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Team Name:

Celsuis’ Far and Heights

Problem Statement:
The Philippines ranks third among countries most at risk for flood disasters.
About P14.3 billion is estimated damage to agriculture from typhoon Ompong
according to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
(NDRRMC). Floods are one of the most devastating natural hazards in terms of their
economic and social impact. It is usually an overflow of an expanse of water that
submerges land. Flooding can threaten the safety of the people and in the
community, it can damage agriculture, destroys infrastructure and it may also
spread disease to human that may result to fatal outbreak.
The flood at Luna, La Union along Luna - Bangar road, escalates quickly
whenever there is rain. This has been a problem for many years now which is the
reason why the residents of these barangays are obliged to evacuate before typhoon
will land. The maximum height of water there can reach one floor causes outages,
damage houses, disrupt transportation, and worst it can result to injury or death.
One of the reasons why flooding happens in these areas is because there is no
proper drainage system and it overwhelms by a lot of rain. The water in the drainage
is being blocked therefore accumulation of water takes place. The elevation of these
areas is considered to be low which surface runoff from other places will directly
flow toward Luna-Bangar road.

Solution Description:

To eliminate extreme flooding in these Barangays, our proposal will mainly focus
to the drainage system and Rainwater Catchment System to further mitigate it. Since
these roads are near to the Busilac river, the direction of the flow of the drainage
system will be towards this river. Culverts will be installed provided that it is
directed towards the river and clearing the ends of the culverts should be
maintained for water to flow freely.
To further mitigate flood in these areas, Rainwater Catchment system is an
excellent back up system. This collects and stores rainwater for human use. The
water that has been stored can be used for several non-drinking purposes. It is also
suitable for irrigation since rainwater is usually free from harmful chemicals.
Preparations and collection of data are necessary for the design of each proposal.
This should be done to identify different impacts to be considered in the designing
and construction.
Flow of the Solution

A Research Submitted to the

Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering & Architecture
Saint Louis College

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Course Requirements in
CE 423: Hydrology
Second Semester, School Year 2018-2019
MWF 10:30-11:30

Submitted by:
Celsuis’ Far and Heights
Apilado, Jojimar
Carbajal, Shania Rose R.
Espanto, Vic Gerardson
Ragonton, Angel Mae

Submitted to
Engr. Leonora F. Quarte

March 2019

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