Contemporary Data On The Location of Response

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Journal of Personality Assessment

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Contemporary Data on the Location of Response

Objects in Rorschach's Inkblots

Benjamin A. Berry & Gregory J. Meyer

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Location of Response Objects in Rorschach's Inkblots, Journal of Personality Assessment, DOI:

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Published online: 10 Jan 2018.

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Contemporary Data on the Location of Response Objects in Rorschach’s Inkblots

Benjamin A. Berry , and Gregory J. Meyer
Department of Psychology, University of Toledo


Using a diverse sample of 4,786 protocols obtained with the Rorschach Performance Assessment System Received 25 July 2017
(Meyer, Viglione, Mihura, Erard, & Erdberg, 2011), we provide a contemporary overview of how people Revised 2 October 2017
organize Rorschach’s inkblots into identifiable regions while formulating responses. After examining how
frequently each location was used across all cards in this sample, we examined the consistency of their use
by computing parallel information in 17 samples (N D 4,701) obtained using the Comprehensive System (CS;
Exner, 2003), including clinical, nonclinical, and adult, child, and adolescent data. Even though the CS data
could only record a single location for each response, the average correlation of location use across samples
was .96. The results also document continuous dimensionality in use rather than any discontinuities that
would demarcate a boundary between common and uncommon locations. Implications of this notable
reproducibility and dimensionality are discussed for future conceptualization of location typicality, including
location coding considerations and possibilities for improved measures of perceptual fit.

One of the basic processes involved in generating responses to responses, are listed as Page 2 variables, meaning that evidence
Rorschach’s inkblots, long used to measure the typicality and of their validity is tentative. No validity studies of the Economy
accuracy of perception, is the basic organization of some or all Index, a variable based on relative location use, met the inclu-
of the inkblot stimulus into a perceived location for one or sion criteria for Mihura, Meyer, Dumitrascu, and Bombel’s
more objects. Historically and in contemporary Rorschach cod- (2013) meta-analyses examining the validity of Comprehensive
ing systems (Beck, Beck, Levitt, & Molish, 1961; Exner, 1974, System (CS; Exner, 2003) variables. However, the location vari-
1986; 2003; Hertz, 1937, 1970; Meyer, Viglione, Mihura, Erard, ables have response process support in the sense that the visual
& Erdberg, 2011), the inkblot locations where response objects features to which an examinee attends during the Rorschach
are identified generally have been classified using three mutually task can involve more or less typical choices. Nonetheless, the
exclusive and exhaustive categories. Responses that make use of reason these variables are on Page 2 in R-PAS is that this
the whole inkblot are designated W. Frequently used subcom- response process support is complicated by the fact that some
ponents of the inkblot are given the designation D to denote a cards are spatially cohesive whereas others are more complex
common detail, and unconventional locations are designated and divided into individual subcomponents. The response pro-
Dd to indicate an uncommon or rare detail. Additionally, all D cess involved in generating a W on cards with multiple visually
locations and some Dd locations are assigned individual num- distinct critical bits1 (specifically Cards II, III, VIII, IX, and X)
bers, such that specific locations can be designated. might be different from the response process involved in pro-
These location categories are intended to measure the style ducing a W response on cards with fewer visually distinct loca-
with which respondents perceive their environment. People who tions (specifically, Cards I, IV, and V). The former is typically
tend to use the whole stimulus when constructing responses are an act of complex and holistic perception, but the latter might
engaging in global perception that makes use of all available reflect a more simplistic and conventional process.
information, and are expected to do so in their larger phenome- Different Rorschach systems have varied slightly in their
nological environment as well. People who regularly make use of definition of location categories (Beck et al., 1961; Exner, 1974,
D locations are thought to have a tendency to focus their percep- 1986, 2003; Hertz, 1937). In 1937, Hertz was the first to base
tion in conventional ways. People who frequently use Dd loca- the distinction between common D and rare Dd locations on
tions are thought to have a broader tendency to focus on unusual the observed frequency of location use. In a sample of 300 non-
details of their experiential environment, perhaps because they patient children and adolescents, Hertz noted that more com-
make idiosyncratic distinctions or struggle to see things in more mon detail locations as determined empirically tended to also
typical ways (Meyer et al., 2011). be rated as more typical by expert judges, although this fit var-
In the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS; ied by card. Subsequently, Hertz (1970) increased the size (N D
Meyer et al., 2011), the W% and Dd% variables, which respec- 1,050) and age range (10–19) of her sample, although she
tively measure a person’s tendency toward W and Dd retained a strict empirical criterion for differentiating common

CONTACT Benjamin A. Berry Department of Psychology, MS 948, University of Toledo, 2801 W. Bancroft, Toledo, OH
Critical bits are the visual stimulus features that guide and structure perception in the inkblot stimuli (Exner, 1996; Meyer et al., 2011).

