Nathan Joness Quiz History Week 9 Statistics Activity

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Week 9: Statistics Activity Results for Nathan Jones

Score for this quiz: 36.5 out of 37

Submitted Mar 31 at 11:02pm
This attempt took 23,464 minutes.

10.5 / 10.5 pts

Question 1

Chapter 19 - Match the following statistics terms with their definitions:

Correct! range difference between the highest and lowest observed value in a collectio

Correct! mode value that occurs most frequently in a data set

Correct! variance reflects the mean or average of the sum of squares

Correct! mean average score calculated by adding the objects or items and then divid

Correct! type I error rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true

Correct! statistic number derived from a mathematical procedure as part of the analytica

Correct! type II error failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is false

Correct! interquartile range measure of variability in experimental

Correct! dispersion summary measure, such as range or standard deviation, that describes

Correct! descriptive statistics procedures used to reduce large sets of observations into more compa
associational statistics set of procedures designed to identify relationships between multiple v

Correct! parametric statistics mathematical formulas that test the hypotheses based on three assum

Correct! median point in a distribution at which 50% of the cases fall above and 50% be

Correct! standard deviation indicator of the average deviation of scores around the mean

Correct! non-parametric statistics formulas used to test hypotheses when 1) normality of variance in the p

Correct! confidence interval estimate range of values in which an unknown population parameter is

Correct! inferential statistics type of statistic to draw conclusions about population parameters, base

Correct! levels of significance probability that defines how rare or unlikely the sample data must be be

Correct! sum of squares descriptive statistic for interpreting variability; derived by squaring the d

Correct! frequency distribution distribution of values for a given variable and the number of times each

Correct! confidence level usually represented as percentage, the probability value associated wi

4.5 / 4.5 pts

Question 2

Chapter 20 - Match the following statistics terms with their definitions:

Correct! triangulation
use of multiple strategies or methods as a means to strengthen credibi

Correct! constant comparison naturalistic data analysis technique in which each datum is compared a

Correct! categories basic analytical step used in naturalistic inquiry in which the investigato

Correct! truth value term used in naturalistic inquiry to refer to the accuracy of interpretation

Correct! taxonomic analysis naturalistic data analysis technique in which the researcher organizes s

Correct! interpretation analytical step in naturalistic inquiry in which the investigator examines

Correct! saturation point at which an investigator has obtained sufficient information from w

Correct! credibility truthfulness and accuracy of findings in naturalistic inquiry

Correct! theme analytical process used in naturalistic inquiry in which the investigator i

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 3

Part II: Measures of central tendency. Find the mean, median and mode for

Correct! Mean 25

Correct! Median 22.5

Mode 22

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 23
• 24.5

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 4

Part II: Measures of central tendency. Find the mean, median and mode for

Correct! Mean 25.5

Correct! Median 25

Correct! Mode 25

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 24.5
• 26
• 24

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 5

Measures of central tendency

Using the table on the worksheet, find the mean, median and mode blood
pressure for caucasian women

(note: for some cases there may be no mode. If there is no mode, enter a 0
for the answer)

Correct! mean

Correct! median 126

Correct! mode 0

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 125
• 121
• 124

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 6

Measures of central tendency

Using the table on the worksheet, find the mean, median and mode blood
pressure for caucasian men

(note: for some cases there may be no mode. If there is no mode, enter a 0
for the answer)

Correct! mean 163

Correct! median 165.5

Correct! mode 0

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 166
• 164.5
• 162
0.5 / 0.5 pts
Question 7

Measures of central tendency

Using the table on the worksheet, find the mean, median and mode blood
pressure for african-american women

(note: for some cases there may be no mode. If there is no mode, enter a 0
for the answer)

Correct! mean 143.5

Correct! median 144

Correct! mode 0

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 144.5
• 142
• 145

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 8

Measures of central tendency

Using the table on the worksheet, find the mean, median and mode blood
pressure for african-american men

(note: for some cases there may be no mode. If there is no mode, enter a 0
for the answer)

Correct! mean 174.5

Correct! median 177.5

mode 0

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 173
• 176
• 176.5

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 9

Measures of central tendency

Using the table on the worksheet, find the mean, median and mode blood
pressure for latino women

