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Intern Name: Sarissa Bryant

Lesson Title (Subject/Topic): Fashion Merchandising and Advertising

Grade: 8th grade Teen Living
Length of Lesson: 15 minutes +
Date Taught: 5/1/19
In this lesson…
students will create a “mood board” highlighting their favorite brands,
styles, etc, in order to develop and understanding of the importance of
Overview merchandising and how their favorite brands do it to target specific

Standards of Teen Living

What is fashion merchandising?
Essential What is the importance of advertising and merchandising when it comes
Questions to brands?
Students will be able to…
Explain what fashion merchandising is and relate it to a “mood board”
Objectives they create to reflect their styles and brands they prefer.

Learning Target I can make a choice based off what is most important to daily life.
Necessary Prior Students will get background info on what merchandising and
advertising are and why they are important.
For this activity we are going to be using our chromebooks and google
slides. For pictures of brands and clothes students may access google
Materials images or etc.

Start the lesson with a bell ringer / class discussion asking the students if
they have ever heard of fashion merchandising or advertising.
Introduction/Hook Ex:​What are some of your favorite brands? What aspects make you favor them
over others? What is the importance of advertising and merchandising?

1. The lesson will be opened up with a bell ringer to open up the

lesson and get students thinking
Instructional 2. A quick powerpoint going over what merchandising is and what
Activities & the students will be doing for this lesson.
Strategies 3. The activity the students must complete is creating a 2 slide
powerpoint project that showcases their favorite brands and
clothes they like with an explanation of why it's their favorite and

how the brands advertise and use specific merchandising
4. They must follow a specific rubric and will be presenting these
projects to the class the following class (the next A day)

Key Vocabulary or Merchandising: ​the planning and promotion of sales by presenting a

product to the right market at the proper time, by carrying out organized,
Concepts skillful advertising, using attractive displays, etc.
To assess the students knowledge on the objective they will be graded
Assessments on their projects using a rubric to ensure they covered the all the aspects
To finish the activity we will just have a small discussion about the
Closure Activity projects and go over importance of merchandising once again.
Any online resources may be used to find pictures or information about
Resources brands.

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name: Sarissa Bryant
Lesson Title (Subecjt/Topc): Fashion Merchandising Mood Boards
Date of Lesson Taught: 5/3/19
Cooperating Teacher & School: Teresa Link, Great Neck Middle School
Grade: 8th
Time of Day: First Block

What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your lesson?
● In order to create this lesson I first got with my cooperating teacher to get some ideas down and see what
would be the most appropriate lesson to teach to the students. I began to think about some topics I was
interested in and immediately knew I wanted to do something that dealt with fashion, since its my
favorite school subject. I thought teaching a lesson on fashion merchandising would be perfect because
the kids just moved into sewing, so it worked out great. I had inspiration from a project I completed in
fashion called a “mood board”. It was a really fun activity for me, so I thought my students would love it
too. I later got together with my fashion teacher at Cox and she helped me develop a lesson plan
brainstorm that would work best with the kids. After I had the framework finished I spent some time
tweaking my lesson and making it the best I could!

How did the SOLs and Objectives help focus your instruction?
● The objectives that helped me focus were the fashion marketing ones that I have gone over in my high
school course. Since teen living doesn’t have an SOL it was partially difficult to create a lesson that
would be beneficial, but with the help of my fashion and cooperating teacher I was able to hit on some
points that are actually required in my marketing class.

What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?
● My whole lesson went over very smoothly with the kids and they all seemed to really enjoy it. They
were all searching up their favorite brands and began to formulate their slideshows very quickly. They
did an awesome job following the directions I gave them as well as explaining the key points I made in
the lesson about advertising and merchandising. Also they did a great job working in groups (they
chose) and no one really got off task which was great.

What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?

● If I could make any adjustments it would be to my instructions. They needed to be a little more specific
because I was expecting all the students to understand they were only supposed to put their favorite
clothing and accessory brands on their slides, but some kids put colored pencils and sports equipment.
Also I wish the kids were more engaged. During my lesson when I asked questions the kids just sat there
and didn’t answer me, so I had to call out people which I know students hate. I feel like my lesson plan
would have been a lot more smooth if the kids just participated a little more, but overall it was good.

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