© 2018 Taylor & Francis


and rare locations.2 Her criterion led to the identification of 97 mutually exclusive. Given that many W responses are quite
common detail areas. common (e.g., Card V), designating exhaustive responses with
In Beck’s scoring system (Beck et al., 1961), the differentia- a code (W) that does not denote typicality ignores useful infor-
tion of common and uncommon details was made using a sam- mation, as does designating typical responses with a code (D)
ple of 157 adult nonpatients (Beck, Rabin, Thiesen, Molish, & that ignores the commonness of whole responses. Similarly, the
Thetford, 1950). The cutoff point separating D from Dd varied fact that a multiobject response exhausts the inkblot does not
by card to accommodate the differing location frequency distri- preclude the use of conventional or unconventional locations
butions by card, “since each figure represents a different set of for the objects within that response. A W response could be
perceptual conditions” (Beck et al., 1961, p. 24). Beck et al. constructed from the combination of multiple D locations,
(1961) identified 105 common detail locations. Beck et al. multiple Dd locations, or a combination of D and Dd locations.
(1961, p. 31) also indicated that D and Dd location numbers Information about the typicality of a person’s perceptual focus
were assigned on the basis of use frequency, such that for each in such responses, which might be interpretively useful, is lost
card location 1 was more commonly used than location 2 and when the location of those embedded objects is ignored and the
so on, although the underlying data (Beck et al., 1950) did not overall response is just coded W.
fully support this pattern. Regardless, Exner (1974) adopted As a first step toward better understanding inkblot location
Beck et al.’s (1961) location classification and numbering sys- use on the Rorschach, we initiated a contemporary review of loca-
tem when he first developed the CS. tion frequency data according to standard coding guidelines. This
In 1986, Exner revised the classification of locations using a analysis is designed with two primary aims. The first is to explore
sample of 3,000 protocols, including 1,500 nonpatients, 750 contemporary location frequency data from protocols gathered
nonpsychotic outpatient children and adults, and 750 psychiat- using R-PAS administration guidelines. Our main interest is to
ric inpatients. Exner used an absolute cutoff point applied document the frequency of use of numbered locations, although
across cards: Any location used in at least 5% of protocols qual- we also examine whether any currently unnumbered locations
ified for a D code, and any location used in less than 5% of pro- occur with notable frequency. Second, we examine the consis-
tocols was coded Dd. With this updated criterion, 28 areas tency of location use frequencies by computing the same informa-
previously considered common were reclassified as uncommon, tion across multiple samples of CS data, encompassing patients
and 5 previously considered uncommon areas were classified as and nonpatients, and children and adults. To quantify cross-sam-
common, resulting in a total of 82 D areas in the revised CS. ple consistency, we then correlate the location use information
Exner did not change the numbering for all the individual loca- across samples. Understanding contemporary location use fre-
tions to match the newer location frequency data, however. quency in R-PAS protocols and its consistency with historical CS
Thus, the numbering generally was the same as that assigned data and generalizability across types of samples could enhance
by Beck et al. (1961). The revised CS locations were adopted the value of location data in predicting external criteria. For
into R-PAS (Meyer et al., 2011). instance, it might lead to updated D and Dd classifications, or
Notably, the conventionality of response locations has been more fully dimensional indices of location typicality.
classified categorically in each of these location coding systems,
using three classes (whole inkblot, common detail, uncommon
detail). However, the perceptual process involved in organizing Methods
a Rorschach inkblot into a response is far richer than the three
R-PAS sample
categories would suggest. The actual frequency of use of each
inkblot location varies considerably from location to location Location data were obtained for a sample of 4,786 R-PAS
and across cards. For instance, use of the whole inkblot is more protocols encompassing 112,485 responses. The data were
common on some cards than on others, and some Dd areas are obtained from the R-PAS coauthors, as well as other R-PAS
far less typical than others. However, the conventionality of users who were credentialed as proficient in administration
each individual location on the inkblots is determined by the and coding and provided explicit permission to use their
stimuli themselves, so the frequency of use of a given location data following our request. Examiners resided in Brazil, Italy,
should remain relatively constant across different samples, so Romania, and the United States. Protocols were obtained
long as they are reasonably large and able to provide a stable from the R-PAS scoring program, which by design does not
estimate of response propensities. store much specific information for a protocol. To ensure
Furthermore, the qualities thought to be denoted by each the responses were from people assessed using R-PAS guide-
location code (exhaustiveness, denoted by W, typicality, lines, only responses from protocols with 16 to 40 responses
denoted by D, and atypicality, denoted by Dd) are not actually were included. In addition, to exclude responses from proto-
cols that might have been coded by more than one person or
shared between examiners, the responses from any duplicate
Hertz counted the frequency both of objects (e.g., “a bear” would be one loca- protocols were omitted. This sample also does not include
tion) and of all its identified subfeatures (e.g., “here is its head, legs, and tail” any of the R-PAS normative data, which were collected using
would be counted for three additional locations). In addition, she counted
objects and their subfeatures that were embedded within Whole responses. CS administration guidelines.
Once the frequencies for all objects and elements were counted for a card, the This sample contains a mix of clinical and nonclinical
locations that cumulatively accounted for 20% or more of all mentions were con- respondents, with nonclinical individuals typically being partic-
sidered common and those that cumulatively accounted for less were considered
rare. This approach to counting location frequency does not directly convert into ipants in research. Examiners are not required to enter specific
the approaches used by others. gender, age, or level of education information with protocols.

However, 80.3% of the cases had data on gender, 69.9% had (2007). Respondent age ranged from 18 to 65 years, and 44%
data on age, and 50.0% had data on education. Using that infor- were male. The most common education levels were 0 to
mation, 50.5% of respondents were female; age ranged from 5 12 years (34.1%) and 14 to 17 years (53.2%). Respondents with
to 100 years, with M D 27.4 and SD D 16.0; and education any history of mental health diagnosis or treatment, criminal
ranged from 1 to 25 years, with M D 10.9 and SD D 5.0. The arrests, or substance abuse were excluded by the original
number of responses per protocol had M D 23.5 and SD D 4.1, authors.
which is very close to the adult nonpatient norms (M D 24.2, Belgium
SD D 4.7; Meyer et al., 2011). This sample includes data from all 100 nonpatient adult stu-
R-PAS location coding requires that W, D, or Dd be entered dents from the French-speaking community in Belgium col-
on each response. In addition, if a D or Dd location is selected, lected by Mormont, Thommessen, and Kever (2007). Age
the program prompts the examiner to enter one or more loca- ranged from 19 to 82 years and 45% were male. The most com-
tion numbers in an accompanying location number text field, mon education levels were 12 years (33%), 13 to 15 years
and designates the coding as in error if that information is not (41%), or 16 or more years (19%). Respondents with any his-
provided. That text field also can be used for entering informa- tory of psychiatric hospitalizations or current mental health
tion about W responses, although doing so is not required. In treatment were excluded by Mormont et al.
addition to specifying multiple location numbers, the text field Comprehensive System
can be used to specify unnumbered Dd locations. Typically, This sample includes data from all 450 adults from various
unnumbered locations are specified using just the number 99 states in the United States collected by Exner (2007). Age
or by designating combinations of two or more numbered loca- ranged from 19 to 86 years, with M D 34.9, and 49% were
tions (e.g., “99 D W-D7” or “7C3”). We extracted the standard male. The most common education levels were 12 years (26%),
D and Dd location numbers from the text field, as well as any 13 to 15 years (48%), or 16C years (24%). Exner excluded
specifications for unnumbered 99 areas. Location numbers that respondents who reported regular use of illegal drugs, regular
might have been entered with W responses were not counted. use of psychotropic medication, or more than eight lifetime
contacts with mental health providers.
Comprehensive System comparison samples
This sample includes 100 of 141 randomly selected nonpatient
The child and adult nonpatient CS samples used in this adults from Copenhagen (Ivanouw, 2007). In the full sample, age
research are a subset of the samples that were included in the ranged from 25 to 51, and 54% were male. The most common
Special Supplement on International Reference Samples for the education levels were 11 to 12 years (23%), 13 to 16 years (49%),
CS that was published in the Journal of Personality Assessment and 17C years (19%). Ivanouw excluded respondents having any
(Shaffer, Erdberg, & Haroian, 2007) and contributed to the contact with the psychiatric hospital system.
Composite International Reference Values (Meyer, Erdberg, & Finland
Shaffer, 2007; Meyer, Shaffer, Erdberg, & Horn, 2015). The This composite sample includes 371 adults recruited from
original study authors shared response-level data files with the (a) five Finnish towns, (b) twin pairs with body mass index dif-
second author to facilitate additional research either before or ferences of at least 4 points, (c) older men in a physical fitness
shortly after the publication of the Special Supplement. The program and their matched controls, and (d) a random sample
clinical samples of CS protocols used here also were shared from southwestern Finland. Mattlar et al. (2007) presented data
with the second author, and used in other publications. for 343 of these adults and their demographic data are reported
All protocols were scored using standard RIAP software here. There were more female respondents (57%), and most
(versions 2, 3, 4, or 5). This software does not require examiners (74%) had less than 12 years of education, although 10% had
to include location numbers for D or Dd locations. In addition, 16 years or more. Mattlar et al. imposed no formal exclusion
when a location number is specified, only one number can be criteria, but no major psychiatric problems were noted.
entered for a response. Thus, examiners have to pick what loca- France
tion was most important to the response. Protocols were This sample includes all 146 nonpatient adults collected by
retained only if they included a location number for at least Sultan et al. (2004). Age ranged from 20 to 65 years and 37%
90% of the responses, with W location codes assigned a location were male. In terms of education, 38% had 13 to 15 years and
number value of zero. In 11 of the 17 samples, all protocols 30% had 16 or more years. The original authors excluded
were retained. For the other six samples, we retained 99.6%, respondents who reported significant psychological distur-
99.3%, 93.9%, 91.6%, 87.8%, or 30.5% of the original protocols. bance, mental health treatment more than once, or mental
In instances when the data set we analyzed differs from the data health treatment in the prior year.
set described in the source publication, we note how the sam- Fresno
ples differ and report the published demographic data as an This sample includes 281 of the 283 adults recruited with an
estimate of the demographic makeup of the sample used. attempt to match U.S. Census data by Shaffer, Erdberg, and
Haroian (2007). Age ranged from 17 to 70 years, with M D
33.5 and SD D 12.5. Gender was about evenly split (50.9%
Nonclinical adults
female), and 24% had 16 or more years of education. Shaffer
Argentina et al. (2007) excluded respondents with psychiatric hospitaliza-
This sample includes data from all 506 nonpatient adults in tions, psychological testing, or mental health treatment within
the Gran La Plata area in Argentina collected by Lunazzi et al. the past year.

