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Gochara guru 2018-2019

Jupiter transits Vrischika to Dhanu March 29, 2019 (Friday) at 17:41

Jupiter transits Dhanu to Vrischika April 22, 2019 (Monday) at 08:25
Jupiter transits Vrischika to Dhanu November 04, 2019 (Monday) at 20:12

Even though you have completed Sade Sani in Oct 2017, there was not much improvement on your
life. In fact, things would have gone much worse in this year from May 2018. This is because of
unfavorable Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu transit.
Now Jupiter is moving on to your 2nd house. With this transit, you have completed all your testing
period. You are going to enjoy big fortunes for the next one year. You will sort out the family
problems. If you experience any conflicts in relationship or lawsuit, it will get fixed.
You will see on excellent career growth and success. It is a good time to try out new business. You
will come out of financial problems completely. You will have good fortunes on your real estate
investments and stock trading.
Saturn and Ketu conjunction on your 3rd house from March 2019 will accelerate your success. If you
are running favorable maha dasa, you may even become multi-millionaire and achieve celebrity

You would have suffered with physical ailments especially from July 2018 due to Janma Guru. Now
both Jupiter and Saturn are in good position. The upcoming Rahu / Ketu transit by March 2019 is
also looking good. You will come out of physical ailments. You will get the right medication for faster
healing. It is a good time to check another physician to get second opinion to identify the root cause
of health problem.
You will regain sound back completely during this Jupiter transit. The health of your family members
is looking good. Your medical expenses will go down. You can listen to Lalitha Sahasranamam to
reduce the intensity of the health problems. Your sound health will make you enjoy all the comforts
in this life.

Family and Relationship

Things might have got mixed in the last one year with favorable Saturn but malefic Rahu on 10th
house and Jupiter on first house. Guru Bhagavan is transiting onto your 2nd house will fix your
family problems. Your family and friends will be very much supportive for your growth and success. If
you have gone through any breakups and divorce in the past, you will develop good mindset to get
into new relationship.
You will gain respect from extended families and relatives. Your children will start listen to your
words. They will bring good news to make your feel proud. It is a good time to find a suitable alliance
for your son or daughter. You can happily conduct subha karya functions like wedding, baby shower,
house warming, major milestone anniversaries, etc. The time between Aug 2019 and Oct 2019 is
going to be a golden period.

Love and Romance

It is going to be very good time for love and romance. The frantic experience you had in the past is
over. You will enjoy marital bliss with the strength of Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter. It is a good time for
conjugal bliss and plan for baby. If you are waiting to conceive for a long time, it may very well
happen with the strength of benefic Jupiter. You will get positive news with medical procedures like
If you are single, it is a green signal to find suitable alliance and get married. Newly married couples
will enjoy good time on romance. If you are currently in love affairs, your love marriage will get
approved by your parents and in-laws. There is no surprise if you start dancing on the sky with love
proposal. Overall it is a good time to settle down well on your personal life.

Students would have crossed rough patch on studies in the past one year. Even though Saturn was
in good position, you would have gone through minor health problems and misunderstanding with
close friends. You will solve the conflicts with your boyfriend or girlfriend that will give you mental
peace. You will be confident on your life going forward with sound health.
You will exhibit your talents and will do well on your studies. If you appear board exams in the next
one year, you will get good score and get admission into great colleges or universities. You will get
good support from your friends and family. Masters / Ph.D students will get their thesis approved in
2019 and complete the graduation.

Work and Career

You would have faced problems at your workplace because of Janma Guru especially from July
2018. You might be feeling bad since you got stuck with career at the same level for long time. You
may expect overnight change with the current transit of Jupiter. If you are working in temporary
position, you will get permanent placement as soon as Nov / Dec 2018. You will get good and high
visibility projects to work on. Your hidden enemies will lose their power. You will get promoted to next
level with good salary hikes. You will get Kudos from your Colleagues and Manager.
If you are looking for new job, it is a good time to attend interview. You will clear the interviews easily
and will get excellent offer from big companies. You will get more salary than you expect. The
upcoming Ketu transit onto your 3rd house will further accelerate growth and success. You will get
enough financial rewards and recognition for the hard work you put in. It is a good time to look for
government job. You will be successful in getting desired relocation with internal transfer and
immigration benefits.

Business and Secondary Income

Business people would have experienced mixed results in the past one year. Even with new
projects, cash flow would have got delayed. All pending payments will get settled to you in the next
couple of months with Jupiter on 2nd house. You might have accumulated good reputation and fame
but not money. Now you are likely to wet in money shower right with favorable Jupiter, Saturn and
Ketu. Many new investors will get surprised with amazing growth for your business. Besides they will
pump in more cash flow for faster growth. It is a good time to expand your business.
it is an excellent time to file IPO for your startup company. There is no surprise you get any takeover
offer. You will get good opportunities to cash out the profits in the next one year. You may start new
business since gochar planets are in good position. Freelancers, real estate, insurance and
commission agents will shine with excellent career growth. Real estate deals will yield excellent
profits for you.

Lawsuit and Litigation

With Jupiter on your 2nd house, you will be successful in pending litigation. Jupiter aspecting runa
roga sathru sthanam and asthama sthanam will make your hidden enemies to lose their power. If
you were going through separation or child custody issues, things will move on your favorable
direction. You will be happy with the outcome from the court case.
You will be successful in winning inherited properties with strong Saturn and Jupiter support. It is a
good time to register or transfer real estate properties on your name. Recite Sudharsana Maha
Mantra and keep praying Lord Balaji to get faster success and financial gains.
Travel, Foreign Travel and Relocation
You will be happy on long distance travel with your family or on a business trip. You will get best
deals to book hotels, flight tickets and vacation resorts with Jupiter aspecting your 6th house. You
will get warm welcome to the places you visit. You will enjoy luxury life for the next 12 months. Your
business travel will materialize into great success. You will be happy in spending time with your
friends on personal trips.
If you went through any visa problems in the past, you will get it cleared. You will get a visa for
travelling abroad. If you have applied for permanent immigration visa, it will get approved now. You
will be getting ready for international relocation. It is a good time to buy a new car to increase your

Finance / Money
The financial problems you experienced in the past will come to an end. Your income will shoot up
and unwanted expenses will go down. You pay off your credit cards balance and personal loans in
one shot. You can expect a money shower as soon as Jupiter enters onto your 2nd house. You will
come out of your debt problems completely. You will have surplus money on savings account.
Your friends and relative from foreign country can extend their support to you. It is a good time to
buy and move into new home. Your bank loans will get approved easily with less paperwork. Your
credit ratings / score will go up. You will qualify for higher amount of loans. It is a good time to buy
and move into new home.

