Science and Technology Related Words

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Science and Technology related words

a) Animatronics – Use of computers, to animate puppets or other objects

b) Bleeding Edge – Cutting edge technology, which is still untested
c) Cleantech – Eco-friendly; Technology used for sustainable development
d) Cybernetics – Replication of biological parts (such as limbs) using technology
e) Fifth-Generation – Highly advanced level of computer technology, which
incorporates artificial intelligence
f) Glanceable – Information which can be easily understood
g) Intermediate Technology – Old technology; Technology suitable for use in
developing countries, usually making use of locally available resources
h) Legacy – Previous or outdated computer system, yet still in use
i) Digital Divide – Digital parity between 2 classes; Segregation of people based
on exposure to gadgets
j) Fair Test – Test performed under strict conditions, except for the one
parameter on which changes is to be observed
k) Pneumatics – Branch of science which deals with study of air pressure of
different gases
l) Cumulonimbus Cloud – Vertical, dense cloud formation
m) Brave New World – The world of a future, usually either a technology-utopia
or a sinister future world, mentioned by an author
n) Placebo – Something prescribed for a patient that contains no medicine, but is
given for the positive psychological effect, it may have because the person
believes that he/she is receiving treatment; Perceived, but not actual
o) Rain Shadow – Dry area on the leeward side of a mountainous area
Law, Finance and Commerce related words
a) Amortization – Reduction of value of an asset over time
b) Leverage – Borrowing money in hope to make profit from it
c) Liability – Legal financial debts
d) Portfolio – All the investments held by a person or organization
e) Night Safe – Safe in the wall of a bank, which can be opened by people to
deposit money, even outside the normal working hours of bank
f) Overdraft – Limit upto which money can be borrowed from bank, even when
there is no balance in his/her account
g) Robo-signing – Signing foreclosure documents, without reviewing them; Proxy
h) Standing Order – Instruction given by a bank account holder, to bank, to give a
certain sum of money in a fixed interval of time, to a person or accounts
i) Stress Test – Simulation designed to determine the ability of a financial
institution to deal with a financial crisis
j) Strong Room – A reinforced room, designed to withstand fire and theft, used
to store valuable items
k) Alford Doctrine – Guilty plea in a criminal court, whereby a defendant asserts
not guilty
l) Amicus Curiae Brief – Someone who is not associated with a case, but offers
some assist in the case by providing information, expertise, etc.
m) Felony – A criminal act, that results in punishment of at least one year
n) Felony Murder – Criminal act of killing a person, during a felony
o) Voir Dire – Preliminary examination of a witness or pool of judges by a judge or
p) Subpoena – Legal order demanding evidence in a court; Summon
Literary Terminologies
a) Theme – The universal or key idea of an artistic piece
b) Motif – Recurring element in an artistic piece
c) Flat Character – A character that experiences zero character development over
the course of a story
d) Round Character – A well developed character
e) Stock Character – A stereotypical character in a story/play
f) Foil Character – A character who contrasts in traits with the main character, in
order to highlight some particular traits of the other characters.
g) Epiphany – Sudden realization
h) Stream of Consciousness – A person’s thoughts and conscious reactions to a
series of events, as a continuous flow
Word Meanings (1)
a) Circumspect –Taking into consideration all circumstances and outcomes of an
action, before performing it
b) Circumlocutions – Indirect way of saying something repeatedly
c) Euphoric – Extremely happy and excited
d) Eulogies – Speech or piece of writing that praises someone very highly, usually
after someone’s death
e) Culpable – Deserving blame or punishment for a wrong
f) Inculpated – To put the blame for something on someone
g) Exculpated – To free somebody of accused guilt
h) Placating – Pacifying; Soothing; Relaxing
i) Omnipotent – All-powerful
j) Omniscient – All knowing
k) Omnibus – Book collecting separate works of an author
l) Malevolence – Devilish; Wanting to cause harm
m) Malicious – Harmful; Mischievous
n) Devoured – Eat something quickly
o) Soliloquy – Talking to oneself when alone
p) Proscribe – Ban or condemn something
q) Corpulent – Fat and huge
r) Intrepid – Fearless
s) Spinster – An unmarried lady
t) Altruistic – One who dedicates his/her life to a selfless pursuit
u) Mast – A tall pole on a boat or ship, that supports the sails
v) Pact – An agreement between two parties
w) Stab – To injure someone with a sharp, pointed object
x) Penitence – A feeling of being sorry because one has done something wrong
Word Meanings (2)
a) Perpetual – Ever lasting
b) Agile –Sharp and athletic on the field
c) Sprawl – Sit or lie awkwardly; Extend in a disordered manner
d) Indolent – Lazy
e) Hoary – Fake; Old and stale
f) Flicker – Flutter, or move jerkily; Appear briefly
g) Languid – Sluggish
h) Grope – Search for something roughly
i) Baritone – Deep and powerful
j) Puckish – Mischievous, or naughty
k) Maddening – Infuriating
l) Rejuvenates – To make something young again
m) Profound – Deep and serious interest
n) Disarming – Charming
o) Drab – Dull, and boring; Lacking colour or brightness
p) Immaculately – Well dressed
q) Enervated – Thin and wasted
r) Emaciated – Thin and wasted
s) Solace – Feeling of emotional comfort when somebody is sad or disappointed
t) Spur – Suddenly without planning in advance
u) Tactic – Particular method used to achieve something
v) Amnesty – General official pardon given to many in one go
w) Epic – Long poem about the actions of great men or women of a nation
Learning Words through Situations
a) Deemed – Regarded or considered in a specific manner
b) Cult – A group of people who idolize someone or something
c) Deified – Make divine; To make somebody into a god
d) Revered – Treat somebody with admiring respect
e) Infallible – Incapable of failing
f) Destinies – Predetermined end of trip
g) Protagonists – Main character; Leading character
h) Capricious – Tending to make sudden unexpected changes
i) Paeans – Expression of joy and happiness
j) Adulations – Excessively admiring behaviour
k) Felicitate – Congratulate somebody
l) Whim – A sudden thought, idea or desire
m) Caprice – Impulsive tendency
n) Vulnerable – Extremely susceptible; Without adequate protection
o) Inimical – Not favorable
p) Furore – Uproar; Excitement
q) Erstwhile – Former
r) Contemptible – Deserving contempt (Attitude of utter disgust or hatred)
s) Fury – Rage
t) Castigate – Criticize someone or something
u) Deride – Ridicule
v) Disparage – Criticize
w) Eulogize – Praiseful words said or written, in tribute of a person, usually after
he/she is dead
x) Panegyrics – Praise

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