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On-site emergency plans will be prepared to protect the public

health, safety and environment on and off the Project site in the case of a
major natural disaster or industrial accident relating to or affecting the
Project. The Applicant shall prepare the plans and be responsible for
implementing the plan with its operations team in coordination with the
local emergency response support functions. The plans will describe
the emergency response procedures to be implemented during various
emergency situations that may affect the Project or the surrounding
community or environment.

The emergency plans described in this section are an outline of the details
that will be included in the detailed emergency plans to be developed
prior to the construction and operating phases of the Project. This
outline is based on Applicant’s experience in operating other similar
wind power projects. For wind power projects, the key element of an
effective emergency and safety plan is the ability to communicate.
During both construction and operation of the Project, all operations and
construction team leaders will be equipped with two-way short-band radios
and cellular phones.

Preliminary construction emergency plans will be developed and submitted

for review by EFSEC prior to the start of construction activities. EFSEC,
as well as local emergency response organizations, where appropriate, will
review and approve all plans before they are implemented. Preliminary

operations and maintenance emergency plans will also be developed and
submitted for review by EFSEC and prior to the start of plant operations.
During the Project construction and startup period, the emergency plans
will be updated to conform to manufacturer and vendor safety
information for the specific equipment installed at the Project.

Events Covered By Emergency Plans

The emergency plans cover a number of events that may occur at or near
the Project site by natural causes, equipment failure or by human
mistake. The following is a list of potential events that will be covered
by the emergency plans and form its base table of contents.
• Personal medical injury;
• Construction emergencies;
• Project evacuation;
• Fire or explosion;
• Floods;
• Extreme Weather Abnormalities;
• Earthquakes;
• Volcanic eruption;
• Facility Blackout;
• Chemical or Oil Spill or Release;
• Blade or Tower Failure;
• Aircraft Impact;
• Vandalism
Emergency planning is an integral and essential part of loss prevention
strategy. The type of emergency primarily considered here is the major
emergency which may be defined as one which has the potential to cause

serious danger to persons and or damage to property and which tends to
cause disruption inside and or outside the site and may require the use of
outside resources.
Emergency is a general term implying hazardous both inside and outside
the installations. Thus, emergencies are termed “On-Site” when it
confines itself within the plant even though it may require external help
and “Off-Site” when emergency extends beyond its premises. It is to be
understood here, that if an emergency occurs inside the plant and could
not be controlled, it may lead to an off-site emergency.


Emergency Planning or preparedness is a comprehensive response plan to
react to a number of foreseeable emergencies anticipated in the works and
to contain the loss of human life, Property and provide speedy and
effective remedial measures. Important prerequisite for emergency
planning is to foresee an accident scenario which leads to a major fire,
explosion, toxic release, their spread or extent and their damage potential.
These information are used in conjunction with layout of the units in the
works, and adjacent communities in the preparation of the contingency
Identification of scenarios and their consequences from important
element in the emergency planning. The type of scenarios and their
consequences determine the emergency response. Identification of
scenarios and mitigation include the detection of abnormal conditions,
assessing the potential consequences and immediate measures to mitigate
the situations. This include emergency response action which must be
taken to protect the health and the safety of the plant personnel and the

Assuming all reasonable plant safety design and their improvements have
been considered like design codes, practices alarms, shutdown interlocks
etc., the accidents may occur as the plant operating parameter valves may
exceed or lie out side the normal parameters.
These potential uncontrollable parameters give the plant operators an
indication of consequences in advance of actual occurrence. The
important elements of emergency planning can be broadly classified as
i. Identifying the disaster potential scenarios and advance
planning to combat and minimise the damage.

ii. Disaster phase i.e. warning, protective action like evacuation of

personnel etc.

iii. Containment of disaster by isolating, fire fighting etc.

iv. Rescue, relief assistance to the people affected in the works /

community effectively and efficiently based on the actual needs
and on the information collected locally both in advance of the
disaster and as soon as possible after the disaster occurred.

v. Finally when the situation is contained, efforts are to be return

back to near normal conditions.

Of the above points, the first four are most relevant to the immediate
attention to works management. The areas affected by each accident
scenario can be identified by their consequences like Pool Fire, Flash Fire
and Toxic gas release. It would be appropriate to classify the hazards
around the plant and to provide emergency measures in the area both
onsite or offsite (if the zone extends).

It is the duty of any witness of the beginning of an accident or of an
anomaly which might lead to an accident to give the alert and to act with
available means within the limits of his ability.
Alert is the information given to ask for assistance, in principle using
alarms which are inside or outside the establishment.

Communication System
Wind Sock
Emergency Transport Vehicle
First Aid, Fire fighting Equipment located in different areas in the block
and utilities areas.
Eye wash fountains
Personnel Protective Equipment

Self contained breathing apparatus.


It is a location, where all key personnel like Site Controller, Incident
Controller etc., can assemble in the event of on site of emergency and
carry on various duties assigned to them. All necessary facilities are to be
For the present the Time Office is identified as the Emergency Control
It is accessible from plant side. Emergency coordinator is responsible for
maintenance of ECC and security officer assists him in this.

Emergency Control Center plays a vital role to control emergency of any
Following material is normally kept available in Emergency Control

1. Telephone set for quick communication with telephone directory.

2. Battery operated public address system (mega-phone) to warn
population in the vicinity about imminent danger, if any.
3. Drawing showing various locations around the mills within 5 Km
4. Process flow charts.
5. Factory Layout.
6. Torch and Emergency Lamps.
7. Wiring material
8. Medicines for first-aid
9. Self-Contained breathing apparatus sets
10.Spare Cylinder for SCBA.
11.Canister type gas mask
12.Safety Helmets
13.Portable chlorine monitor
14.Copy of the on-site emergency management plan.

Address with telephone numbers and key personnel, and essential

employees, Government agencies, neighboring industries and sources of
help, outside experts, chemical fact sheets.