Trading and Investments

The second house Jupiter will bring good fortunes on your trading and investments. Your stock
prices will go up and give you good profits. You will be successful in speculative and options /
derivative trading. Your accumulated losses for this year will get wiped out with more profits. You will
be happy with the progress on your trading. If you are running favorable maha dasa, you will strike in
lottery winning. Sudden and windfall profits can be expected.
You can use the next one year to make money through speculation and cash out the profits. You will
contemplate to buy real estate properties and precious metals as long-term investments. You may
go also with buying long dated government treasury bonds.

People in the field of Movie, Arts, Politics, etc

Your might have experienced slowdown because of Janma Guru in the past 12 months. Now you
will get more opportunities with 2nd house Jupiter. The projects you work on will give you great
success and financial rewards. You will be happy with increasing reputation and fame. It is an
excellent time to release new movies. Box office collection will reset your past track records.
It is a good time to buy and move into new home. You will be happy in your relationship. It is a good
time to get settled with marriage and plan for baby. You will come out of any pending litigation or
income tax audit problems on your favor. Politician will get victory in the election and get leadership

Oct 11, 2018 to March 27, 2019 Good Fortunes (85 / 100)
Saturn is already in favorable spot for the last one year. Now Jupiter is moving onto your 2nd house.
Since both Jupiter and Saturn are in good position, you will see good fortune in this period. Your
health might have suffered with Janma Guru in recent past. Now your ailing health will recover. You
will not get tired even after working for many hours continuously.
Your family problems will get fixed one by one. You will be happy on improving relationship with
spouse, parents, siblings and in-laws. You will be happy in hosting subha karya functions. It is a
good time to find suitable match and get married. Lovers will find golden time in romance. Married
couples will enjoy conjugal bliss. Your long term or even life time dreams will come true during this
phase. If you are going through pending litigation, you will see victory. There is no surprise even if
you get lump sum settlement through lawsuit or insurance.
This is going be a golden period for your career. You will get promoted to next level with good salary
hikes. You will get enough respect at your workplace. Your hidden enemies will lose their power.
There will not be any more conspiracy against you. Business people will enjoy good profits. New
business deals will give good fortunes. There is no surprise if you get a takeover offer for your
startup business.
Your financial situation is looking excellent. You will come out of the debt problems completely. It is a
good time to try out your luck on lottery. Your stock investments can give you good profits. Day
traders and speculator may get windfall profits with trading.

March 27, 2019 to April 25, 2019 Be careful in Finance (45

/ 100)
Ketu transit onto your 3rd house is looking good. Saturn and Ketu conjunction will make sure you do
well on life. But Jupiter will be moving onto your 3rd house as adhi saram. So, you may experience
sudden setback on finance. You will continue to maintain good health in this phase. There will some
problems creeping up in family environment. Still it is a good time to host subha karya functions with
the strength of Saturn.
Your work pressure and tension will be more in this phase. You need to work hard to justify the
recent promotion. This may affect your work life balance. But the hard work you put in will give you
good monetary benefits. Even though there will be office politics, you will be able to manage the
hard situation. Business people need to deal with conspiracy. Since Saturn and Ketu are in good
position, nothing to be feared. People will be jealous of your faster growth and success.
You need to be very careful on finance and investments. Money loss is indicated in this short period.
You may even get cheated if you are running weak maha dasa. It is not a good time to lend or
borrow money. Avoid giving surety to your friends or relatives for bank loan approval. Avoid stock
trading completely in this period.

April 25, 2019 to Aug 11, 2019 Slowdown (50 / 100)

Retrograde Jupiter will move back onto your 2nd house. At the same time, Saturn goes retrograde
on 3rd house. You will continue to experience slowdown in this phase. I do not see any problems for
your health. You may pranayama, yoga, meditation or prayers to increase your spiritual strength to
come out of unwanted fear and tension.
There will be lack of conjugal bliss for married couples due to mental stress. If you are going through
pregnancy cycle, make sure to get enough support from your parents, in-laws or relatives. Lovers
may go through unwanted changes but will be short lived. Avoid sharing your personal matters to
anyone including your friends. It is not a good period to conduct any subha karyas.
You will be under more pressure to deliver the projects at your workplace. Your colleagues will be
jealous of your growth. You need to spend more time to manage the office politics. So you need to
work late evenings and week-ends to manage the situation. You will get good credits for the hard
work you put in. Business people may experience more pressure from competitors. You will be
working hard to manage the pressure and will be successful at the end.
If you need to go for visa stamping, then you can avoid this period. Avoid travelling during this period
as much as possible. There will be consistent cash flow. But increasing expenses may not let you do
more savings. You may have to book losses on your investments. Hence avoid speculative trading
completely. Long term investors may consider hedging their portfolio in this phase.
Aug 11, 2019 to Nov 04, 2019 Golden Period (95 / 100)
Jupiter on your 2nd house, Saturn and Ketu conjunction on your 3rd house will create raja yoga on
the transit. There will not be any slowdown in this period. Instead you will enjoy exponential growth
on your career and finance. Your sound health will make you enjoy all the comforts in this life. You
will have good relationship with spouse and in-laws. Long waited couples will get blessed with baby.
Birth of a child may increase happiness on your family.
It is a good time to finalize marriage proposal and get married. Your love marriage will get approved
by parents. Lovers will get very good relief and enjoy good romance. You can happily spend time
with your friends and family during get-together, parties or family vacations. Your children can bring
good news that can make you feel proud.
You will achieve great success on your career. You will get promoted to next level good salary hikes.
You will get closer to top management. Business people will have skyrocketing growth on this
phase. You will big long-term projects that can generate consistent cash flow. It is a good time to
cash out some profits and move onto personal assets.
You will be happy with financial situation. You will have surplus money. It is a good time to buy and
move into new home. Your bank loans will get approved with no hassles. Investors and professional
traders will book windfall profits. Make sure to use this time effectively to settle down on your life.

Warnings / Pariharam
1. Since major planets are in good position, no remedies are required.
2. Avoid non-veg food on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
3. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
4. Listen to Vishnu Sahasranamam to feel better.
5. Do charity as much as you can to accumulate good deeds.
6. Help poor students for education and donate money to old age home.

