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T h y ro i d H o r m o n e s in C r i t i c a l

Matthew J. Maiden, BSc, BMBS, PhD, FCICM, FACEMa,b,c,*,
David J. Torpy, MBBS, PhD, FRACPd

 Critical illness  Thyroid hormone  Triiodothyronine  Low T3 syndrome
 Sick euthyroid  Non-thyroidal illness syndrom

 Thyroid hormone is pleiotropic and required for normal organ function.
 Illness precipitates a low triiodothyronine (T3) syndrome, where levels of the
most active form of thyroid hormone are diminished in proportion to the severity of
 Replacing T3 has been an attractive therapeutic target in many critical illnesses.
 Although many preliminary studies have suggested T3 replacement is beneficial, this has
not been replicated in more controlled trials.
 The place of T3 replacement in critical illness requires further investigation, in particular,
consideration given to the stage of disease.

The thyroid gland produces hormones that primarily regulate cellular metabolism,
have wide-ranging pleiotropic effects, and are essential for life. During critical illness,
the most active form of thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine [T3]) decreases. It remains
controversial if this is an adaptive response to conserve energy or a pathologic state,
particularly when intensive care supports are provided. To further understand this
phenomenon, this article reviews the physiology of thyroid hormone how it alters dur-
ing acute disease and summarizes studies that have supplemented these hormones
during critical illness.

Disclosure Statement: The authors have no conflict of interest.

Intensive Care Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Port Road, Adelaide, South Australia 5000,
Australia; b Intensive Care Unit, Barwon Health, Ryrie St, Geelong, Victoria 3220, Australia;
Discipline of Acute Care Medicine, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005,
Australia; d Endocrine and Metabolic Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Port Road, Adelaide, South
Australia 5000, Australia
* Corresponding author. Royal Adelaide Hospital, Port Road, Adelaide, South Australia 5000,
E-mail address:

Crit Care Clin - (2018) -–-
0749-0704/18/Crown Copyright ª 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Maiden & Torpy


Thyroid Hormones
Thyroid follicle cells produce thyroglobulin, which contains tyrosine molecules that are
iodinated to form monoiodotyrosine or diiodotyrosine (T2). These are subsequently
coupled to form tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine) (T4) and T3 (Fig. 1, Table 1).
T4 is the most abundant thyroid hormone and is produced solely from the thyroid
gland (approximately 100 mg per day). Plasma T3 is derived largely from extrathyroidal
deiodination of T4, and 20% is directly from thyroid secretion. T3 is considered to have
at least 10-times the biological activity of T4 and cells have higher affinity for this form
of thyroid hormone. Reverse T3 (rT3) is also a product of T4 deiodination but is consid-
ered biologically inactive. The circulating half-lives of T4, T3, and rT3 are 7 days, 1 day,
and 0.2 days, respectively.1

Control of Thyroid Hormone Secretion

Thyrotropin is synthesized by the thyrotroph cells of the anterior pituitary, is secreted
in pulses with a slight circadian rhythm, and has a half-life of 1 hour. It activates all
pathways involved in the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormone. The hypothala-
mus releases thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) into the hypophyseal-portal circu-
lation to stimulate thyrotropin synthesis and release. Negative feedback of T4 and T3
on the hypothalamus and pituitary provides homeostasis of circulating thyroid hor-
mone levels.

Protein Binding/Cellular Uptake

The iodothyronines are poorly soluble in water, and the extensive protein binding
(>99.5%) serves to distribute the hormones throughout the circulation, prevent

Fig. 1. Structure of the iodothyronines.

Thyroid Hormones in Critical Illness 3

Table 1
Thyroid hormone kinetics in a euthyroid human

Thyroxine Triiodothyronine Triiodothyronine
Daily production (mg) 110 50 45
Serum levels
Total (nmol/L) 103 1.84 0.51
Free (pmol/L) 27 4.3 3.69
Total body hormone (nmol/L) 1023 71 62
Distribution (L) 10 38 98
Clearance rate (L/d) 1 22 90
Half-life (d) 7 1 0.2

Data from Greenspan FS. Basic and clinical endocrinology. 3rd edition. London: Prentice-Hall
International; 1991.

renal clearance, and maintain a reservoir of thyroid hormone to be liberated when

required. Most circulating T4 and T3 is bound to the high-affinity thyroxine binding
globulin (TBG), with smaller a proportion bound to albumin and transthyretin
(Table 2).2 The iodothyronines (especially T3) are concentrated within the cell,
and cellular hormone uptake occurs predominantly by energy-dependent carrier-
mediated processes.3

