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English Reviewer

Adverb – modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb

1. Adverb of Time (when an action occurs)

 yesterday  today  again
 now  late  soon
 then  early
 tomorrow  tonight
2. Adverb of Manner (how an action occurs)
 angrily  sadly  fluently
 happily  rudely  greedily
 easily  loudly  gracefully
3. Adverb of Place (where an action occurs)
 near  somewher  ahead
 there e  top
 here  inside  high
 outside  bottom
4. Adverb of Frequency (how often an action occurs)
 often  daily  never
 sometimes  again and  rarely
 usually again
 frequently  occasionally
 seldom

5. Adverb of Degree (how much)

 quite  extremely  little
 fairly  very  most
 too  completely  much
 enormously  entirely  totally
 rather  fully  least
Expressing Agreement & Disagreement

Partially Agree

 I agree with you up to a point

 That’s true, but….
 It sounds interesting, but…
 You could be right
 You may have a point there

Totally Agree
 I couldn’t agree with you more
 you are absolutely right
 that was a great point, exactly true
 I completely agree

 That's so true.
 That's for sure.
 No doubt about it
 Absolutely


 I’m afraid I disagree

 I totally disagree
 I have to say the exact opposite
 Not necessarily
 That’s not always true
 That’s not always the case
 I believe it’s the other way around
 I don’t think so

Linear & Non-linear Text

Linear Text Non-linear Text

Definition Traditional text that needs to be read Traditional text that does not require
from the beginning to the end reading from the beginning until the
Reading One reading path Multiple reading path
Effiency Takes time for readers to find the Allows readers to find needed
needed information information more efficiently
Examples prose, novel, poems Dictionary, graphs, maps


 is a figure of speech, in which an object or circumstance from unrelated context is

referenced covertly or indirectly. It is left to the audience to make the direct connection;
where the connection is directly and explicitly stated by the author, it is instead usually
termed a reference. Examples.......
1. She was a Good Samaritan when she helped the older lady
2. He studies all the time and is a regular Einstein
3. Chocolate is my Achilles’ Heel

Narrative Essay
A narrative essay is a type of essay that has a single motif, or a central point, around which the
whole narrative revolves. All incidents, happenings, and characters revolve around a single
motif presented in the narrative. A narrative essay is similar to a simple five-paragraph essay, in
that it has the same format. It is only different in that it is a narrative, having characters,
incidents, and dialogues.

How does it differ from a short story?

A short story always leaves readers at a critical juncture with the desire to discover more. In
contrast, a narrative essay ends when the readers are fully satisfied. They do not wish to read
any more or do not want to discover anymore.

Reader’s Theatre
It is a style of theater in which the actors do not memorize their lines. Actors use only vocal
expression to help the audience understand the story rather than visual storytelling such as
sets, costumes, intricate blocking, and movement.

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