Jupiter Transit (2018 - 2019) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru

Gochar) for Taurus (Rishaba Rasi)
Guru Bhagavan from your runa roga sathru sthanam would have made your life miserable in the
past one year. Things would have gone much worse from late July 2018. Saturn on your 8th house
would have increased the intensity of the problems to great extent. Your health problems and mental
stress would have peaked out in the recent past.
Now Guru Bhagavan is moving onto your 7th house of kalathra sthanam on Oct 11, 2018. This is
good news. This Jupiter transit can put a break to downward journey. Things will start moving on
your favor in the next one year. You may come out of physical ailments. You will see good changes
on your career. Your financial situation will improve to great extent.
You will sort out the problems with your family members. Rahu transit to your 2nd house and Ketu to
8th house is not looking good from March 2019. But still you may host subha karya functions with
the strength of Jupiter. You will regain your good name and fame in the society.

Jupiter 6th house in the last 12 months would have affected your health badly. Saturn on your 8th
house also increased the intensity of the malefic Jupiter effects. Now Jupiter is moving onto your 7th
house of kalathra sthanam. This is good news for you. If you have done any surgeries, you will have
faster healing. You will come out of prolonged mental anxiety problems.
The health of your family members will improve going forward. Your medical expenses will go down.
You might have gained more weight due to excessive work or depression. Now you will do more
workouts and bring down your numbers to normal. You will regain sound health back in the next few
Listening aditya hridayam and Hanuman Chalisa in the mornings to gain more strength. You can
also recite sudharsana maha mantra! You will gain spiritual knowledge since Jupiter aspecting your
Janma Rasi.

Family and Relationship

You would have suffered a lot in relationship with family members. If you are running weak maha
dasa, you might have gone through temporary separation or serious fights with your spouse or close
relatives. Humiliation in front of family and relatives would have created mental pain and anxiety.
Family politics would have gone up in the last one year.
Now Jupiter is on your favorable spot. There will not be any more politics or problems from hidden
enemies. You will discuss the problems openly with your spouse and family members. You will find a
good solution to the problems. Family reunion and get-together will make you happy. You will gain
respect from family and relatives.
Your children will listen to your words going forward. This will give you great relief. You will find a
good match for your son or daughter. It is a good time to conduct any subha karya functions like
engagement, wedding, baby shower, house warming, major milestone anniversaries, etc. Your
family will gain good name and fame in your society.

Love and Romance

You would have gone through tension, pain and irritation on relationship due to unfavorable Jupiter
transit and asthama sani in the past one year. Now you will develop good relationship with your
spouse with the strength of favorable Jupiter on kalathra sthana. Conjugal bliss indicated for married
couples. Long waited couples will get blessed with baby. Progeny prospects are high through natural
conception or through medical help such as IVF or IUI.
If you have gone through any break ups in love affairs, you will get into new relationship. There is no
surprise if you fall in love or get any love proposals in the next one year. If you are eligible single,
you will find a good match and get married. Your love marriage will get approved by your parents.
You will be happy with your progress on personal life for the next one year. It is a good time to plan
to go to your dream vacation spot. You will feel emotionally very good with the current Jupiter

Your life might have been filled with failures and disappointments in the last one year. There might
be humiliation with in front of your friends, family and relatives. Now Jupiter will give you enough
strength to come out of past painful incidents. You will start getting more interest towards your
studies. If you were addicted to drinking or smoking, you will come out of those habits.
You will do very well on your exams and score excellent marks. You get easily get admission into
good colleges and universities. You will get new friends to support your growth and success. Close
intimacy with your boyfriend or girlfriend can give you happiness. Masters / Ph.D. students will get
their thesis approved in the next one year and complete the graduation.

Work and Career

Two major planets Jupiter and Saturn were not in good position in the past one year. Nothing to be
surprised if you got affected badly due to hidden enemies and office politics. You would have
drained out your energies completely in the past one year. No surprise if you went through
humiliation, demotion at workplace, layoff or even terminated.
Now Guru Bhagawan will be aspecting your Janma rasi from 7th house. You may expect to see
good changes at your workplace. If you are not happy, it is a good time to change your job. Your
new job offer from big corporations will give you very good salary package and benefits. It is a time
for you to take some risks to get foreign opportunities as well. There is a chance of getting into
government job.
Once you settle down in new job or position, you will start performing well on your career. Your boss
will be happy with your work. Your colleague be supportive for your growth and success. There will
not be politics and that can give you good mental peace. Your reputation at your workplace will go
up. You will get rewarded financially. You will get desired relocation, internal transfer with the current
Jupiter transit. Be careful and avoid taking important decisions between April 2019 and July 2019.

Business and Secondary Income

Both Jupiter and Saturn would have created lot of obstacles and troubles in running business in the
last one year. If you were running weak maha dasa, there is no surprise even if you have filed
bankruptcy. Conspiracy and hidden politics might have drained out your energy level.
Jupiter entering onto your 7th house is good news. Jupiter will help you by protecting from malefic
effects of Asthama Sani. You will take the past incidents as your experience and get ready to make
positive move on your business. You will come up with creative ideas and that will get investor
attention. Your gross profits will increase over the next 12 months.
Cash flow is indicated from many sources, including foreign countries. You will get enough funding
from new investors and bank loans. You will get big long-term projects that can keep generating
good cash flow continuously. Be careful between April 2019 and July 2019 since the malefic effects
of Asthama Sani can be felt more.
Avoid starting new business since Saturn is still transiting on your 8th house. Avoid expanding
business without your natal chart support. Freelancers, real estate, insurance and commission
agents will perform well.

Lawsuit and Litigation

Saturn on 8th house and Jupiter on 6th house would have created legal problems or income tax /
audit problems. You may expect good relief since Jupiter is going on your favorable spot. Still you
need to have strong natal chart support to get favorable judgement. Because Saturn on your 8th
house may affect you or create more delays in pending court cases. But things are looking bright
compared to last one year. You will be in good spot if you are going with out of the court settlement
between Oct 2018 and March 2019, and again between Aug 2019 and Oct 2019.

