Comp Presentation Essay

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Maley 1

Jacob Maley

Mrs. Cramer

English Comp 1 Pd. 5A

2 November 2018

Presentation Essay

Even before I created my presentation, I had the thought in mind how can I create my

presentation to keep my audience engaged and, use all aspect of how people learn. Which are by

visuals, interactive activates (tactile), and by listening (auditory). With that in mind I created a

mental plan on how to touch all these aspects.

To keep my audience engaged in my presentation, I put color and chose an interesting

design. By doing this I can draw people's attention from any distraction in the room, and to what

I’m presenting. This acts like the caution signs on the side of the road brighter colors draw

attention. The best way to do that is by doing a power point because it gives you options for

design and different colors, so that is what I chose.

As I stated previously to make sure people of all learning styles learn from my

presentation, I made sure it had an aspect of all of them. For example, for the tactile part I put

space in my hand out to make it more interactive. For the auditory learners I’ll make sure when I

present to clearly speak. Lastly, I used photos and explained them to make sure the visual

learners retain the information. Finally, to be positive that they were learning from the

presentation I gave examples and definitions of all the terms listed. Which directly correlates

with the handout I am giving out.

Maley 2

In conclusion, I ordered my presentation and handout all in way to make sure everyone

learns, and I can give the presentation to the best of my ability. Which I plan to go over

everything before I present to assure that it is the best possible.

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