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Evolving concepts of heredity and genetics

in orthodontics
David S. Carlson
Dallas, Tex

The field of genetics emerged from the study of heredity early in the 20th century. Since that time, genetics has
progressed through a series of defined eras based on a number of major conceptual and technical advances.
Orthodontics also progressed through a series of conceptual stages over the past 100 years based in part on
the ongoing and often circular debate about the relative importance of heredity (nature) and the local environ-
ment (nurture) in the etiology and treatment of malocclusion and dentofacial deformities. During the past
20 years, significant advancements in understanding the genomic basis of craniofacial development and the
gene variants associated with dentofacial deformities have resulted in a convergence of the principles and con-
cepts in genetics and in orthodontics that will lead to significant advancement of orthodontic treatments. Funda-
mental concepts from genetics and applied translational research in orthodontics provide a foundation for a new
emphasis on precision orthodontics, which will establish a modern genomic basis for major improvements in the
treatment of malocclusion and dentofacial deformities as well as many other areas of concern to orthodontists
through the assessment of gene variants on a patient-by-patient basis. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

Heredity orthodontics in the late 19th century, there has been

I am the family face: debate regarding the roles of heredity and the environ-
Flesh perishes, I live on, ment, euphemistically referred to as nature and nurture,
Projecting trait and trace as causes of malocclusion and dentofacial deformities.
Through time to times anon, Ideas regarding inheritance of malocclusion and dento-
And leaping from place to place facial deformities during the early years of orthodontics
Over oblivion. were understandably naïve; even leaders in the study of
The years-heired feature that can
heredity at that time lacked understanding of the princi-
In curve and voice and eye ples of inheritance. Nevertheless, those early concepts
Despise the human span established a foundation for opinions regarding the
Of durance—that is I; role of genetics in craniofacial growth as well as clinical
The eternal thing in man, treatment of malocclusion and dentofacial deformities
That heeds no call to die for the past century or more.
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) The purpose of this article is to review the evolution

wareness that physical constitution and espe- of concepts in orthodontics in relation to discoveries and
cially facial appearance are passed from one advances in genetics. Emphasis will be placed on discus-
generation to the next, or are somehow in- sions about heredity and genetics that have appeared
herited, is as old as humankind. Since the inception of primarily in the official journal of the American Associa-
tion of Orthodontists. The rationale for that approach is
threefold. First, consideration of the essential elements of
Regents Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M Baylor Col- genetics, even limited to orthodontics, is far too extensive
lege of Dentistry, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Dallas, Tex.
Address correspondence to: David S. Carlson, 811 Berry Creek Cir, College to be covered adequately in this review. Comprehensive
Station, TX 77845; e-mail, carlson@tamhsc.edu. reviews of the basic principles of genetics that are impor-
Submitted, July 2015; revised and accepted, September 2015. tant for modern orthodontists can be found in other
Copyright Ó 2015 by the American Association of Orthodontists. recent articles.1-4 Second, a major purpose of official
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.09.012 journals associated with learned professions, such as
Carlson 923

orthodontics, is to give the community of professionals, BRIEF HISTORY OF GENETICS

in this case both practicing orthodontists and Aristotle and Hippocrates, in the 4th century BC, are
orthodontic researchers, the most timely and relevant generally credited with the first scholarly efforts to
information necessary to advance their specialty. provide an explanation of the mechanisms of heredity.
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the content Aristotle believed that physical traits are transmitted to
of the AJO-DO over its 100-year history provides a progeny through instructions found in seminal fluid
bellwether for contemporary thought and opinion in and menstrual blood. Hippocrates added that each phys-
the orthodontic community for understanding ical trait is predetermined and contained in discrete par-
genetics. Lastly, this article is part of the centennial ticles derived separately from the various regions of the
celebration of the rich tradition of both scientific bodies of the progenitors.
research and clinical advances provided by the
American Association of Orthodontists through its
Pre-Mendelian Era (19th Century)
official journal, and it is appropriate to celebrate the
occasion by looking most closely at the AJO-DO to Nearly 2400 years after Aristotle and Hippocrates,
appreciate those contributions. Charles Darwin (1809-1882) proposed that the inherited
The field of genetics emerged from the broader study particles passed from parents to offspring (“gemmules”)
of heredity that was initiated by classically trained natural are “blended” together in the zygote through the process
scientists beginning in the first part of the 20th century. of pangenesis to produce a combination of discrete
At approximately the same time, pioneering dentists were physical traits inherited separately from each progenitor.
developing mechanical devices for correction of irregu- August Weismann (1834-1914), who is often called the
larities of the occlusion and jaw deformities, marking father of genetics, added that the traits programmed by
the beginning of orthodontics. From the start, orthodon- the units of heredity are predetermined and immutable;
tic pioneers understood at least intuitively that heredity ie, they cannot be altered in development and form by
was a factor to be considered in determining the physical environmental or other factors.
constitution of progeny, including development of the
face and jaws. Moreover, early orthodontic thought Classical Era (1900-1930)
leaders such as Kingsley, Angle, and Case, among others, The field of genetics began to emerge at the turn of
were aware of the major concepts of heredity espoused by the 20th century with the rediscovery of experiments on
the leading natural scientists of the late 19th century: plant hybridization performed over 40 years earlier by
Darwin, Weismann, and Mendel. Although it was not un- Gregor Mendel. With Mendel's laws of inheritance as a
common to see the terms “inheritance” and “heredity” in foundation, quantitative methods were developed to
publications by early orthodontists, however, there was study traits across generations of animals and plants,
little real appreciation of their actual concepts and prin- giving rise to the study of transmission genetics and
ciples. Therefore, the orthodontic literature often quantitative population genetics. Research in structural
contained opinions about the role of heredity in the genetics led to the discovery that genes located on chro-
development of overall constitution, dentofacial growth, mosomes are the principal units of heredity. Finally,
and malocclusion that would now be considered archaic developmental genetics arose with recognition that
and in some instances fanciful. This is understandable, genes produce phenotypic traits through their expres-
since genetics was immature, and the education of early sion during the process of development. Thus began
dentists and orthodontists lacked the depth in biologic transformation of the study of heredity into the field
sciences that became the norm in dental schools decades of genetics as the study of the transmission, structure,
later.5,6 and function of the genes.
Accepted concepts in genetics and orthodontics each
progressed chronologically through a series of concep-
tual stages as they evolved. Most of those stages can DNA Era (1930-1970)
be considered as definitive eras that arose from ground- The DNA era of genetics was remarkable for ground-
breaking discoveries and advancements, such as the breaking discoveries that had wide-ranging impacts in
discovery of the structure of DNA and the completion all the biologic sciences. At the outset, the integration
of the human genome, leading in some cases to new par- of Mendel's laws of inheritance with paleontology in
adigms in the biologic sciences.7 Consideration of that the 1930s provided the basis for the synthetic theory
progression provides a convenient framework for under- of evolution. Also at that time, quantitative population
standing the evolution of concepts from genetics in the geneticists developed approaches for analysis of the her-
field of orthodontics (Table). itability of phenotypic traits.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2015  Vol 148  Issue 6
924 Carlson