Greece Clinical samples

This sample includes 92 of 98 adults described by Daroglou
University of Chicago
and Viglione (2007). Age ranged from 21 to 74 years, with M D
This sample includes data from 390 inpatients or outpatients
40.7 and SD D 16.3; 65% were female. Education levels varied;
seen at the University of Chicago Hospital. Meyer (1997)
21% had 2 to 6 years, 20% had 11 to 12 years, 36% had 13 to
described 362 of these cases who had completed additional test-
16 years, and 22% had more than 16 years. The original authors
ing measures. Based on the latter, age ranged from 17 to 72,
excluded respondents with any history of psychiatric hospitali-
with M D 34.9 and SD D 11.5; and 55% were female.
zation, arrests, or incarceration.
University of Tennessee
This sample includes 287 outpatient adolescents and adults
This sample includes 239 of 240 nonpatient adults described
evaluated in the training clinic at the University of Tennessee.
in Nakamura, Fuchigami, and Tsugawa (2007). Age ranged
The data with sufficient location information used here are a
from 18 to 66, with M D 31.56 and SD D 10.53; 63% were
subset of the 327 cases described in Meyer, Riethmiller, Brooks,
female. Most respondents (56%) had 16 or more years of edu-
Benoit, and Handler (2000). Based on Meyer et al. (2000), age
cation and Nakamura et al. (2007) excluded those with any his-
ranged from 16 to 73 years, with M D 29.9 and SD D 9.1;
tory of psychotherapy or psychiatric treatment.
56.6% were female.
Viglione composite sample.
This sample includes 519 nonpatient adults from the Catalo-
This sample of 790 protocols was compiled by Donald Vig-
nia region of Spain collected by Campo and Vilar (2007), who
lione, including data from psychiatric, forensic, and nonclinical
reported on 517 of them. Age ranged from 18 to 59 years, with
respondents. The sample includes the 690 protocols described
M D 27.4 and SD D 7.31; 62% were female. Education levels
by Viglione, Giromini, Gustafson, and Meyer (2014) and an
varied; 27% had 12 years or less, 18% had 13 to 15 years, and
additional 100 nonpatient child protocols. The Viglione et al.
32% had 16 or more years. Campo and Vilar excluded proto-
(2014) sample had an age M D 35.04, with SD D 11.54; 56.6%
cols with fewer than 14 responses or that were queried insuffi-
were male.
ciently or inaccurately; they did not use psychiatric
information to exclude respondents.
U.S. elderly Child and adolescent nonpatients
This sample includes all 52 healthy, well-functioning older Denmark
adults collected by Pertchik, Shaffer, Erdberg, and Margolin This sample includes all 75 9-year-olds (55% girls) collected
(2007). Age ranged from 60 to 80 years, with M D 68.46, and by Hansen (2007). He excluded respondents with any history
77% were female. For education, 31% had 12 years, 29% had 13 of mental health treatment.
to 15 years, and 29% had 16 or more years. Pertchik et al. Italy
(2007) excluded respondents if they were not living indepen- This composite sample of cases with sufficient location
dently or if they had a history significant for medical, psychiat- information includes 139 of 456 nonpatient child and adoles-
ric, assessment, or criminal criteria. cent respondents collected by Salcuni, Lis, Parolin, and Mazze-
Composite adult nonpatient sample schi (2007) and Lis, Salcuni, and Parolin (2007). Age ranged
Soon after the special supplement on CS reference values from 5 to 18 years, with M D 11.9 and SD D 4.0; 53% were
was published (Meyer et al., 2007; Shaffer et al., 2007) a com- female. The original authors excluded respondents based on
posite sample of adult protocols was developed for normative psychiatric, assessment, medical, and criminal criteria.
purposes (e.g., Meyer, 2008; Viglione & Meyer, 2008). The U.S.
composite sample was derived from up to 100 randomly This composite sample uses four subsamples collected under
selected protocols from the samples just described, except for the supervision of Thomas W. Shaffer. Each sample was small,
the elderly U.S. adults. The composite sample also used 100 particularly after excluding cases with insufficient location
protocols from Romania (Dumitrascu, 2007) and all 98 from information (ns from 27–50), and thus they were combined to
Greece (Daroglou & Viglione, 2007), bringing the total number form a general child and adolescent reference group for the
of protocols to 1,098. This data set was a precursor to the 1,396 United States. The data include all 37 adolescents described by
CS protocols that would later be used as norms for R-PAS Van Patten, Shaffer, Erdberg, and Canfield (2007). Age ranged
(Meyer et al., 2011). Because only four of the Romanian proto- from 15 to 17 years, and 65% were male. Van Patten et al.
cols had a sufficient number of specified locations to meet (2007) excluded respondents with any history of arrests or psy-
retention criteria for the current analyses, they were not chiatric hospitalization. Also included are 27 of 42 Mexican
retained as a separate sample. However, those four protocols American children described by Valentino, Shaffer, Erdberg,
were retained in the composite sample, resulting in a final sam- and Figueroa (2007). In their data, age ranged from 8 to
ple size of 996 (i.e., 1,098 – 96 from Romania – 6 from Greece). 10 years, with M D 9.12 and SD D 0.8; and 55% were female.
Because this sample was not independent of the other adult They excluded participants based on low grade-point average
samples, it was not included in our table of correlational results. (GPA) or eight markers of psychological or acting out prob-
However, because it compiled data from 11 different samples, it lems. Finally, we used two subsamples described by Hamel and
served as a good general estimate of primary location use Shaffer (2007): 50 6- to 9-year-olds, 52% of whom were male,
among adults for the CS. As such, it was used in a scatterplot to and 50 10- to 12-year-olds, 48% of whom were male. They
visualize the general convergence of results across the CS and excluded respondents for any history of psychiatric treatment
R-PAS. or assessment; arrests, charges, or probation; multiple