Deiodinase System
Three deiodinase enzymes are found in most cells. The enzymes are structurally
similar and contain selenocysteine that acts as the iodine acceptor during deiodina-
tion. Each deiodinase type differs according to which iodine it removes, location within
the cell, distribution across the organs, antagonists, and their activity during illness
(Fig. 2).4,5
Type 1 deiodinase (D1) is most effective at 5’ deiodination (outer ring), and predom-
inantly deiodinates rT3 (to T2). Propylthiouracil (PTU) inhibits D1 activity.
Type 2 deiodinase (D2) also catalyzes 5’-deidonation but preferentially deiodinates
T4 rather than rT3 and is not inhibited by PTU. Located within the cell, most of the T3
destined for the nuclear thyroid receptors originates from D2.

Table 2
Thyroid hormone–binding proteins (euthyroid state)

Globulin Transthyretin Albumin
Plasma concentration (mmol/L) 0.27 4.6 640
T4-binding capacity (mg/dL) 21 350 50,000
Binding sites occupied 0.31 0.02 <0.001
Distribution of iodothyronines (%)
T4 68 11 20
T3 80 9 11

Data from Kronenberg H, Williams RH. Williams textbook of endocrinology. 11th edition. Philadel-
phia: Saunders Elsevier; 2008.
4 Maiden & Torpy

Fig. 2. Summary of the deiodinase enzyme pathways. D1 catalyzes all reactions but is most
effective at clearing rT3. D2 primarily converts T4 to the more active T3. D3 metabolizes T4
and T3.

Type 3 deiodinase (D3) has only 5-deiodination (inner-ring) activity. Conceptually it

is considered an inactivating enzyme because it metabolizes T3 (to T2) and T4 (to rT3).
D3 is of low expression during health, whereas very high amounts are present in
placental and fetal tissue to ensure independent thyroid hormone homeostasis of
mother and fetus.
The iodothyronines themselves tightly regulate D2 and D3. T3 and T4 down-regulate
D2 (limiting T3 synthesis) and up-regulate D3 (favoring T3 clearance). This reciprocal
effect on D2 and D3 provides further regulation of thyroid hormone homeostasis.
Thyroid Hormone Cellular Action
Thyroid hormone exerts its effects by genomic and nongenomic mechanisms, leading
to immediate and delayed cellular responses.6–8 The iodothyronines can rapidly alter
cell membrane channels (eg, Na1, K1, and Ca21), membrane pumps (eg, Na1/K1-
ATPase pump, Na1/H1 exchange, and Ca21-ATPase), and protein kinases that act
as second messengers. Thyroid hormones also bind to nuclear receptors and regulate
gene expression of proteins involved with metabolism, cell proliferation, apoptosis,
cellular immunity, and the cytoskeleton. Mitochondrial genome expression is also
directly influenced by T3 (eg, ATPase, NADH dehydrogenase, and cytochrome-c


Metabolism and Thermogenesis
Thyroid hormone regulates multiple metabolic pathways and plays a pivotal role in
thermogenesis.9 T3 can increase oxygen consumption even before changes to thyro-
tropin occur.10 Thyroid hormone also enhances provision of cellular glucose by up-
regulating gluconeogenesis, promoting insulin clearance, and favoring cellular
glucose uptake.11
Heat production is minimal without thyroid hormone. T3 increases obligatory heat
production due to an increased rate of metabolic processes.12 It also rapidly increases
gene transcription of uncoupling protein that disengage mitochondrial oxidative phos-
phorylation, thereby favoring production of heat rather than ATP.13
Thyroid Hormones in Critical Illness 5

Thyroid hormone has direct effects on the cardiovascular system to increase cardiac
output. This incorporates a direct effect on chronotropy (heart rate), lusitropy (diastolic
relaxation), inotropy (contractility), and relaxation of vascular smooth muscle.14
The observed increase in myocardial work is higher than the increase in myocardial
oxygen consumption, which suggests that thyroid hormone enhances myocardial ef-
ficiency (ie, enhanced diastolic function, reduced afterload, and improved coronary

Responsiveness to Catecholamines
Thyroid hormone increases sensitivity to a-agonists and b-agonists.16 This may be
mediated by an increase in receptor numbers, receptor sensitivity, second messenger
coupling, pump activity, and synergism with other catecholamines.

