What Are The Factors To Be Considered For This To Be Effective?

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1. What are the factors to be considered for this to be effective?

Every day, vast amounts of water evaporate from lakes and rivers,

powered by heat energy from the sun. The study suggests that water

evaporation can be a potential renewable energy source, yet there are still

implications to be considered for this to be effective. Environmental

assessments are needed in order to know the different impacts that may occur

during the process and the aftermath as well. Natural environment plays a

great role in the existence of life on earth hence there is a need to know the

possibilities that may happen in order to prevent destruction of our

environment. This doesn’t imply only to our environment but to us humans

too. It means that there should also an ecological assessment to monitor the

effects that may occur regarding the change of conditions. Manufacturing or

making the components of the materials and maintenance may be too

expensive for this to be implemented, that is why further developments and

studies are still needed.

This study is still on development and major impacts should be

evaluated to know the damages not only to the environment but to us humans

too. Before making this possible, there are still a lot of processes to be passed

and room for improvements.

2. What are the difficulties that may be encountered in the use of

evaporation as a renewable source of energy?

This study is still under development which is why it is still facing

plenty of fundamental challenges. The proposal of covering all reservoirs with

evaporation engines would affect the current usage of reservoirs. It will

basically eliminate the use of lakes and reservoirs for recreational purposes,

alter water quality and raise a host of serious aesthetic and environmental

concerns. Using of evaporation energy on a large scale can also interfere and

alter the local weather. It can also affect the humidity of the surrounding area

and the temperature of the water it covers. The technology slows the rate of

evaporation which can lead to minor effects on plants and agriculture. It might

not be also applicable to some places because of the different weather

conditions that each experiences.

Other related environmental problems and certain problems to human

may occur during the process .

3. Is our country capable of using this process to harness energy?


The Philippines has the potential to generate a lot of energy from

natural resources. Our country is abundant and rich when it comes to bodies

of water which can be a potential source but the cost of producing the

materials, labor, maintenance, installation and other expenses may be a

problem. There are limited private sector investment and sponsors in our

country which is needed in order for this to be possible. The equipment might

be expensive so it is important to have investments because finding

renewable energy in our country is not that hard nowadays given the

technology and the archipelago type of our country. The main problem is

harnessing renewable energy requires a lot of money up in front in order to

obtain technologies and gadgets the would help in the exploration, plant

construction and other activities. There is still a need to address the issue in

funding technologies for better renewable energy exploration strategies. But

environmental considerations should also be prioritized and not be put to risk.

4. If the country is capable and decides to adopt this process, what

preparations should be made for it to be effective?

Adopting this process needs a lot of preparations which include

conducting all siting and environmental studies. We cannot talk about energy

without talking about the environment. They are tied together, which is why it

is relevant to know the effects and damages that may arise. Actively

addressing this can lead to efficient environmental and human impact studies,

as part of the jurisdictional permitting requirements. Different permit

applications must also be prepared and settled. This makes sure that the

project complies with all the requirements and provides the assurance that it

meets certain laws. Construction and operational compliance is required to

prevent disturbance to sensitive habitats or species and nearby residents.

Stakeholder engagement and sponsors are also involved for large scale

projects like this. To make this possible, there should be a big support for

financial and expenses. Social preparation activities are also included

because this informs the community for the responsibilities and also the pros

and cons of the said project.


1. Mill - a building provided with machinery for processing and

especially for grinding grain into flour

2. Humid - marked by a relatively high level of water vapor in the


3. Biophysicist – a physicist who applies the methods of physics to biology

4. Spores - tough and non-reproductive structure produced by certain

bacteria; found in soil

5. Shutter – to close by or as if by shutters

6. Freshwater – means water containing less than 550 ppm dissolved

common salt, sodium chloride, such as that in ground water, rivers,

ponds and lakes.

7. Shrink – to become smaller or more compacted

8. Harvest – the act or process of gathering in a crop

9. Evaporation – the process of turning liquid into vapour

10. Engine – a machine with moving parts that converts power into motion

A Research Submitted to the

Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering & Architecture
Saint Louis College

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Course Requirements in
CE 423: Hydrology
Second Semester, School Year 2018-2019
MWF 10:30-11:30

Submitted by
Carbajal, Shania Rose R.

Submitted to
Engr. Leonora F. Quarte

February 2019

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