suspensions or expulsion from school; use or abuse of alcohol the individual samples formed the columns (i.e., the variables),
or illegal drugs; or GPA of less than 2.0. and the frequency of use of each inkblot location in each sam-
ple was calculated to form the cell entries. Subsequently, each
sample’s set of frequencies was correlated with those from every
Procedure other sample. For these analyses, all Dd99 areas were combined
and counted as one 99 location area. We included these Dd99
In the R-PAS sample, use frequency was calculated as the per- areas for each card, which brought the total number of possible
centage of responses to a card that were given at a designated locations up to 231. However, three locations were never used
location. As described previously, Exner (1986) defined com- (V-Dd24, V-Dd25, and X-Dd32), so all correlations were based
mon detail locations as those used in at least 5% of protocols. on 228 locations used at least one time in at least one of the
Because respondents in this sample gave an average of roughly samples, which together encompass 9,487 protocols. To visually
2.5 responses per card, locations with use frequency of about summarize these correlations, we generated a scatterplot of the
2% in our data qualify as D responses under Exner’s criterion R-PAS sample and the composite CS sample of 996 adult
(i.e., 5% of protocols/2.5 responses per card D 2% of responses nonpatients.
per card). In our primary analyses, we assigned a location num-
ber of 99 to all unnumbered location areas that were used.
However, in a supplemental analysis to determine whether cur- Results
rently unnumbered locations are used with notable frequency, Location frequency in the R-PAS sample
we calculated specific frequencies for the unnumbered loca-
tions. Specifically, we identified all responses coded Dd99 that Table 1 lists the frequencies of response locations per card in
had additional location specification [e.g., “Dd99(8C9)”], and the R-PAS sample of 4,786 protocols, with locations used at
identified the most common of these cases. Because there are least 2% of the time in bold and locations used at least 10% of
not explicit guidelines for how unnumbered locations should the time also in italics. Location use varies considerably within
be designated, the same unnumbered locations were described and across cards. However, the Whole location is the most
in more than one way across protocols. For instance, the same commonly used location on every card, except Card III. On
location might have been described as “1 C 12,” “99(1 C 12),” Card X, where responses are distributed slightly more evenly
“D12 C D1,” and so on. Consequently, all the different designa- across locations than on other cards, the Whole location is still
tions that described identical inkblot areas were aggregated to the most commonly used. Excepting Cards III and X, Whole
determine the frequency of these locations. locations account for more than 30% of the responses to each
To examine stability of location use across samples, frequen- card, and more than 70% for Cards I and V. In part, this might
cies were computed for each of the primary locations specified be due to the fact that a W code can be constructed in multiple
in the 17 CS samples. These frequencies indicated the propor- ways; a single response object could make use of the whole
tion of all responses to a card with that primary location num- card, or the response might include a number of objects that
ber. Next, profile correlations were calculated between the together make use of the whole card.
location frequencies for each of the numbered locations used Overall, D locations are more commonly used (M D 3.5%)
in the R-PAS protocols and the primary locations designated in than Dd locations (M D 0.3%, excluding Dd99), although this
the CS protocols. To calculate these correlations,3 the location is not universal; exceptions occur on Cards I, III, VI, VII, IX,
numbers for each card formed the rows of data (i.e., the cases), and X, where some locations designated D occur infrequently.
The most commonly occurring D locations, drawing more
than 20% of the responses to a card, are D1 and D3 on Card III
We used Pearson correlations to assess the consistency of linear associations
across samples rather than Spearman correlations to assess the consistency of
and D1 on Card VIII. The particular ordering of the location
rank ordering, as was suggested by a reviewer. Location use indicates the actual numbers established by Beck et al. (1961) does not cleanly fit
frequency for how often a location was selected, not their rank ordering. As with these contemporary data on how frequently locations are
such, their magnitude is important for defining a linear relationship. The linear
association should be lowered by a greater amount when two samples have
adjacent ranked location areas that differ in use by 15% (e.g., in one sample Given that locations used with a per-card frequency of about
Location A is used in 45% of responses and Location B is used in 30% of 2% in this table qualify as D responses under Exner’s (1986)
responses but in another sample the values are reversed) and by a lesser amount
when two samples have adjacent ranked locations that differ in use by 0.5%
criterion, 17 locations from eight of the cards that are currently
(e.g., in one sample Location X is used in 1.0% of responses and Location Y is classified as D areas no longer meet this criterion. Conversely,
used in 0.5% of responses but in another sample the values are reversed). The two areas classified as Dd on Card X would now qualify for a D
Pearson correlation differentially penalizes the larger difference in frequency
across samples because it degrades the linear relationship between the variables
to a larger degree. In contrast, the Spearman correlation treats those two differ- As with the Whole location, a variety of different responses
ences in frequency as equally deviant shifts in rank. Furthermore, when there are can result in a Dd99 designation. Specifically, because the 99
many rare events, such as is the case with Dd locations, the Spearman correlation
will be lowered by sample to sample shifts in the cases that are at or near last
classification encompasses all unnumbered Dd locations, the
place. For many Dd locations, the frequency in the population might be just 1 frequencies calculated for Dd99 on all cards in Table 1 (M D
use per 500 responses to a card (i.e., 0.2%) or less. Sampling from such a popula-
tion with relatively small samples of 100 to 500 protocols (that provide a pool of
250 to 1,250 responses per card) will lead to instances when the location is However, the Spearman correlation between the frequencies of the D and non-
observed zero to four or five times in a sample. These minor fluctuations in fre- 99 Dd locations in the Total column of Table 1 and its rank position is –.84 (N D
quency will produce differential rankings across samples that reduce the Spear- 30, p < .001) and correlations for each card range from –.44 to –.88. This sug-
man correlation, even though the true sample differences in frequency are gests there is some meaningful overall signal from Beck et al.’s (1961) numbering
trivial. based on their rather small sample.

Table 1. Percent of responses to each card using each location in the R-PAS sample of 4,786 protocols (112,485 responses).



W 71.5 34.3 11.7 58.5 78.1 45.6 41.7 36.6 31.3 21.6 42.7
D1 1.9 10.5 29.5 6.7 0.6 16.0 11.6 25.9 10.5 18.4 13.3
D2 4.5 7.9 8.9 2.9 1.3 13.3 10.0 4.0 6.8 6.0
D3 0.2 15.7 22.0 2.5 13.7 9.0 2.6 15.0 2.2 8.2
D4 7.8 3.0 5.0 4.4 3.0 5.8 8.2 2.9 2.6 4.3
D5 11.4 3.3 2.3 3.4 2.0 6.2 2.4 0.7 3.2
D6 18.9 4.9 1.5 1.4 1.7 5.6 8.7 4.4 4.7
D7 2.6 9.2 7.7 1.8 4.4 1.0 8.2 3.6
D8 0.8 2.1 0.2 4.1 8.4 6.2 2.2
D9 15.4 1.5 3.1 2.4 9.8 3.3
D10 4.6 1.1 7.9 1.5
D11 5.7 7.5 1.4
D12 1.5 1.1 4.7 0.8
D13 3.0 0.3
D14 1.9 0.2
D15 4.6 0.5
Dd21 1.0 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0 2.6 0.7
Dd22 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.1 1.7 1.6 0.8 1.9 3.8 1.2
Dd23 0.1 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.2 0.9 1.5 0.1 0.6 0.4
Dd24 0.3 0.3 1.4 0.2 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3
Dd25 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1
Dd26 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.2
Dd27 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1
Dd28 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.1
Dd29 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2
Dd30 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.2
Dd31 0.2 0.2 1.3 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.3
Dd32 0.1 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.2
Dd33 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1 1.5 0.9 0.3 0.4 0.4
Dd34 0.2 1.8 0.5 1.1 0.1 0.4
Dd35 0.2 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.0 0.2
Dd99 8.6 6.9 7.8 9.8 6.3 8.2 5.2 6.9 10.0 8.3 7.8

Note. R-PAS D Rorschach Performance Assessment System. Values indicate the percentage of responses to each card using that location. For example, 71.5% of all
responses to Card I (“I” column) make use of the Whole location (“W” row). Location numbers that don’t exist on a given card are represented by a blank cell. Bold values
indicate locations used in at least 2% of all responses to the card; values that are both italicized and shown in bold indicate locations used in at least 10% of all
responses to the card.