Thyroid hormone is involved in the control of ventilation, surfactant production, and
alveolar fluid clearance. T3 directly stimulates Na1 pumps on the alveolar membrane
and increases surfactant production, thereby enhancing water reabsorption and
reducing alveolar surface tension.17,18

T3 favors renal reabsorption of sodium and water by stimulating release of renin and
Na1/K1-ATPase activity in the proximal renal tubules.19 Conversely, T3 also stimu-
lates gene transcription of natriuretic peptides, leading to sodium and water excretion.

T3 can directly increase phagocytic activity of immune cells, lymphocyte proliferation,
antibody production, cytokine production, cytokine receptor expression, and oxygen
free radical generation.20 Local release of the iodothyronines at sites of infection may
have local antimicrobial effects due to liberated iodide ions.

Other Organs
Thyroid hormone is essential for neurologic development and normal cerebral func-
tion. It increases gastrointestinal motility and promotes synthesis of hepatic enzymes.
In skeletal muscle, thyroid hormone transforms slow-twitch muscle fibers into fast-
twitch and increases oxidative capacity, b-receptor density, and glycogenolysis.


Levels of the thyroid hormones change during illness. Typically, there is an initial fall in
circulating T3, reciprocal increase in rT3, and eventually a decline in T4. Despite the
lower circulating levels of T3 and T4, thyrotropin usually remains within the normal
range. This pattern of thyroid hormone changes has been well characterized during
calorie restriction, after surgery, and in a variety of acute and chronic medical
These combinations of thyroid hormone changes have been referred to as
1. Sick euthyroid syndrome—normal thyrotropin during illness implies euthyroidism
despite low T3 or T4.
2. Low T3 syndrome—low serum T3 is the most common thyroid hormone distur-
bance during illness.
6 Maiden & Torpy

3. Nonthyroidal illness syndrome—the changes in thyroid hormones during illness are

unrelated to primary thyroid gland disease.
For this review, this phenomenon is referred to as the low T3 syndrome.

Critical Illness
The critically ill have been the most studied group of patients with low T3 syn-
drome.22,23 In adults, children, and neonates, an elevated rT3 is seen within hours
of admission to ICU. Low T3 is present in approximately half of patients at the time
of admission to ICU and is nearly universal as acute illness progresses. A low T4 level
is found in 10% of patients at ICU admission with up to 45% developing subnormal
levels during their illness.24–26 Tissue concentration of thyroid hormones seems pro-
portional to the circulating levels during critical illness.27,28
The extent of change in thyroid hormone measured at any time during ICU admis-
sion is proportional to the severity of illness (eg, Acute Physiology And Chronic Health
Evaluation II score), ICU length of stay, and mortality rate.24–26,29,30 In the most exten-
sive study of thyroid hormone changes in critical illness, 451 patients enrolled in a gly-
cemic control trial had thyroid hormones measured at days 1, 5, and 15 and the last
day of their ICU admission.31 The group of patients who died in ICU had persistently
lower T3 and T3:rT3 compared with those who survived. Although thyrotropin and
T4 levels were within the normal range, nonsurvivors had lower serum levels than

Sepsis is associated with the greatest change in T3 and rT3, and the extent of disorder
is associated with severity of disease and outcome.32 The high rate of dopamine use
(discussed later), and variable timing of thyroid hormone sampling limit interpretation
of these studies.

Cardiac Surgery
There is a rapid and progressive decrease in T3 and increase of rT3 after cardiac sur-
gery, which usually returns to baseline by the seventh postoperative day. Thyroid hor-
mone changes are most marked in those with lower cardiac output or after complex
cardiac surgery and are proportional to the extent of postoperative therapeutic inter-
vention and hospital length of stay.33

Major Trauma/Burns
Major trauma patients have low T3 and elevated rT3 that is proportional to the severity
of injury.34 After severe burns, the alterations in thyroid hormones are proportional to
burn size, persist with adequate nutrition, are exacerbated with intercurrent illness and
are most marked in nonsurvivors.35