Assembly points are those locations where the persons who are not
connected with emergency operations can await either for further
instructions or for rescue transport and rehabilitation. Presently Time
office is considered as such assembly points. For any reason this
assembly points becomes vulnerable for consequences of fire, the persons
can go out of the factory gate and assemble outside.
Assembly points are manned by Time Office persons and they work
under the control of Emergency Coordinator.

Whoever notices an emergency identified above or a grave situation
which has potential to develop into an emergency should forthwith raise
an alarm by shouting or approach his plant shift in charge and informs
him the details.

Whoever notices an emergency of fire or gas leak, shout as “Fire, Fire,
Fire or gas leak, gas leak, gas leak” in the regional language, as the case
may be. He would rush to the shift in charge.



Identify each other,

Inform incident / location / any precise further information he can give
about accident.

Shift in charger rushes to the scene, assess the situation and inform the
Incident Controller / Site Controller / Security. While doing so, he would
initiate measures to protect himself and to controlling the emergency.

At present there is no arrangement of siren in the plan. One emergency
siren would be procured and installed so that it is audible to the entire
plant area. Its operating plant would be located in ECC. Security on the
authorization of Site Controller would operate. As there is no
arrangement for normal siren, any siren operation means that there is an
emergency in the plant.

Site Controller in consultation with Incident Controller and after ensuring
that the emergency situation is overcome would order for all clear signal
indicating that emergency is over come. All clear signal is organised by
Security Officer continuous siren for 3 minutes is the All Clear Siren.
These sirens would be made familiar to all employees. It would be
ensured that in the surrounding industry, there is no similarity in normal
or emergency sirens of this plant.

Who ever notice an emergency will bring it to knowledge of Site
Controller and he verifies about it as quickly as possible.
Once the emergency is confirmed, Site Controller would declare on set of
On Site Emergency and Order security to raise emergency alarm through
out the plant.
Incident Controllers and shift in charge organise to communicate
emergency orally and by hand bells by shift in charges.

At the same time, these with emergency responsibilities, key personnel
and essential employees are expected to undertake specified emergency

Once emergency is known, all key personnel would rush to emergency

control centre (ECC) and assist Site Controller in the Management.

The incidents Controller remain in their respective Production Block and

take necessary measures to minimize effects of emergency. The Incident
Controller in whose block emergency has arisen, would initiate measures
for controlling and other Incident Controllers take measure to minimize
the effects in their respective Production Blocks.

Such emergency measures include the following:

Safe shutdown of plant and equipment

Evacuation of vulnerable blocks
Control of cause of emergency such as fire or gas leak
Taking measures to avoid spreading of effects of emergency to other
Plant personnel should take emergency shut down of the plant operations
and swiftly and carefully move to Assembly Point.

Essential Employees, if they are on plant round or so move to their usual

place of work and await instructions. If they are aware of nature of
emergency, they take necessary steps to control situation causing
emergency, by taking precautions to protect themselves and to protect
properly, prevent spreading of emergency.

Diesel Generator Operator would be ready to start the emergency
equipment if required and if generator is not in operation. In the event of
fire accident, electrical operator would switch off power supply in that
block enabling fire fighting operations.

Water pump operator would change the system and make arrangements
for water for fire fighting operations.


A set of flood lights would be installed, focusing each operating block,

from outside. The lights would be on mains, directly connected from
panel room so that when a particular section or whole plant is cut off with
power supply, the flood lights can be on, enabling emergency movement
and emergency operations.

In the event of evacuation is decided, persons gathered at assembly

points, and those who are in the plant are evacuated by using the
available transport and also the transport drawn through Mutual Aid
Each staircase would be marked as Emergency Escape. Electrical
Supervisor is responsible for proper lighting of these staircases in night
and any fused bulbs should be replaced. Production chemist is
responsible for maintaining these escape staircases free from obstructions
at any point of time.
At assembly point security arranges evacuation if required to far off place
out side the plant. All these operations are under the control of
Emergency Coordinator.


Persons from outside or other workers, contract, casual workers who are
not connected with emergency operations must withdraw from the plant
where emergency occurred, to either assembly point or other safe
location and await instructions.
Incident Controller arranges sending away of non essential employees to
either assembly point or to outside gate.
Road Tankers, Lorries drivers, cleaners with draw the vehicles beyond
the factory to safe location and await at that place for any emergency
instructions like evacuation etc., Security organizes sending away of
waiting trucks to a far off place.

Being a process industry the procedure is same at any time either beyond
normal working ours or holidays etc.

OSEP would be familiarized to all the employees including those in

security and frequently visiting persons to the factory, Essential
Employees and key personnel.


In the present scenario of liberised industrialization, large number

of industry in every sector is being promoted in of the natural country.
This is bound to give a boost to our national property, but on the other
hand we must also realized that this will being a total change in our way
life, particularly in terms of safety, health and environment. In order reap
the optimum output of this development, we should be equally concern
to abet the possible accident disaster pollutions. Any shortcut or
ignorance towards these extremely important aspects can nullify all the
good results of these developments. Therefore it is our prime
responsibility top is vigilant right from the designing stage and till
delivering of the company product to the customers.

It has been established through world wide industrial experience that

the only way to minimize the chances of any type of disaster is to
document, all kind of anticipated hazards, related with the activity of
organization, its location the effect of the natural conditions and then try
to find out the possible modes of combating them.


The researcher in her project study of safety measures and their
sufficiency to avert accidents, it will help her to understand how various
dimensions of safety practices effects the health and safety practices
effect the and safety practices of an employee.
Study of safety practice is not an easy task certain crucial consideration
like training for safety practices, equipment provided by the organization
and the legal implication of unsafe practices etc are taken into account.


As a part of fulfilment of master degree in business administration,

The students are required to undertake the project work for a period of
one and half month. The purpose of the Training project is to acquaint
the students with the actual work situation and enable them to learn
practical skill relating to organization climate.


