Constant Head Permeability Test

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In the design of engineering projects, one of the most important soil properties of interestto
the soils engineer is permeability. To some degree, permeability will play a role in the
designof almost any structure. For example, the durability of concrete is related to its
permeability.In designs that make use of earthen materials (soils and rock) the permeability
of these materialswill usually be of great importance.Soils are permeable (water may flow
through them) because they consist not
only of solid particles, but a network of interconnected pores. The degree to which soils are
permeabledepends upon a number of factors, such as soil type, grain sizedistribution and
soil history. This degree of permeability is characterizedby the coefficient of
per meability.A number of different methods for determining the coefficient of permeability
for soilsexist, for soils exist, including in-
situ methods and laboratory methods. In the laboratory, twocommon tests are generally use
d to determine this soil property. These two tests are the fallinghead permeability test and
the constant head permeability test. Which test is used depends uponthe type of soil to be
tested. For soils of high permeability (sands and gravels) a constant headtest is used. For
soils of intermediate to low permeability, a falling head test is used. Aswe were testing sand
we used a constant head permeability test.By carrying out the constant
head permeability test we can determine the coefficients of permeability of given sand over
range of unit weights. During the test we can observe the phenomenon of piping.


To determine permeability of sands and gravels containing little or no silt.



At the end of this experiment, students are able to: b.

Describe the procedure to determine the coefficient of permeability of sands and

gravels based on ASTM D2434.c.

Identify the relationship between permeability and pore size of the coarse grained soils.d.

Measure the coefficient of permeability of sands and gravels containing little or no slit.


The most common permeability cell (permeameter) is 75mm in diameter and is intendedfor
sands containing particles up to about 5mm. A larger cell, 114mm, can be used for
testingsands containing particles up to about 10mm, i.e. medium gravel size. As a general
rule the ratioof the cell diameter to the diameter of the largest size of particle in significant
quantity should beat least 12. The constant head permeability cell is intended for testing
disturbed granular soilswhich are recompacted into the cell, either by using a specified
compactive effort, or to achieve acertain dry density, i.e. void ratio.In the constant head
test, water is made to flow through a column of soil under theapplication of a pressure
difference which remains constant, i.e. under a constant head. Theamount of water passing
through the soil in a known time is measured, and the permeability of the sample is
calculated by using Equation (1).If the connections to the cell are arranged so that water
flows upwards through the sample,the critical hydraulic gradient can be determined after
measuring the steady state permeability,and the effects of instability (boiling and piping) can
be observed. It is important that use onlyair-free water, and measures for preventing air
bubbling out of solution during these tests is verycrucial.



At the end of this experiment, students are able to: b.

Describe the procedure to determine the coefficient of permeability of sands and

gravels based on ASTM D2434.c.

Identify the relationship between permeability and pore size of the coarse grained soils.d.

Measure the coefficient of permeability of sands and gravels containing little or no slit.


The most common permeability cell (permeameter) is 75mm in diameter and is intendedfor
sands containing particles up to about 5mm. A larger cell, 114mm, can be used for
testingsands containing particles up to about 10mm, i.e. medium gravel size. As a general
rule the ratioof the cell diameter to the diameter of the largest size of particle in significant
quantity should beat least 12. The constant head permeability cell is intended for testing
disturbed granular soilswhich are recompacted into the cell, either by using a specified
compactive effort, or to achieve acertain dry density, i.e. void ratio.In the constant head
test, water is made to flow through a column of soil under theapplication of a pressure
difference which remains constant, i.e. under a constant head. Theamount of water passing
through the soil in a known time is measured, and the permeability of the sample is
calculated by using Equation (1).If the connections to the cell are arranged so that water
flows upwards through the sample,the critical hydraulic gradient can be determined after
measuring the steady state permeability,and the effects of instability (boiling and piping) can
be observed. It is important that use onlyair-free water, and measures for preventing air
bubbling out of solution during these tests is verycrucial.
Permeabili , k=q/Ai ………..Eqn (1)

Where: q = rate of flow,

A = area of sample,

i= hydraulic gradient,

=(h1-h2)/L (m/s)

h1-h2= head difference between 2 reference points

L = distance between 2 reference points


1.Constant head permeability cells, fitted with loading piston, perforated plates, flow
tubeconnections, piezometer nipples and connections, air bleed valve, sealing rings. Figure
1shows permeameter cells that commonly used in laboratory testing.Figure 1: Permeameter
cells for constant head test: (a) 75mm, (b) 114mm(Courtesy of ELE International, 2007


1. Prepare permeameter cell,

a.Remove the top plate assembly from the cell.

b.Measure the following dimensions:

i.Mean internal diameter (D mm),

ii.Distance between centres of each set of manometer connection pointsalong the axis of
the cell (L mm),

iii.Overall approximate internal length of cell (H


Calculate the following based on measured dimensions:i.

