corrigible
the empirical necessity asserted by his positive income conventions as "irrevocable" empirical laws, to
law, that such intervention would, in any case, be futile which an economic subject must conform.
in the long run; afortiori such an outcome was empirical- According to Marx, such m e t h o d s . . . " c o n f o u n d
ly inevitable independently of his personal moral views or extinguish all historical differences in general
- even though, by an allegedly undesigned coincidence h u m a n laws", 3 where such historical conditions
they did happen to be of the laissez-faire variety. refer to determinate forms o f p r o d u c t i o n
correlated with a particular type of society's
institutional arrangements - such as legal condi-
Appendix tions on property ownership in activities o f
capitalist production.
The kind of misunderstanding o f neo-classical It seems to me that one can describe the
theorists with respect to the logic o f validating accuracy o f Marx's critique o f Mill as right in
social scientific laws, argued above, is well illus- its spirit, although confusedly expressed in its
trated in Marx's critique o f methodological letter. For it is true that Mill and the neo-classical
aspects o f J. S. Mill's theory o f production. Mill, economists following Mill have been guilty o f
in his Principles o f Political Economy had misrepresenting the meaning o f "ultimate laws...
argued that to which we can only conform". In effect, these
theorists are under the mistaken impression,
...the laws and conditions of the production of analysed above, that the presence o f a universal
wealth, partake of the character of physical truths.
law governing a type o f h u m a n behaviour entails
There is nothing optional, or arbitrary in them...
these are ultimate laws, which we did not make, the inevitability or unavoidability o f the occur-
which we cannot alter, and to which we can only rence and recurrence of that kind of behaviour.
conform. 1 And, seemingly, by a fortunate b u t allegedly
undesigned coincidence this behaviour also
To these constraining laws o f production c o n f o r m e d to the neo-classical evaluative stan-
Mill contrasted the "rules" for the distribution dard o f "rational economic man". However, as
of wealth which were constructed entirely on Marx noticed, the behavioural satisfaction o f
the basis o f social customs that were a matter such laws was not, contrary to the implicit
for voluntary h u m a n choice. Accordingly, such beliefs o f Mill and later neo-classicists, "in-
rules could vary directly with intentional variance d e p e n d e n t o f history". In other words, as I see
in choice. Marx, however, attacked Mill's analysis, it, Marx obliquely appreciated the conditional
charging that Mill had represented p r o d u c t i o n . . . aspect of the validation o f empirical laws. That distinction from distribution etc. as framed in is, only if certain initial conditions were satis-
eternal natural laws independent of history: this is fied, which sometimes requires the fulfillment
the occasion for passing off, in art underhand way, of 'historical conditions', would the behaviour
bourgeois relations as irrevocable natural laws of predicted in the consequent o f such a law be
society in the abstract. This is the more or less causally necessitated. But historical conditions
The Problem o f Teleotogy 253

vary with changes in the type of productive false when such historical contingencies change.
processes prevailing in a particular historical Such a conclusion is, however, confused and
period. Accordingly, when such historical condi- unnecessary. The relevance of "historical differ-
tions as a particurar kind o f productive process, ences" to the causation of economic or other
along with the legal conventions promoting the human behaviour can be preserved without
preservation of this process, do not exist, impugning the permanent status of the truth
the antecedent clause of the social scientific of social scientific laws; we need only realize
law will not be true, and, therefore, the be- that the truth of any empirical law is applicable
haviour described in its consequent will not only when the causal conditions specified in its
have been necessitated. In this sense, then, antecedent have been satisfied.
economic laws are not eternal laws which are The preceding observations of Marx's critique
"independent of history", since historical condi- of Mill took place within the context of theories
tions are included in the very formulation of the of production. However, as our argument in
antecedent conditions of these laws. the text attests, the conclusions here also apply,
As mentioned, however, Marx, although mutatis mutandis, to a correct understanding
vaguely recognizing the conditionality restric- of the theory of consumer choice (CCT).
tion of nomological necessitation, fails to get
his analysis entirely straight. For he misidentifies
the implications of his analysis with respect to Notes (Appendix)
the truth conditions of general laws. Thus, we
find Marx suggesting in the quoted passage that 1 j.S. Mill, The Principles of Political Economy,
economic laws themselves have only a transient, (London, 1848), Vol. 1, pp. 239-240.
temporary validity, being true for certain forms 2 K. Marx, 'Introduction to the Grundrisse', in T.
of production and their presupposed social or Carver (ec[.),Marx: Texts on Method, p. 53.
3 Ibid., p. 54.
institutional s e t t i n g - e.g. capitalistic processes
and the institution of private p r o p e r t y - and

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