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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12

© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Student, Mathematics, Semarang State University, Indonesia
Teacher, Mathematics, Semarang State University, Indonesia
Students dropping out of school is an individual who no longer proceed or desist from his studies
before the appointed time for various reasons. In Indonesia, education that is compulsory for all citizens of
basic education is 9 years old. Although already issued rules for compulsory nine-year schooling on the fact
there are still many individual dropouts mainly due to economic factors. The purpose of this analysis is to
find out the forecast with some proper decomposition model for use in forecasting the percentage of students
dropping out of school of Central Java the year 2018 and results forecasting the percentage of students
dropping out of school level Elementary school, junior high school, senior high school and College the year
2018 in Central Java province based on the data of students dropping out of school 2009-2017 year of Central
Java province. The methods used in data collection method interviews, literature studies methods and
methods of documentation. The data used as analysis material retrieved from the Office of the Central Bureau
of statistics the Central Java province. In doing the forecasting the percentage of students dropping out of
school in the Central Java province year 2018 model Decomposition forecasting method used additives and
Based on the analysis already done retrieved model Decomposition can best describe the data the
percentage of students dropping out of school in Central Java province that is the model of the additive value
of the MAD amounted to 1,752 and MSD of 4,955, so that models These can be used in predicting student
dropout data Central Java the year 2018. Forecasting student dropouts Central Java province year 2018 is
expected to be utilized and make it easier for the users in the plan a policy.

Keywords: student dropouts, scholarship, education, decomposition.

1. INTRODUCTION In addition to contribute significantly to

economic development, education also incubate the
Education has an important role in the life qualified human resources, knowledge and skills as
of nation and State in creating qualified human well as master the technology, as well as be able to
resources. Through educational efforts improved the foster a healthy business climate and conducive to
welfare of the people can be realized. Education is economic growth.2
so important in the development and survival of the In Indonesia, education that is compulsory
nation, as described in the Constitution of the for all citizens was 9 years of basic education or
Republic of Indonesia Number 20 years 2003 article named reasonable dikdas 9 years old. The chance of
3 that "the function of national education develops obtaining a decent basic education is a right for
the ability to form the character of a dignified nation citizens, without exception. Equal rights in
civilization as well as in the framework of the obtaining education means the absence of
intellectual life of the nation, aimed at the background social, economic, cultural difference in
development of potential learners in order to become obtaining education for each student. Education is
a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, precious, the pillar for a country in the Act for the construction
healthy, have learned, accomplished, creative, of a nation. It is in accordance with the Constitution
independent, and become citizens of a democratic the number 20 years 2003 article 6 paragraph (1) and
and responsible".1 Education also contributed paragraph (2) which reads:
significantly to the economic development in 1. Every citizen over the age of seven to fifteen
Indonesia. years following the compulsory primary