7.8%) are not comparable to the frequencies that apply to a sin- nonclinical adult samples, all correlations are at or above r D
gle designated area. However, one unnumbered Dd99 location .93, with the average being .97. Among the clinical samples, all
did occur with notable frequency: the combination of 1 C 12 correlations are at or above r D .97, with an average of .98.
on Card X. This location was specified by examiners 55 times, Among the child and adolescent samples, all correlations are at
making up about 0.44% of all responses to Card X. Although or above r D .90, with the average being .93.5
this is a small percentage, it is a higher value than most of the The lowest correlation in the table is .86, occurring between
currently numbered Dd locations to that card. This was Exner’s (2007) data and the U.S. youth sample. On average, the
the only unnumbered location to be specified with such a nota- sample having the lowest correlations with the others, given in
ble frequency. The next most frequent unnumbered area was the bottom row, is also for the U.S. youth sample. These lower
the combination of the 8 C 3 areas on Card IX, which occurred coefficients are due to Hamel and Shaffer’s (2007) subsamples,
just 18 times, making up 0.16% of all responses to that card. which used an atypical administration decision when collecting
records. Participants were asked to very precisely outline the
locations of their responses with their fingers (Hamel & Shaffer,
Cross-sample and cross-system consistency in location
2007), which led to an elevation of Dd codes and a suppression
of D and W codes that did not generalize to other samples
We do not provide specific frequencies for the use of each loca- (Meyer et al., 2007).6
tion in the 17 CS samples. Instead, Table 2 lists the profile cor-
relations between those samples and the R-PAS sample.
Table 2 is organized by population type, and then alphabetically 5
Because demographic data were not available for the full R-PAS sample, we also
by sample name. The R-PAS sample is a mixed clinical and ran a control analysis correlating location use in protocols with both age and
nonclinical sample so it is listed with the clinical samples, but gender available (n D 3,296; responses D 78,435) and in protocols that lacked
one or both (n D 1,490; responses D 34,050). The correlation of .99 indicates
adjacent to the nonpatient adult samples. that undocumented demographic factors do not systematically influence loca-
Overall, these correlations indicate very strong cross-sample tion use in this sample.
and cross-system consistency in the frequency with which loca- Examining those 100 protocols on their own, they have correlations ranging
from .76 to .90 with the other 17 samples, with an average of just .83. All coeffi-
tion areas are used in generating Rorschach responses. Across cients were lowered by the atypical abundance of Dd99 locations in the Hamel
all off-diagonal correlations, the average is .96. Among the and Shaffer (2007) protocols.

Table 2. Correlations of location use frequency by card for 228 locations across 18 R-PAS or CS samples.

Adult nonpatient Clinical Youth nonpatient

Samples N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 Argentina 506 1.0 .98 .96 .97 .98 .98 .96 .96 .96 .98 .96 .98 .97 .96 .97 .96 .96 .90
2 Belgium 100 .98 1.0 .96 .98 .97 .98 .97 .96 .97 .98 .96 .99 .98 .97 .97 .97 .96 .92
3 CS (Exner) 450 .96 .96 1.0 .96 .96 .96 .93 .94 .94 .95 .93 .97 .96 .95 .95 .95 .95 .86
4 Denmark 100 .97 .98 .96 1.0 .98 .98 .98 .97 .98 .98 .97 .98 .99 .98 .98 .96 .96 .93
5 Finland 371 .98 .97 .96 .98 1.0 .97 .96 .96 .97 .98 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .95 .95 .90
6 France 146 .98 .98 .96 .98 .97 1.0 .97 .97 .98 .97 .95 .98 .98 .98 .98 .98 .98 .91
7 Fresno 281 .96 .97 .93 .98 .96 .97 1.0 .98 .98 .98 .96 .96 .99 .98 .99 .96 .95 .97
8 Greece 92 .96 .96 .94 .97 .96 .97 .98 1.0 .97 .95 .95 .97 .99 .98 .99 .97 .98 .94
9 Japan 239 .96 .97 .94 .98 .97 .98 .98 .97 1.0 .97 .96 .97 .99 .99 .99 .97 .97 .94
10 Spain 519 .98 .98 .95 .98 .98 .97 .98 .95 .97 1.0 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .96 .94 .94
11 U.S. elderly 52 .96 .96 .93 .97 .97 .95 .96 .95 .96 .97 1.0 .96 .96 .96 .95 .93 .92 .93
12 R-PAS 4,786 .98 .99 .97 .98 .97 .98 .96 .97 .97 .97 .96 1.0 .98 .98 .97 .98 .97 .92
13 Chicago 390 .97 .98 .96 .99 .97 .98 .99 .99 .99 .97 .96 .98 1.0 .99 .99 .98 .98 .94
14 Tennessee 287 .96 .97 .95 .98 .97 .98 .98 .98 .99 .97 .96 .98 .99 1.0 .99 .97 .98 .94
15 Viglione 790 .97 .97 .95 .98 .97 .98 .99 .99 .99 .97 .95 .97 .99 .99 1.0 .98 .98 .94
16 Denmark 75 .96 .97 .95 .96 .95 .98 .96 .97 .97 .96 .93 .98 .98 .97 .98 1.0 .98 .92
17 Italy 139 .96 .96 .95 .96 .95 .98 .95 .98 .97 .94 .92 .97 .98 .98 .98 .98 1.0 .90
18 U.S. 164 .90 .92 .86 .93 .90 .91 .97 .94 .94 .94 .93 .92 .94 .94 .94 .92 .90 1.0
M .96 .97 .95 .97 .96 .97 .97 .97 .97 .97 .95 .97 .98 .97 .97 .96 .96 .93

Note. R-PAS D Rorschach Performance Assessment System; CS D Comprehensive System. This table is organized by population type (nonclinical adult, clinical, nonclinical
child and adolescent), and then alphabetically with the exception of the R-PAS sample, which is a mix of nonpatients and patients so is placed between those sections.
The average correlation coefficient for each sample with every other sample is provided in the bottom row.