Travel, Foreign Travel and Relocation

Long distance travelling is looking good with favorable Jupiter transit. You will get good deals on
booking tickets, rental cars and hotels. You will get good hospitality wherever you travel. You will
stay healthy and enjoy good comforts while travelling. It is a good time to buy new car.
If you were living in foreign land, you would have faced more problems in visa and immigration
benefits in the last one year. If your visa petition got stuck with RFE (Request for Evidence) or 221
(g), then you will make good progress with favorable Jupiter on 7th house. It is a good time to travel
back to foreign land. If you have any plans to immigrate permanently into foreign country such as
Canada or Australia, it is a good time initiate the process.

Finance / Money
Saturn on 8th house and Jupiter on 6th house would have drained out your finance completely in the
past one year. Presently you may be under panic situation with accumulated debt pile. Jupiter on
your 7th house will help you to get your finical problems fixed. It is a good time to consolidate and
refinance to lower your monthly bills and interest rate. The speed of recovery will depend on your
natal chart also. Since Saturn is on your 8th house, you may not expect complete debt relief in the
next one year. But financial situation will improve going forward.
Your medical and travel expenses will go down. Your income will rise. Cash flow is indicated from
many sources including foreign countries. You will pay down your debts and improve your credit
rating. You will qualify for new loans with 0% APR that will give you enough cash buffer. You will be
happy with decreasing debts and increasing savings. You will also get costly items as gift.

Trading and Investments

Professional trader or speculators got burned badly on trading and investments with unfavorable
Jupiter on 6th house and Saturn on 8th house. you might have faces huge losses on speculative
trading especially from July 2018. The recent financial disaster might have put you under panic
situation. Even though Saturn is not in good position, Jupiter on your 7th house will stop your further
But if you expect any growth on your investments, you need to depend on your natal chart. Jupiter
will give you significant gains only if you are running favorable maha dasa. Otherwise you will
continue to accumulate more losses with Asthama Sani.
You need to have diversified portfolio with more allotment towards treasury bonds, gold or other
fixed assets. Speculative trading will be profitable only depends on your natal chart. It is a good time
to buy and move into new home. Avoid investing money in lands or commercial properties without
proper support from your natal chart.

People in the field of Movie, Arts, Politics, etc

Movie stars, producers, directors, distributors will come out of their past obstacles and troubles. You
will get good opportunities with the strength of favorable Jupiter on your 7th house. Jupiter will help
you There will not be any problems with hidden enemies going forward. Your hard work will get
recognized and financially rewarded. Your movies will be hit and get you reputation and fame.
Since Saturn is not in good position, you may get paid less or may get locked in under one sided
contract. Still you will do well on the current project. You will be happy with consistent cash flow and
increasing fame. Politician and movie producer need to have good support from natal chart for
success due to asthama sani.

Oct 11, 2018 to March 27, 2019 Career and Financial

Growth (75 / 100)
Jupiter is moving from your runa roga sathru sthanam to kalathra sthanam. Even though you are
going through Asthama Sani, the malefic effects of Saturn will be less. If you have suffered from
health problems, you will find the right medication with correct diagnosis. If requited, you may
change your physician to get second opinion.
Your spouse will start supporting for your growth and success. You will cut down the mediators
creating problems on personal life. You will be happy with family. If you are going through pending
litigation, the judgements will come through. It may or may not be on your favorable side but can
give you a new beginning. You may find a suitable match and get engaged in this period. Married
couples will resolve their conflicts and will be happy on relationship. Long waited couples will get
blessed with baby.
You are due to experience good changes at your workplace. If you experience more problems by
Oct or Nov 2018 at your workplace, then it is an indication that you need to change your job for
better prospects. Business people will do much better in this phase. You will get new projects that
will generate cashflow. But it is not a good idea to expand your business with asthama sani. Your
financial situation will improve. Your bank loans will get approved. Your debt problems will go down.
Since Saturn is transiting on your 8th house, you need to be careful on stock trading. You need to
check your natal chart to enjoy profits on speculative trading. It is ok to go with real estate
March 27, 2019 to April 25, 2019 Sudden Debacle (25 /
The relief and growth you enjoyed in the recent past will come to end. Jupiter will be moving onto
asthama sthana temporarily. The real heat of asthama sani will be felt in this period. Once you cross
these 4 weeks, things will get much better. Things may take U turn and will create adverse results.
There will be problems through hidden enemies. You may not even know who is playing against
If you are conducting subha karya functions, you need to be more careful. Conspiracy may create
humiliation without your fault. There will be confusion in the family. This will take out your mental
peace. If you are running weak maha dasa, your emotional health will get affected. You will go
through sleepless nights.
There will be consistent work pressure and tension at workplace. There will be new manager or
change in project that may affect your growth. But this problem will be short-lived. If you can manage
the hard time for these 4 weeks, then things will improve a lot. Business people may go through
disappointments and failures. If you are not careful, you may get into legal problems. Think twice
before making any important financial and investment decision. You need to increase your spiritual
strength to cross this phase.

April 25, 2019 to Aug 11, 2019 Moderate growth (50 / 100)
Jupiter will move back to 7th house will give great deal of relief. Saturn Rx on your 8th house will
reduce the malefic effects of Asthama Sani. However, this period is not looking so great to start
anything new. You will come out of setbacks experienced in the previous phase. The health of your
parents may need attention in this period. Make sure to have enough medical insurance coverage.
There may be some problems creeping with your spouse! But you will be able to manage the
situation with patient. You need to spend more time with your children, siblings, parents or in-laws, to
understand their needs. Lovers may spend time together. But romance will be missing with other
personal and family problems.
This is the time you may expect work pressure to shoot up. You may lose work life balance but will
get enough credits for the hard work you put in. Your boss and managers will be happy with hard
work and performance. Business people will be busy in completing the projects and hiring new
peoples. You may do well against your competitors. Cash flow will be good enough to meet your
debt obligations.
This period can create more expenses especially towards travelling, shopping luxury items, etc. You
need to watch your wallet to save more for your future growth. Things may not go well professional
traders and long-term investors. It is not worth spending time on trading for the money you make.
You may avoid doing any real estate transactions.