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

2. Every citizen is responsible for the sustainability are students who are stated to have been out of
of the Organization of education.3 school before the time specified or stated before
Reduce the number of students dropping graduation and got a diploma from the school.8
out of school, the Government is already doing Bagong Suyanto holds, dropout is a child or an
pretty well already strategies include: granting of individual who is no longer continued his education
assistance funds Awarding educational scholarships or dropped out of school.9 Many things behind
for the poor, the BSM (Help poor students), KIP without an individual not continue her studies or
(Indonesia Smart Cards) and BIDIKMISI dropping out of school, according to Suyanto stated
(Scholarship poor students). But in fact there are still "the main factor is the economic difficulties of
citizens of school age who could not continue their dropouts or parents are not able to provide for his
education. It is in accordance with the Basic Law children's school fees".10 While the numbers are
number 20 year 2003 section 11 paragraph (2) which dropping out of school is the proportion of the
reads "the Government and the local government is population in the age groups of certain secondary
obliged to guarantee the availability of funds to this school dropout on the appropriate level of education
education for every citizen aged seven to five twelve by age group against inhabitants in the age group. 11
years ".4 But in fact there are still citizens of school From some of the opinions above regarding the
age who do not attend school anymore for some understanding of students dropping out of school, it
reason. In 2014 the percentage of Indonesia's youth can be inferred that the student dropouts are students
(ages 16-24 years) who did not attend school who do not complete or not being able to continue
anymore of 75.43 percent. The reason that no longer her studies in elementary school.
bersekola youth of 36.01% because there is no cost, Actually a lot of factors which are the cause
amounting to 23.77% because of work, amounting to of children dropping out of school is increasing.
14.25 because taking care of the household and of Factors that affect children dropping out of school,
25.97% due to other reasons. 5 From these data the as seen from internal factors, low interest and ability
biggest reason is because there is no cost, it is of the child to attend school, have low self-esteem,
evident that though the Government has already school is not considered interesting, and an inability
issued a student dropout prevention efforts turned to follow the lesson. External factors cause students
out to be not quite as effective. Based on the above dropout, economic families, the lack of attention to
uaraian, researchers try to meramalan the percentage the elderly and the environment play.9
of students dropping out of school in Central Java
Province Year 2018 to predict the amount of 2.3 Scholarship
Scholarship Using the decomposition Method. To deal with the main external factors cause
students dropping out of school, namely economic
2. THEORY families, the Government is attempting to give a
2.1 Education scholarship on families cannot afford. According to
Jumadi, scholarship is the grant in the form of
According to the legislation of the Republic of
financial assistance given to an individual who
Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 about national
intends to use for the sake of the continuity of
education system article 1 paragraph 1, education is
education traveled.12 Scholarships can be given by
a planned and conscious effort to bring about an
government agencies, companies or foundations.
atmosphere of learning and the learning process so
The awarding of the scholarship can be categorized
that learners actively develop the potential for him to
on the giving away free or the giving of the bond
have a religious spiritual strength, self-control,
work (commonly called bond) after completion of
personality, intelligence, akhal noble, as well as the
the education. According to the great Indonesian
necessary skills themselves, the community, the
Language Dictionary, the scholarship is awarded to
nation and the State. The line up consisted of
a student allowance or student help with the cost of
education formal education, non-formal and
informal which can be complementary and
There are many educational scholarship
assistance given the Government on poor families,
2.2 Student Dropouts here's an example14:
1. PIP (Program Indonesia Pintar)
Understanding of students dropping out of
2. Bidikmisi Scholarship
school, according to the great dictionary of
3. Affirmation of higher education Scholarships
Indonesian Language7, is a student who has yet to
finish his school had stopped. The opinion of Ali 4. Community Achievers Scholarship
Imron, stated that the definition of student dropouts 5. Scholarships From local government.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

2.4 Forecasting
Forecasting is an art and science to predict
future events involving the retrieval of historical data
and projecting to the future.15 According to
Riduwan, forecasting is a process of systematically
predicting what might happen in the future based on
past information and now owned so that the guilty Figure 1 The Pattern of Horizontal
can be minimized. Forecasting gives no definitive
2. The Seasonal Pattern (S)
answer about what will happen, but rather trying to
Occurs when a data value which is
find approaches about what will happen so it can
influenced by seasonal factors (e.g. a
contribute to determine the best decision.16
particular quarter, month or week
According to Sudjana permalan is the estimate of
days). In general the data structure can
quantity or amount on the future based on past data
be described as Figure 2.
were analyzed scientifically, especially using
statistical methods.17 According to Whitten Jeffrey
Bentley, Lonnie D and Dittan Kevin C18, forecasting
method is divided into two, namely:
1. Qualitative Methods
The qualitative method used in
historical data that there's not enough
representative for predicting the future.
Forecasting in this method considers the
opinions of the experts who are experts. Figure 2 A Pattern of Seasonal Data
Therefore, forecasting results are subjective so
are said to be less scientific. 3. Cyclical Pattern (C)
2. Metode Kuantitatif Occurs when the data is affected by
The use of quantitative methods are based long-term economic fluctuations such
on the existence of the availability of historical as those associated with the business
data and a set of mathematical rules to predict cycle. In general the data structure can
future results. According to Henny Julius 19, a be described as Figure 3.
variety of forecasting model that belongs to the
quantitative methods, namely:
1. Regression Models
An extension of the linear regression
methods were used to predict one variable
which has finite relationship with free
variables (independent) are known.
Figure 3 The Pattern of Cyclical Data
2. Econometric Model
Econometric models using a series of 4. Trend Pattern (T)
regression equations where there are Occurs when there is an increase or
dependent variables that stimulate decrease in long-term secular in the
economic segments like the price. data. In general the data structure can
3. The Model of Time Series Analysis be described as Figure 4.
Install a representative trend line with
historical data based on trend data and
projecting to the future. The pattern data
can be differentiated into four types of
pattern data20, namely:
1. The pattern of horizontal (H)
Occurs when a data which
fluctuate around the constant average
(these data are average values against Figure 4 The Pattern of Trend Data
the stationary). In general the data
Time series methods are suitable for forecasting
structure can be described as Figure 1.
short term or medium. The method is often used in
the technique of runtun time among other things 12:

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

a. Smoothing Method 𝐼𝑡 : the seasonal component in the period t
b. Decomposition Method 𝑇𝑡 : components of the trend in the period t,
𝐶𝑡 : components of the cycle period t,
2.5 Seasonal Decomposition Method 𝐸𝑡 : component error/random on perode t.
Smoothing method works based on the idea To model the data seasonal, can generally be
that if there is a particular pattern underlying the data used two types of models13, 25, 26, namely:
the pattern time series is distinguished from random 1. Additive Models
error with how smooth the leveling or the value of According to s. Yuni, Mozart d. Talakua
the past. Meanwhile, the decomposition method and a. Yopi Lesnussa27, average decomposition
based on the thought and effort to separate each method of simple assume on the additive model
component in the time series data. This method is mathematically can be written:
based on the fact that normally what has happened it 𝑋𝑡 = 𝑇𝑡 + 𝐶𝑡 + 𝐼𝑡 + 𝐸𝑡 (2)
would be repeated again with the same pattern.21 2. Multiplicative Models
Time series data often decomposition into According to s. Yuni, Mozart d. Talakua
multiple componen13, namely: and a. Yopi Lesnussa27, decomposition method
a. Trend (Tt) that is characterized by the presence on moving data (decomposition) assume that on
of forms the increase or decrease in data to the model multiplicative which mathematically
changes in time. can be written:
b. Seasonal (seasonal (It)) if the plot data visible 𝑋𝑡 = 𝑇𝑡 × 𝐶𝑡 × 𝐼𝑡 × 𝐸𝑡 (3)
presence of recurrent fluctuations (irregular)
past a certain time. 2.6 Software Minitab 18
c. Cycle (cyclical (Ct)) have a longer period than In the development of science and technology,
seasonal. the role of the computer as a set of tools that were
d. Components of random (irregular (Et)), in the created to ease the work of human beings in a variety
form of random pattern. of things is very important. One of them is in the
In practice, the decomposition is done only to processing of statistical data, because it is so right if
components of trend, seasonal and random. If a in analyzing data such as forecasting, data obtained
component is omitted data trends, then the process is processed quickly and precisely by utilizing
called detrended. If a data omitted his seasonal computer software so as to get the right results It's
component, then this process is called seasonal easy, fast and practical.28 As for measures of use of
decomposition (decomposition / seasonal software minitab 18 in doing forecasting as follows:
adjustment). In the decomposition of seasonal 1. Input data on worksheet1 and name the Data of
seasonal index, calculated that illustrates the students dropping out of school.
seasonal variations from data and using the seasonal 2. Forecasting using the decomposition method
indices to deseasonalize the seasonal components by a. The Additive Model
removing from data.13 Differences between seasonal 1) Steps i.e. click menu Stat  click Time
and cyclical is that seasonal repeats itself at a fixed Series  click Dekomposition.
interval such as year, month or week, while cycle has 2) Enter the student Dropout Data into
a longer period of time and the time that is different Variable, seasonal length in body 4 because
from the one to silus another cycle.22 there are four tiers of data i.e. elementary,
The decomposition has the assumption that junior high, high school and College, on the
data is composed as follows: Model Type select Additive, on Model
Components select plus seasonal Trend.
Data = f (trend, cycle, seasonal) + error (random) Check list on the kind of forecast, then on a
Number of forecast contents 4, because it
So, in addition to the components of the pattern, would be foretold by 4 levels above, for
there is an element of fault or to a wedding lull that Starting from the origin content with 36,
was considered was the difference between the because the data is numbered 36 and will
combined influence of these patterns with actual start the data foreseen to 37.
data. 3) click the Storage  then check list of Trend
The General mathematical approaches of line, Seasonals, Fits, Residual and Forecast
decomposition approach is20, 23, 24:  click OK  Click OK
𝑋𝑡 = 𝑓(𝐼𝑡 , 𝑇𝑡 , 𝐶𝑡 , 𝐸𝑡 ) (1) b. Multiplicative Model
Where: 1) Steps i.e. click menu Stat  click Time
𝑋𝑡 : the actual data in the period t, Series  click Dekomposition.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