Table. Major conceptual eras in genetics and orthodontics from late 19th century through the present; key
representative papers published in the AJO-DO are listed chronologically relative to major discoveries and conceptual
advancements in the study of heredity and the field of genetics
Major advances in the field of genetics Key papers on heredity and genetics in AJO-DO
Pre-Mendelian era: particulate heredity; predetermination; Preorthodontia era: orthodontic mechanics and tooth movement
Particles (gemmules) as units of heredity (Darwin 1868) 1860-1899 Kingsley (1880). Oral Deformities
Germ plasm as unit of heredity (Weismann 1892) Farrar (1889). Irregularities of the Teeth and Their Correction
Classical era: chromosomes and genes Orthodontia era: Nature’s Plan and Biologic Laws
Rediscovery of Mendel’s laws (de Vries, 1900) 1900 Angle (1902). Art in relation to orthodontia
Chromosome as unit of heredity (Sutton, 1904)
Genetics (Bateson, 1905) 1905 Angle (1907). Malocclusion of the Teeth
Case (1908). Dental Orthopedia
Genes located on chromosomes (Morgan, 1910) 1910 Angle, Case & Dewey: Extraction debate of 1911
Genes responsible for developmental program (Morgan, 1910)
First genetic map of a chromosome (Sturtevant, 1913)
Mendelian Laws applied to family pedigrees 1915 Zentler (1916). The factor of heredity in malocclusion
Start of population genetics (Fisher, 1916) Lischer (1916). Face facts
The Physical Basis of Heredity (Morgan, 1918) Lischer (1919). Variations and modifications of the facial features
1920 Case (1921) Laws of biology. in malocclusion
Case (1921). Practical application of biologic laws
Case (1921). Heredity and variation ethnologically considered
Theory of the Gene (Morgan, 1928) 1925 Dewey (1925). Facial deformities
Morehouse (1926). Hereditary influences in orthodontics
Keeler (1929). Heredity and its relation to dentistry
DNA era: structure of DNA; genes; evolutionary genetics; Heredity vs environment era: racial admixture, atavisms &
genetic code; epigenetics habits as causes of malocclusion
DNA found in chromosomes (Brachet, 1932) 1930 Korkhaus (1931) .inheritance of orthodontic malformations
Synthetic theory of evolution (Haldane, 1932) Todd (1932). Heredity and environment.in facial development
Bery (1932). .etiology of malocclusion
Genetics and Evolution (Dobzhanski, 1938) 1935 Berger (1938). Constitution, heredity and orthodontia
Rubbrecht (1939). .heredity of anomalies of the jaws
Sawin (1939). Application of .heredity to orthodontic
Modern concept of epigenetics (Waddington, 1940) 1940 Wilkinson (1940). .facial growth.inherent factors.
Genes code for proteins: central dogma of genetics Moore (1944). Heredity as a guide in dentofacial orthopedics
(Beadle 1942) Hughes (1944). Heredity . in the dentofacial complex
1945 Hughes (1945). Nature’s plan and orthodontics
Wylie (1948). Heredity and the orthodontist—..confusion
Snodgrasse (1948). Family line study in craniofacial growth
Structure of DNA (Watson & Crick, 1953) 1950 Cheney (1950) Heredity, growth and extraction
Curtner (1953). Predetermination of the adult face
1st identified chromosomal abnormality, trisomy 21 (1959) 1955 Asbell (1957). .family line transmission of dental occlusion
Noyes (1958). A review of the genetic influence on malocclusion
Kraus et al (1959). Heredity and the craniofacial complex
Operon Theory (Jacob & Monod, 1960) 1960 Publication hiatus
Genetic code defined (Crick et al, 1964)
1965 Van der Linden (1966). Genetic and environmental factors ..
Nepola (1969). Intrinsic.extrinsic factors influencing growth.
Genomics era: molecular biology of the gene; genetic Heritability era: pedigree analysis; prediction of dentofacial
engineering growth
Beginning of molecular biology 1970 Hunter (1972). The heritability of . growth of the human face
Recombinant DNA (Berg 1970) Salzmann (1972). . genetics and . the practice of orthodontics
Transgenic animal technology (Boyer & Cohen,1972) Nakata (1973). .prediction of craniofacial growth
DNA sequenced (Sanger, 1977) 1975 Harris & Kowalski (1976). . familial [data] in . treatment .
Salzmann (1978). Genetic considerations in clinical orthodontics
Corruccini & Potter (1979). .occlusal variation in twins
PCR amplification technique (1980) 1980 Harris & Smith (1980). .occlusion and arch widths in families
Watson (1980). Hereditary environment
Nakasima et al (1982). Heredity.in craniofacial morphology.