Hormone Assays During Illness

It remains controversial whether circulating bound (total) or unbound (free) thyroid
hormone provides a better measure of overall hormone availability to the cells dur-
ing illness. Although the rate of transcapillary transfer correlates best with free hor-
mone concentration, bound hormone can be exchanged rapidly between
circulating carrier proteins and cell-binding sites during transit through an organ.
With many potential cofounders that may alter protein binding (eg, temperature,
fatty acids, and medications) and variable performance of free hormone assays,
Thyroid Hormones in Critical Illness 7

changes in free thyroid hormone should be interpreted with caution during acute


The pattern of change in thyroid hormones is similar across a wide range of disease,
which implies that there is a common process responsible. The mechanism is not pre-
cisely clear, however, and it likely involves complex interactions at all levels of the thy-
roid axis. The mechanism is not precisely clear, and likely involves complex
interactions at all levels of the thyroid axis including hormone synthesis, control of
circulating levels, protein binding, cellular uptake, receptor modulation, metabolism,
and deiodination. The type of disease, duration of illness, certain medications, and
the influence of calorie restriction36 all may contribute.
The inflammatory cytokines (eg, interleukin 1, interleukin 6, tumor necrosis factor a,
and interferon g) can affect all components of the thyroid axis.37 Although cytokine
levels have been closely associated with the low T3 syndrome and can induce thyroid
hormone changes in experimental studies,38 not all patients with the low T3 syndrome
have elevated cytokines,39 and neutralizing these cytokines have not prevented the
thyroid hormone changes.40,41
Cortisol suppresses secretion of thyrotropin and deiodination of T4 to T3.42 The
hypercortisolism of critical illness can contribute to the low T3 syndrome, comprising
an integrated endocrine stress response.

Thyroid Hormone Metabolism During Illness

The decrease of serum T3 and increase of rT3 seen during illness imply altered deio-
dination of T4. Changes in deiodination pathways occur rapidly during fasting or dis-
ease and manifest well before disturbance to other components of the thyroid axis
(Fig. 3).28,31,43,44 D1 function in the liver is diminished during illness and primarily con-
tributes to impaired clearance of rT3. Reduced expression and activity of D2 contrib-
utes to the T3 decrease and rT3 increase. D3 activity is not normally detected in
healthy tissue but is significantly increased during illness and accounts for the clear-
ance of T3 (and conversion of T4 to rT3). These changes in deiodination enzymes
are proportional to the disturbance in thyroid hormone levels and severity of illness.

Fig. 3. Changes to the expression and activity of the deiodinase enzymes contribute to the
low T3 syndrome. The predominant changes include down-regulation of D1 leading to accu-
mulation of rT3, down-regulation of D2 limiting conversion of T4 to T3, up-regulation of D3
favoring conversion of T4 to rT3, and clearance of T3 to T2.
8 Maiden & Torpy

However, they do not entirely account for the hormonal changes in the low T3

Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis During Illness

One of the hallmarks of the low T3 syndrome is that thyrotropin usually remains within
the normal range. The failure of thyrotropin to increase as expected may represent pi-
tuitary dysfunction during illness. Dopamine is a potent inhibitor of the anterior pitui-
tary,45,46 and it profoundly influences thyrotropin levels. Other catecholamines do
not have this effect on the thyrotroph.
Altered hypothalamic control of the thyroid axis may contribute to low T3. Hypotha-
lamic TRH is reduced in many disease states, and, in human postmortem hypothalam-
ic tissue, TRH mRNA expression was reduced in proportion to the decline in blood
T3.47,48 The hypothalamus also controls the pulsatility of thyrotropin, which is of
smaller amplitude in prolonged critical illness.49
With protracted illness, thyroid follicle size is smaller than usual and may represent
reduced thyrotropin stimulation, down-regulation of thyrotropin receptors, and
impaired iodothyronine synthesis.50 Some medications (eg, amiodarone) can alter thy-
roid function.


Some investigators argue that the decline in T3 is an important beneficial adaptation

limiting metabolic demands during illness.51–54 Proposals to test T3 replacement have
been countered with concerns about negative effects on protein and fat metabolism,
adverse effects on the myocardium, increased oxygen demand, coronary vascular
spasm, arrhythmias, and death.55 There is little evidence to support these claims.
Conversely, other investigators have concluded that assuming low T3 to be an adap-
tive response in critical illness is a “dangerous dogma.”56,57 The “teleological excuse”
for low T3 may not apply to the critically ill patient in an ICU who is deteriorating despite
receiving definitive treatment and optimized organ supports.58 Despite the lack of
clear evidence regarding the effect of T3 replacement in critical illness, some clinicians
are supplementing this hormone in patients with multiorgan dysfunction.43

Coadministration of Corticosteroid
It has been advised that hydrocortisone be coadministered with T3 replacement in crit-
ical illness.2,59 This is based on the known action of T3 stimulating b-hydroxysteroid de-
hydrogenase, which converts cortisol (hydrocortisone) to inactive cortisone.42 Without
a compensatory increase in cortisol production, glucocorticoid deficiency may
ensue. It remains unclear if coadministration of corticosteroid is required for all critically
ill patients without known pituitary-adrenal axis disease, when administering T3.