2) Enter the student Dropout Data into 4. The cycle
Variable, seasonal length in body 4 5. Irregular
because there are four tiers of data i.e. 6. The size of the accuracy of forecasting
elementary, junior high, high school and As for the accuracy of the measurements is often
College, on the Model Type select used to find out the accuracy of a method of
Multiplicative, on Model Components forecasting in model time series data is as follows 31:
select plus seasonal Trend. Check list on a. MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) is a
the kind of forecast, then on a Number of measure of the relative precision used to know
forecast contents 4, because it would be presentese deviation results of forecasting.
foretold by 4 levels above, for Starting b. MAD (Mean Absolute Devotion) States the
from the origin content with 36, because deviation in forecast unit on the same data, with
the data is numbered 36 and will start the absolute value merata-ratakan error (deviation
data foreseen to 37. of the entire results).
3) click the Storage  then check list of c. MSD (Mean Square Devotion) is a measure of
Trend line, Seasonals, Fits, Residual and deviation of the forecast with quadratic merata-
Forecast  click OK  Click OK ratakan error (deviation of all predictions).
In phase of forecasting using their MSD
3. METHOD and MAD as a measure of the accuracy of
forecasting is most effective, because the MSD and
Data collection is a systematic and standardized
MAD is the size of the absolute that is heavily
procedures to obtain the necessary data. 29 Data
dependent on the scale of time series data. Because
collection was conducted in order to obtain the of those reasons, then use the calculation of the
information needed in order to achieve the research MAD and MSD.
objectives.30 The data collection methods used in
this research are:
1. The method of Documentation
The data used in this study i.e. data percentage of 4.1. The Result
students dropping out of school year 2010-2017 The data will be analyzed in this study i.e. data
Central Java Office of the Central Bureau of percentage of students dropping out of school 2009-
statistics the provision of Central Java. 2017 year of Central Java province, which will then
2. The method of Interview be used to predict the percentage of students
The method of interview is one of the techniques dropping out of school in Central Java Province year
of data collection undertaken by way of asking 2018 using the the decomposition method. The
directly at the source of the information. In this analysis in this study using Minitab software 18..
study, interviews were conducted with Table 1 Data on Student Dropouts (percent) of
stakeholders from the Central Bureau of statistics Central Java province Year 2009-2017
section that handles the IPDS data field sisiwa Year/ Age 7-12 13-15 16-18 19-24
dropped out of school in the Central Java 2009 1.07 14 46.24 88.95
province. 2010 0.97 13.67 44.28 83.19
3. the method of the study of Literature 2011 0.78 10.61 43.91 83.19
Based on references which are relevant and are 2012 0.59 9.96 40.41 83.19
used to gather the necessary information in the 2013 0.38 8.81 39.66 81.94
preparation of the report in the form of books, 2014 0.15 4.8 32.22 79.06
journals, scientific papers and others who 2015 0.09 4.22 32.05 78.9
support the preparation of this report. 2016 0.04 4.27 31.72 77.84
The data will be analyzed in this report, namely 2017 0 4.1 31.04 77.51
the data the percentage of students dropping out of Source : BPS Province Of Central Java
school 2009-2017 year of Central Java province,
With the use of software Minitab 18
which will then be used to predict the percentage of
retrieved results output and its analysis as follows.
students dropping out of school in Central Java
1. Model Identification
Province year 2018 using the method The
Time series plot against the percentage of
decomposition. The analysis in this study uses the
Students dropping out of school of Central Java
help of software Minitab 18. The analysis includes:
province Year 2009-2017 can be seen in Figure
1. Identification of the Model
5 below. Number Index 1 represents
2. Trend Analysis
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, 2 represents the
3. Analysis of Seasonal

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

junior high school, three represent the same students dropping out of school, namely:
level/Equivalent and 4 representing the College. 𝑌𝑡 = 71.14 − 1.741 × 𝑡, and Trend
analysis of Images obtained as follows:
Component Analysis for Data Siswa Putus Sekolah
Multiplicative Model
Original Data Detrended Data