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Table. Continued

Major advances in the field of genetics Key papers on heredity and genetics in AJO-DO
Molecular Biology of the Gene (Watson et al, 1986) 1985 Publication hiatus
Cystic fibrosis (CFTR) sequenced (Collins & Tsui, 1988)
Knockout mouse technology (Capecchi et al., 1988)
1990 Harris & Johnson (1991). Heritability of craniometric .
Suzuki & Takahama (1991). . data . to predict growth ..
King et al. (1993) Heritability of cephalometric . variables.
Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation (Riggs, 1996) 1995 Harris & Potter (1997). Sources of bias in heritability studies
Human DNA sequence variation (Collins et al, 1997) Manfredi et al. (1997) Heritability of cephalometric parameters.
Moss (1997). The functional matrix hypothesis revisited.
Orthodontic genomics era: function of genes & gene products;
craniofacial anomalies
Pharmacogenomics (Pirmohamed, 2001) 2000 Vastardis (2000). The genetics of human tooth agenesis.
Human Genome Project completed (Collins, Venter 2003) Rabie et al. (2003) Functional appliance therapy [and] .growth
Detection of SNPs (Kwok & Chen, 2003) Mao & Nah (2004). .hereditary and mechanical modulations
HapMap Project completed (NIH, 2005) 2005 Iwasaki (2006) . tooth movement . IL-1 polymorphisms
Computational biology; bioinformatics (2006) Basto Lages et al. (2009) . polymorphism root resorption
The epigenomic era opens (Boylan & Schuebel, 2007) Viecilli et al. (2009) .mechanotransduction and P2X7R .
Postgenomic/epigenomic era: functional genomics; gene Postgenomic/epigenomics period: gene variants & dentofacial
regulation; SNPs; HapMap treatment
Genome-wide association studies of polymorphisms 2010 Bowers et al. (2010) . importance of a genetic [DX] .
Roadmap Epigenomics Program (NIH, 2011) Ting et al. (2011) . genetic polymorphisms [and] crowding
Sequencing-based tests for Down syndrome (2013) He et al. (2012) . CYP19A1 genotype and . jaw growth
Precision medicine period: personalized medicine based on Precision orthodontics period (emerging): personalized
genomics orthodontics based on genomics
Precision medicine (Collins & Varmus, 2015) 2015 Enomoto et al. (2015) Mastication [and] gene expression
$213 M in federal budget for precision medicine Huang et al. (2015) . orthodontic tooth movement: .
Ikuno et al. (2015) . [GWA] study for . prognathism

Discoveries in the 1940s and 1950s about the func- human genome in 2003; this made it possible to identify
tion and structure of the gene initiated a whole new genes and gene variants associated with a whole spec-
paradigm in genetics. Initially, discovery that genes trum of genetic diseases and disorders.
code for proteins provided the basis for the “central
dogma of genetics.” Subsequently, DNA was confirmed Postgenomic/Epigenomic Era (2010- )
as the basic chemical ingredient of genes. Finally, one Equipped with new and ever more powerful molecu-
of the most important discoveries in the history of lar methods such as next-generation sequencing and ge-
science occurred when James Watson and Francis netic engineering as well as knowledge of the human
Crick determined the structure of DNA as a double helix and mouse genomes, the postgenomic/epigenomic era
and thus provided a biochemical and structural basis is characterized by emphasis on application of the prin-
for replication and transmission of genetic material to ciples of genomics in many interrelated areas. Those
progeny. areas include studies of the function of specific genes
and gene products (functional genomics); normal gene
Genomics Era (1970-2010) variants such as single nucleotide polymorphisms as
Another paradigm shift in genetics occurred in the the basis of normal phenotypic variability; intrinsic and
1970s, primarily as a result of advancements in molecu- extrinsic environmental factors regulating gene expres-
lar biology leading to the development of methods to sion (epigenomics); and patterns of human genetic vari-
create recombinant DNA and sequence genes. In addi- ation and disease based on genetic polymorphisms
tion, new molecular methods for genetic engineering (haplotype mapping and genome-wide association
of experimental animals, such as transgenic and studies). In addition, mathematicians, biostatisticians,
knockout mouse models, allowed for analysis of the and computer scientists together developed sophisti-
function of individual genes and groups of genes in cated computer-based technologies for comparative
complex living animals. Advancement of molecular analysis of gene sequences and even whole genomes
technology culminated with the sequencing of the (bioinformatics).

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Precision medicine period. The vast amount of about the role of heredity and malocclusion during the
information emerging from research on the human orthodontia era.11 Edward Angle (1855-1930) and his
genome during the postgenomic/epigenomic era has followers believed in what he referred to as “nature's
now advanced sufficiently to begin to realize a major plan” for the normal function and form of the occlusal
goal of biomedical research: understanding individual plane. Angle was influenced by the work of Julius Wolff
susceptibility to certain diseases and response to treat- (1836-1902), a German orthopedic surgeon best known
ment. It is well known in medicine that the development, for development of Wolff's law, which simply stated
progression, and treatment outcomes associated with maintains that the form of a bone follows its function.
certain diseases and disorders vary considerably among Wolff, in turn, was greatly influenced by Naturphiloso-
patients. It is now understood that this susceptibility phie, which asserted that nature is essentially a mystical
and variability may be due primarily to minor, typically power that provides a blueprint for skeletal form, and
normal, genetic variations, or polymorphisms, including that normal “function” is the process by which nature
single nucleotide polymorphisms (it is estimated that the ensured the genesis of normal form.12 Angle and his
human genome contains over 2 million single nucleotide many followers thus believed that abnormal growth of
polymorphisms). Awareness that there may be an under- the jaws leading to malocclusion and dentofacial defor-
lying genomic basis for heterogeneity of response to mities is not inherited directly, but results from abnormal
treatment of many diseases and disorders led naturally function caused by “perverted” behavioral habits and
to a still-evolving new paradigm in medicine referred other external, environmental conditions.13 Further-
to initially as personalized medicine and now called more, Angle asserted that orthodontic appliances can
precision medicine.8 Precision medicine represents the “unpervert” forces on the developing jaws and thereby
current culmination of research in genetics based on stimulate normal growth of the occlusal arches.14,15
application of information about individual genomes Calvin Case16-18 (1847-1923) believed strongly that
to improve diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dis- science must provide the foundation of the new field
eases and disorders with an underlying genomic basis on of orthodontics. Accordingly, he relied on accepted
a patient-by-patient basis. scientific beliefs of the time about heredity to assert
that the skeletal structures of the face and occlusal
CONCEPTS OF HEREDITY AND GENETICS IN arches are inherited in their final size and form
ORTHODONTICS through what he referred to as biologic laws, by which
he primarily meant Darwin's concept of pangenesis
It was understood well before the 19th century that coupled with Weismann's belief in predetermined
forces applied to the teeth could cause them to be moved inheritance of discrete traits. Case thus used then-
to correct irregularities in dental alignment. Malocclu- accepted scientific concepts such as pangenesis and pre-
sion, the dental irregularity itself, was thought to be pre- determination of inherited traits to support his views
dominantly a result of “pressure habits” as well as dietary about atavism and the inability to influence growth of
deficiencies, endocrine malfunction, and even mental the jaws. According to Case, “the fantastic claims [by
degeneracy; few orthodontists considered malocclusion Angle and his followers] that ‘all malocclusions arise
to be hereditary.9,10 from local causes,’ and ‘God does not make such mis-
takes in forming human anatomies,’ and so on must
Orthodontia Era (1900-1930) be regarded as crass ignorance of the well established
The orthodontia era (1900-1930) began with the principles of heredity.”16 (Ironically, those concepts
inception of orthodontics in the United States, generally about heredity turned out to be erroneous.) Therefore,
considered to have taken place in the latter part of the tooth extraction is required to accommodate an in-
19th century with the work of Kingsley (1825-1896) herited mismatch between tooth size and the size of
and Farrar (1839-1913). Although ideas about inheri- the jaws and occlusal arches.
tance of dentofacial growth and form often were Pangenesis was rejected by geneticists by the 1920s.
mentioned at the outset of discussions by these and Nevertheless, Case,16-18 Kadner,19,20 and even later
other early leaders in orthodontics, emphasis typically orthodontic researchers continued to maintain that
shifted quickly to types and classifications of malocclu- the sizes of the maxilla and the mandible are
sions as well as different mechanical approaches to or- predetermined and inherited separately from the
thodontic tooth movement. mother and father.21,22 Thus, a prominent belief in the
The well-known controversy in orthodontics, the orthodontic community through at least the first
Great Extraction Debate of 1911, between followers of 3 decades of the 20th century was that malocclusion
Edward Angle and Calvin Case, epitomizes opinions occurs primarily as a result of “atavistic heredity from

