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Thursday, January 1, 2009
Penal Substitution (Atonement) Debate!
I am pleased to announce that a Reformed Protestant Apologist named "Turretin Fan"
has agreed to debate me on a very important theological issue: The Atonement.
The classical Protestant view of the Atonement is popularly termed "penal
substitution" (penal meaning punishment), a teaching which I as a Catholic believe
is an incorrect view of the Atonement (and thus not taught in Scripture).

The agreed upon resolution, schedule and rules for the debate are as follows:

Resolved: God imputed the guilt of the sins of the elect to Christ.
Affirmed: Turretin Fan
Denied: Nicholas E. (Nick)

Debate Start: Jan 4.

1. Affirmative Constructive Essay and Negative Constructive Essay - Due Jan 18.
2. Affirmative Rebuttal Essay - Due Feb 1.
3. Negative Rebuttal Essay - Due Feb 15.
4. Affirmative Cross-Examination Questions to the Negative - Due Mar 1.
5. Negative Cross-Examination Answers and Negative Cross-Examination Questions to
the Affirmative - Due Mar 15.
6. Affirmative Cross-Examination Answers to the Negative - Due Mar 29.
7. Negative Concluding Essay - Due April 12.
8. Affirmative Concluding Essay- Due April 26.

Debate End: April 26.

All Essays are 5k words maximum, while each of the 5 Questions are 1k words
maximum. The word limits include any citations and quotes.

(1) Each person will post their own essays on their own blog. The opponent can then
cut & paste the opposing response.

(2) Comment boxes for our Essays will be closed.

(3) Citing church documents, theologians, and other such references is allowed,
though the opponent is not necessarily bound to defend any claims other than his

(4) Formatting essay text (ie size, bold, underline, italics, etc) is allowed.
Posted by Nick at 2:07 PM
Labels: Debate, Passive Obedience, Penal Substitution
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Penal Substitution Debate - Affirmative Constructi...
Penal Substitution Debate - Negative Constructive ...
Penal Substitution (Atonement) Debate!
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