Aug 11, 2019 to Sep 17, 2019 Very Good Time (80 / 100)
Guru Bhagavan is getting vakra nivarthi in this phase. You will make excellent progress in this time.
Let it be anything you do will materialize into great success. There will not be any physical ailments.
You will have sound health and gain enough attractive force. You will also develop strong muscles.
There is no surprise if you fall in love or get any love proposals.
It is an excellent time to find a match and get married. Couples can enjoy marital bliss during this
time. Long waited couples will get blessed with baby. It is a good time to plan for dream vacation.
You will be happy in conducting many subha karya functions. Your family will gain good name and
fame in the society.
There is no surprise if you get promoted in this period. You will be happy with stock awards, bonus
and financial rewards. It is a good time to accept new job offer and join in big companies. You will
get enough work life balance. It is an excellent time for business people to cash out the profits. You
will come out of your financial problems.
There will not be any disturbance with Asthama Sani. Hence you will be happy with your progress in
finance. Stock investments will give you very good profits in this short period. It is a good time to buy
and move into new home.

Sep 17, 2019 to Nov 04, 2019 Good Time (70 / 100)
Sani Bhagavan is getting vakra nivarthi on Sep 17, 2019, can give bitter pills in this phase. But Guru
Bhagavan is in excellent position to protect your growth. You need to be very careful in this phase.
You will have many good opportunities to move up on your life. You need to think about long term
while making the decisions.
The time between Nov 2019 and March 2020 is going to be a worst period. If you enter into any new
relationship or long-term commitment, then things may not go well. You will not get affected during
this phase. If you are taking new job opportunity, you need to look for more stable company rather
than financial growth. If you are doing business, it is a time for you cash out the profits to prepare the
worst phase from Nov 2019.
If you have any travel plans, it is better to complete it before Oct 30, 2019. If you must go for visa
stamping, you need to check your natal chart support. Overall this is a very good time to complete
the tasks you already started and see the results. It is not a good time to start any tasks or new

Warnings / Pariharam
1. Avoid taking Non-Veg food on Saturdays
2. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
3. Visit Kuchanur in Theni District and / or Thirunallaru or any other Sani Sthalam.
4. Help older and handicapped people.
5. Do charity as much as you can.
6. Increase your spiritual strength to bravely face asthama sani.

Dhanur Rasi
Guru Bhagavan on your 11th house would have improved your financial situation in the past 12
months. Guru Bhagavan would have reduced the malefic effects of Janma Sani in the past. Now
Jupiter is moving onto your 12th house by Oct 11, 2018. 12th house is also called Viraya sthanam.
Saturn on Janma Sthana, Jupiter on Viraya Sthana, Rahu on 8th house and Ketu on 2nd house is
not looking great. Ketu moving onto Janma Sthana and Rahu onto Kalathra sthana will increase the
intensity of the problems.
Since all major planets will not be in good position, you are being placed under severe testing period
for the next 12 months. Your work life will get affected the most. Increasing work pressure and debts
will affect your health. If you are running weak maha dasa, you may even lose your job.
The only good thing is you will be able to conduct subha karya function. This can increase your
expenses and mental pressure. But you will be able to do it with the strength of Jupiter. You may
also have to spend big amount of money on travelling and shopping luxury items. Think twice before
taking any important decisions. Listen to sudharsana maha mantra to get protection from enemies.

Even though Saturn was transiting on your Janma Rasi, Jupiter would have provided enough
support to maintain good health until Sep 10, 2018. With Jupiter moving onto your 12th house of
Viraya sthanam, you may develop ill health and suffer from physical ailments. You need to keep an
eye on your diet since you may gain or lose more weight.
You need to do correct workouts and maintain good diet to stay healthy. Make sure to take enough
protein and fiber rich food to avoid body weakness. Jupiter on your 12h house will give irregular
sleeping schedule or disturbed sleep. You may develop confused state of mind with lack of sound
sleep. Listen to Hanuman Chalisa and Aditya Hridayam to feel better.

Family and Relationship

You would have done much better on your family and relationship with the strength of Jupiter on
your 11th house. Jupiter is moving onto your 12th house of Viraya sthanam. You may be busy with
spending more time with family. It is ok to conduct subha karya functions. You need to put lot of
efforts and money to make it happen. Because Janma Sani will keep creating problems and
obstacles. You may not get good support from your spouse and children. You need to stay patient
enough to deal the family problems coming up in the next one year.
There will be misunderstanding and fights with your relatives especially for not treating them in
respectful manner. You need to cut sorry figure even though it is not your fault. If you were
separated from spouse or going through any litigation on divorce, child custody or alimony cases,
you may experience more pain and money loss around April 2019.

Love and Romance

Jupiter on your 12th house may help you to spend more time with your mate during travel, vacation
or eating out, watching movies, etc. But it is not a great time for romance, since your mind will be
focused towards job and money. You may end up in having more fights and arguments due to
Saturn on Janma Rasi. It is not a good time to start new relationship without your natal chart
There will be lack of conjugal bliss for married couples. Your spouse may get a job in foreign place.
This can create temporary separation. This can also affect your martial life. If you are newly married,
you need to be extra careful around March and April 2019. It is not a good time to plan for baby
without natal chart support. IVF or IUI may give disappointing results.

There is no surprise if you have gotten admission onto great schools or college in the last one year
with the strength of Jupiter. Now you are being placed under testing period with Jupiter on your 12th
house. You may develop unwanted thoughts that can affect your studies. You may develop irregular
sleeping schedule. You may start having problems with boyfriend or girlfriend during this time.
You need to work hard to do well on your exams this year. If you are studying 10th and 12th grade,
you may get exhausted with your energy levels with hard work. You may not have good fortunes and
you will get good marks only with your hard work. If you are into sports, you need to work hard to
perform well.

Work and Career

You would have noticed good changes on your career especially in the last few months. Jupiter on
your 11th house would have delivered good fortunes in the months of July and August 2018. You
may not expect any fortunes with Jupiter on your 12th house. Since Saturn is also on your Janma
Rasi, your work pressure and tension will shoot up. Things may get worse around April 2019 with
increasing office politics and humiliation. You need to be running favorable maha dasa to protect job
You may not expect any promotion or salary hikes. Your manager will expect you do to more work.
You may not like the micro management from your boss. But you do not have any alternate and
need to get adjusted to the work environment. Avoid changing your Job since new place will also be
not good for you.
If you are doing travelling job, you may have hectic schedule. You may need to make multiple visits
to the client place to complete the work. Your colleagues will take advantage of your weak position
for their growth. If you are working foreign land, you may have visa issues. Hence you may need to
move back to homeland for shorter period around April 2019. Please check your natal chart with
your astrologer for visa stamping and immigration benefits.