40 2.5

0 0.0
1 7 14 21 28 35 1 7 14 21 28 35
Index Index

Seasonally Adjusted Data Seas. Adj. and Detr. Data


80 0


Figure 5 percentage of Students dropping out of school of 1 7 14

21 28 35 1 7 14
21 28 35

Central Java province Year 2009-2017

Figure 7 Trend Analysis Models
Based on Figure 5 above, it can be seen that Multiplicative
the recurrent time series pattern at any given
Based on the above, Figure 7 shows the
time. The average percentage of students
components for the actual data (the original
dropping out of school is increasing at every
data), data is not the trend (detrended data),
level of college education. The number of the
the data seasonal adjustments (seasonally
highest percentage of dropouts occurred on
adjusted data) and a combination of
Secondary College in the year 2009 and the
seasonal adjustment and trend data are not
lowest percentage of dropouts occurred on
seasonally adjusted ( and detrended data).
secondary Elementary school in 2017.
3. Analysis Of Seasonal
2. Analisis Trend
a. Additive Models
a. Trend Analysis
With the use of software Minitab analysis
Based on the analysis of the data using
seasonal Images obtained 18 as follows:
software MINITAB 18 linear trend Seasonal Analysis for Data Siswa Putus Sekolah
Additive Model
equation is obtained for the data the Seasonal Indices Detrended Data by Season
percentage of students dropping out of 40

school, namely: : 𝑌𝑡 = 38.050 − 0.3193 × 20


0 0
𝑡, and Trend analysis of Images obtained as -20

follows: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Percent Variation by Season Residuals by Season


Component Analysis for Data Siswa Putus Sekolah 30

Additive Model
20 0
Original Data Detrended Data
60 10
30 -5
50 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

0 -30 Figure 8 Analysis of Seasonal Additive Model

1 7 14 21 28 35 1 7 14 21 28 35
Index Index

Seasonally Adjusted Data

Seas. Adj. and Detr. Data In Figure 8 can be seen a seasonal analysis,

where the average index value of the season

25 are:
0 -5
1 7 14
21 28 35 1 7 14 21
28 35 Elementary school :-31.8687
Junor high school :-24.4450
Figure 6 Trend Analysis Model of additive
Senior high school : 6,719
Based on the above, Figure 6 shows the College : 49.5969
components for the actual data (the original The seasonal analysis demonstrating that a
data), data is not the trend (detrended data), seasonal indication of expectations has a
the data seasonal adjustments (seasonally value of 0% and the results we can is the
adjusted data) and a combination of percentage of students dropping out of
seasonal adjustment and trend data are not school at a level Equal to elementary school
seasonally adjusted ( and detrended data). is 3086.9% over the average value, junior
b. Multiplicative Model high school is 2344.5% above the average
Based on the analysis of the data using value, high school is 571.9% below value
software Minitab 18 linear trend equation is expectations, level of the College is
obtained for the data the percentage of 4859.7% below the value of hope. So it can

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

be seen that the level of elementary school a. Model Aditif
has a seasonal pattern. While at the college Irregular components showed a
level is the lowest index of seasonal index varying circumstances or are likely to be
desired. changed in the time series after other
b. Multiplicative Model components removed. This component is
With the use of software Minitab analysis called the residual or error. Prediction of the
seasonal Images obtained 18 as follows: percentage of students dropping out of
Seasonal Analysis for Data Siswa Putus Sekolah school in Central Java Province year 2018
Multiplicative Model
Seasonal Indices Detrended Data by Season every level is by multiplying the four
7.5 components namely the trend, seasonal,
cyclical and irregular each month to
0 0.0
produce the following prediction values:
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Percent Variation by Season Residuals by Season

Elementary school 2018 : -5.6336 = 0%
75 50 Junior high school 2018 : 1.4709 %
0 Senior high school 2018 : 32.3134 %
-50 College 2018 : 74.8741 %
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 For more details see our Figure data plot
Figure 8 Analysis of Seasonal Multiplicative time series Decomposition model the
Model following Additives:

