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Carmen W. Julian 1234 Sesame Street Albuquerque, NM 87124 (505) 123-4567

DATE: May 8, 2019

To: Marybeth Perdomo
From: Carmen W. Julian
Subject: Student Learning Outcomes

I really enjoyed your class this semester in English 219, Technical and Professional writing. I
have certainly grown, not only as a person, but as a write. I believe that your instruction has
helped strengthen my writing skills. This is crucial since I will be graduating this fall.

The project was interesting and fun to develop. I created a chronological resume which had my
Skills, Work Experience, and Education listed in order. I implemented the five principles of
design which made my resume look more professional. I chose to keep my resume simple by
adding one simple color to allow my headings to be easily read. My belief is that your
documents project the person you are. So, having a clear and concise document reveals how
proficient you are as an employee.

My letter of intent was written to my Tribal Scholarship office to request an additional semester
of funding. I currently do not qualify for any Federal Financial Aid or Students Loans due to
maximum time frame, so this request was very important for me. When beginning my letter, I
thought of my intended purpose and why the request was so important. This aided me in
reflecting what I needed to write. After the project was done, I used the letter and submitted it
to the intended audience. A few months later, I received notice that I was granted my special
request. This will allow will me to finish my last semester worry-free. Thank you for the
opportunity to do this project, I not only benefited from this, but my family as well.

Project two was fun as well. I was able to research a unique situation that might be just an idea
to some. My project was to petition for more pet waste stations around the University of New
Mexico Main campus. After witnessing many pets on campus, I realized that I really didn’t see
many waste station locations. I interviewed dog owners and was able to visit with their friendly
K-9’s. I think that was the best part.

Project three was a little more difficult to plan out. I crated a mind map and proceeded to make
an outline to keep my information organized. I wanted to know more about the graduate
program since I will be applying in the Fall. I interviewed current a professor and graduate
student. They both gave me so much support and I was able to get questions answered. This
website helped me to convince my husband that the graduate program will be a valuable asset
to our future.
Within every assigned project, I have created and modified the task to apply to my professional
career tasks. This course gave me the ability to express myself in written form. I will certainly
take all that has been learned and implement it into my future endeavors. Thank you again!

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