Business and Secondary Income

Jupiter on your 11th house would have given excellent relief in the months of June, July and August
2018. But Jupiter moving onto your 12th house is not good news. You may have hard time in dealing
with finance and managing financial commitments. You may underquote the project cost and can get
burned on finance. While signing projects / contracts, make sure to go through the requirements and
documents carefully.
Your good long-term employee will quit their job for their growth. You may get affected badly since
this can affect your project deliverables. Your business travel cannot materialize into success. If you
expect funds from investors, it will not come through. You need to borrow money from bank at higher
interest rate for operating expenses. You may have hard time in managing financial obligations.
Avoid trying out new business or expand your business. Joint venture will create more problems
including lawsuit. It is going to be a challenging time for Freelancers, real estate, insurance and
commission agents.

Lawsuit and Litigation

There is no surprise if you came out of pending litigation on your favor in the last few months. But
you cannot expect the same fortunes going forward. Things may take U turn and move against you.
Money loss can be expected due to lawsuit. It is not a good idea to appeal on high court without
checking your natal chart. Saturn on your Janma Rasi and unfavorable Rahu may not make you win
with appeal.
It is bad time to go through any lawsuits with your family members. You may develop more pains
due to child custody, refraining order or alimony. Recite Sudharsana Maha Mantra or Kandar Sashti
Kavasam to reduce the intensity of the problems.
It is better to have enough car insurance to cover maximum loss including liabilities, comprehensive,
medical personal injury protection, underinsured / uninsured coverage. If you are living in foreign
country, then you can purchase umbrella policy to protect your personal properties from lawsuit.

Travel, Foreign Travel and Relocation

Travelling is highly indicated on the cards with Jupiter transit on your 12th house. You may even
make short journeys. This may create more expenses and drain out your savings. But you cannot
avoid travelling due to family commitments. If you are making long-distance or foreign travel, then
you may not have good hospitality. This may affect your good health and causing more anxiety. Your
business travel will not materialize. Your friends or relative will keep visiting your place. You need to
take them out for sightseeing and book tickets for them.
If you are working in foreign land, you may get visa related problems. Consequently, you may have
to travel back to homeland around April 2019. There will not be immigration benefits such as getting
green cards or permanent residency. If you are travelling abroad for visa stamping, you may need to
have good natal chart support otherwise check with your astrologer.

Finance / Money
Jupiter on 12th house of Viraya Sthanam, Janma Sani and unfavorable Rahu / Ketu transit will affect
your financial situation adversely. While your income is steady, your expenses will skyrocket. Your
financial commitments will increase with the addition of family member that is spouse or birth of a
child or education expenses for children, etc.
Your credit card balance will also drain out soon. Your bank loans will not get approved with low
credit score. You will pay more money towards interest instead of principal. There is no surprise if
you must borrow money from your friends or relatives. You may be forced to buy costly items to
keep your prestige. Stay away from lotteries or gambling. Avoid lending or borrowing money as
much as possible.

Trading and Investments

There will not be any fortunes with the current transit of Jupiter. If you do trading, you are at the risk
of facing financial crisis. Rahu on your 10th and 9th house and Janma Sani will wipe out the fortunes
completely. Even if you a professional trader, you may suffer from big losses on investments.
Speculative trading will create financial disaster/ If you want to do trading, then you must check your
natal chart for further support.
You may be forced to buy home or car due to family pressure. It is better if you can avoid such
investments. The main reason is you will have to pay much higher price than market rate. It can
affect your finance adversely when real estate prices entering onto correction phase.

People in the field of Movie, Arts, Politics, etc

The last few months would have given you good relief and success. But things are not looking great
going forward. You will have more obstacles to achieve growth and success. You may get
opportunities but there will not be any significant financial rewards. You may accept the offers for
your survival and keep your fame. Be careful if you are signing any contracts.
It is not a good idea for movie producers or distributors to take any risk. Because you will be
spending more but returns will be less. You need to depend on your natal chart for further growth. If
you are not careful, you may get defamed in the next couple of years.

Oct 11, 2018 to March 27, 2019 Testing Period (45 / 100)
Jupiter was supporting your growth from 11th house in the last one year. Now Guru Bhagavan is
moving onto 12th house. This may increase your expenses and affect your financial situation. You
will start feeing the heat of Janma Sani in this phase.
You may develop ill health, unwanted fear and tension. The relationship with your spouse, in-laws
and children may get affected. If you are not careful, this period can create temporary separation. If
you are going through litigation with family members, then your legal expenses will drain out your
You will be able to keep your job safe. But work load and work pressure will be more. But you may
have any growth on your career. There will be office politics and conspiracy. You need to manage
the hard situation at your workplace to save your job. Business people will face more challenges.
You may lose good projects to competitors for silly reasons.
Your financial situation will get affected badly. Stock investments may create more losses. Stay
away from taking any important decisions.

April 25, 2019 to Aug 11, 2019 Good Relief (55 / 100)
This period is looking much better compared to the recent past. The malefic effects of Jupiter and
Saturn will go down provide some relief. Your problems will take a pause and give enough breathing
space to digest what�s going on your life. No major changes positive changes can be expected in
this period. You will not go down from the current level. But the amount of recovery depends on your
natal chart.
It is not a good time to start new relationship. If you are separated, then you will not clear picture on
what to do next. There will be lack of conjugal bliss for married couples. If you are a woman, then
avoid planning for baby. Any pending litigation will not make any progress on either side.
If you have lost your job recently, then you will get a temporary or contract job. You need to accept
the low paying job and move on to survive the current situation. You may not get any motivation to
work in the current job. You may spend more time with family to understand their problems.
Business people will see good recovery during this phase. Avoid expanding your business with
investing more money. It is a good time to reduce operating cost.
Travelling is indicated on the cards. But it is not a good time to expect any immigration benefits. Your
financial situation is looking much better. It is a good time to refinance your loans to lower the
interest rate. Avoid lending or borrowing money. Stock investments will not be profitable

Aug 11, 2019 to Sep 17, 2019 Subha Karya Functions (65 /
Saturn and Ketu conjunction on your Janma Sthanam will increase your tension and pressure. But
Jupiter on your 12th house will make you busy with hosting subha karya functions. You may not
have sound sleep due to increasing family commitments. You may easily go over original budget for
hosting subha karya functions. You need to borrow money at high interest rate to manage the
situation. Your travel expenses will be more. You need to spend more money towards hospitality of
the guest and relatives visiting your home. Lovers will be busy in managing their own problems.
You need to be careful at your workplace. You may not be productive enough to deliver the projects
on time. You will be taking more time off for personal reason. This may affect your career growth
adversely. Business people may experience slow down. Please check your natal chart for further
support to take any important decisions.
You will be paying more money towards interest instead of principal. Hence you will start building up
debt mountain. Avoid your spending as much as you can. It is not a good idea to try your luck on
lottery or investments.