In Figure 9 can be seen a seasonal

analysis, where the average index value of
the season are:
Elementary school : 0.00827
Junor high school : 0.21806
Senior high school : 1.22335
College : 2.55032
The seasonal analysis demonstrating that a
seasonal indication of expectations has a
value of 0% and the results we can is the Figure 10 Plots of Data Time Series
percentage of students dropping out of Decomposition Model of additive
school at a level Equal to elementary school
is 0.00827% over the average value, junior Figure 10 shows the results of
high school is 0.21806% above the average prediction percentage of students dropping
value, high school is 1.22335% below value out of school of Central Java the year 2018.
expectations, level of the College is In the graph shown that formed match
2.55032% below the value of hope. So it between trend and seasonal component
can be seen that the level of elementary which means the actual data quite well. We
school has a seasonal pattern. While at the can see that the average student dropouts
college level is the lowest index of seasonal decreased from every level of education.
index desired. Forecasting results in the year 2018
4. The cycle continued to decline compared to the
The effects of cyclical fluctuations is previous years.
defined as surging around the trend. Cyclical b. Model Multiplicative
pattern is difficult to model in a time series Irregular components showed a varying
since the pattern is typically not stable/fixed. circumstances or are likely to be changed in
Fluctuations like waves heaving around trend the time series after other components
rarely happen in a fixed time interval and the removed. This component is called the
magnitude of the fluctuations tend to vary. The residual or error. Prediction of the
decomposition method can be extended to percentage of students dropping out of
analyze cyclical data. However, due to the school in Central Java Province year 2018
irregular nature of cyclical, cyclical every level is by multiplying the four
components of penganalisaan often require the components namely the trend, seasonal,
discovery of the incident that happened to be. cyclical and irregular each month to
5. Irregular produce the following prediction values:

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Elementary school 2018 : 0.05562% decline. This may be caused because the good
Junior high school 2018 : 1.08630 % education system in Indonesia. It can be seen also for
Senior high school 2018 : 3.96455 % the highest percentage of students dropping out of
College 2018 : 7.82465 % school is still at the college level, while the lowest
For more details see our Figure percentage of students dropping out of school at the
data plot time series Decomposition model
primary school level.
the following:
Data analysis conducted in the search for
the best model that can describe the data the
percentage of students dropping out of school of
Central Java province, among others:
1. The Model Identification Stage
At this stage identification model to be
chosen the right model that can represent data
percentage of students dropping out of school
in Central Java Province. Identification model
Figure 11 Plot Of Data Time Series of runtun time done by creating a data plot
runtun time. Based on Figure 5 to see that data
Decomposition Model Multiplicative
the percentage of students dropping out of
Figure 11 shows the results school of Central Java province year 2009-
2017 have a trend or seasonal.
predicted percentage of students dropping
out of school of Central Java the year 2018. 2. Trend Analysis
In the graph shown that formed the Based on the results of the trend analysis
mismatch between trend and seasonal model of the linear trend equation obtained
component which means the actual data is Additive to data the percentage of students
not good enough. We can see that the dropping out of school, namely: 𝑌𝑡 =
average student dropouts decreased from 38.050 − 0.3193 × 𝑡, and a linear trend
every level of education. equation is obtained for the data the percentage
Forecasting results in the year 2018 of students dropping out of school, namely:
continued to decline compared to the 𝑌𝑡 = 71.14 − 1.741 × 𝑡 model Multiplicative.
previous years. When viewed from the picture based on Figure
6 and 7, shows the components for the actual
6. The determination of the best Model
data (the original data) model of dam
Determination of the best models we can Multiplicative Additives tend to be the same,
compare the values of the MAD and MSD from no data trend (detrended data) model of
experiments using Minitab 18, following the additives tend to be constant while the model
results of the model and model multiplicative Multiplicative cendenrung go up as time goes
additives: by, the seasonal adjustment of the data
(seasonally adjusted data) of different Additive
Table 1 results of the MAD and Additive Model and MSD models, tend to be constant at around 25 while
the Multiplicative model tends to fall over time,
and the combination of adjustments data on
Additive Model Model Multiplicative
seasonal and not trend (seasonally adjusted and
MAD 1.752 13.572 detrended data) Additive models tend not to
MSD 4.955 562.356 have the trend while the model Multiplicative
tend to have a rising trend
From the table above it can be concluded
that the forecasting model using the 3. Analysis Of Seasonal
Decomposition method of additive, better good At this stage can be seen to have
than on the model Multiplicative, evidenced by additive model better than the seasonal
the results of the calculations of Minitab 18. Multiplicative. Judging from the results of the
average index value, the model Multiplicative
in whole to be under value expectations index.
4.2. Discussion
Analysis of the model Aditifi has the top rated
Based on Figure 5 looks that the percentage at the level of elementary school with a value
of students dropping out of school shows conditions of 3086.9% above average. The lowest value of
that are not constant and tend to progressively the acquisition and analysis of seasonal model

