TDA 3.1 Unit 3

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TDA 3.

1 communication and professional relationships

Outcome 3

3.1) Any adults who work with children in any manor will need to know about legislations as
this will affect their work. There are two main legislation’s that cover data General Data
Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Every child matters 2003.
Every child matters was introduced after the Victoria Climbie case. This legislation allows
professional services such as the police, NHS, council services and safeguarding services pass
on information about a certain case. This is so they can get all the information together and
create like a mind map of the issues.
In schools’ parents are carers are asked for a wide range of personal details such as phone
number and address so that schools can care for children as effectively as possible while in
their care. Schools can still only ask for information that is relevant such as; health or
medical records, previous school records and SEN records. All these are protected under the
GDPR. This information is confidential which means it must be kept safe and not given out.

3.2) It is important that children, adults and young people know that their information is
kept secure at all times. They need to know that their information is kept protected. If a
parent or child was disclosing sensitive information to the school, they have the right for
that disclosure to be kept confidential and not spread; if it’s spread it will soon become the
victim of chatter. If they weren’t aware of the fact that their information was confidential
then they are unlikely to open up and come forward with any information. They will know
that the details will be passed on to the relevant authorities and personnel, but this is only
for the benefit of the case and will help you.
If there is a meeting or event at school then the participants should be told about
confidentiality and what information will be passed, this will reassure them and help with
the process. If any information has to be passed on, then usually parents will have to have
consent for any information regarding their child to be passed on. However, if there is any
indication that the child is in any risk or danger then the school has a legal obligation to
disclose the information without having consent.
There are certain cases in school when all staff members must know certain information
about a child, for example, if a child has certain medical conditions like asthma, diabetes
and epilepsy then staff need to be made aware. Parents/ carers will be reassured that this
information is only being shared because it Is relevant to the safety and health of their child.

3.3) Within school, all personal information is completely confidential, however there are
situations where these protocols must be breached.
If a child is talking to you in school and then they disclose serious information (safeguarding)
to you then this is a situation where data confidential must be breached. Let’s say child
abuse is suspected you will need to tell the safeguarding lead at the school for this to be
dealt with appropriately and effectively, you should make sure that you have told the child
that you can’t keep this confidential and you will have to pass on the information that they
have told you.
If there is a serious incident at school which involves the child or a specific child, then data
protocols must be breached. For example, a child is in PE and they’re using the gymnastics
apparatus and they fall off and they have a suspected leg break and have hit their head,
then you will have to pass on the information of the child to the emergency services who
will need to know details of the child and their parent/carer. This is so the child can have the
best help without having any restrictions, if the child has any allergies then the school
should be aware of this and then this will help with the treatment, so they don’t receive
anything that they are allergic too.

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