Across samples, the strongest correlations are among the small cluster of locations that fall above the line in the range
four adult clinical samples and then also between those samples between 5% and 15% on the R-PAS axis, the other locations fall
and many of the adult nonpatient samples. It is important to on the line or below it. Thus, if a regression line was fit to the
keep in mind that the R-PAS sample counted all instances of D data below 30% on either axis, the slope would be less than the
or Dd location use, although for the CS only the primary loca- slope of the plotted line. This is because most of the locations
tion was indicated in a multicomponent D or Dd response. are used more often in the R-PAS sample than in the CS data.
For instance, D3 to Card III is used in about 23% of all
responses given to that card in the R-PAS sample but it is used
Frequencies of individual locations across all cards
in just 13% of the responses given to Card III in the CS data.
Figure 1 provides a scatterplot of the R-PAS sample with the This pattern is due to the fact that the CS data could only report
composite CS sample. Across all 228 locations the correlation a single location for each response but the R-PAS data could
between samples is r D .989. The labels in Figure 1 identify the report all locations that were used in a response. Third, the
12 most commonly used locations, with a two-digit card num- exception to this pattern occurs for Dd99 areas. Almost all of
ber followed by a two-digit location number using 00 to desig- the location areas that fall above the line of perfect fit for the
nate W locations. cluster of locations in the range from 5% to 15% on the R-PAS
The most commonly used locations in both samples are the axis are Dd99 areas. Most likely, this is due to the fact that R-
Whole location on Cards V and I, followed by the Whole loca- PAS recognizes imprecise boundaries for many numbered D
tion on Card IV. These can be considered “super-locations,” and Dd areas that lack complete contours (Meyer et al., 2011),
drawing 60% to more than 70% of all responses to each card. which could increase the use of numbered areas and decrease
Following these three super-locations is a cluster of frequent use of seeming 99 areas.
locations that includes the Whole location on each of the Figure 2 visualizes location use in just the R-PAS sample.
remaining cards with the exception of Card III, the D1 loca- The frequency with which each location is used per card is plot-
tions on Cards III and VIII, and the D3 location on Card III. ted on the vertical axis, and its descending rank order (i.e., most
Although we identify the D3 to Card III as being part of this common, second most common, third most common) is plot-
second cluster, one also could argue there is a reasonable break ted on the horizontal axis. The plot resembles a Zipf distribu-
or gap above it, or perhaps above the W location to Card X. It tion, similar to what is formed when the frequency of
is more evident, however, that below these two locations, the individual objects seen in the inkblots are plotted against their
remaining locations are on a rather undifferentiated contin- rank (see Meyer et al., 2011). Alternatively, it could be consid-
uum, stretching from those pulling about 20% of all responses ered like a scree plot from principal components analysis or
to a card to those pulling virtually no responses to a card. factor analysis (e.g., Hoelzle & Meyer, 2013), which plots the
Before examining this continuum in more depth, three other relative size of an eigenvalue against its rank order. Perhaps the
features of Figure 1 deserve note. First, the locations that garner most remarkable feature of Figure 2 is the absence of jumps or
30% or more of the responses to a card fall along the line of discontinuities in the line graph. Unlike a scree plot that would
perfect fit graphed on Figure 1, with no trend for locations to show a discontinuity differentiating genuine dimensions from
be notably above or below that line. Second, below frequencies random noise, there is no gap or discontinuity differentiating
of 30% on both axes, the data tell a different story. Except for a typical or common locations from rare locations. To the

Figure 1. Use of individual locations in the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) sample (n D 4,786) and the composite Comprehensive System (CS) nonpa-
tient sample (n D 996). Note. Each point represents one of the 228 individual locations examined. For those that are labeled, a two-digit card number is followed by a
two-digit location number, with “00” indicating the Whole location. For example, “C01L00” indicates the Whole location on Card I. The diagonal line indicates the line of
perfect correspondence. The correlation of location use across all cards in these two samples is r D .989.

contrary, there is a smooth progression from the most com- to Exner’s (1986) cut-point differentiating D from Dd. Viewed
monly used locations to the least commonly used locations. from the perspective of all locations simultaneously, as illus-
Superimposed on Figure 2 is a dotted line identifying 2.0% trated in Figure 2, it is easy to see that this is an arbitrary cut
of all responses to a card, which is the equivalent in our sample point on the location use continuum, as there is a smooth

Figure 2. Plot of location use by card in the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS) sample (n D 4,786) with the rank ordering of location use. Note. The his-
torical benchmark for differentiating a common D location from an uncommon Dd location is use by at least 5% of people, which roughly equates to at least 2% of all
responses given to a card, as denoted by the dotted line.

progression of location use above and below that point. In turn, responses. As such, no information is gathered about the percep-
this suggests that more might be gained by fully dimensionaliz- tual typicality of the subelements making up a multiobject W
ing location use frequency across all cards, rather than by response. Given that W is the most frequently used location on
attempting to precisely differentiate a D from a Dd. every card but one, a considerable amount of information about
the card pull to use specific locations is likely obscured. Thus,
one direction for future research is to explore the extent to which
counts of location use change as a function of counting the
This study draws on a heterogeneous sample of 4,786 R-PAS embedded component locations used within W responses (e.g.,
protocols that documented the coded location(s) used for each for Card I, counting how often within a W response there is an
response, and 4,701 CS protocols from 17 diverse samples that object identified at D1, D2, D3, D4, etc.). If those additional data
documented the most salient coded location used for each help improve the measurement of typical and atypical percep-
response. These samples augment the three main empirical tion, it might be better to code the location qualities of exhaus-
studies that previously examined the location of responses tiveness and atypicalness independently of one another, rather
given to the Rorschach, from Hertz (1937, N D 300; 1970, N D than as part of three mutually exclusive and exhaustive
1,050), through Beck et al. (1950), N D 157), to Exner (1986, N categories.
D 3,000). Importantly, however, except for Beck’s early Initially, a salient aim of ours was to obtain an updated
research with a relatively small sample, no studies over the last understanding of what constituted D and Dd locations. In the
seven decades have provided specific frequencies for all their R-PAS records, 17 locations currently designated as common
designated locations. Thus, Table 1 and Figure 2 provide D areas no longer meet Exner’s (1986) criterion for D, and 2
unique contributions to the literature. In addition, Hertz’s locations currently designated as uncommon Dd areas do meet
research focused on nonpatient adolescents; Beck et al.’s this criterion. Furthermore, one currently unnumbered loca-
research used adult nonpatients; and Exner’s research used a tion, the combination of D1 and D12 on Card X, occurs often
mix of patients, nonpatients, adults, and youth. No previous enough that it probably should be designated with its own
research has examined the generalizability of location use number on this card.
across different types of samples or across different Rorschach However, frequency of location use in these data falls on a
systems. Thus, Table 2 and Figure 1 also provide unique contri- remarkably smooth continuum. As is evident in Figure 2, the
butions to the literature. existing cutoff point separating D from Dd responses is arbi-
These data provide an understanding of the frequency with trary, and there is no apparent cutoff point in the data at which
which inkblot locations are used by contemporary respondents common and uncommon locations can be readily distinguished
and they lead to three primary insights. First, the Whole loca- from one another. As such, adopting a fully dimensional mea-
tion is used with high frequency on every card, suggesting that sure of location typicality would be more appropriate than
the interpretation of W should be expanded to include updating the existing categorical descriptions, and it might also
conventionality. Second, location use frequency falls on a improve the prediction of external criteria.
smooth continuum without clear differentiation between typi- The pattern of location frequency varies by card in ways
cal and atypical locations. This suggests that a fully dimensional roughly consistent with the visual complexity of the stimuli.
measure of location typicality could more effectively measure Simpler and more unified inkblots with less color variation,
perceptual style than the current categorical coding. Third, the such as Cards I and V, tend to provoke more Whole responses,
dimension of location use frequency is remarkably consistent whereas frequencies are more broadly distributed on more
across different types of samples and different Rorschach visually complex cards, such as Cards III and X. This is particu-
administration and coding systems. These points are more fully larly notable on Card III, which draws fewer W responses than
elaborated later, followed by implications that flow from them. any other card, and on Card X, where use frequencies are more
Given the very high frequency with which the W location is evenly distributed across locations than on any other card.
used on each card, the interpretive meaning of the W% variable The correlations of location frequency across samples gener-
in R-PAS should be updated. Currently, W% is interpreted as a ally indicate that location use is quite consistent across ages,
measure of global, holistic perception and, in some instances, cultures, languages, and clinical or nonclinical populations.
tendency toward sophisticated and integrative cognition. How- This suggests that particular inkblot locations lend themselves
ever, this tendency to see the big picture by using the W loca- to perceptual interpretation in consistent ways across people.
tion also is quite common, such that W is the most commonly This might be a somewhat unsurprising result, given the R-
used location on every card except Card III. Consequently, W% PAS decision to develop international norms (Meyer et al.,
also should be interpreted as a measure of perceptual conven- 2011), and prior research indicating no reliable differences in
tionality, similar to the Popular variable, in addition to its cur- Rorschach scores on the basis of gender, ethnicity, adult age,
rent interpretation. Stated differently, it is conventional or country of origin, or culture (Meyer et al., 2007; Meyer, Giro-
normative for people to make sense of the full stimulus. In add- mini, Viglione, Reese, & Mihura, 2015; Meyer, Shaffer, et al.,
ing this interpretation, it still remains the case that there are 2015). Correlations were also quite high between the R-PAS
quantitative and qualitative differences between generating a W sample and samples gathered using CS administration and cod-
response to Cards I or V versus Cards IX or X. ing guidelines; the average of all correlations between the
As noted in the introduction, the current categorical location R-PAS sample and the CS samples was r D .96, and the correla-
coding guidelines do not take into account the typicality of indi- tion between the R-PAS sample and the composite of CS sam-
vidual response objects that are embedded within multiobject W ples was r D .99.

