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0,375 x 8 = 3

a - committed
b - decisive
c - collaborative
d - self-aware
e - potentially
f - relatively
g - profoundly
h -irretrievably

0,5 x 6 = 3
a - Under no circumstances should you enter the building through the rear door.
b - Not only was the order delayed, but the goods were also damaged.
c - Not until you have restarted your computer can you activate the the virus scan
d - Were you to take the job in Austria, you would have the chance to improve your
e - Had I known you were going to be in town today, I would have changed my plans.
f - Rarely do we get an offer like this! We shouldn't turn it down.

0,25 x 8 = 2
a - To tell you the truth
b - Admittedly
c - Obviously
d - Of course
e - after all
f - as I was saying
g - Anyway
h - so to speak

0,25 x 8 = 2
a - F
b - T
c - F
d - T
e - T
f - F
g - F
h - T


1 - d
2 - e
3 - a
4 - b
5 - c

S You�ve been here for six months. How are you getting on, Ahmed?
A Well, honestly, the first few weeks I really wondered if I�d made the right
decision taking the job.
S Really? Tell me about that.
A Well, at first I liked the important job title � sales manager � but I never
had any time off. I had to work all the time � including weekends � to get the job
S Yes, we noticed that. But it got better, didn�t it?
A That�s right. I have very supporting colleagues and a hard-working boss ...
S Heh, heh ...
A ... well, it�s true ... and now I really, really enjoy coming to work.
S OK, you put in the hard work to learn the job, what keeps you interested in
it now?
A Well, I�m in sales, right, and like a lot of sales managers, my main
motivation is the financial incentive. Being in sales means that I can increase my
salary because of my efforts � the more my team sell, the more I can earn.
S And we�ve all seen the result of your efforts, Ahmed. Like you, we were
worried at first. But we know you�re the right man for the job because the sales
figures tell us that. Do you have any concerns? Is anything bothering you?
A The only thing that worries me right now is the global economy. Business for
us is good but everything�s a bit unstable at the moment � I don�t think anyone�s
really safe.
S You�re right about that but of course �


6 - i
7 - g
8 - j
9 - f
10 - h

(S = Sara, H = Howard)

S Howard, you�ve been doing well enough, but you seem a little low on energy.
Is everything OK?
H I guess I�m feeling like a small part of a very big machine.
S Tell me more about that.
H Working in HR, I like the contact with people and I like the problem-solving
but someone saying �well done� now and again would be nice. When sales are up, the
sales team have a party and no one remembers or thinks about my contribution.
S I have to say that I see what you mean. It�s the nature of the job you do.
But I wonder if we could find a way to make it more satisfying for you.
H OK ...
S You�re not going to get the same glory that the sales team get but what do
you really value? What could we change to make life better?
H Funny you should ask that, Sara. I�ve been thinking that I�d like to work
from home some of the time, maybe a day a week, but the way meetings are scheduled,
I think it would be tough. And I think the company is keen on people being in the
S Well, that�s been true in the past, certainly, but basically we like your
work, Howard. You�re a valuable member of the team and we want to keep you feeling
fresh and energised.
H The main thing for me is flexibility and I guess freedom ...

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