In order to conduct the research, the researcher has followed the case
study method, historical method. This method are used to make an in
depth analysis of the various measures and their application. Relevant
information was collected through interview with managers officers,
workers, supervisors, and through various documents, magazine. the
survey method was used mainly to understand as to how the employees
and workers perceive the safety practices of the organization.


The data for the study were collected both from primary and
secondary sources. the primary sources include the executive, no
executives. The secondary sources include the relevant records and files
of various department and magazines, periodicals, etc.


For the purpose of studding the opinion of both managers and workers
about the safety measures and avert the accidents, the following drawn

using simplified random sampling for obtaining information to union


For the purpose of study the following tools were used.

# A strutted interview schedule for the management.

# A questionnaire prepared for the sample respondents,
managementrainees, officers, supervisors and workers.
# Opinion survey for executive/non-executives.


Various limitations which came across during the project work are:-

 Limitation of time factor.

 Due to break of boiler and most of the number were busy so they
can’t give their opinion.

 The workers doubted the fidelity of the study and feared

victimization in case they commented and thing negatively against
the management.

There are some limitations on the part of the researcher

because he could not retrieve information on some aspects due to his

Company profile
Jindal Power & Steel Ltd

Jindal Power Limited (JPL), a subsidiary of Jindal Steel & Power Ltd.
(JSPL), has been contributing significantly to the growing needs of power
in the Country.

JPL has set up India’s first mega power project in the private sector at
Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. The Company has invested approximately Rs.
4338 crore for setting up a 1000 MW power plant, the 1st unit of which
commenced commercial operation in December 2007. All four units (250
MW each) were commissioned within a span of nine months.

The fuel supply of the plant is met through its captive coal mines. A 6.9
km conveyor pipeline has been set up for transportation of coal between
the mines and the plant. The Company has constructed a 258 km, 400 KV
Double Circuit transmission line from the plant to the PGCIL sub-station
at Raipur through which power can be sold anywhere in India. For
meeting the plant’s consumptive water requirement, an 18 m high dam
over the Kurket River has been built, 25 km away from the project site.

Jindal Power Limited is expanding its capacity at Tamnar by setting up a

2400 MW thermal power plant at an estimated cost of Rs 13,410 crore.
The Company has already placed order on Bharat Heavy Electricals
Limited (BHEL) for supply, erection and commissioning of 4X600 MW
Boiler Turbine Generation (BTG) package. The existing 1000 MW power
plant was set up with four Turbine Generators of 250 MW each, also
supplied by BHEL.

JPL has also signed an MoU with the State Government of Jharkhand to
set up a 2640 MW thermal power plant.

In the Hydro sector, JPL has signed agreements for 6100 MW projects in
Arunachal Pradesh in joint venture with Hydro Power Development
Corporation of Arunachal Pradesh Limited.

Our vision is to establish a presence in other forms of power generation

such as gas, hydro, wind, nuclear and solar power, with a focus on hydro
and other forms of environment friendly renewable energy sources.

Awards & recognition

Year 2008

 For safety management plan under Group - E (Mega Projects) at

the Annual Coal Mines Safety Fortnight 2008 hosted by the South
Eastern Coalfields Limited and all private captive coal mines of
Bilaspur and Jabalpur region
 For dust suppression under Group - E (Mega Projects) at the
Annual Coal Mines Safety Fortnight 2008 hosted by the South
Eastern Coalfields Limited and all private captive coal mines of
Bilaspur and Jabalpur region
 (Special Award) for coal loading and transport in OC Mines under
Group - E (Mega Projects) at the Annual Coal Mines Safety
Fortnight 2008 hosted by the South Eastern Coalfields Limited and
all private captive coal mines of Bilaspur and Jabalpur region

Year 2009

ISO 9001:2000

 Certificate of Registration (Certificate No. CI/10752) for Thermal

Power Plant, Tamnar, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh for operating a Quality
Management System conforming to ISO 9001:2000 for generation
of electricity by operating coal based thermal power plant (4x250
MW) and transmission of power to the grid by Certification
International (UK) Limited

ISO 14001:2004

 Certificate of Registration (Certificate No. CI/10752E) for Thermal

Power Plant, Tamnar, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh for operating an
Environmental Management System conforming to ISO
14001:2004 for generation of electricity by operating coal based
thermal power plant (4x250 MW) and transmission of power to the
grid by Certification International (UK) Limited

OHSAS 18001:2007

 Certificate of Registration (Certificate No. CI/10752HS) for

Thermal Power Plant, Tamnar, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh for operating
a Safety Management System conforming to OHSAS 18001:2007
for generation of electricity by operating coal based thermal power
plant (4x250 MW) and transmission of power to the grid by
Certification International (UK) Limited


Jindal Power Limited has set up India’s first mega power project in the
private sector – the 1000 MW thermal power plant at Raigarh,
Chhattisgarh. The Company has invested approximately Rs. 4338 crore
for setting up a 1000 MW power plant, the 1st unit of which commenced
commercial operations in December 2007. All four units (250 MW each)
were commissioned within a span of nine months.

The fuel supply of the plant is met through its captive coal mines. A 6.9
km conveyor pipeline has been set up for transportation of coal between
the mines and the plant.

The Company has constructed a 258 km, 400 KV Double Circuit

transmission line from the plant to the PGCIL sub-station at Raipur
through which power can be sold anywhere in India. For meeting the
plant’s consumptive water requirement, an 18 m high dam over the
Kurket River has been built, 25 km away from the project site.

The Company is expanding its capacity at Tamnar by setting up a 2400

MW thermal power plant at an estimated cost of Rs 13,410 crore. The
Company has already placed order on Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
(BHEL) for supply, erection and commissioning of a 4X600 MW Boiler
Turbine Generation (BTG) package.

The existing 1000 MW power plant was set up with four turbine
generators of 250 MW each, also supplied by BHEL.