December 2015  Vol 148  Issue 6 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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distant inharmonious progenitors” caused by that the study of twins provides a unique approach to
admixtures and blended inheritances with persons of separate the relative contributions of heredity and envi-
“lower races.” Acceptance of the ideas of atavism and ronment to physical constitution.33,36 From that point
miscegenation was also undoubtedly fueled by on, during the late 1930s and throughout the 1950s,
contemporary ideas of a hierarchy of racial “types” and much of orthodontic research focused on family
social prejudices regarding the mixing of certain ethnic pedigrees and especially on the study of twins from
and racial groups.23-25 the perspectives of Mendelian genetics.37-43 Virtually
all of those studies tended to support the newly
Hereditary vs Environment Era (1930-1970) popular opinion that heredity determines the size and
At the start of the hereditary vs environment era, shape of the jaws in both normal and abnormal
emphasis in the orthodontic literature centered on the development and growth.33,44,45 Thus, by the 1940s,
determining role of local environmental and behavioral opinions among most orthodontic educators and
factors such as airway (tonsils and adenoids); endocrine researchers had switched from abrogation of heredity
and metabolic disorders; disorders of the “blood as the primary factor determining normal and
glands”; pressure from the lips, tongue, and cheeks abnormal dentofacial growth and form to the position
caused by “perverted” oral habits; and other “constitu- that “today, the hereditary factors are considered first
tional factors.”21,22,26,27 According to Wylie,28 many in importance and [local environmental] factors second
dentists and orthodontists at the time had an actual in the process of growth and development.”46
bias against the idea that heredity might play a role in During its first 25 years, the AJO-DO published over
the development and growth of the dentofacial region, 20 articles that substantively addressed, positively and
and certainly that heredity might be important to their negatively, the role of heredity in the etiology of
profession. malocclusion (Fig 1). The number of articles increased
Nevertheless, in the aftermath of the Angle-Case considerably through the end of the 1940s because
debate, there was growing recognition in the orthodon- of enthusiasm for intrafamilial and twin studies. During
tic community at large of the need to become more the next 10 years, however, studies on heredity and
cognizant of the principles of heredity to improve under- genetics in orthodontics dropped dramatically, until
standing of dentofacial growth and malocclusion. That between 1960 and 1968 no substantive articles dealing
trend is readily apparent by publication in the AJO-DO, with heredity and genetics were published in the AJO-
beginning in the late 1920s, of invited articles by scien- DO. Although the hiatus in publications could have
tific experts from zoology, anthropology, and medicine been an anomaly of the AJO-DO alone, that does
as primers of the new sciences of heredity and evolution not appear to be true. There also were no articles
for orthodontists.20,29-34 For example, M. F. Guyer, dealing substantively with genetics published in the
professor of zoology at the University of Wisconsin, Angle Orthodontist from 1960 through 1968 and
provided the first discussion of Mendelian inheritance only 18 articles in all major journals between 1960
and use of the term “genetics” in the AJO-DO in and 1965.
1924.23 The practical but still theoretic basis for The hiatus of publications in the 1960s suggests
increased interest in the principles of heredity and their strongly that by the middle of the 20th century the
potential relevance for understanding malocclusion pendulum of opinion in the orthodontic community
was well summarized by Salzmann: “Since rational had swung back toward the view that contemporary
treatment of any [malocclusion and dentofacial] abnor- concepts from genetics had questionable value for the
mality necessitates a correct diagnosis and the determi- practice of orthodontics. Representing that point of
nation and removal of underlying causes, the ability to view, Harold Noyes, professor of orthodontics at the
distinguish developmental influences of an inherent na- University of Oregon, noted that from a practical stand-
ture, if they actually do exist, is imperative and such point, knowledge that a patient's malocclusion is due to
knowledge should be applied to diagnosis and treat- genetics would not alter his treatment. Noyes most likely
ment.”35 As evidence of this growing interest, by the spoke for most orthodontists when he stated that “while
mid-1930s and continuing through the 1940s, there I am intrigued with the science of genetics and im-
was a burst of scholarly publications in the AJO-DO pressed with its tremendous growth in the past few
dealing with the proportionate degree that heredity con- years, I feel that as yet it is essentially academic with
trols dentofacial growth and form. respect to the clinical practice of orthodontics and of
In the 1930s, a German orthodontist and a Belgian only occasional value as a tool in the diagnosis and
physician introduced the orthodontic community to treatment of malocclusion” [italics added].47 According
the idea developed in quantitative population genetics to Kraus et al from the University of Washington, “The

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1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
X = No publicaƟons











1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Fig 1. A, Number of articles published in the AJO-DO per decade at 5-year intervals from 1930 through
2014 that dealt substantively with heredity, genetics, and orthodontics; B, results of Web-based
searches for articles from all major scientific and clinical journals, 1960 through 2000, using the search
terms heredity or genetics and orthodontics or malocclusion. Sources: PubMed and Science Direct.

very nature of genic action, as far as geneticists under- or that, indeed, its heritability can be accurately as-
stand it at present time, precludes the notion that [the sessed” [italics added].48 Frans van der Linden, professor
dentofacial] complex has a simple genetic determinant of orthodontics at the University of Nijmegen in The