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195

Multiplicative is present on the College level than the Multiplicative model, with the result
with a value below the average 255,032. of the additive model and model 4,955
4. Value Analysis Of Phase Cycle Multiplicative sebesar 562,356. as indicated in
The effects of cyclical fluctuations is table 5. Therefore, the results of the best
defined as surging around the trend. Cyclical forecasting method is to use the decomposition
pattern is difficult to model on the right in a model of additives.
time series since the pattern is typically not
stable/fixed. Fluctuations like waves heaving 6. Determination of the best models
around trend rarely happen in a fixed time The stage of determination of the best
interval and the magnitude of the fluctuations Model of the determination of the best models
tend to vary. The decomposition method can be we can compare the values of the MAD and
extended to analyze cyclical data. However, MSD from experiments using Minitab 18,
due to the irregular nature of cyclical, cyclical viewed from the value of the MAD, the
components analysis of the circuit often require additive model is smaller than the model
the discovery of the incident that happened to. Multiplicative that is of 1,742 and model
Multiplicative of 13,572. If viewed from the
5. Irregular Stage Additive model, MSD value was also better
Irregular components showed a varying than the Multiplicative model, with the result
circumstances or are likely to be changed in the of the additive model and model 4,955
time series after other components removed. Multiplikatof sebebesar 562,356. as indicated
This component is called the residual or error. in table 5. Therefore, the results of the best
Prediction of the percentage of students forecasting method is to use the decomposition
dropping out of school in Central Java Province model of additives.
year 2018 every level is by multiplying the four
components namely the trend, seasonal, 5. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
cyclical and irregular. The result is much
different between the additive and the model 5.1. Conclusion
Multiplicative. Additive models have the value Based on the above analysis of the results
of the percentage of students dropping out of obtained the following conclusions.
school the higher ranks of his education then 1. Model best describes the decomposition of the
the higher percentage. The result elementary percentage of students dropping out of school
school registration -5.6336% or equal to 0% in Central Java Province year 2018 is to use the
because the value minus, junior high school Additive model is supported with the results of
outcome of 2018 1.4709%, high school/2018 the calculation of the MAD amounted to 1,752
32.3134% and Equal level Colleges 2018 of and MSD calculation results of 4,955 berbantu
74.8741%. Model multiplicative also had the software Minitab 18.
same conclusion, namely the value of the 2. The results of the forecast percentage of
percentage of students dropping out of school students dropping out of school in Central Java
the higher ranks of his education then the Province year 2018 is the first forecast the
higher percentage. But the forecasting value is percentage of students dropping out of school
very much different. Results forecasting model primary level of 0%, forecasting the percentage
Multiplicative profit primary level of of students dropping out of school the first
0.05562%, junior high school/2018 1.08630%, middle school rate of 1.47% third, forecasting
high school level/Equivalent of 3.96455% in percentage students dropout of high school
2018. And persentase students dropped out of level 32.31% and lastly forecasting the
school at the highest level of College 7.82465% percentage of students dropping out of school
2018. level colleges of 74.87%.
The stage of determination of the best
Model of the determination of the best models 5.2. Suggestions
we can compare the values of the MAD and 1. In order for the reader To find out in
MSD from experiments using Minitab 18, advance about the material, and thus more
viewed from the value of the MAD, the forecasting, understanding this report.
additive model is smaller than the model 2. For related agencies so that this report be
Multiplicative that is of 1,742 and model input to address the large number of
Multiplicative of 13,572. If viewed from the students dropping out of school because of
Additive model, MSD value was also better economic factors.

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
14th January 2018. Vol. 97 No.12
© 2005 - ongoing JATIT & LLS

ISSN: 1992-8645 E-ISSN: 1817-3195


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