Social responsibility
As part of our corporate social responsibility philosophy, we believe that
overall sustainable community development is essential for the growth of
the power industry. The ‘O P Jindal Samaj Kalyan Samiti’ works with

underprivileged communities in our areas of operation to develop
resources in the region, support local professional development and
enhance the quality of life in adopted villages through education,
healthcare and civic amenities.

In 2005, the ‘O P Jindal Samaj Kalyan Samiti’ adopted six villages in

Tamnar, and a further 32 villages were subsequently adopted and
included in different welfare programmes focused on the development of
education, building health and family welfare, promoting animal
husbandry, infrastructure development, empowerment of women and on
creating income generation opportunities for the local people

The Company ha also focused on providing proper healthcare facilities to

villagers and eradicating diseases such as malaria and filaria. In addition,
we have organised various mobile medical camps, family planning camps
and AIDS awareness camps in these villages.

The Company is committed to developing extensive green belts in and

around our plant areas. These endeavours have been carried out in
coordination with the local forest departments. We have also installed
efficient air pollution control devices, use recycled wastewater, have wet
and dry ash collection systems for fly ash management and carry out
environmental awareness campaigns.

Jindal Power Limited conforms to the latest regulatory norms and aids in
environmental protection practices through the implementation of state of
the art technologies. Persistent efforts are made to control pollution in and
around the factories to provide clean air and water. The Company has

taken the following steps towards achieving a pure and pollution free

Pollution Control Measures:

 Air pollution control devices with benchmark efficiency (Electro-

Static Precipitators with 99.9% efficiency) have been installed.
 The plant has been designed on 100% recirculation/reuse of waste
water and the concept of 'zero discharge' is being maintained.
 Water is sprayed in the coal yard to inhibit dust from flying,
including at transfer points, loading and unloading points.
 A pipe conveyor of 6.9 km length is installed from the coal mines
to the main power plant, avoiding any fugitive dust generation in
the transportation of coal.
 A sewage treatment plant has been installed at the plant and the
colony for domestic waste water treatment and treated water is
being reused in irrigation (drip line/ pop up).
 Fly Ash management is done through wet and dry ash collection
system, wherein the fly ash is utilised in cement, brick, tiles and
blocks manufacturing.
 A Fly Ash technology park is being developed wherein
manufacturing units for fly ash
 bricks, blocks and tiles are being set up along with demonstration
plots for agricultural practices.

Various campaigns for building environmental consciousness are carried

out on a regular basis in addition to plantation activities at nearby
villages, distribution of awareness pamphlets etc. We also observe all

environment events and celebrate the World Environment Day, Earth Day
and Ozone Day through different initiatives.

Green Belt Development

JPL has carried out an extensive green belt development programme at

the plant, ash dyke, colony, rabo dam site and in the nearby villages.
More than 15 lakh saplings have been planted in the past four years. This
endeavour includes plantation programmes carried out in coordination
with the Forest Department under Operation O2 Programme, under which
1 lakh saplings were planted between Aug-Sep 2007.

Under 'Operation TREE (The Restoration of Ecological Friendship and

Environment)', plantation of about 35,000 trees spread over 25 hectares
of denuded hilly terrain and other areas have been carried out

Continual Improvement Measures

Keeping improvement and upgradation in mind, JPL is in the process

of implementation of Integrated Management Systems such as:

 Quality Management Systems (QMS 9001:2000)

 Environment Management Systems (EMS 14001: 2004)
 Occupation Health & Safety Management Systems (OHSAS
18001: 2007)


 JPL’s adopted villages of Pakadarah and Dokerbuda have been

recommended for Nirmal Gram Award by the Govt. of India.

 Letters of appreciation received from Chhattisgarh State Health
Department, Rural Development Department and Women & Child
Development Department.
 Certificate of Excellence and First Prize in individual category
(two) in the XIXth Annual Flower Show organised by JUSCO &
Horticulture Society, Jamshedpur, in December 2007.
 First prize in stall competition in 16th Horticulture Exhibition-
cum-Flower Show, 2008 organised by Tata Refractories Limited.
 Vegetable show, 2008, organised by JSPL, Raigarh



Hazard Identification
Identification of causes and types of hazards is the primary task for
planning for risk assessment. Hazard can happen because of the nature of
chemicals handled and also the nature of process involved. So for risk
analysis first step is to identify the hazardous chemicals which are to be
studied for risk analysis.

Identification of Hazardous Chemicals is done in accordance with

The Manufacture, Storage and import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989.
Schedule 1, of the Rule provides a list of the Toxic and Hazardous
chemicals and the flammable chemicals. It defines the flammable
chemicals based on the flash point and boiling point.

"Major accident hazards (MAH) installations" is defined as the isolated

storage and industrial activity at a site handling (including transport
through carrier or pipeline) of hazardous chemicals equal to or, in excess
of the threshold quantities specified in Column 3 of Schedule 2 and 3
Schedule 3 has classified hazardous substances in an operating plant into 5
groups and has provided the threshold quantities for application of above
Group1 & 2 - Toxic substances

The following Table 1 shows the list of major chemicals which have
been identified as hazardous chemicals in The Manufacture, Storage
and import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989 and which are to be
considered as Major accident hazards (MAH) installations.

Table 1

The chemicals which are stored more than the threshold quantities are
to be considered for major accident hazard. Fuel oil (LDO/HFO), used as
supportive fuel in the boiler, is classified as Highly Flammable liquid
as its flash point remains within 30oC-90oC. Its threshold quantity is
2500 tonnes. Similarly for Chlorine is a toxic gas and its MAH
quantity is 25 tonnes. So Fuel oil and Chlorine will be considered for
further analysis for risk assessment.

Quantity stored for transformer oil very low to be considered for the
study. Sulphuric Acid and Caustic soda are hazardous chemicals but are
not included in Schedule 3 for MAH.

.Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Fuel Oil and Chlorine are
provided at the end of this chapter.

