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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety of Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual formal and informal sources measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. to learn about students and adjustments to instruction make ongoing adjustments
assessments. guide selection of and meet individual and accommodations in
instructional strategies to identified learning needs. instruction. 10/22/18
meet diverse learning 7/8/18
Using knowledge of needs. 7/8/18
students to engage Students actively utilize a Students take ownership of
them in learning Some students may engage Students engage in single Student engage in learning variety of instructional their learning by choosing
in learning using lessons or sequence of through the use of strategies and technologies from a wide range of
instructional strategies lessons that include some adjustments in instruction to in learning that ensure methods to further their
focused on the class as a adjustments based on meet their needs. 7/8/18 equitable access to the learning that are responsive
whole. assessments. curriculum. 7/8/18 to their learning needs.
I use information from both I assign different types of I demonstrate knowledge of
my students’ files and assignments, such as paper the teaching material
information gathered from and pencil assignments and through different means - art
them. Through reviewing projects using a computer and technology. I constantly
lessons during the first or iPad. This shows me made adjustments and
week of school, I further which of my students excel accommodations in my
note any accommodations using different types of teaching. 10/22/18
that might need to be made media and outlets. I also
for certain students. I teach have students work both in Students are able to choose
different subject matters collaborative groups, in from a wide range of
and give assignments using pairs, and independently to learning methods, including
different media, such as see what learning strategies creating art, presenting
computers and iPads, to work best for my students. something to the class,
gather data about what my 7/8/18 taking an assessment,
Evidence students need help with the producing something using
most. 7/8/18 Students have access to technology, etc. 10/22/18
different instructional
My students learn through strategies and technologies,
different instructional including direct instruction,
methods, and I base other small groups, differentiated
lessons on how well my instruction, using iPads and
students learn from each chromebooks, etc. 7/8/18
instructional strategy.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered information Uses school resources and Integrates broad knowledge Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, about students’ prior family contacts to expand of students and their systematically uses
backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural understanding of students’ communities to inform extensive information
experiences, and interests backgrounds, life prior knowledge, cultural instruction. regarding students’ cultural
represented among students. experiences, and interest to backgrounds, life backgrounds, prior
Connecting learning 7/8/18 support student learning. experiences, and interests to knowledge, life
to students’ prior 7/8/18 connect to student learning. experiences, and interests.
knowledge, 10/22/18 Students are actively 5/3/2019
backgrounds, life Students participate in engaged in curriculum,
experiences, and Some students connect single lessons or sequences Students make connections which relates their prior Students can articulate the
interests learning activities to their of lessons related to their between curriculum, and knowledge, experiences, relevance and impact of
own lives. 7/8/18 interests and experiences. their prior knowledge, and interests within and lessons on their lives and
7/8/18 backgrounds, life across learning activities. society. 5/3/2019
experiences, and interests.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I speak with each of my I use much of the Teacher uses school
students' previous teachers information I gather from resources to expand
to learn more about them. my students to make the students’ prior knowledge,
After meeting students on lessons more meaningful cultural backgrounds, life
the first day of school and and interesting to them. I epxierneces, and interests
throughout the rest of the use their names and by inviting guest speakers
school year, I always try to interests in different into the classroom, inviting
make a personal connection lessons, including them in parent volunteers go to on
with my students to learn the examples that I use or in field-trips with the class,
about their culture, the problems I give them and give input on different
background, life for practice. 7/8/18 projects that we do
experiences, and interests. throughout the year.
For example, for my Many of the big projects 10/22/18
younger students, I allowed that I assign are related to
30 minutes of sharing time my students’ interests as
Evidence once a week where I posed well. For example, because
a question. The goal of this many of my students last
was for my students to learn year were interested in
more about each other while Santa Claus and holiday
I learned more about them candies last winter, I
also. I would ask questions assigned a holiday Winter
like “If you could use one Wonderland math project.
word to describe your Students had so much fun
family, what word would using their interest while
you choose and why?” Each reviewing concepts about
student would share their math. 7/8/18
response. 7/8/18

