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CTT de los Andes Language Center

English Program

Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 0
Uses a variety of
Uses a variety of Uses a variety of structures with Lack of meaning
Uses basic
structures with grammar frequent errors due to incorrect
Grammar only occasional structures but or uses basic
makes frequent
grammatical makes some structures with structures.
errors. errors. only occasional
Uses appropriate Uses a variety of
vocabulary (a vocabulary and Uses limited Uses only basic Poor and limited
variety of words expressions but vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and
Vocabulary and expressions makes some expressions with expressions with expressions.
for the audience) errors in word many errors. several errors.
without errors. choice.

Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation

and intonation and intonation and intonation
problems with Unintelligible
are almost are usually errors sometimes
Pronunciation always very clear/accurate make it difficult
pronunciation pronunciation.
and intonation.
clear/accurate. with a few to understand
problem areas. the students.

Speaks smoothly, Speaks with

with little Speaks with Hesitates too
some hesitation
hesitation that some hesitation, often when Performance full
but is does not
Fluency does not usually interfere
which often speaking, which of hesitation.
interfere with interferes with interferes with
communication. communication. communication.

Shows Speaker is unable

Shows full Shows a good understanding of Does not seem to to understand
Comprehension understanding of understanding of some parts of understand the what he/she is
the topic. the topic. the topic. topic very well. asked.

TOTAL: _________/20
GRADE: _________/10


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