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Netherlands, similarly stated that “the effects of genetic cephalometry and multivariate statistical approaches
and environmental factors on the structure of the facial largely depended on the variables selected and could
complex have been oversimplified by many authors— only provide a measure of statistical associations
partly because of the limited information available on without consideration of their underlying genetic
hereditary influences and partly because of the typical causes. Thus, according to Stuart Hunter and colleagues
approach” of classical Mendelian analysis of family in the Department of Orthodontics at the University of
pedigrees.49 Michigan,55 they are “of questionable value when used
to predict adult dimensions in the offspring.”
Heritability Era (1970-2000) During the first 15 years of the heritability era, from
After the hiatus of the 1960s, in the 1971 John V. 1970 through the mid-1980s, the AJO-DO published
Mershon Memorial Lecture, J. A. Salzmann essentially is- approximately 20 articles that dealt substantively with
sued a “call to arms” to the orthodontic community heredity and the genetics of dentofacial growth and
when he noted that “We do not at present have the malocclusion. Then there was a second hiatus (1985-
knowledge and the instruments to enable us to obtain 1990) during which no substantive articles about hered-
prediction on genetic growth and development in the ity and genetics appeared in the AJO-DO.
antenatal stage or in the continuing dynamic phases af- The reasons behind this second hiatus in research and
ter birth. . . . [However, orthodontists must] perforce publication undoubtedly were similar in general to those
keep up with newer developments in [genetics], as for the hiatus during the 1960s: ie, frustration with
well as orthodontic therapy, if they expect to obtain bet- contemporary approaches to research on the genetics
ter results in the prevention and treatment of malocclu- of dentofacial growth and malocclusion and a lack of
sion in the future.”50 About the same time, the National confidence in the orthodontic community regarding
Institute of Dental Research organized 2 “state-of-the- the ability of the principles of genetics to predict dento-
art” workshops to review the contemporary status of or- facial growth with and without treatment. That sense of
thodontic research on the role of genetics in malocclu- frustration is readily apparent in an editorial entitled
sion and occlusal variation.51,52 Both workshops “Hereditary environment” by Wayne Watson, then editor
concluded that univariate analysis of twins and family of the American Journal of Orthodontics, who noted
pedigrees in general using classical Mendelian models that although the field of genetics has undergone an
of monogenic inheritance had failed to show genetic “explosion” of research that “can be seen and heard
mechanisms of dentofacial growth and malocclusion. around the world.research on the genetics of dental
They also jointly called for the development of more occlusion has had little effect on the daily practice of
sophisticated multivariate statistical methods that clinical orthodontics.”56
theoretically could be used to analyze polygenic By the mid-1980s, significant methodologic prob-
inheritance of dentofacial traits in human pedigrees to lems in contemporary studies of heritability overall had
determine the multifactorial basis of dentofacial form. become apparent to several researchers.57 For example,
Beginning in the mid-1970s, a number of orthodon- Corruccini and Potter58 and Harris and Johnson,59 ex-
tic researchers adopted multivariate statistical methods perts in quantitative genetics of dental and craniometric
to study the variability of specific metric features of data, identified significant problems regarding the selec-
the dentofacial complex to quantify proportionate de- tion of sample populations, cephalometric variables, and
grees of genetic and environmental contributions to overly simple assumptions about the meaning of esti-
dentofacial form: ie, the heritability of specific dentofa- mates of heritability for understanding the underlying
cial measurements. Researchers also continued to genetic mechanisms of craniometric and occlusal vari-
emphasize pedigree analysis with the idea that if it was ables. They also admonished orthodontic researchers
done properly with multivariate statistical methods, in- that estimates of heritability should be just the first
formation on heritability of dentofacial features would step in understanding the role of genetics in malocclu-
allow orthodontists to predict dentofacial growth and sion; they are not ends in themselves.60 Studies of heri-
adult form with and without orthodontic treatment.53,54 tability with cephalometrics and measurements of
Advances in computer technology permitted ortho- occlusion even in twins provide little direct information
dontic researchers to digitize radiographic cephalograms about the underlying genetic mechanisms and do not
and use multivariate statistical methods to explore pat- address the possibility of altered genetic expression
terns of craniometric variation in families, again with the caused by functional and other environmental factors.61
goal of providing more accurate predictions of dentofa- An additional issue prominent in orthodontics lead-
cial growth.54 It was apparent to some researchers, how- ing up to the 1985 to 1990 hiatus resulted in an even
ever, that even those more sophisticated methods for more general sense of uncertainty about the value of

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2015  Vol 148  Issue 6
930 Carlson

