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Contact Katie Dungan

(919) 996-9043


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences begins new initiative for international collaboration

Peru delegates will travel to North Carolina State University to receive a specialized training
designed by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Office of International Programs.
With the unifying topic of climate change, the delegates will participate in training involving
research management, soils, potato seeds, erosion control, drought management. The goal of the training
is to provide the necessary information and blueprints to plan change so the Peruvian government and
universities can address their unique agricultural challenges.
Future partnership opportunities include more trainings at NC State University and in Peru.
CREdO is connecting faculty to serve as subject matter experts and hosting visiting research scholars at
NC State University.

WHO: The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Office of International Programs
WHAT: A specialized training around climate change. They will learn about research methods, soils
management, potato production, and extension. This the start of an ongoing partnership and only part of
the work NC State will be doing with CREdO.
WHERE: North Carolina State University and a number of additional visits to North Carolina farms,
public and private organizations, and governmental agencies.
WHEN: January 13-26, 2019
WHY: One of the first programs of CREdO (Connecting Research, Education and Outreach). The
initiative breaks the status quo of universities working strictly with institutions and connects a variety of
stakeholders. CREdO connects stakeholders with relevant expertise to solve agriculture challenges.

Sara Prado is the CREdO Program Coordinator and will be available for contact at
You may contact her for further details regarding the training itinerary and visits.

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