Storage conditions and Quantities

a) Fuel Oil (LDO/HFO)

LDO/HFO is flammable liquid. It is stored in a steel tank at ambient
temperature and pressure. The tank is installed within a dyked area. The
tank capacity is 3750 KL, having a diameter of 18 m.
b) Chlorine
The liquefied chlorine is stored in tonner cylinders in the chlorination
rooms. Each cylinder contains about 930 kg of liquid chlorine stored
under pressure at ambient temperature.

Hazards Scenarios

Nature of Hazard from Oil Storage:

Diesel is a petroleum product. It is a highly flammable liquid having flash
point between 32 -96 oC. However its auto ignition temperature is 256 oC.
Its boiling point ranges between 150-400 oC. Furnace Oil is of similar
characteristics having flash point above 66 oC.

Major Hazards from oil storage can be fire. Maximum credible accidents
from oil storage tank can be

a) Tank Fire

b) Pool / Dyke fire.

Tank Fire:
Oil is stored in floating roof tank. Leak in rim seal leading to

accumulation of vapour is a source of fire. Lighting can be a source of
ignition and can cause tank fire. Overflow from tank leading to spillage
may cause vapour cloud formation. This can catch fire and it can flash
back to the tank to cause tank fire.

Pool / Dyke Fire:

If there is outflow from the tank due to any leakage from tank or any
failure of connecting pipes or valves, oil will flow outside and form a pool.
Where the tank is surrounded by a dyke, the pool of oil will be restricted
within that dyke. After sometime, the vapour from the pool can catch fire
and can cause pool or dyke fire.

Heat Radiation and Thermal Damage Criteria:

The level of damage caused by heat radiation due to fire is a function of

duration of exposure as well as heat flux (i.e. radiation energy onto the
object of concern). This is true both for the effect on building and plant
equipment and for the effect on personnel. However the variation of
likely exposures times is more marked with personnel, due to possibility
of finding shelter coupled with protection of the skin tissue (clothed or
naked body). Further, it is assumed that everyone inside the area by the
pool fire will be burned to death (100% lethality) or will asphyxiate.

Radiation at various heat flux levels which are critical in risk analysis, are
given in the Table 2.

Table 2
Effect of Heat Radiation

Heat Radiation Effect

37.5 kw/m2 Damage to equipment

30.0 kw/m2 Limit for Class 1 building materials

12.5 kw/m2 Melting plastic

4.0 kw/m2 Blistering

1.6 kw/m2 Severe hot feeling

The damage and fatality (percentage of the exposed people to be killed) due
to the exposure time is very important in determining the degree of
fatality and corresponding effect distance. It is observed that the exposed
persons normally find shelter or protection from the heat radiation (e.g.
against a wall) within 10 seconds. However, exposure time of 30
seconds is normally assumed for pessimistic calculation which applies
if people do not run away immediately or when no protection is available.
The variation of the effects on humans due to heat flux and duration of
exposure have been developed in the form of a Probit Equation
which gives following values for human fatality levels in Table 3.

Table 3

Nature of Hazard from Chlorine Storage
Chlorine is a gas at ambient temperature and pressure. Its boiling
point at 1 atmosphere pressure is -34.1oC. It is a greenish yellow gas with
irritating pungent smell. It is heavier than air and its molecular weight is
70.9. Chlorine poses a major health hazard if human beings are
exposed to higher concentration. Chlorine is non-combustible in air
but most combustible materials will burn in chlorine as they do in oxygen.
Flammable gases and vapours will form explosive mixtures with chlorine.

Hazards from chlorine come from loss of containment which may be

leakages, pipe rupture or vessel rupture. As liquefied chlorine is released
under pressure it forms a liquid pool and then evaporates. A substantial
release will then form a vapour cloud. A considerable amount of
mixing with air occurs during evaporation. As the cloud travels under
the influence of wind, it disperses and its concentration becomes further
diluted and at some distance concentration becomes non hazardous.

Four specific scenarios can be considered

a) Failure of Liquid outlet valve

b) Failure of Gas outlet valve

c) Body leakage of a corroded cylinder

d) Any leakage in the gas pipeline

These scenarios have been detailed later in Consequence analysis.

Toxic Damage Criteria

Chlorine poses a major health hazard if human beings are exposed to
higher concentration. Its odour threshold value is about 1 ppm and lowest
reported lethal concentration at 30 minutes is 60 ppm. Threshold limit
value (TLV) for workplace (8 hours, 5 days in a week exposure) for
chlorine is 0.5 ppm and Short term exposure limit (STEL- exposure
up to 15 minutes) is 3 ppm. According to Factories (Amended) Act,
1987, for workplace Time weighted concentration for 8 hours is 0.5 ppm
and Short term exposure limit (15 minutes) is 3 ppm. Impact of chlorine
is dependent on concentration and time. 30 minutes exposure of about
250 ppm of chlorine may cause 50% fatality among healthy people.
Immediate Danger to Life and Health (IDLH) for chlorine is 25 ppm.

The hazards from loss of containment of chlorine will cause different

levels of damage. This is dependent on concentration of the gas at a
particular location and duration of exposure of the victim. The harm is
expressed as probability of fatal cases or injury. The following Table 4
shows the fatality criteria for certain exposure to chlorine.

Table 4

Chlorine Mortality in 30 minutes (ppm)
10% 50%

Healthy people outdoor
Up and about 125 250 500
Vigorous Walking 62 125 250
Vulnerable people indoor
Up and about 50 100 200
Vigorous Walking 25 50

In the present study IDLH value of 25 ppm is considered for

consequenceanalysis. The people should be evacuated from the zone
of impact within 7minutes to avoid any injury.

