How The Internship Changed Me VTFT 1

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Greta Hahn

Bell 2A

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow has changed the way I now view classrooms and

teachers. Before this class, I saw just an ordinary class with a teacher doing their job

with an amount of assigned students. At Cox I have gotten used to each student

minding their own business just ready to get out of high school and off to college. That

is the mindset I began to form, ready to get out of the house and start my life. When I

went to my internship I began to have a wake up call. My students everyday come in

with a big smile, well rested, and ready to learn. They never give Mrs. Callis attitude,

they put their best work forward on all assignments, always prepared when they come

into class. Although they are only in first grade, they remind me of how I used to be that

kid going to school. They made me open my eyes and realize how close I am to actually

graduating from high school, I soon will be continuing my life on my own. At Cox,

students countdown the days until they graduate; while my first graders countdown the

days until they can get back to school. In my interview with Jack, he states he can't wait

to get back to school to see Mrs. Callis and learn something new. The internship

changed me because I have given myself an attitude and reality check. I must look

forward to the days I have instead of counting them down. I will soon regret not

appreciating each day until I run out of them and the day I realize my mistake, I will be

moving out. I am so glad to have seen these attitudes because I have found the first

grader in myself for the future.

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