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Make sentences from the following words and based on types of

sentence on the bracket.
1. Radiation (simple sentence) =

The radiation endangers the human body

Radiasi membahayakan tubuh manusia

2. Surprised ( simple sentence) =

He surprised and silenced on my decision
Dia terkejut dan terdiam atas keputusanku
3. Fundamentally (simple sentence) =
She waited me fundamentally
Dia menungguku pada dasarnya
4. Radioactivity (compound sentence)=
The radioactivity emits radiation and they turn into nuclei
Radioaktivitas memancarkan radiasi dan mereka berubah
menjadi inti
5. Colourless (compound sentence) =
Ammonia is a colourless gas, but they toxic gas
Amonia adalah gas tidak bewarna tetapi mereka adalah gas
6. Imflammably (compound sentence) =
Methanol is a volatile chemical and it is so imflammably
Methanol merupakan bahan kimia yang mudah menguap dan
dia sangat mudah terbakar
7. Renewable (complex sentence) =
The renewable energy will reduce waste after it is developed
Energi terbarukan akan mengurangi limbah setelah mereka
8. Technology (complex sentence) =
Before I use advanced the technology, I simply enjoy the work
Sebelum saya menggunakan teknologi canggih, saya hanya
menikmati pekerjaan
9. Significantly (compound-complex s.) =
Because you don't get a significantly increase in score, we can't
continue and I need to repeat it again
Karena kamu tidak mendapatkan kenaikan nilai secara
signifikan, kita tidak bisa melanjutkannya dan saya harus
mengulanginya kembali
10. Chemistry (compound-complex s.) =

I cannot the chemistry lessons that he teaches but I still study

Saya tidak bisa pelajaran kimia yang dia ajarkan tetapi saya
tetap mempelajarinya
Name : Lita Rani
Class : 2B / D4 – TKI / 12

1. Topic : People With Disabilities

2. Topic Sentence : Become People With Disabilities has many negative


3. Outline :

 Cause
1. Differently Abbled (Diffable) or people with disabilities
a. physically disabled;
visually impaired (tunanetra), speech impaired (tunawicara), deaf
(tunarungu), and involuntary (tunadaksa)
b. mentally disabled people; and
harmonious (tunalaras) and mentally disabled (tunagrahita)
c. physically and mentally disabled
immorality (tunaganda)
 Effects
1. Bullying; its effects on mental health
2. It's hard to get the same education as a normal person
3. Being unable to find a job
4. Facilities for people with disabilities are inadequate

4. People With Disabilities

Living with a disability is no easy task . People with disabilities are normal
people with limitations or abnormalities, and we provide them with the necessary
support. For example, is a way to do mobility from one place to another.Those
who have no legs can do mobility with himwheel chair. Most people have a
different attitude for disability and they treat them differently. Unfortunately, this
type of thinking is one form of discrimination.

The only thing that separates a person with a disability is that, they only
cannot do certain things in the same way as the mainstream of society. Because
there are many different reasons and conditions can impair their behavior,
movement, and mobility. The inability to use legs, arms, or body because of
paralysis, stiffness, pain or other common impairment may change their thinking
and also behavior. Moreover, it may be the result of disease, age, birth defects or
accidents, and they may be contributing to other disabilities such as, impairing
speech, memory loss, short stature, and hearing loss.

There are many different issues in society today. One big issue is the
discrimination of people with disabilities. Bullying is an act where one or more
people try to hurt or control another person by means of physical or verbal
violence. Victims of bullying will have mental problems. And people of
disabilities will hard to get the same education as a normal person. They are
considered incapable, even though they are capable and need help to access
education. Being unable to find a job, people with distabilies still underestimated
even though they have education and expertise. Only a few of them can get jobs
and the other people open their own bussiness. Facilities for people with
disabilities are inadequate like a ride public transportation, there is no special
seats for people with disabilities. Not only this effects but there are still many
other offects become people with disabilities.

Today people must help people who have limitations and not
underestimate. We provide them with the necessary support. The goverment must
act more decisively to punish who people discriminate and provide facilities for
people with disabilities.
Dealing with Radiation Dangers

We must add a few words of caution. Radioactivity is dangerous. It

may cause skin burns and it may destroy good tissues, as it destroys diseased
ones. It may cause illness that could be passed on to our children and
grandchildren. In cases of severe exposure it may even cause death.