(note: for some cases there may be no mode. If there is no mode, enter a 0
for the answer)

Correct! mean 134.8

Correct! median 133

Correct! mode 0

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 135.5
• 134
• 132

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 10

Measures of central tendency

Using the table on the worksheet, find the mean, median and mode blood
pressure for latino men
(note: for some cases there may be no mode. If there is no mode, enter a 0
for the answer)

Correct! mean 161

Correct! median 163

Correct! mode 172

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 160
• 162
• 170

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 11

Measures of central tendency

Using the table on the worksheet, find the mean, median and mode blood
pressure for all women combined

(note: for some cases there may be no mode. If there is no mode, enter a 0
for the answer)

Correct! mean 133.7

Correct! median 130

Correct! mode 0

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 132
• 134.5
• 131
0.5 / 0.5 pts
Question 12

Measures of central tendency

Using the table on the worksheet, find the mean, median and mode blood
pressure for all men combined

(note: for some cases there may be no mode. If there is no mode, enter a 0
for the answer)

Correct! mean 166.2

Correct! median 169.5

Correct! mode 172

Other Incorrect Match Options:

• 168
• 171
• 167

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 13

Measures of variability

Find the range for the data sets on the worksheet (Section II, #2).

a. Caucasian women

Correct! 110 - 130

0.5 / 0.5 pts
Question 14

Measures of variability

Find the range for the data sets on the worksheet (Section II, #2).

b. Caucasian men

Correct! 141 - 179

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 15

Measures of variability

Find the range for the data sets on the worksheet (Section II, #2).

c, african-american women

Correct! 126 - 160

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 16

Measures of variability

Find the range for the data sets on the worksheet (Section II, #2).
d. african-american men

Correct! 156 - 188

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 17

Measures of variability

Find the range for the data sets on the worksheet (Section II, #2).

e. latino women

Correct! 122 - 151

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 18

Measures of variability

Find the range for the data sets on the worksheet (Section II, #2).

f. latino men

Correct! 146 - 172

0.5 / 0.5 pts
Question 19

Measures of variability

Find the range for the data sets on the worksheet (Section II, #2).

g. all women combined

Correct! 110 - 160

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 20

Measures of variability

Find the range for the data sets on the worksheet (Section II, #2).

h. all men combined

Correct! 141 - 188

1 / 1 pts
Question 21

What is the sum of squares for set I (section II #4)?

Correct! 1323.3
1 / 1 pts
Question 22

What is the sum of squares for set II (section II #4)?

Correct! 136

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 23

Using the sum of squares from section II #4, find the standard deviation for
set I.

Correct! 16.3
0.5 / 0.5 pts
Question 24

Using the sum of squares from section II #4, find the standard deviation for
set II.

Correct! 5.2

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 25

Find the standard deviation for sets of data in section II #6 on worksheet for
students in 4 different classrooms:

(note: solve for "n", not n-1 because it's every student in the class and not a

a. classroom I

Correct! 4.8

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 26
Find the standard deviation for sets of data in section II #6 on worksheet for
students in 4 different classrooms:

(note: solve for "n", not n-1 because it's every student in the class and not a

a. classroom II

Correct! 3.4

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 27

Find the standard deviation for sets of data in section II #6 on worksheet for
students in 4 different classrooms:

(note: solve for "n", not n-1 because it's every student in the class and not a

a. classroom III

Correct! 2.4

0.5 / 0.5 pts

Question 28
Find the standard deviation for sets of data in section II #6 on worksheet for
students in 4 different classrooms:

(note: solve for "n", not n-1 because it's every student in the class and not a

a. classroom IV

Correct! 3.3

7.5 / 8 pts
Question 29

Using the data for Class I in section II #6, find the z score for the 16 scores.

Correct! 4 -0.65

Correct! 1 -1.27

Correct! 10 0.60

Correct! 7 -0.02

Correct! 6 -0.23

Correct! 2

Correct! 11 0.81

Correct! 6 -0.23

Correct! 22 3.10

Correct! 5 -0.44

Correct! 8 0.19

Correct! 10 0.60

Correct! 3 -0.85

Correct! 4 -0.65

Correct! 9 0.40

You Answered 6 -0.02


Quiz Score: 36.5 out of 37

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