Sep 17, 2019 to Nov 4, 2019 Severe Testing Period (30 /

You need to be careful in this phase since all major planets Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are not
in good position. Your health will get affected adversely. The health of your family members may
need attention. You may expect unexpected bad news. You will develop more worries with
increasing family problems. It is not a good time to start new relationship or get married.
You may lose your job in this phase due to office politics or conspiracy. Your income will get
affected. You may go through humiliation at workplace. You may lose your visa status and travel
back to homeland. No sign of relief indicated for business people. Avoid travelling as much as
possible. Your visa and immigration benefits will get stuck with no progress. You need to check your
personal horoscope to make any important decisions.

Jupiter Transit (2018 - 2019) Horoscope (Guru Peyarchi / Guru

Gochar) for Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi)
Jupiter on your 9th house would have provided good fortunes in the last one year. Especially you
would have come across the golden period between July 2018 and Oct 2018. You would have
experienced many life time positive events. Rahu, Ketu and Saturn are also in good position for you.
Jupiter moving onto your 10th house on Oct 11, 2018. You will not get affected much. Because
Saturn is transiting over labha sthana will continue to supply enough positive energies. Ketu moving
onto 11th house by March 2019 will increase your fortunes in finance.
Your long-term wishes will come true. You will make good progress on your career and finance. You
will sort out the family problems. If you were going through any litigation, it will end on your favor. If
you are trading in stock market, then you may need to have further support from natal chart. Overall
you will be happy with the current transit of Jupiter except May through Aug 2019.

Jupiter on your bhakya sthana in the past one year would have provided lot of positive energies and
sound health. Even though Jupiter on 10th house is not looking good, your will not get affected
because Saturn will protect you from 11th house. You may develop unwanted fear and tension. This
can be easily managed with breathing exercise like pranayama and prayers.
Rahu on your 5th house from March 2019 may create confusion. This can be noticed only if you are
running weak maha dasa. You may not perform well on sports with lack of practice. Recite Hanuman
Chalisa and Aditya Hridayam to feel better.

Family and Relationship

The time from July 2018 would have been spectacular. You might have gone through many life time
events like engagement, wedding, birth of a child or house warming. Jupiter on 10th house is
unlikely to affect your family life. You will continue to experience good results even in this Jupiter
transit. Saturn and Rahu or Ketu will provide good results.
It is a good time to finalize marriage proposal for your son and daughter. You will be successful in
conducting subha karya functions. Your children will bring good news to your family. Your family
environment will be support for your growth and success.
If you are running weak maha dasa, then you may need to relocate to another place due to changes
in workplace around May 2019. This may create temporary separation with your family. But there will
not be any setback on your relationship. But the psychological impact may be more since you have
crossed the golden period in last one year.

Love and Romance

You would have enjoyed with good fortunes on love affairs in the past one year. If you are single,
you will start new relationship in this period. Saturn and Ketu conjunction on your 11th house is
looking good. Even if you are in middle age, you will find suitable proposal for marriage. But you may
have hard time in getting approval for your love marriage from parents and in-laws.
Even Jupiter is transiting over 10th house, Saturn will make sure you are happy in relationship in the
next one year. It is a good time for conjugal bliss and plan for baby. If you are going with medical
procedures like IVF or IUI, then you may need natal chart support. If you are single, you will find
suitable match around March / April 2019.

It was golden period for the students in the past. You might be happy with scoring excellent marks
and admission onto great schools or colleges earlier this year. Jupiter is important for doing well in
education. Now Jupiter is taking its support away by moving onto 10th house.
You may start having minor obstacles and disturbance on your studies going forward. But Saturn will
provide the right guidance and support to do well on your studies. You need to work hard to score
good marks. You will get decent marks for the hard work you put in. You need to avoid arguments
with your friends to maintain good relationship. If you are into sports, you may perform at average

Work and Career

It was a golden period on your career in the past. There is no surprise if you have got big promotion
or awards in the last one year. Relocation to new place would have made your life happier. You may
expect modest growth even with the current transit of Jupiter onto 10th house. Since Saturn and
Ketu will be good position, you will continue to move up.
But Jupiter on 10th house may create office politics and more work load. Psychologically it may be
hard to adjust at your workplace. Your time is looking good enough to stay at your current position.
You may expect to have problems only if you are trying to move up from current level.
You need to develop people skills to adjust to the environment. Even if you experience visa
problems, it will get fixed smoothly on your favor. It is not a great time for government employees.
You may experience unwanted relocation that may create problems on personal life.

Business and Secondary Income

You did enjoy good fortunes in the past one year. There are no debt problems and finance should
have been surplus. Jupiter moving onto your 10th house may reduce your fortunes in business. You
will make good profits, but it will be less compared to last one year. It is good idea to add your
spouse into business to mitigate some risk.
If you have good natal chart support, then it is ok to expand your business.
If you are not careful, then you may lose your long-term clients to competitors. Cash flow may get
affected to some extent. This can make you hard for meeting financial obligations. Law suits or
income tax problems are indicated on the cards in 2019. Freelancers, real estate, insurance and
commission agents will have modest growth and success.

Lawsuit and Litigation

You would have made good progress on pending litigation. You would have identified the hidden
enemies. Since Saturn is in excellent position even during this Jupiter transit, you will see great
victory in the upcoming year. If you are a victim, you will also get lump sum settlement. You will also
come out income tax or audit problems. You will solve the disputes in auto insurance or property
insurance. Recite Sudharsana Maha Mantra to get faster relief from enemies.

Travel, Foreign Travel and Relocation

Jupiter on 9th house in the past made you enjoy good fortunes on travel and vacation. Even Jupiter
is transiting onto 10th house, travelling will give good results. You will get good respect and
hospitability. Business travel will materialize into great profits by April 2019.
You would have come out of all immigration hassles by Sep 2018. The next one year is also looking
good for obtaining visa renewals. Your green card processing will be faster. If you have already
applied for permanent immigration visa to Australia or Canada, it will get approved. You will be
happy in making permanent immigration to foreign land.

