Notice of Scheduled Power Interruption December 26-28, 2018

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Trogon Aphaanay edamit,, | rsotrst | rune sectonatiar [Perecton c Seren tne Cuore vo al tS, ‘esx (Church, Stone Hill, Cogooga, Km3, Mamega-Km3, _ |BENECO POWER INTERRUPTION: Esmee Subs SLU Sus Prom Goa Andry | Romeront Pome Maced OPWH acraraer, | 00am te ental Pelingento Amlog Ra, CuentoLTWO [Piece pemose | ps. emer | Soa | North Bantry mama Sat ee Ps Par, Pn Paet | ota Citing of Tree wwee | Ms21020%) mentary) scorn | _,foetrt0 lus Satya Pot bot Pete! fwar, ase] aan] Fost | Moa zoig —— oe Loe E tncomsie wmrcate: Best Ms-216-2018, Grose ng Pu, Bo, pero Wars, saieaot8 tara Boag ane arch Parse Sonera ares pn Og en Se aC PT ar BERETS POWER TERRUPTON [recount Secnsay Une A 2] ammecs | enone zoe — raat woromiaraa,| 0AM | tan | peadres Fst Sioa Da BaP at BERESO POWER WTERRUPTION "ote ee [Feeortciery ot Seco Ure A Ae A) eee roxas aad Can WRIST COR CTT BEES POWER WTERRUPTION acatere | oatene cee [row jopwiemacitessorareron| yap] aa] a | oPcatzcore sestonazr SS PTE aT EEO POWER WTERRUPTION: ean ots [over Revouangetny a | some ‘Substation Looted (2SKVA BOT, [constructed tines and (cont) \asay lat Rado 8 sats Tkphone& Cable Campane a ale iy des ‘on te cabanas atached one flected BENECO pols, ‘owas NGC? {Tis also saves as note tl concomed Gabe & Communion Companies tolepect and nse necessary sefsy mestuesacons 2. Aways consider nes enargue, Power mye rxted cara han he schadfed ine. For mor infoatonpaete contact be fawn nos 637-4400 local 608 607 / 09080697202 OOY7S021608 Poe2et2 [BENGUET ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. ‘South Dive, Baguio iy NOTICE OF POWER INTERRUPTION Please be informed that the BENGUET ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. (BENECO) is scheduling Electric Service Interruption on the following date/s and time: aT iE TSTNO.OF sua Quer ner. oF moetiveneo pnoveet ore | me | 808, | resnen | SQUIRE OF nen AFFECTED runeose a Ment : oR Ta an FN CO VS WOGE POWER NTERATTION welts, | ronnie | tame | paar ss marta eerecke marncy soe 7 al oven 00 PM ‘Substation aa Fuse Sectionalizer [Trinidad-Loakan (PEZA) 68KV_ ‘ote Trenmicen ts Pecx canton] _cveaner | pas SE Poe ay, Aba Bor BENECO POWER WTERRUPTON: a 7a] somes | _oncaeante sussatn | foes | cmos [ee Patton Secon Lee im a. cnn at Beil Wap ar EMSs Neco POWER ITERRUPTION ees nto, | soo nute renders | smva woos pana of eosney es se we] “ey _|_ Prowezo er acl vara SS De aI Sn aeNCCO POWER INTERRUPTION. — ; Tore | FOP | wen sentry | ecseror | tondet nan Remo tiage nc Std Pope cides mri [-RaccntontPae ioaesty OPW | nual aua| Noa | Matos Cone Bow tise Ros Gury Bok spre Guy [sec = aca tee vincent) | sao i aenECO POWER WTERRUFTON Fender 8 Ftecias hecaay can orsoro 1 so] cow etme Samp [tetema ‘of isan, Bagulo Cily (Elementary School, Coca-Cola |BENECO POWER INTERRUPTION: TS 256-2078 Maehove GD Ponp. Lamar) pus Todacan | Rajsten Pee Nosed DPW frmecs | wean ie Mts (irpaan wer os senghanstorReed, "lees, Wace | sasane | 800A to ‘B006040 _[Banangan Kame, Bayabas, Mongo, Pblecon, Peppa - Fonte | Mo-26 emoorz7,| "Ee pm Fewderoo | gattnnectner —[eann i a | Meares tama isn cao Bo BS Fo TO RGSS WOE FOWER TERRUPTONE sore | watch, Motsstwtaton] ——Cheutea ingen Suns Bon Htayen [Mets cosy woscui- orm ts | yt reat sconanescoons

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