Area of cross-section of sample, A =


/4 mm

ii.Approximate mass of soil required, to fill the permeameter cell,V = A H

/1000 cm

iii. Approximate mass of soil required, if placed at a density


,mass =


/1000 g

2.Select sample,

a.Air-dry the soil which the test sample is to be taken.

b.Sieve the soil sample and any particles larger than 5 mm need to be removed bysieving.

c.The material needs to be reduced by the usual riffling process to produce several batches
of samples each about equal to the mass required to fill the permeameter cell

3. Prepare sample,

a.The sample may be placed in the permeameter cell by one of three methods:

i.Compacting by rodding,

ii. Dry pouring,

iii.Pouring through water

4. Assemble cell

a.Place a second porous disc (if one has already been used) and the second wiregauze disc
on top of the soil, followed by about 40mm thickness of glass balls or gravel filter material,

b.The level of the top surface of the filter should be within the limits required
toaccommodate the top plate,
c.Slacken the piston locking collar on the cell top, pull the piston up as far as it willgo, and re-
tighten the locking collar,

d.Fit the cell top on the cell and tighten it down into place by progressivelytightening the
clamping screws,e.

Release the piston locking collar and push the piston down until the perforated plate bears
on the filter material,f.

Hold it down firmly while the locking collar is re-tightened

5.Connect up cell

a.Connect the nozzle at the base of the cell to the de-aired water supply, and closethe inlet

b.Connect each piezometer point that is to be used to a manometer tube and closewith a
pinchcock close to the cell,

c.Connect the top outlet of the cell to the vacuum, fitted with a water trap, usingrigid plastic
or thick-walled rubber tubing

d.Close the air bleed screw on the cell top

6.Saturate and de-air sample

7.Connect up for test

8. Run test

a.Turn on the supply of de-aired water to the constant head device, which be at alow level

b.Open water supply valve that connect it to the cell, and the base outlet cock

c.Allow water to flow through the sample until the conditions appear to be steadyand the
water levels in the manometer tubes remain stationary

d.Adjust valve on the supply line to the constant head device so that there is acontinuous
small overflow; if this is excessive, the de-aired water will be wasted.

e.To start a test run, empty the measuring cylinder and start the timer at the instantthe
measuring cylinder is placed under the outlet overflow.

f.Record the clock time at which the first run is started

.g.Read the levels of the water in the manometer tubus (h


, etc) and measure thewater temperature (T

C) in the outlet reservoir.h.

When the level in the cylinder reaches a predetermined mark (such as 50ml or 200ml) stop
the clock, record the elapsed time to the nearest half second,

9. Repeat test

a. Emtpy the cylinder, and make four to six repeat runs at about 5 minutes intervals.


Dismantle cell 11.

Calculate results12.


Figure 2: General arrangement for constant head permeability test (downward

flow)(Courtesy of ELE Internation al, 2007)


Sample area,

A = 5026 mm


from lab sheet

Sample Volume,

V = 1166 cm



from lab sheet

Hydraulic gradient,

i = head difference (a to c)Difference distance= 38mm90mm= 0.42

Rate of flow,

= 390 ml/min= 390 ml/min x 1 lit/1000ml x 1 m

/1000 lit x 1 min/60sec

= 6.500 x 10



Rate of flow,

= 385 ml/min= 385 ml/min x 1 lit/1000ml x 1 m

/1000 lit x 1 min/60sec

= 6.417 x 10



Rate of flow,

= 380.33 ml/min= 383.33 ml/min x 1 lit/1000ml x 1 m

/1000 lit x 1 min/60sec

= 6.389 x 10



Rate of flow,

= 380 ml/min= 380 ml/min x 1 lit/1000ml x 1 m


/1000 lit x 1 min/60sec

= 6.333 x 10




== 6.500 x 10


(5.026 x 0.42)

= 3.079 x 10




== 6.417 x 10


(5.026 x 0.42)

= 3.040 x 10




== 6.389 x 10

(5.026 x 0.42)

= 3.027 x 10




== 6.333 x 10


(5.026 x 0.42)

= 3.000 x 10




q = Q / t
potential drainage.The coefficient of permeability may be defined as the flow velocity
produced by ahydraulic gradient of unity. The value of k is use as a measure of the resistance
to flow offered bythe soil, and it is affected by several factors:a)

The porosity of the soil. b)

The particle-size distribution.c)

The shape and orientation of soil particles.d)

The degree of saturation/presence of air.e)

The type of cation and thickness of adsorbed layers associated with clay mineral.f)

The viscosity of the soil water, which varies with temperature.


As a conclusion, we get the time is found to be constant at volume of water. The time weget
is faster. This is because the permeability of the gravel soil absorbs the water is low.
Thisgravel soil has a large molecular space. Therefore, the water diffusion rate is low. It
appears to bea function of three factors for a constant paste amount and character:
effective air void content,effective void size and drain down. From the coefficient of
permeability for the given sample of soil value, we can say that the rate of flow the sample
has get the value higher.

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