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Questionnaire to be filled officer of Electric Utility North West District, Amhara Mass Media
Agency , Ethio Telecome North west Destrict in Bahir Dar City directly supervised by women
managers. Commented [ta1]: Grammatically incorrect

Researcher: Abeba Mekonen

Contact Address: +251-918780210

Research Topic: - The Effect Of Women Managers on Organizational Performance the case of
Government Enterprise in Bahir Dar City.
Dear Respondents:-
I would like to express my earnest appreciation for your generous time, honest and prompt
This questionnaire is designed to collect data about the effect of women managers on organizational
Performance the case of government enterprise in Bahir Dar city. The information that you offer me Commented [ta2]: ?

with this questionnaire will be used as a primary data in my case research which I am conducting as
a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master’s of Business Administration
(MBA) at University of Gondar under the school of management and public administration.
Therefore, this research is to be evaluated in terms of its contribution to our understanding of effect
of women managers and Its relationship to organizational Performance and its contribution to
improvements in the area. I need your help and would appreciate your sparing 20 minutes to
complete the attached questionnaire and answer the questions related to women mangers' role in
your company. Results will be used to help and expand our knowledge and understanding of any
major shift in managerial practices. All answers will be kept strictly confidential and only aggregate
results will be reported.
General Instructions
 There is no need of writing your name.

 In all cases where answer options are available please tick (✓) in the appropriate box.
 For questions that demands your opinion, please try to honestly describe as per the questions
on the space provided
I want to assure you that this research is only for academic purpose authorized by University of
Gondar. No other person will have to access this data collected. In any sort of report I might
publish, but, I will not include any information that will make it possible to identify any
Thank you again!
Section I: Participant Information
1. Sex: Male
2. Which of the following age categories describes you?
55 and above Commented [ta3]: Make is ......

3. Number of years you have worked for the enterprise with women managers (in years) :
12 years or more Commented [ta4]: Experiance:—————-

4. Educational Qualification:
High school graduate Technical school graduate
College Diploma BA/BSc Degree
Masters Degree PhD
Other (please state) ______________________
5. Your field of specialization for your highest educational status____________________
Section II: Questions related to the effect of women managers its relationship to
Organizational Performance.
The following statements concern the women managers’ teamwork, commitment and leadership
practices of your organization. Commented [ta5]: Vague

Please indicate the extent of your agreement or disagreement with each statement by ticking (✓) in

the box corresponding to a number from 1 to 5 that represents your level of agreement or
disagreement. Thus, your answers to these questions will enable the researcher to explore the
effects of women managers on organizational Performance on Bahir Dar city. Commented [ta6]: Does the questionnaire shows the


Agree (4)
Neutral (3)
Disagree (2)
Strongly Agree(5)

Strongly Disagree(1)

I. Questions about women managers leadership in your organization

1 My women managers help us our team has a meaningful, shared purpose Commented [ta7]: Grammatically incorrect.
For which variable you designed it?
2 My women managers help us our team members clearly understand their roles.
3 My women managers help us our team to be problem solving results in effective
4 My women managers help us our team members appreciate one another's unique
5. My women managers help us our team able to resolve conflicts with other teams
6 My women managers help us our team members take personal responsibility for the
effectiveness of our team.
7 My women managers help us on working, our team inspires people to do your
B best
8 My women managers help us we have the skills we need to do our jobs effectively.
9 My women managers help us we are strongly committed to a shared mission.
10 My women managers helps us an individual's role changes, an intentional effort
is is made to clarify it for everyone on the team.
11 My women managers help us , we address and resolve issues quickly.
12 My women managers help us all team members are effective listeners.
13 My women managers help us we seek to arrange our priorities to meet the needs of
other work groups.
14 My women leaders helps us the team members maintain a can-do approach when
they encounter frustrating situation.
15 My women leaders helps us the team has a strong sense of accomplishment relative
to our work.
16 My women leaders help us we always ask ourselves, "How can we do better
tomorrow what we did today?"
II. Questions about women managers team work in your organization
17 My women leaders did make others feel good to be around me.
18 My women leaders did work others have complete faith in me.
19 My women leaders express with a few simple words what we could and should do.
20 My women leaders provide appealing images about what we can do.
21 My women leaders enable others to think about old problems in new ways.
22 My women leaders provide others with new ways of looking at puzzling things.
23 My women leaders help others develop themselves.
24 I My women leaders lets others know how I think they are doing.
25 My women leaders tell others what to do if they want to be rewarded for their work.
26 My women leaders provide recognition/rewards when others reach their goals.
27 As long as things are working, My women leaders do not try to change anything.
III. Questions about women managers commitment in your organization
28 My women leaders tell me and other friends this is a good organization to work for.
29 My women leaders tray to feel loyalty to this organization
30 My women leaders would accept almost any type of job assignment in order to
31 My women leaders’ offers excellent service to our customers.
32 My women leaders give customer satisfaction is a priority in my organization.
33 My women leaders responds well to customers when their needs
34 My women leaders believe that most important things that happen in life involve work.
35 My women leaders believes that work should be considered central to life.
36 My women leaders give an individualism life goals should be work oriented.
37 My women leaders believes that my career is a central interest in my life.
38 Working in my current profession is important to me.
39 My women leaders believe that my career is likely to take me to work for other
40 My women leaders enjoy her work most days.
41 My women leaders do interesting and challenging work.
42 My women leaders satisfied with her job
IV. Questions about women managers performance in your organization
43 I get the women managers , to do more than they expected to do Commented [ta8]: Rewrite all questions in this way.
Don’t use “my women manager help us”.
44 My women leaders heighten others desire to succeed
45 My women leaders increase others willingness to try harder
46 My women leaders effective in meeting others job-related needs
47 My women leaders effective in representing others to higher authority
48 My women leaders effective in meeting organizational requirements
49 My women leaders lead a group that is effective
50 My women leaders work with others in a satisfactory way
51 The women managers use methods of leadership that are satisfying

Thank you again!

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