Students make connections

to their own lives and share
with the class. 7/8/18
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections from Integrates connections to Engages student in actively
during instruction as real-life connections to subject matter to meaningful, real-life making connections to
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning subject relevant, meaningful, and
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those matter instruction and is real-life contexts
lessons to support specific to students’ family responsive during throughout subject matter
understanding. and community. instruction to engage instruction. 7/8/18
Connecting subject students in relating to
matter to meaningful, subject matter. 7/8/18
real-life contexts Students make use of real- Students routinely integrate
Some students relate life connections provided in Students utilize real-life Students actively engage in subject matter into their
subject matter to real-life. single lessons or sequence connections regularly to making and using real-life own thinking and make
of lessons to support develop understandings of connections to subject relevant applications of
understanding of subject subject matter. matter to extend their subject matter during
matter. understanding. 7/8/18 learning activities. 7/8/18
After teaching a unit, I In the different subjects that
often assign projects that we study, I often pose
allow students to review the questions about how it
material in the unit. These could relate to their
projects use real-life personal life so that
situations and students are students are able to make
really engaged in the lasting connections. I do
material. In these projects, this through creating real-
students must use the life examples within my
knowledge gained through lessons and assignments.
in the unit and apply them My students also have
to real-life. For example, reflective journals and
when teaching a unit on sometimes I ask questions
money, I assigned a project about the day's lessons or
Evidence where students opened up ask my students to apply
their own stores, set prices the day’s lessons to their
on each item, and made an lives. Other times, I ask my
inventory list with the students to think-pair-share
prices listed. 7/8/18 about how the lessons are
similar/different to different
Students were completely situations in their daily
engaged in summative lives. 7/8/18
projects and were able to
use their knowledge about My students are often able
money to review the unit. to make meaningful
7/8/18 connections from lessons to
their own real-life contexts
everyday. 7/8/18
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range of an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided by resources, and technologies culturally responsive strategies, resources, and strategies, resources, and
school and/or district. in single lessons or pedagogy, resources, and technologies into technologies to meet
sequence of lessons to meet technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
Using a variety of students’ diverse learning ongoing instruction to meet meet students’ diverse needs.
instructional strategies, needs. students’ diverse learning learning needs. 10/22/18
resources, and needs. 7/8/18
technologies to meet Students actively engage in Students take
students’ diverse Some students participate Students participate in Students participate in instruction and make use of responsibilities for using a
learning needs in instructional strategies, single lessons or sequence instruction using strategies, a variety of targeted wide range of strategies,
using resources and of lessons related to their resources, and technologies strategies, resources, and resources, and technologies
technologies provided. interests and experiences. matched to their learning technologies to meet their that successfully advance
needs. 7/8/18 individual students needs. their learning.
I try to be responsive to my Teacher uses technology in
students' diverse needs and the classroom in a way that
base a lot of my lessons and allows students to work
assignments on their needs together in groups or
and what they respond the independently. Students are
best to. Although most of able to choose the
my lessons are given assignments they complete
through direct instruction, I using Choice Boards.
do try to make my lessons 10/22/18
interactive for my students.
I found that many of my Students actively engage in
students work and learn different types of
well when they are in assignments using different
groups, so I’ve incorporated resources, including paper
Evidence a lot of collaborative worksheets and online
assignments and projects resources. 10/22/18
throughout my years of
teaching. 7/8/18

I've also found that many of

my students are talent
public speakers, so I've also
assigned many presentation
assignments. With my ELL
students, I use many visuals
and try to scaffold as much
as I can during instruction.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Asks questions that focus Includes questions in single Guide students to think Supports students to initiate Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and lessons or a sequence of critically through use of critical thinking through opportunities for student to
comprehension. lessons that require students questioning strategies, independently developing apply critical thinking by
to recall, interpret, and posing/solving problems, questions, posing problems designing structured
think critically. and reflection on issues in and reflecting on multiple inquiries into complex
Promoting critical content. perspectives. 7/8/18 problems. 7/8/18
thinking though
inquiry, problem Students respond to varied Students respond to Students pose problems and Students pose and answer a
solving, and reflection Some students respond to questions or tasks designed questions and problems construct questions of their wide-range of complex
questions regarding facts to promote comprehension posed by the teacher and own to support inquiries questions and problems,
and comprehension. and critical thinking in begin to pose and solve into content. 7/8/18 reflect, and communicate
single lessons or a sequence problems of their own understandings based on in
of lessons. related to the content. depth analysis of content
learning. 7/8/18
Several times a week, my Many of the questions I ask
students work in small my students during lessons
groups and form questions require some type of
to ask each other. During application. This allows my
this time, students are able students to think more
to think critically about the critically about the topic
information learned in class studied. Students both ask
and apply them to real life. and answer questions that
Students take turns to ask are asked by their peers of
the questions and go around by the teacher. They are
in the small group to also able to answer these
answer them individually. questions in various ways,
This method of having including in small groups,
Evidence students develop questions individually, in
and ask their peers is a presentations, or in written
good way to have them form. 7/8/18
reflect on their own
thinking and also observe Some group projects are
the thinking of their peers. developed from one single
7/8/18 underlying question. In
these projects, students
During lessons, students are must think critically and
always encouraged to raise apply their learning. 7/8/18
their hands to ask questions
if anything is unclear or
interesting to them. 7/8/18
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Implements lessons Seeks to clarify instruction Makes ongoing adjustments Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum and learning activities to to instruction based on instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. support student observation of student ongoing monitoring of opportunities and provide
understanding. engagement and regular individual student needs for assistance to students in
checks for understanding. assistance, support, or mastering the concepts
Monitoring student challenge. 7/8/18 flexibly and effectively.
learning and adjusting Students successfully 10/22/18
instruction while Some students receive Students receive assistance participate and stay Students are able to
teaching. individual assistance during individually or in small engaged in learning articulate their level of Students monitor their
instruction. groups during instruction. activities. understanding and use progress in learning and
teacher guidance to meet provide information to
their needs during teacher that informs
instruction. 7/8/18 adjustments in instruction.
During instruction, I ask Teacher assess students
lots of questions to see if using technology and
my students have mastered online resources to gather
the material. Depending on data about what needs to be
their responses, I adjust my retaught or reviewed.
questions to be more or less Teacher allows students to
difficult to either scaffold choose their form of
or challenge my class. assessment. 10/22/18
Students keep track of their
I also pace my lessons to progress by keeping an
adjust to the needs of my academic portfolio.
students. For example, I 10/22/18
Evidence may spend 2 or 3 days on a
single lesson if it is difficult
for my students, or I may
teach 2 lessons in a single
day if my students are
understanding the material
very easily. 7/8/18

Students are able to

demonstrate their learning -
through oral responses, on
their whiteboards or iPads,
or in written form. 7/8/18

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