research on the role of genetics in dentofacial growth. dysmorphology became model systems that have
Beginning in the 1960s and extending through the proven to be especially relevant for understanding the
1980s, Melvin Moss,62-64 a preeminent craniofacial basic processes of the genomics and epigenomics of
biologist from Columbia University, developed the development overall.78-80
functional matrix hypothesis as an evolving conceptual The number of articles published in the orthodontic
framework that provided an alternative explanation to literature underscores once again the new emphasis by
genetics for the factors influencing development and orthodontic researchers on the genomics of craniofacial
growth of the craniofacial complex. Moss's position and dentofacial development. During the 30 years from
about the growth of the cephalic cartilages and gene 1970 to the end of the 20th century, over 400 articles on
functions during craniofacial development and growth, the combined topics of genetics or heredity and ortho-
as well as the significance of the functional matrix dontics were published in major scientific and clinical
hypothesis for treatment, was extreme and therefore journals worldwide; over 30 of those articles, an average
highly contentious. Nevertheless, the essentially all- of about 1 per year, appeared in the AJO-DO. The begin-
consuming debate in the entire orthodontic community ning of the 21st century saw a significant increase in
during the 1970s and 1980s related to the functional research on craniofacial genomics as indicated by more
matrix hypothesis had a significant impact because it than double the number of articles published on genetics
was a catalyst for a major shift of the prevailing concept and craniofacial development in all scientific and clinical
in craniofacial biology to what has been called the func- journals. This trend is mirrored closely by an increase in
tional paradigm as a theoretic basis for a broader consid- the number of articles dealing substantively with ge-
eration of epigenetic-environmental factors as part of netics published in the AJO-DO from the end of the
orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic treatment.7,65 1990s, to an average of 5 per year in the 4 years from
It was also then that the name of the journal was 2010 to 2014.
changed to the American Journal of Orthodontics and Despite the new focus on the molecular basis of
Dentofacial Orthopedics, indicating that the development, analysis of heritability through quantita-
pendulum had again swung from focus on heredity tive genetics remained an important part of the overall
and genetics in dentofacial growth and malocclusion research approach in orthodontics.81,82 However,
to emphasis on function, biomechanical forces, and researchers in dental genetics and craniofacial growth
other nongenetic factors that might affect dentofacial now emphasized that it is a mistake to assume that
growth as well as the etiology and treatment of heritability can be used in a meaningful way to assist
malocclusion. in the treatment of each patient because genomic
research has demonstrated that the environment
Orthodontic Genomics Era (2000- ) coupled with genetic variants plays a far greater role in
The onset of the orthodontic genomics era at the the determination of intrafamilial variations of even
start of the 21st century marked the start of a paradigm common traits.83-86 For example, as noted by James
shift in orthodontic research, characterized most readily Hartsfield and colleagues in the Department of
by the rise of new prevailing questions and concerns Orthodontics at the University of Kentucky, “There is a
about the genetic basis of the specific molecular path- common perception that knowing a trait's heritability
ways underlying dentofacial development and defor- should affect how a patient is to be treated. This is a
mities. It was at that point in time that orthodontic misconception. The ability of the patient to respond to
researchers adopted more fully the concepts and changes in the environment (including treatment),
methods developed 20 years earlier in genetics that which has nothing to do with estimates of heritability
were now sufficiently understood so that they could be for the trait, will define this.”3
applied in meaningful ways to problems of dentofacial An incredible amount of information was generated
development and deformities. on the basic genetics of craniofacial and dental develop-
Beginning in the 1990s, several orthodontic re- ment with the shift in emphasis in orthodontic and
searchers, dentist-scientists, and craniofacial biologists craniofacial research during the late 1990s and early
achieved considerable prominence in the broader field 2000s. The greatest progress in areas of primary impor-
of genetics as a result of their significant contributions tance to orthodontics, as evidenced in the AJO-DO dur-
published in the scientific literature outside of ortho- ing this period, took place in the identification of the
dontics to understanding the developmental biology genes for craniofacial dysmorphologies, including
and genetic basis of the spectrum of craniofacial anom- growth factors and transcription factors controlling
alies.66-77 As a result of that research, tooth morphogenesis and growth of craniofacial tissues,87,88
development, cleft lip and palate, and craniofacial candidate genes for midfacial deformities,89 and genes

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affecting growth of the condylar cartilage of the respect to susceptibility and progression of diseases
mandible both normally and during treatment.90-96 and disorders as well as to response to clinical treatment.
With advances in molecular analysis of genes from Shortly after the Human Genome Project was
both animals and humans, orthodontic researchers also completed, articles began to appear in the dental litera-
began to address the specific effects of gene variants ture addressing the need to improve education in ge-
for growth factors and cytokines as they might affect netics so that new generations of dentists can take
dental development,97 tooth movement,98 root resorp- advantage of the significant advances that would inevi-
tion,99-103 temporomandibular joint pain,103 and assess- tably emerge from detailed knowledge of the human
ment of skeletal maturation.104,105 genome.107,113-116 Several articles also extolled
Postgenomic/epigenomic period. In the postge- “personalized” dentistry.114,117-119 As with precision
nomic/epigenomic period, during the late 1990s and medicine, virtually all of those articles tended to focus
early 2000s, orthodontic and other craniofacial re- on prevention and treatment of acquired diseases that
searchers began to make significant advances in genetic may have an underlying genomic component: eg,
research by adopting the approaches and molecular caries, periodontal disease, and oral cancer.120,121
methods of developmental biology generally common Although dentofacial disorders associated with
in genetics.106,107 The most obvious area for emphasis monogenic defects, such as dental agenesis and certain
in research at that time was craniofacial craniofacial syndromes, are sometimes mentioned,
dysmorphogenesis, both because it is a major clinical there has been little substantive consideration
problem that demands attention and because regarding complex, polygenic developmental disorders.
dysmorphology is often associated with single-gene mu- This is unfortunate, since the principles of precision
tations and thus provides an excellent model system for medicine are ideally suited to basic and applied clinical
the study of developmental processes in general and for research on the etiology, differential diagnosis, and
the complex craniofacial region in particular. However, treatment of developmental disorders such as
during the first decade or more of the 21st century, ma- malocclusion and dentofacial deformities.
jor interest in both genetic and orthodontic research had An example of how the central concepts and principles
grown to include greater consideration of the role of that make up precision medicine can be used to account
gene variants, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, for variations in dentofacial growth and orthodontic
and regulatory molecules, such as microRNAs, as well as treatment response can be found in an article published
more complex groups of genes, or haplotypes, in dento- in the AJO-DO at the start of the orthodontic genomics
facial development and growth.108-110 era.122 In a theoretical discussion of the role of genetics
The current postgenomic/epigenomic period of or- in the treatment of a developing dentofacial deformity,
thodontic research is a continuation of the orthodontic a heuristic model was proposed based on the idea that
genomics era, but with 2 notable advancements. First the orthodontic patient population could be considered
and foremost, researchers have begun to consider a continuum that can be stratified loosely into 3 broad
genomic information to improve diagnosis and treat- and overlapping groups, each with a number of substrata,
ment of dental disorders and dentofacial deformities in based on individual genomes (Fig 2). At one end of the
orthodontic patients.111,112 Second, recent orthodontic continuum is a group characterized by definitive defects
research has moved toward greater emphasis on the related to mutations of key genes that affect the develop-
genetic factors underlying clinical problems that are ment of core craniofacial tissues and organs. These sub-
seen more regularly in orthodontic practices, such as jects' craniofacial deformities are principally a direct
malocclusion, tooth movement, and dental consequence of significant abnormalities in their ge-
crowding,108 rather than on less common, genomically nomes. In addition, it should be expected that standard
less complex craniofacial anomalies.3 clinical approaches to change the growth of affected tis-
Precision orthodontics period. As noted previously, sues and regions based on assumptions of normal growth
precision medicine is based on the idea that each pa- processes are likely to be compromised because of the
tient's genome as well as the way epigenomic factors same underlying genetic abnormalities. The population
affect gene expression can vary from person to person. at the other end of the broader continuum includes per-
The key principle of precision medicine is that even mi- sons with a range of “standard” or “normal” genomes.
nor gene variants such as single nucleotide polymor- Those in the “standard” group would be expected to ex-
phisms, which exist normally in the genome of press a range of normal phenotypic variation because of
everyone, are largely responsible for variations in devel- their spectrum of standard polymorphisms. Conse-
opment, growth, and response to environmental pertur- quently, the process of dentofacial growth would be
bations. As a result, individual genomes may vary with “normal”—the way it is supposed to occur according to