Triiodothyronine Treatment in Cardiac Disease

T3 has been tested in small open-label clinical trials in cardiac failure. A study in 23
cardiac transplant candidates suggested that T3 treatment increased cardiac output
in a dose-dependent manner, without any adverse effects.60 In 20 patients who had
dilated cardiomyopathy, restoring serum T3 to normal levels seemed to increase
stroke volume safely.61

Triiodothyronine Treatment in Cardiac Surgery

T3 replacement was seen to enhance cardiac function after cardiopulmonary bypass
in experimental models, and early clinical studies suggested that T3 reduced
Thyroid Hormones in Critical Illness 9

mortality.33 These studies were small, not blinded or randomized, and compared out-
comes to historical controls. Placebo-controlled clinical trials in small groups of pa-
tients having coronary artery bypass graft surgery indicated that T3 treatment
seemed safe but had only a slight effect on cardiac output.62–65 There have since
been larger clinical studies of T3 in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Meta-analysis of these studies concluded that T3 slightly increases cardiac output
without adverse effects but does not reduce inotrope requirement and has no impact
on length of stay or mortality.66 Similar findings were also seen in children undergoing
cardiac surgery,67–71 although, in some post hoc analyses, T3 seemed to have some
efficacy in neonates and infants.

Triiodothyronine Treatment in Sepsis

Several preclinical sepsis studies have reported that providing T3 maintained surfac-
tant composition, reduced pulmonary oedema, improved pulmonary compliance,
increased myocardial contractility, increased antithrombin III levels, and supported
gut barrier function.72–75 The only report of T3 treatment in human sepsis was an
observational study in 11 patients with septic shock who were mechanically ventilated
and receiving dopamine.76 Infusion of T3 was associated with a reduction of dopamine
dose. Although these results support a therapeutic effect of T3 replacement, all
studies were underpowered, unblinded, and subject to bias.
Recently, a randomized blinded placebo-controlled trial of T3 was conducted in an
ICU model of septic shock. This controlled study indicated that T3 administered over
24 hours (with or without hydrocortisone) did not alter the amount of noradrenaline
required or significantly change any of the 50 other physiologic endpoints.77 Although
this study suggested no benefit of supplemental T3 early in the treatment of septic
shock, it also illustrated no signal of harm. The effects of a longer duration of T3 admin-
istration in critical illness remain unclear.

Triiodothyronine Treatment in Organ Donation

Low T3 levels have been proposed to contribute to cardiovascular instability of organ
donors and impair the function of transplanted organs. Unblinded and uncontrolled
studies suggested that a combination of hormones (eg, T3, T4, corticosteroids, insulin,
and vasopressin) provided to the organ donor would improve organ function.78 There
is no correlation, however, between T3 level and organ function (before or after trans-
plant),79–81 and randomized blinded clinical trials have not identified any clinical
benefit.82–85 Meta-analysis of these studies highlighted the different conclusions
based on the study design.86

Other Diseases
In acute kidney injury, T3 administration has favorable effects on renal physiology but
yielded no difference in clinical outcomes.87 Similarly, T3 provided to premature neo-
nates led to a lower oxygen requirement but did not alter patient outcome.88
The role of hypothalamic impairment contributing to low T3 has been investigated in
TRH replacement studies. In prolonged critically ill patients, TRH (with growth
hormone–releasing hormone) restored thyrotropin pulsatility and T3 and T4 levels.89
The combination of hypothalamic hormones has not been tested further in clinical trials.


Thyroid hormone is pleiotropic and essential for life. Thyroid hormone homeostasis re-
sults in remarkably stable T3 levels during health. During illness, T3 levels fall, there is a
10 Maiden & Torpy

reciprocal increase of rT3, and thyrotropin usually remains within the normal range.
This low T3 syndrome is ubiquitous in critical illness and is associated with severity
of disease. The place of restoring T3 levels in critical illness remains uncertain.
Many uncontrolled studies have suggested T3 treatment has beneficial effects on spe-
cific physiologic parameters, yet randomized blinded studies have identified little or no
efficacy of hormone replacement. Short-term provision of T3 seems safe, and further
studies are required to determine if there is a stage of critical illness where hormone
supplementation is advantageous.


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