Finance / Money
Your financial situation is looking excellent. You may have more expenses. But you will easily
manage them with increasing cash flow. Your time is looking good enough to maintain the current
life style and keep good savings. You need to avoid lending money to your friends or relatives. If you
are doing charity, please make sure it reaches the right people.
You need to keep an eye on your spending. Make sure to control your expenses on travel, eating
outside, buying luxury items as gifts, etc. Your rental income may get affected by increasing
maintenance cost or vacant home. If you have accumulated enough savings, it is a good idea to
upgrade your home or go with buying new investment properties.

Trading and Investments

You would have made good profits in stock trading in the last one year. You would have come out
multiyear accumulated losses from stock market. Now Jupiter is going against you by moving onto
your 10th house. It is not advisable to buy stocks without your natal chart support. You need to
reduce your positions gradually whenever there is a rally. Since Saturn is in good position, if you
maintain diversified portfolio, you will make decent profits.
Long term investors and professional traders may take calculated risks. But short-term investors may
lose money with weak natal chart. It is a good idea to enter into real estate market since Saturn is
transiting over labha sthana. Lottery winnings are possible for people running favorable maha dasa.

People in the field of Movie, Arts, Politics, etc

Politicians, Movie stars, producers, directors, distributors would have done excellent in the last one
year with the strength of Jupiter and Saturn. You may have setbacks on financial growth since
Jupiter is taking its support away. However, you may keep your reputation and fame without any
problems with the strength of Saturn.
If you get any opportunities to work under big banner as long term (more than 18 months), then you
can move forward. If you are signing any short-term contracts, then you need to check your natal
chart for further support. You will buy and move into new home in the next one year.

Oct 11, 2018 to March 27, 2019 Good Results (65 / 100)
Jupiter on your 9th house would have provided big fortunes in the recent past. Now Jupiter will be
moving onto your 10th house. Since Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are in good position, there will not be
any malefic effects from Jupiter during this phase. You will continue to see good result during this
You will get blessed with good health and wealth. You may spend time happily with friends, family
and relatives. It is a good time for love and romance. Marital harmony is looking good. You will be
happy with birth of a child on your family. It is a good time to finalize marriage proposal for son or
daughter. Your children will listen to your words.
You will get promoted to next level on your career. People will be jealous of your growth and seeing
the peak you achieved. Your work pressure will be moderate. You will have surplus money on your
bank account. Business people will continue to see modest growth. Your stock investments will yield
decent profits. But avoid speculative trading and options trading with out your natal chart support.

March 27, 2019 to April 25, 2019 Golden Period (90 / 100)
Jupiter will be moving onto your 11th house of labha sthana. Saturn, Ketu and Jupiter will be making
conjunction on your labha sthana will deliver big fortunes in finance. You will achieve sky rocketing
growth and windfall profits. Your sound health will make you enjoy all the comforts in this life.
You will have good relationship with spouse and in-laws. Long waited couples will get blessed with
baby. Birth of a child may increase happiness on your family. You will find your soulmate in this
period. Your love marriage will get approved by parents. Lovers will be happy in moving forward with
wedding. You may happily spend time with your friends and family during get-together, parties or
family vacations.
You will achieve great success on your career. You will get promoted to next level good salary hikes.
You will get closer to top management. Business people will have skyrocketing growth on this
phase. You will big long-term projects that can generate consistent cash flow.
You will be happy with financial situation. You will have surplus money. It is a good time to buy and
move into new home. Your bank loans will get approved with no hassles. Investors and professional
traders will book windfall profits. Since array of planets are on labha sthana, you may try your luck
on lottery and gambling in this phase.

April 25, 2019 to Sep 17, 2019 Slow Down (45 / 100)
This is going be hardest period in this Jupiter transit. Rahu will be moving onto your 5th house will
increase setbacks on family and relationship. Saturn and Ketu conjunction will make sure things are
not going out of your control. But psychologically this phase will be hard for you to cross after
enjoying lime light period in the recent past. I do not see any problems for your health. You may
pranayama, yoga, meditation or prayers to increase your spiritual strength to come out of unwanted
fear and tension.
There will be lack of conjugal bliss for married couples due to mental stress. If you are going through
pregnancy cycle, make sure to get enough support from your parents, in-laws or relatives. Lovers
may go through unwanted changes but will be short lived. Avoid sharing your personal matters to
anyone including your friends. It is not a good period to conduct any subha karyas.
You will be under more pressure to deliver the projects at your workplace. Your colleagues will be
jealous of your growth. You need to spend more time to manage the office politics. So, you need to
work late evenings and week-ends to manage the situation. You will get good credits for the hard
work you put in. Business people may experience more pressure from competitors. You will be
working hard to manage the pressure and will be successful at the end.
If you need to go for visa stamping, then you can avoid this period. Avoid travelling during this period
as much as possible. There will be consistent cash flow. But increasing expenses may not let you do
more savings. You may have to book losses on your investments. Hence avoid speculative trading
completely. Long term investors may consider hedging their portfolio in this phase.

Sep 17, 2019 to Nov 04, 2019 Big Fortunes (85 / 100)
Jupiter will be in the verge of moving onto your labha sthana. You will experience the positive effects
of upcoming transit due to favorable Saturn and Ketu will conjunction on 11th house. You will regain
your confidence level now. Your family will be supportive for your growth and success. You will be
happy in hosting subha karya functions. Lovers will find golden time in romance. Married couples will
enjoy conjugal bliss. Your long term or even life time dreams will come true during this phase.
This is going be a golden period for your career. You will get promoted to next level with good salary
hikes. You will get enough respect at your workplace. Your hidden enemies will lose their power with
the strength of Saturn on 11th house. There will not be any conspiracy against you. Business people
will enjoy good profits. New business deals will give good fortunes and long-term growth. There is no
surprise if you get a takeover offer for your startup business.
If you are going through pending litigation, you will see victory. There is no surprise even if you get
lump sum settlement through lawsuit or insurance. Your financial situation is looking excellent. You
will come out of the debt problems completely. It is a good time to try out your luck on lottery. Your
stock investments can give you good profits. Day traders and speculator may get windfall profits with

Warnings / Pariharam
1. Visit Alangudi temple or any other Guru Sthalam.
2. Avoid non-veg food if possible.
3. Pray lord Balaji to gain more financial success.
4. Listen to Vishnu Sahasranamam to feel better.
5. Do charity as much as you can to accumulate good deeds.
6. Help poor students for education and donate money to old age home.

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