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics December 2015  Vol 148  Issue 6
932 Carlson

• Possible mutations and/or unfavorable polymorphisms

• Unknown intrinsic epigenetic effects
UNPREDICTABLE growth and treatment response

Abnormal Clinical Standard

• Mutation of key developmental genes • Favorable polymorphisms

• Abnormal development/growth • Positive extrinsic epigenetic effects
treatment response treatment response

Fig 2. Heuristic model illustrating the basis and rationale for consideration of genomics in the treatment
of malocclusion and dentofacial deformities (adapted from Carlson122,123).

textbooks on craniofacial growth. Similarly, response to factors affecting growth and adaptation of bone and
orthodontic treatment to correct a malocclusion or a muscle in general and more specifically in the unique tis-
developing maxillomandibular discrepancy in this group sues of the craniofacial complex, such as sutures, pri-
should for the most part conform to expectations for mary cartilages of the cranial base and midface, and
“normal” growth processes. secondary cartilage of the mandibular condyle. The sec-
The population in the middle of the continuum, the ond area necessary to determine, which would come
“clinical population,” overlaps to some extent with the from clinical laboratory testing, is the genome of each
abnormal population and to a considerably greater patient with respect to the presence, absence, or modi-
extent with the standard population. The clinical popu- fied expression of critical gene variants. With specific un-
lation thus is characterized by a greater range of varia- derstanding about the significance of key gene variants
tions in dentofacial growth and form because of a for dentofacial growth and treatment response as well as
wider spectrum of polymorphisms that affect skeletal about the underlying genomic variations of each patient,
growth and orofacial function. Persons toward the it may then be possible to adapt the orthodontic treat-
“abnormal” end of the clinical population spectrum ment plan to achieve the optimum result most efficiently
may have true genetic abnormalities that are not readily for the patient.122,123
apparent. Those toward the “normal” end may have a Hartsfield,124 who was perhaps first to use the term
number of different standard polymorphisms that could “personalized orthodontics” for scientific purposes,
affect dentofacial growth and thus should be considered similarly concluded that patient outcomes in orthodon-
to a greater or lesser extent with respect to alternative tics may be affected by polymorphic genes, which makes
options for treatment. it important to understand gene variants in quantitative
Based on this theoretical model of the orthodontic terms. To achieve that goal, Hartsfield stressed the need
patient population and taking into account the princi- to incorporate modern genomic methodologic ap-
ples of precision medicine, it would be extremely useful proaches to clinical research in orthodontics, such as
for the orthodontist to have information related to 2 ma- large genome-wide association studies that could then
jor areas. The first area, which would come from basic be linked with follow-up randomized clinical trials,
and translational orthodontic research, is understanding but, importantly, using appropriately stratified samples
of the key genes and gene variants that affect the overall based on the genomic profile. Michael Glick,120 editor
rate and amount of growth as well as the responses of of the Journal of the American Dental Association,
key tissues and components of the craniofacial complex also stressed the need for dental researchers to partici-
during treatment. Those components might include var- pate in large genome-wide association studies, through
iations associated with polymorphisms for the molecular practice-based research networks to validate the normal

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variability of biomarkers for dental diseases and thereby malocclusion and dentofacial deformities have swung
advance personalized oral health care through the back and forth in a pendulum-like fashion throughout
“-omic” evolution. the history of orthodontics. There are 2 fundamental
Three examples of orthodontic research published in reasons behind this oscillation. The first is that most
the AJO-DO illustrate the recent emergence of the prin- earlier orthodontic researchers and clinicians saw the
ciples of precision medicine in orthodontics. In studies heredity-environment debate as a dichotomy, which de-
focusing on the relevance of genetic diagnosis for ortho- notes a conflict between 2 diametrically opposed pro-
dontic treatment planning, Frazier-Bowers et al111 cesses. It has been common to assume that if a feature
found that mutations in parathyroid hormone receptor is thought to be the result of heredity and is therefore
were diagnostic for primary failure of eruption. With referred to as “genetic,” its development and growth
such genomic information, in this case, the orthodontist cannot be altered to any clinically significant extent by
could then adjust the orthodontic treatment plan by local environmental factors, including orthodontic
avoiding early treatment with a continuous archwire: a treatment. On the other hand, early orthodontists who
“treatment-planning recommendation [that] is meant focused solely on local environmental factors, such as
to be in sharp contrast to an ex post facto diagnosis of oral habits, endocrine factors, and even mental degener-
[primary failure of eruption] after unsuccessful ortho- acy, as being responsible for malocclusion and dentofa-
dontic extrusion of the teeth.” cial deformities were hard-pressed to account for
A series of clinical and animal studies on the genetics obvious familial similarities and heterogeneous treat-
of mandibular growth in the laboratory of A. B. M. Rabie ment outcomes. Contemporary understandings of geno-
in the Department of Orthodontics at the University of mics and epigenomics support the view that the
Hong Kong has revealed associations between a number relationship between heredity and environment is
of single nucleotide polymorphisms located in the type II actually a duality—a yin and yang—where apparently
collagen gene and variations in the growth of the opposing and contradictory processes are complemen-
mandibular condylar cartilage, potentially leading to tary and necessary for each other.
mandibular prognathism in a Chinese population.125 It The second reason for the pendulum effect is
was concluded that awareness of these gene variants related to the asymmetric nature of discoveries in a
in orthodontic patients “could allow the clinician to fundamental science such as genetics on the one
select early courses of dentofacial and orthodontic treat- hand, and the feasibility of advancing those discoveries
ments that are aimed at preventing the development of in orthodontic research, especially with respect to
Class III malocclusion.”126 development of meaningful clinical applications, on
Finally, research studies from the laboratories of the other. Basic scientific discoveries are often initially
James Sciote at the Department of Orthodontics of far removed from applied and clinical sciences. As a
Temple University in Philadelphia, as well as colleagues result, impractical and inappropriate attempts to apply
in France and the United Kingdom, described genetic var- discoveries from the study of heredity and the field of
iants of myosin isoforms, contractile regulatory proteins, genetics in orthodontic research and practice contrib-
and a-actin of certain fibers of the masseter muscle in as- uted ultimately to the opinion that concepts of hered-
sociation with variations in dentofacial form. Both those ity are insufficient in general to advance
gene variants in the muscles of mastication and associ- understanding in orthodontics. This caused a swing
ated variations in mechanical properties of the muscles of opinion within orthodontics away from heredity
could be epigenetic factors that affect dentofacial growth and toward environmental factors. For example, the
in general and specifically in the etiology of Class II, Class concepts and methods in quantitative population ge-
II deepbite, and Class III malocclusions. The authors netics based on classical Mendelian genetic studies
concluded that “If [single nucleotide polymorphisms] used for craniometric studies of families during the he-
[for muscle gene variants] are detected as part of a routine redity vs environment era of orthodontic research dur-
diagnosis and treatment planning, a more personalized ing the 1930s through the 1960s were based on the
and specific treatment plan might be developed to assumption that malocclusion and dentofacial defor-
enhance a more favorable treatment result.”127 mities are simple monogenic traits. The lack of signif-
icantly meaningful results from that research with
respect to understanding of normal and abnormal
CONCLUSIONS FOR THE FUTURE IMPORTANCE OF dentofacial growth and form, and especially options
GENETICS IN ORTHODONTICS for practical applications in clinical orthodontics, was
Opinions regarding the relative importance of hered- inevitably a significant factor in the swing of the
ity and the environment in the etiology and treatment of pendulum leading up to the hiatus in orthodontic