Consequence Analysis

Consequence models estimate the potential hazards of the release of a
chemical. It is done based on the release characteristics of the chemical
concerned. A number of formulae and softwares are used for these
For the present study, for Pool fire and Tank fire, steady state burning is
Also for large fire wind speed is considered insignificant. Heat
radiations at different distances have been calculated based on equations
of USEPA’s CAMEO model. Dispersion of chlorine has been calculated
using software WHAZAN (World Bank Hazard Analysis) - II, version-
2.1. WHAZAN is a software package, which contains a set of hazard

analysis models (called consequence models) together with a physical
properties database of chemicals. The models estimate the effects of
hazardous chemical releases.

Failure Scenarios for LDO and Consequences

This study is intended to find about the worst-case scenarios, as that will
cover the other scenarios. A number of scenarios have been considered
and finally the following failure scenarios have been analyzed
following the MCA approach which will cover all the worst scenarios
in this installation. Following Table shows the heat radiation zones for
different scenarios.

Table 5

Failure Scenarios for Chlorine and Consequences

Liquid chlorine at ambient temperature and higher pressure (about 6.5
kg/cm2) is stored in tonner cylinders. Each cylinder contains 930 kg of
chlorine in liquid form. Two major scenarios of Liquid chlorine
discharge and gaseous chlorine discharge are considered. For worst
meteorological case, low wind speed condition (1.5 m/sec) during

daytime and night time and for winter and summer seasons have been
considered. For winter day temperature of 25oC and night

Table 6 shows the impact distances for chlorine discharge for different


Table 6

Risk Assessment
The risk assessment determines whether the risks are tolerable or
if risk mitigation measures are required to reduce the risk to a level
which can be considered to be as low as reasonably practicable
(ALARP). UK standards are generally followed here. Risk assessment
depends on failure frequency of the system and probability of ignition
and explosion. These are assessed below.

Failure frequency

The range of possible releases for a given component covers a wide

spectrum from a pinhole leak upto a catastrophic rupture (of a vessel) or
full bore rupture (of a pipe). It is both, time consuming and unnecessary
to consider every part of the range; instead, representative failure cases are
generated. For various types of component and for each of the
representative hole sizes, failure frequencies are summarized in below in

Table 7.

Frequency of lightning striking an object is 1.0E-07.

Table 7

Ignition Probability
Ignition probability data is important in quantification of risks. Historical
data on ignition of flammable releases are used as a basis for determining
suitable ignition probabilities. As probability of ignition depends upon
availability of source of ignition, it also depends on the maintenance of
safety level. Table 8 shows the ignition probability for flammable liquids.

Table 8

Estimated Risk level

Tank fire will take place mostly due to occurrence of leak at rim and
subsequent struck by lightning.
Tank fire and Dyke fire will take place due to full rupture of liquid outlet
and then delayed ignition. As described before Risk level will be decided
on two important parameters of failure frequency and ignition probability.
For Chlorine dispersion it will take place due to failure of pressurized
vessel or some leak at the inlet outlet pipes.
It is assumed that there will be continuous presence of a person within the
fatality zone. Risk assessment level for each hazard scenario is calculated
and given below;

Table 9

The results show that the risk from fire and chlorine dispersion remains
within ALARP region. Tank fire by lightning is of negligible risk.
Limitation of the Risk Assessment Study Any mathematical expression
of physical events has some limitations. The properties of chemicals,
release conditions, meteorological data are all used as ideal data
which can have variation in the actual condition. Therefore the
consequences of hazardous incidents will have varying accuracy. Many
types of hazardous incidents can only be assessed by making a variety
of simplifying assumptions. Many times an ideal simple mode of failure
could not be identified in real disaster event. A number of apparently
independent events can occur at a time because of some simple events.
Failure rates are also statistical averages depending upon the reporting
accuracy. Also all the failure rate data are generated in the western
developed countries which may not be always same for here.

Thus Risk Assessment and consequence analysis have a lot of subjective

input and should not be considered an end in itself. These results should be
used in judicious manner utilizing practical knowledge and common

On Site Emergency Plan
In recent years public awareness of hazards from industry have
increased considerably. Local people and employees have now better
legal safeguards against industrial disasters. The management today
has more responsibilities in respect of any kind of disaster in its
project. So specific management plan to encounter a disaster situation
is of utmost importance. As disaster types, sources, effects are different, it
needs multidisciplinary and multi-organizational approach to tackle such

Types of Disaster
Disaster is an event which causes severe disruption to life of number of
people or to the project activities resulting in suffering and loss of life and
Disasters can be

I) Plant oriented- due to design errors, operational defects, chemical

changes, failure of equipments human errors etc. (in the plant area).
II) Natural- flood, cyclone, fire, earthquakes, biological disaster. III)
Manmade- war, riot, sabotage.

Degrees of Disaster

Disaster can be classified in 3 types depending on its effects.

1. LO - can cause injury, illness and equipments damage but not very

and quickly manageable.

2. MID - Critical situation, can cause serious injuries to personnel, serious

Illness property and equipment damage.
3. HIGH - Catastrophic situation, major danger, can cause deaths,
major widespread illness, injuries, loss of major property and
equipments. Immediately uncontrollable.

The above contingencies will be declared by the chief coordinator. The

following will be the mode of action during different degrees of disaster.

HIGH DISASTER- Catastrophic condition. All employees to be

evacuated. Local administration to be properly informed and interacted.

MID DISASTER- All project activities to be stopped. All employees to be

in safe place. To be ready for High disaster situation. Inform local

LO DISASTER- Activities in the affected area stopped. To be ready

for MID disaster condition.

Stages of Disaster
The duration of disaster's effect can be divided into following stages:

 Impact
 Rescue

 Relief

 Rehabilitation
1) Warning:
The natural calamities which may lead to disasters e.g. flood, cyclone can
often be predicted. There are possibilities of disasters during local trouble,

riot and war etc. also. All facilities to encounter the disaster should be kept
ready and employees in full alert.

2) Impact:
This is the time when the disaster actually strikes and very little can be
done to counter the situation. The impact period may be of few seconds
(like explosion or earthquake) or for days (like flood, fire etc.).