The weakest relationships between samples occurred when The Popular code, which is assigned to a response when
data were collected by just one examiner and the examiner col- it includes a very common percept at a particular inkblot
lecting protocols followed idiosyncratic administration guide- location, could similarly be contextualized with location fre-
lines by asking respondents to precisely outline the locations of quency data. For instance, the Popular response to Card IX
all their responses (Hamel & Shaffer, 2007). CS administration occurs at a location that is used in 14.4% of responses to
guidelines give examiners freedom to structure the gathering of the card, whereas the Popular response to Card I occurs at
location data in such a way. That is, the CS guidelines do not a location used in 71.4% of responses to the card. A Popu-
clearly tell examiners to solicit outlines, nor do they clearly tell lar response on Card I, then, is considerably more common
examiners not to solicit outlines. This ambiguity fosters some and obvious than a Popular response on Card IX, but the
uncertainty about what is best practice.7 Nonetheless, when a two Popular codes are currently weighted the same. It is
respondent’s attention is drawn to the specific contours of the possible, however, that the absence of Popular is more pre-
ink during the clarification phase, he or she might become dictive of psychopathology when it is weighted by the com-
more cautious and detail-oriented than when initially selecting monness of the location.
percepts, causing his or her percept to be documented in a The R-PAS WD–% score attempts to use inkblot location
more atypical manner than when initially perceived. frequency in this way, by evaluating the Form Quality of only
The basic perceptual process of selecting the inkblot loca- those responses that are given to the W and D locations. This
tions that will be organized into a response might be useful for measure is used as a complement to the FQ–% code. Whereas
assigning weights to other codes, and particularly Form Quality FQ–% measures an examinee’s general tendency toward dis-
codes. R-PAS Form Quality codes are measures of perceptual tortion or misinterpretation of his or her environment, WD–
conventionality and accuracy. Each response either is desig- % measures an examinee’s tendency toward distortion or mis-
nated FQ-, indicating infrequent and inaccurate perception; interpretation of even those stimuli that are more obvious and
FQu, indicating intermediate-level frequency or accuracy; FQo, commonly used (Meyer et al., 2011). At present, the research
indicating relatively frequent and accurate perception; or FQn, literature does not indicate WD–% provides any better predic-
indicating that the response does not contain any formed tion than FQ–% (Mihura et al., 2013). However, the current
object, making it inappropriate for a Form Quality judgment. dichotomous classification of inkblot locations into W or D
Form Quality percentage scores are calculated to measure the does not accurately represent contemporary location use fre-
overall conventionality and accuracy of an examinee’s percepts, quency. These data show how dramatically different some D
which serves as an indicator for reality testing ability and locations are from others and how different D locations tend
degree of psychopathology (Meyer et al., 2011; Mihura et al., to be from the even more common W locations. These find-
2013). Given that different inkblot locations are used with dif- ings thus suggest that location frequency could be further
fering but consistent frequencies and that particular locations used in evaluating perceptual accuracy and conventionality by
lend themselves to particular perceptual interpretations, the referencing contemporary inkblot location frequency data. For
inkblot location used to formulate a response might speak to instance, instead of computing FQ–% for all W and D loca-
the predictive value of that response’s Form Quality. tions, following Figure 2, it might be more reasonable to com-
For example, the D3 location on Card III is used in 16.0% of pute this percentage for just the 28 or so locations that are
all responses to the card, suggesting that it has clear, perceptu- used in at least 10% of the responses given to a card, or to
ally useful critical bits and is commonly identified by respond- simply weight FQ–% by the frequency of the locations con-
ents as being perceptually important. The Dd30 location on tributing to it.
Card III, meanwhile, is identified in only about 0.1% of all
responses to this card, indicating that most people do not take
the features of this location to be suggestive of anything in par-
ticular. As a result, an examinee who uses the clear critical bits One limitation of our study is reliance on archival data. Com-
of Card III’s D3 location to construct percepts with distorted plete and specific demographic data for each case were not
form quality is likely to be prone to more distorted and atypical available, nor were full responses to code. As such, reliability
perception than a person who provides a response with dis- analyses could not be conducted and coding accuracy could
torted form quality only to the less-clear perceptual features of not be verified. However, the clear reproducibility of results
Dd30. Under current coding procedures, these two FQ- codes across all samples and subsamples speaks to the reliability of
are given the same weight. It would be beneficial to conduct the location codes and location numbers that were assigned in
research examining whether the dimensional conventionality both the R-PAS sample and the CS samples, as well as their
of locations documented here serves as a moderator of FQ– robustness across demographic factors. Furthermore, the high
when predicting psychotic disorder criteria. correlations of location use across samples attest to the broad
generalizability of these results; the R-PAS sample correlates
very strongly with CS samples of adults, children and adoles-
7 cents, clinical respondents, and nonclinical respondents.
R-PAS guidelines address this specifically. Objects are identified by the inkblot’s
critical bits, and apart from the structure provided by those bits, the contours of As another limitation, the CS data were obtained using a scor-
the identified object can be very imprecisely perceived. For instance, the canine ing program that only allowed for one location to be designated,
profile often reported to Card I D7 is defined by the triangular snout at Dd34 which causes some locations to go uncounted in multiobject D
and the ear-like contours at Dd28, but the back of that canine’s head is not per-
ceived as having a precise boundary because there is no specific contour in the or Dd responses. If these additional locations were counted sys-
inkblot that closes that perceptual gestalt. tematically, the correlations among CS locations and between CS