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research on heredity in the 1960s. Once it became orthodontic genomics era as distinct from the geno-
clear in the heritability era of the 1970s and 1980s mics era in genetics early in the 21st century.
that malocclusion and dentofacial deformities are Over the past 5 years alone, orthodontic research and
complex polygenic and multifactorial characteristics, publications on the effect of normal polymorphisms for
new approaches based on intrafamilial multivariate key genes on dentofacial growth and orthodontic treat-
statistical analysis of craniometric data once again ment increased greatly in the AJO-DO as well as in or-
caused the pendulum to swing toward emphasis in or- thodontic journals worldwide. That is a clear indication
thodontic research on heredity. that orthodontics is on the brink of the same emphasis,
The swing from heredity seen with the trend toward for both translational research and clinical treatment,
research on craniofacial function and related local envi- seen over the past few years that gave rise to precision
ronmental factors in the 1980s and early 1990s most medicine. As the pace of precision medicine now demon-
likely resulted from 2 factors. First, there was improved strates, the length of time for progress from bench to
understanding based on contemporary orthodontic bedside—from fundamental research discoveries, to
research in quantitative population genetics that esti- translational clinical studies, and finally to clinical appli-
mates of heritability can vary depending on environ- cations of genomic research—is becoming exponentially
mental influences; therefore, they are not as useful for shorter. The same is true for research and clinical treat-
prediction of dentofacial growth and form as had been ment in orthodontics more broadly, especially with
originally thought. Second, the 1980s saw the peak of respect to the etiology and treatment of dentofacial de-
debate in orthodontics about the functional matrix hy- formities and malocclusion.
pothesis, which led to considerable disquietude The concepts and principles of molecular genetics
throughout the orthodontic community about the prac- have become major components in understanding of
tical importance of heredity with respect to the etiology the genesis of variations in the development, growth,
and treatment of malocclusion and dentofacial defor- and form of the entire craniofacial complex. Moreover,
mities. The result was a strong emphasis on laboratory those concepts and principles are now sufficiently un-
research related to the effect of function and other local derstood that they can provide a firm foundation for
environmental factors on craniofacial growth. Heredity future advances with respect to options for orthodontic
was essentially considered to be a “black box”; whatever treatment, ranging from enhancement of approaches for
could not be explained by environment must be simply moving teeth, to preventing, ameliorating, and
“genetic.”7,128 treating malocclusion, developing dentofacial defor-
The field of genetics was completing the develop- mities, and perhaps eventually even major craniofacial
ment of molecular techniques and approaches for anomalies.
detailed analyses of gene sequences and gene func- From the perspective of orthodontic research, future
tions precisely when orthodontic researchers were advancements in orthodontics must include continued
moving largely toward emphasis on studies of exper- discovery research related to the key genes and gene var-
imental morphology in 1980s. It was just after that, iants responsible for craniofacial development and
in the 1990s, that the research approaches of genetics growth, of the epigenetic factors that influence gene
and orthodontics began to converge, and a strong expression, and of the molecular factors that affect
new tradition emerged using the considerable treatment response in the dentofacial complex. This
technical and conceptual advances made in genetics will require large genome-wide association studies to
during the genomics era for research on the develop- find candidate genes for a spectrum of developmental
mental biology of the craniofacial region. That new variations, ranging from tissue reactions affecting or-
molecular genetic approach led first to the transition thodontic tooth movement and stability as well as
in orthodontic research toward a focus on the identi- growth patterns and treatment responses associated
fication and function of the genes most important for with defined dentofacial deformities, identification of
prenatal craniofacial development, with an emphasis candidate genes for developmental variations, and
on craniofacial anomalies. It also led eventually to implementation of properly designed randomized
the application of the approaches of molecular controlled trials based on stratification of clinical
biology and genomics to questions concerning the populations according to appropriately defined genomic
function of specific genes and gene variants associ- variants.
ated with variations in normal postnatal dentofacial The ongoing evolution of the concepts and methods
growth and in the etiology and treatment of maloc- of genetics applied in orthodontics will lead to greater
clusion and dentofacial deformities. This can be understanding of the genomic and epigenomic factors
considered as the benchmark for the start of the that affect normal and abnormal growth of the

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dentofacial complex. Such developments will inevitably for orthodontics to make a quantum leap into a
lead to further incorporation of the concepts and princi- modern precision orthodontics era. The members
ples that are now part of precision medicine to establish of the entire orthodontic community—researchers,
precision orthodontics as a principal clinical approach. clinician-scientists, and practitioners alike—should be
That approach will not necessarily lead to more funda- incredibly excited as they look forward to use the discov-
mental changes in the way orthodontists treat patients; eries and conceptual advancements that continue to be
orthodontic biomechanics and appliances undoubtedly made in basic and applied clinical genetics as well as in
will continue to be the main approach for treatment of current orthodontic research in modern genetics that
malocclusions and dentofacial deformities. The primary will lead to greater understanding not only of dentofa-
change will be seen in the diagnosis and treatment plan- cial development and growth but also of the highly sig-
ning related to options for the most effective way to nificant advances that will be made toward the most
treat malocclusions and dentofacial deformities, from efficacious approaches for treatment of malocclusion
dental irregularities to major jaw discrepancies, on a and dentofacial deformities for orthodontic patients.
patient-by-patient basis.
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