3) Rescue:
This is the most important stage which starts before the predicted disaster
of just after the impact. All available resources need to be
immediately engaged in operation.

4) Relief:
This is a longer stage of work depending on the degree of disaster. Work
during this stage will need external help for medical, food, clothing and

5) Rehabilitation:
This is an important stage in terms of future planning. It includes
rebuilding of damaged properties, restart of project work, compensation
On site Emergency Plan is required to meet the emergency condition
during disastrous event in the plant. Its objectives are to:
 Rescue and treat casualties
 Safeguard other people & Installations  Minimize damage

 Control initially and restore ultimately to normal situation 
Arrange rehabilitation of the affective people

The obligation of an occupier of hazardous chemicals to prepare an

on - site emergency plan is stipulated in Rule 13 of the Manufacture,
Storage and Impact of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989. Section 41B (4)
of the Factories Act, 1948 (as amended) also states that every occupier is
to draw up an on site emergency plan with detailed disaster control
It is there fore necessary to develop an on site disaster management plan
through a systematic study of the hazard possibilities.

A summary of the plan is given below. The plan will be revised and
detailed after the commissioning of the plant, as then all the units will
be in final shape. The exact name and designations of all personnel will
be then provided in the plan.

Key Persons and their role

Site Controller is the person who assumes absolute control of the
Factory and determines the action necessary to control the Emergency.
He/She will wear a Red & White Helmet to confirm his identity. The
General Manager will be the site controller.

Site controller will ensure that all members of his/her team have been
informed to collect at Emergency Control centre. He/She will then
proceed to Emergency Control Centre to take charge.
After firsthand assessment of situation he/she will give necessary
instructions to Emergency Control Team. He/She will maintain a Log book

of all the activities. He/she will keep in touch with the external
communication Team. He/she will ensure that information is sent to
outside emergency services (Police and Fire Brigade).
He/she will depute people to,

Attend to telephone

 Keep in touch with incident controller

 Communicate with Assembly Points

 Meet outside emergency services

 Ensure proper flow of traffic and security

 Meet media/ other people coming at site from outside.
 Arrange for Medical Aid

Incident Controller is the person who goes to the scene of

emergency and supervises the actions taken at the incident to
overcome the Emergency. Shift Manager will act as Incident Controller.
His responsibilities will be

 Direct all efforts to contain and control the incident.

 Keep non-essential persons away from the site.

 Guide outside emergency services at the site.

 Arrange to remove any casualties at the site.

 Keep in touch with Emergency Controller.

Security In-Charge will

a) Actuate the Emergency Siren, if not done already.

b) Send one guard to start the fire pump.

c) Attend to incoming telephone.

d) Await instructions from the Emergency Controller

Communication Officer

 Public Relations Officer will act as Communication Officer.

 On hearing alarm He will proceed to Emergency Control Centre.

 Maintains communication with Incident Controller and Deputy


 Controller

 Recruits suitable staff to act as messengers if telephone and

othercommunications fail
 Organizes all requirement of Emergency Control Centre

 Arranges Food, Transport, Nursing Home etc

Personnel Manager

 He/she will work as Liaison officer. He should be positioned in the

office near gate.

 Will deal with police, media and outside enquiries in consultation

with Site Controller.

 Will keep in touch with Union

 Will arrange for refreshments if required

 Will control traffic movement traffic movement inside the factory


 arrange for alternative transport if required

 Will keep a record of attendance of workers, staff, contractor’s
personnel, and visitors at the Gate which will act as Assembly Point.

Safety Officer

Will assist the Incident Controller with his special knowledge on the
safety aspects in the factory. He will help to identify the hazardous
hazard zones and zone of probable impact in different accident scenarios
Will select people with special training in safety matters to assist in the
control activities

Fire & Security Officer

 His/her main task is fire fighting and control

 Announce through PAS about the incident zone and any other

 information needed for the people nearby

 Maintains liaison with the Fire Brigade team from outside

Medical Officer

Will immediately open a First Aid Centre at Control Centre or at

Assembly Point
 Will take up the full responsibility of providing medical assistance

 Will arrange for outside medical help if required.

Telephone Operator

 On hearing the emergency alarm, he/she will Controller

 On the advice of Site controller/Incident Controller/Security

Officer willring Fire brigade, Police etc

 Keep telephone board free for urgent communications.

General employees who have not been specified a duty in case of

emergency should proceed to/contact the Emergency Assembly
Point in their area. Designated persons will carry out the actions
detailed in the Individual Plant Emergency Procedure. The Roll Call
leader will hold a Roll call. Personnel not at their normal work place must
go to the emergency assembly point. Personnel will remain at these points
and await instructions from the Site Controller.

Contractor’s Employees
Contractor's employees will be instructed in the Emergency Procedures
before commencing work on this site. They will report to the emergency
assembly point on this site. Personnel Manager will guide them in case
a major decision like evacuation from the factory is taken.

Infrequent visitors are registered on each visit. They will be given a
Visitors pass which includes an emergency action statement. The
responsibility for visitors in emergency situation rests with the person being

Responsibilities outside general shift hours Shift Supervisor

He/she will act as Site controller for the time being. As soon as becomes
aware of the emergency and its location, he will proceed to the scene.
He will assess the scale of the incident and direct operations within the
affected areas. He/she will contact and inform the Site Controller
and Incident Controller immediately. Till their arrival he will continue
to perform their duties. He/she will contact the departmental head to act as
incident controller and guide Safety Officer and Security Officers for
containing the damage. He/she will call the Medical Officer to the plant if
necessary. Other staff with designated responsibilities will act as instructed.

Fire Fighting Facilities: The plant will have adequate fire fighting aids
including fire hydrants close to the required locations. There will
be Portable Fire Extinguishers of different types and sizes are installed in
specific places.

The factory siren will be used for raising the alarm and also for ALL

First Aid boxes are provided in specific locations including at the

Assembly point for administering preliminary treatment. A number of
employees are trained for first aid use.