and R-PAS location frequencies likely would have been stronger. References
Finally, as mentioned earlier, the locations for objects embedded
Beck, S. J., Beck, A. G., Levitt, E. E., & Molish, H. B. (1961). Rorschach’s
within W responses were not counted, and as such full frequency test: Basic processes (Vol. 1, 3rd ed.). Oxford, UK: Grune & Stratton.
data on these locations are not available. Beck, S. J., Rabin, A. I., Thiesen, W. G., Molish, H., & Thetford, W. N.
(1950). The normal personality as projected in the Rorschach test. Jour-
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interpretation of the W% variable should be expanded to incor-
porate perceptual conventionality, somewhat similar to the Hertz, M. R. (1970). Frequency tables for scoring Rorschach responses (5th
interpretation of Popular responses. ed.). New York, NY: University Press.
Finally, the frequency data provided here do not include Hoelzle, J. B., & Meyer, G. J. (2013). Exploratory factor analysis: Basics and
component locations within W responses. Thus, the frequency beyond. In J. A. Schinka, W. F. Velicer, & I. B. Weiner (Eds.), Hand-
book of psychology: Research methods in psychology (pp. 164–188).
data provided here accurately represent location use as mea-
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
sured by the existing coding guidelines. However, it would be Ivanouw, J. (2007). Rorschach Comprehensive System data for a sample of
useful for further research to determine whether identifying the 141 adult nonpatients from Denmark. Journal of Personality Assess-
location of objects embedded within W responses provides an ment, 89, S42–S51. doi:10.1080/00223890701583671
improved understanding of card pull, and perhaps better data Lis, A., Salcuni, S., & Parolin, L. (2007). Rorschach Comprehensive System
data for a sample of 116 preadolescent and 117 adolescent nonpatients
on perceptual style.
from Italy. Journal of Personality Assessment, 89, S91–S96. doi:10.1080/
Lunazzi, H. A., Urrutia, M. I., de La Fuente, M. G., Elias, D., Fernandez, F.,
Acknowledgments & de La Fuente, S. (2007). Rorschach Comprehensive System data for a
sample of 506 adult nonpatients from Argentina. Journal of Personality
This research was conducted in part with data provided by R-PAS Assessment, 89, S7–S12. doi:10.1080/00223890701582806
co-authors and others credentialed as proficient in R-PAS coding and Mattlar, C. E., Forsander, C., Carlsson, A., Norrlund, L., Vesala, P., Lep-
administration. We thank Susan Berenzweig, Gabriela Dima, Robert Erard, p€anen, T., … & Alanen, E. (2007). Rorschach Comprehensive System
Fabiana Freitas, Jonna Fries, Luciano Giromini, James Gormally, Mauro Di data for a sample of 343 adults from Finland. Journal of Personality
Lorenzo, and Donald Viglione for the additional data they contributed. We Assessment, 89, S57–S60. doi:10.1080/00223890701582962
also thank the researchers who donated CS data back in 2008 or before, Meyer, G. J. (1997). On the integration of personality assessment methods:
including Vera Campo, Stamatia Daroglou, Nicolae Dumitrascu, John The Rorschach and MMPI. Journal of Personality Assessment, 68, 297–
Exner, Mel Hamel, Len Handler, Kim Hansen, Jan Ivanouw, Adriana Lis, 330. doi:10.1207/s15327752jpa6802_5
Helena Lunazzi, Carl-Erik Mattlar, Christian Mormont, Noriko Naka- Meyer, G. J. (2008). Complexity stratified adult CS norms from the Interna-
mura, Kevin Pertchik, Silvia Salcuni, Thomas Shaffer, Serge Sultan, Mary tional 1098 Sample. Toledo, OH: Department of Psychology, University
Ann Valentino, and Katherine Van Patten. of Toledo.
Meyer, G. J., Erdberg, P., & Shaffer, T. W. (2007). Toward international
normative reference data for the Comprehensive System. Journal of Per-
ORCID sonality Assessment, 89, S201–S216. doi:10.1080/00223890701629342
Meyer, G. J., Giromini, L., Viglione, D. J., Reese, J. B., & Mihura, J. L.
Benjamin A. Berry (2015). The association of gender, ethnicity, age, and education with

Rorschach scores. Assessment, 22, 46–64. doi:10.1177/ Salcuni, S., Lis, A., Parolin, L., & Mazzeschi, C. (2007). Rorschach Compre-
1073191114544358 hensive System data for two samples of nonpatient children from Italy:
Meyer, G. J., Riethmiller, R. J., Brooks, R. D., Benoit, W. A., & Handler, L. 75 aged 5–7 years and 148 aged 8–11 years. Journal of Personality
(2000). A replication of Rorschach and MMPI–2 convergent validity. Assessment, 89, S85–S90. doi:10.1080/00223890701583234
Journal of Personality Assessment, 74, 175–215. doi:10.1207/ Shaffer, T. W., Erdberg, P., & Haroian, J. (2007). Rorschach Comprehen-
S15327752JPA7402_3 sive System data for a sample of 283 adult nonpatients from the United
Meyer, G. J., Shaffer, T. W., Erdberg, P., & Horn, S. L. (2015). Addressing States. Journal of Personality Assessment, 89, S159–S165. doi:10.1080/
issues in the development and use of the Composite International Ref- 00223890701583572
erence Values as Rorschach norms for adults. Journal of Personality Sultan, S., Andronikof, A., Fouques, D., Lemmel, G., Mormont, C., Reveillere,
Assessment, 97, 330–347. doi:10.1080/00223891.2014.961603 C., & Sa€ıas, T. (2004). Towards French language norms for the Rorschach
Meyer, G. J., Viglione, D. J., Mihura, J. L., Erard, R. E., & Erdberg, P. Comprehensive System: Preliminary results in a sample of 146 adults. Psy-
(2011). Rorschach Performance Assessment System: Administration, chologie Française, 49, 7–24. doi:10.1080/00223890701629342
coding, interpretation, and technical manual. Toledo, OH: R-PAS. Valentino, M. A., Shaffer, T. W., Erdberg, P., & Figueroa, M. (2007).
Mihura, J. L., Meyer, G. J., Dumitrascu, N., & Bombel, G. (2013). The Rorschach Comprehensive System data for a sample of 42 nonpa-
validity of individual Rorschach variables: Systematic reviews and tient Mexican American children from the United States. Journal
meta-analyses of the comprehensive system. Psychological Bulletin, of Personality Assessment, 89, S183–S187. doi:10.1080/
139, 548–605. doi:10.1037/a0029406 00223890701583481
Mormont, C., Thommessen, M., & Kever, C. (2007). Rorschach Compre- Van Patten, K., Shaffer, T. W., Erdberg, P., & Canfield, M. (2007). Ror-
hensive System data for a sample of 100 adult nonpatients from the schach Comprehensive System data for a sample of 37 nonpatient/non-
Belgian French-speaking community. Journal of Personality Assess- delinquent adolescents from the United States. Journal of Personality
ment, 89, S26–S34. doi:10.1080/00223890701582871 Assessment, 89, S188–S192. doi:10.1080/00223890701583507
Nakamura, N., Fuchigami, Y., & Tsugawa, R. (2007). Rorschach Compre- Viglione, D., Giromini, L., Gustafson, M. L., & Meyer, G. J. (2014). Devel-
hensive System data for a sample of 240 adult nonpatients from Japan. oping continuous variable composites for Rorschach measures of
Journal of Personality Assessment, 89, S97–S102. doi:10.1080/ thought problems, vigilance, and suicide risk. Assessment, 21, 42–49.
00223890701583291 doi:10.1177/1073191112446963
Pertchik, K., Shaffer, T. W., Erdberg, P., & Margolin, D. I. (2007). Ror- Viglione, D. J., & Meyer, G. J. (2008, July). An international system as a
schach Comprehensive System data for a sample of 52 older adult non- solution to problems in Rorschach reliability, validity, and utility. Ple-
patients from the United States. Journal of Personality Assessment, 89, nary session conducted at the XIXth Congress of the International Ror-
S166–S173. doi:10.1080/00223890701583598 schach Society, Leuven, Belgium.

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