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T : Teacher

S : Student


T : Good afternoon students

S : Good afternoon sir

T : How are you today ?

S : I am fine, and how are you sir ?

T : I am fine too, thank you

T : Before we start the lesson, let’s say a prayer together. Juhyan, will you lead the prayer,

Juhyan : Yes sir, let’s say a prayer together. (teacher and students pray according to their
respective beliefs). Finish. Say greeting to teacher.

S : Assalamualaikum sir

T: Walaikumsalam

T : ok let’s check your attendance students. Who is absent today?

S : Nothing sir

T : Let’s start the lesson. Are you ready everyone ?

S : Ready sir

T : Ok students, today we will discuss about basic chemical law. The basic chemical laws of
there are 5 namely Mass conservation law, fixed comparison law, multiple comparison
law, volume comparison law, law of avogadro. But we will limit on Mass Fixed
comparison law
T : at the end of this session, you’ll be able to analyze data and conclude the Fixed
comparison law
T : The benefit of the lesson is that will provide instructions on how to calculate chemistry
which includes the relationship between the number of moles, the number of particles, the
mass and volume of the substances that react.

Mains Stage

T : Do you know salt and water? what elements are they made of?

S : Yes sir , salt is made of sodium and chlorine, water is made of hydrogen and oxygen.

T : Does sodium and chlorine have a comparison in forming salt? does hydrogen and oxygen
have a comparison in forming water? what is the comparison? Is the comparison always

S : (....silent...)

T : okay student to answer that question I will grouping you into 4 groups.

S : (form groups based on the nearest seat)

T : allright students ? I will give you worksheet, you have to do it by group. I give time to
work on 8 minutes. (distribute worksheet to each groups)

S : okay sir

T : okay student let’s check the results of the worksheet.

T : who answer number 1 ?

S : (silence)

T : okay group 1 the answer is .....

Group 1 :
Massa H2O Perbandingan
Massa H2 yang Massa O2 yang Massa zat
Percobaan yang H2 dan O2
direaksikan direaksikan sisa
terbentuk yang bereaksi
1 1 gram 8 gram 9 gram - ..1... : ..8...
2 2 gram 16 gram 18 gram - ..1... : ..8...
3 2 gram 8 gram 9 gram 1 gram H2 ..1... : ..8...
4 1 gram 9 gram 9 gram 1 gram O2 ..1... : ..8...
5 3 gram 32 gram 24 gram 8 gram O2 ..1... : ..8...
6 5 gram 45 gram 40 gram 5 gram O2 ..1... : ..8...

T : right thats good, do you have any opinion ?

S : (silence)

T : ok the next question, number 2 group 2 please answer.

Group 2 :
Place of Origin Salt mass Na mass Cl mass Na : Cl mass
Indramayu 2 gram O,786 gram 1,214 gram 1 : 1,54
Madura 1,5 gram 0,59 gram 0,91 gram 1 : 1,54
Impor 2,5 gram 0,983 gram 1,517 gram 1 : 1,54

T : ok right, give applause to group 2

T : What is the ratio of hydrogen and oxygen to fixed water compounds?

S : yes sir

T : Do you understand students ?

S : yes sir
Post Stage

T : Because all of you understand, I give you post test. Please close your books. Please sit on
every other chair. Everyone, please spread your seats. Do it by your self. No. cheating. (give
post test to students) I give you time 5 minute to do post test.

S : okay sir.

T : (arround to see students work) well, 1 more minutes. Time is up. Stop working, collect
your work, please.
S : (collecting post test)

T : so far, what was the topic about ?

S : The fixed comparison law

T : okay let’s summarize the lesson. What is the sound of the fixed comparison law?

Ade : fixed comparison lawsounds that “The compound is composed of certain proportional
and fixed elements”

T : Right Ade, do you have any opinion students ?

S : (Silence)

T : All right everyone. It’s time to end the end the lesson now. For homework please you read
about multiple comparison law. I hoped you enjoyed the lesson. Juhyan, will you lead the
prayer, please?

Juhyan : Yes sir, let’s say a prayer together. (teacher and students pray according to their
respective beliefs). Finish. Say greeting to teacher

S : Assalamualaikum sir

T : Walaikumsalam.

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