Emergency Control Centre is the point from which the Site Controller
directs the movements of Personnel and Equipment during an Emergency.
Contents of Emergency Control Centre:

a) External telephone line and a list of relevant telephone

numbers. Table 10 provides a list of relevant telephone

Table 10

b) Internal telephone and telephone list of Emergency Assembly Points.

c) List of Emergency Control Team, who must be called showing

addresses and telephone numbers.

d) Emergency Controller's Red & White Helmet.

e) A list of all persons (by title) responsible for groups of employees.

f) Logs and Emergency Controller's checklist.

g) Emergency lighting.

h) Copy of the emergency plan.

i) List of persons trained in First Aid & Fire Fighting.

j) List of safety cabinets and their contents & locations.

k) Battery operated torches.

l) Detailed site plan.

n) First aid equipment including stretchers (in surgery).

Assembly Point is a place containing an internal telephone and paging
system, where people can wait in a group during emergency to receive
instructions from the Emergency Controller.

External Communication will be done by Site Controller. The following

and offices may be given updated information as necessary and ask for

Fire Brigade
District Hospital
Factory Inspector
Local Media

District Magistrate

Some important information for Emergency Response and Common

Terms in use are given Annexure.

Emergency Response Diagram

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Fuel Oil and Chlorine



Product name Diesel Oil,Gas Oil

Trade name HSD
Formula Complex mixture of Hydrocarbons
Label / Class Red - FLAMMABLE LIQUID
UN NO. 1202
HAZECHM code 3Y*


Physical state Liquid

Boiling point/ Range C 150 -400
Melting/ Freezing pt. C 18 to -46
Vapour pressure <1S


Explosivity Moderate
Auto Ignition Temp. C 256.6
Explosive Limits % 0.7-5
Flash Point, C,CC/ OC 32 to 96


Health 0
Stability 0
Flammability 2
Material Factor 10

Synonyms: bertholite, molecular chlorine Molecular formula: Cl2

CAS No: 7782-50-5

EC No: 231-959-5

Physical data
Appearance: light greenish-yellow gas with an irritating odour Melting
point: -101 C

Boiling point: -34 C

Vapour density: 2.98 g/l

Vapour pressure: 5.8 bar at 20 C

Specific gravity: 1.47 g/ml at 0C

Flash point:

Explosion limits:

Autoignition temperature: n/a


Stable. Incompatible with reducing agents, alcohols.

Toxic by inhalation, ingestion and through skin contact. Inhalation
can cause serious lung damage and may be fatal. 1000ppm (0.1%) is
likely to be fatal after a few deep breaths, and half that concentration
fatal after a few minutes. May irritate or burn skin. OEL (8hr TWA) 1

Toxicity data
IHL-HMN LCLO 2530 mg/m3/30m
IHL-HMN LCLO 500 ppm/5m
IHL-RAT LC50 293 ppm/1h
IHL-MUS LC50 137 ppm/1h

Transport information

Un No 1017. Major hazard class 8.0. Transport category 1.

Environmental information

Very toxic to aquatic organisms.

Personal protection

Safety glasses, gloves and good ventilation.


Job Safety Analysis (JSA) & HAZOP are procedure or a technique
adopted to make a detailed study of a particular operation to identify the
hazardous condition and methods of works and to suggest/develop a
solution to overcome the hazard involvement. Hirakud Power has planned
this activity in their safety action plan.
JSA Programme: -
1. Each section should have their own JSA team.
2. The team should not consist more than 4/5 members out of which two
should be from middle management and two from Wages Roll.
3. A prescribed format shall be used for JSA & HAZOP.
4. To start with, operations, which involve more hazards, should be
5. After the analysis of JSA & HAZOP format with any additional note
if required should be submitted to the Department Head for approval.
Once the JSA & HAZOP are approved it becomes responsibility of
the Department to implement the recommendations made by the JSA
& HAZOP team the section should ensure that all the employees
involved in the operation accept the practice the recommended safe
operating procedure.
6. The concerned Departmental Head should ensure that the JSA &
HAZOP team of the Departmental function and carry out analysis as
per schedule.
7. The Safety Officer should act as an Advisor to JSA & HAZOP team
and provide guidance for proper analysis.
8. All the records should be maintained in the Department.

9. Whenever it is possible to make a spare copy, the same should be sent
to safety of.
WHAT: -Hazards & operability study is a tool to assess, the various type
of hazard potential of mal-operation or mal-function of individual
equipmentor system as a whole involved in the existing or new process
operation, caused because of deviation from the design intentions and
their consequential effects as a whole
The type of hazard could be
1. To the people
2. To the equipment.
3. To the product quality
4. To the environment/general public.
To improve the
a) Safety of the people involved in the process.
b) Safe operation of the equipment involved in the operation.
c) Quality of the product.
d) Adverse effect on the environment, if any.
e) By identifying the potential hazards and implementing it’s
remedial action.

AID Program
In case of any emergency situation following near by factory
management may be called for help.

Name of person of management Factory address



Hospitalization facilities near site

Management alone can’t prevent accidents. It can only help in the
process of making the plants safe. Much will depend on the attitude of the
workers also. Preventation of accidents is an essential part of good
workmanship. every worker must learn & understand the danger points of
his work or process & precaution should be taken to prevent accidents.
Essential information on accident must be passed on by the worker to
follow workers, so that potential dangers method of safe guarding against
them is understood by all. It is also the duties of the workers to utilize all
the safety appliances & facilities provided by management. the workers
can contribute much to the promotion of safety by giving their own
advice & constructive suggestion based on their own experience. They
can also contribute in developing employee’s behaviour.
Safety is not a separate entity but it is interwoven with all aspects of
national life & growth corporate planning at the national level will be a
great success if safety management is emphasized at all stages national
development. What we must try to do is prevent accidents as far as
possible & encourage education in industrial safety. What exactly
required is will, determination, effort & dedication to see this country
prosper & PROGRESS.


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