In the early days of radioactivity scientists were not aware of these

dangers. Marie and Pierre Curie, after having worked for a while with
radioactivity materials, noticed that their fingers were reddened and swollen,
and that the skins were peeling off. Henry Becquerel carried a small tube with
radium in it; his waistcoat pocket, and was surprised to find a burn on his chest.
Other early workers also reported burns and injuries of various kinds.

The strange fact about radiation is that it can harm without causing pain,
which is the warning signal we expect from injuries. Pain makes us pull back
our hands from a flame or from a very hot object, but person handling
radioactive materials has no way of telling whetherhe is touching something too
‘hot’ for safety. Besides, the ‘burns’ or other injuries that radioactivity produces
may not appear for weeks. A person may have been injured and not know it for
some time.

Today scientists are aware of these dangers. They are steadily finding
new meeans of protecting themselves and others from radioactivity. It may well
be that in the race between production means of protection, the second will be
the winner.

Our modern atomic laboratories are built for safety. Their walls are very
thick. The rooms in which radioactivity is handled are separated from others by
heavy lead doors. Large signs reading ‘danger’.
l. create question and answer as many as possible frm the text above!
1) Q : What is the danger of radiactivity?
A : It may cause skin burns and it may destroy good tissues, as it
destroys diseased ones.
Q : Apa bahaya dari radioaktivitas?
A: Ini dapat menyebabkan kulit terbakar dan akan menghancurkan jaringan
yang baik, karena menghancurkan yang tidak digunakan
2) Q : How does radioctivity attack a worker?
A : The workers get burns and injuries
Q : Bagaimana radioaktivitas menyerang pekerja?
A: Para pekerja mengalami luka bakar dan cedera
3) Q : When did injuries are seen that are obtained by radioactivity?
A : The injuries that radioactivity produces may not appear for
Q : Kapan cedera terlihat yang didapat dari radioaktivitas?
A : Cidera yang diakibatkan radioaktif mungkin tidak muncul pada minggu
4) Q : Have you heard there deaths caused by radioactivity?
A : Yes, i have been heard it may cause death
Q : Pernahkah Anda mendengar ada kematian yang disebabkan oleh
A: Ya, saya telah mendengar bahwa hal itu dapat menyebabkan kematian
5) Q : How they protect themselves from radioactivity?
A : They protect themselves by building modern atomic
laboratories and rooms where radioactivity is handled
separated from the others by heavy lead doors
Q : Bagaimana mereka melindungi diri dari radioaktivitas?
A: Mereka melindungi diri mereka sendiri dengan membangun atom
modern laboratorium dan ruangan tempat radioaktivitas ditangani
dipisahkan dari yang lain oleh pintu timah yang berat
6) Q : Is there another way besides building a modern atomic
A : Not yet, the scientists are competing to find new ways to
protect themselves
Q : Apakah ada cara lain selain membangun atom modern
A: Belum, para ilmuwan berlomba untuk menemukan cara baru
lindungi diri mereka sendiri
7) Q : What happened to Marie and Pierre Curie after working for a
while with radioactivity?
A : They noticed that their fingers were reddened and swollen,
and that the skins were peeling off
Q : Apa yang terjadi pada Marie dan Pierre Curie setelah bekerja
untuk waktu yang sebentar dengan radioaktivitas?
A: Mereka memperhatikan bahwa jari-jari mereka memerah dan
bengkak, dan bahwa kulitnya terkelupas
8) Q : What caused Henry Becquerel to have burns on his chest?
A : He carried a small tube with radium in it; his waistcoat pocket
Q : Apa yang menyebabkan Henry Becquerel mengalami luka bakar di
A: Dia membawa tabung kecil dengan radium di dalamnya; saku rompinya
9) Q : What is strange facts about radiation?
A : The strange fact about radiation is that it can harm without causing
pain, which is the warning signal we expect from injuries.
Q : Apa fakta aneh tentang radiasi?
A: Fakta aneh tentang radiasi adalah bahwa ia dapat membahayakan tanpa
menyebabkan rasa sakit, yang merupakan sinyal peringatan yang kita
harapkan dari cedera.

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