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Effective Date


May 06, 2019

1- Objective

The objective of this policy document is to describe Leave Policies and Procedures at
EXTRAVEGANT digital marketing (hereinafter referred to as company).

2- Scope

This policy is applicable to all Regular and Contractual Employees with a minimum of one year

3- Categories of Leave

 Casual Leave (CL)

 Medical Leave (ML)
 Annual Leave (AL)
 Leave without Pay (LWP)
 Short Leave (SL)
 Compensation for Time Off (CTO)

4- Leaves Management

4.1- Casual Leave (CL)

Casual Leave with full pay may be granted to employees for a maximum of ten (10) working days
in a fiscal year subject to certain conditions.

4.1.1- Procedure

a- Grant of Leave

Employees shall have ten (10) working days casual leave per annum. However, only a maximum
of three (3) days casual leave can be taken at any one time. General conditions relating to casual
leave are;

 Can’t be en-cashed.
 Can’t be carried forward to next year.
 Un-availed leaves will lapse at the end of fiscal year.
 Can be availed for a full day or a half day also.
 If attached to a weekend, the casual leave can be availed only in prefix/suffix otherwise the days
of weekend will be included in the casual leave.
 In case of personal marriage or for appearing in the examination, employee can apply for
additional leaves. The casual leave requested for in excess of prescribed period shall be treated
as leave without pay.

b- Entitlement

Human Resource Department Prepared & Reviewed By: Approved By:

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Effective Date
May 06, 2019

 Employees are entitled to casual leaves from date of joining.

c- Calculation

 All leaves will be calculated on the basis of fiscal year (July 01 through June 30).
 During employees first year of service or for employees leaving the company during the year,
casual leave will be calculated on pro-rata basis.

4.2- Medical Leave (ML)

Medical Leave with full pay may be granted to employees for a maximum of eight (8) days in a
fiscal year subject to certain conditions.

4.2.1- Procedure

a- Grant of Leave

 Can’t be en-cashed.
 Can’t be carried forward to next year.
 Un-availed leaves will lapse at the end of fiscal year.
 Employees shall be entitled to eight (8) days medical leave for each year of service. If any
employee requires additional medical leave, he/she has earned at the time of illness, the
employee shall then use his/her available casual leave balance.
 If an employee is absent from the work for three (3) or more than three (3) days, company will
require a medical certificate from a licensed Physician/Medical Doctor indicating the reason for
leave, the need for additional leave and the expected date of employee return to work.
 Medical leave availed in excess of entitlement may be treated as casual leave, annual leave or
leave without pay depending on the nature of sickness and discretion of the Managing
Director/Chief Executive Officer.

b- Entitlement

 Employees are entitled for medical leave from date of joining.

c- Calculation

 All leaves will be calculated on the basis of fiscal year (July 01 through June 30).

4.3- Annual Leave (AL)

Employee who has completed one (1) year continuous service shall be entitled to Annual Leaves
with full pay for fourteen (14) days.

4.3.1- Procedure

Human Resource Department Prepared & Reviewed By: Approved By:

Page 2 of 4
Effective Date
May 06, 2019

a- Grant of Leave

 Can be en-cashed.
 Can be carried forward to next year, a maximum of fourteen (14) leaves can be carried over into
the next year. Ultimate balance will not be more than twenty eight (28) days, more than that will
be lapse.
 Weekly and/or festival holidays falling in between the annual leave will be treated as annual leave.
 Employee resigning from the employment of the organization will not be entitled to avail any
annual leave during the Notice Period.
 Employee leaving the service of the organization after completing only the part of service year
will not be entitled for any all for that period.
 Annual Leave can’t be availed in combination with casual leave or medical leave. However in
case of prolonged sickness where the balance of medical leave at the credit of the employee is
fully exhausted annual leave may be granted against medical on case to case basis.
 Employee is not permitted to engage in any type of other employment while availing annual leave.

b- Entitlement

 Employees are entitled for annual leaves after one (1) year of service.

c- Calculation

 All leaves will be calculated on the basis of fiscal year (July 01 through June 30).

4.4- Leave without Pay (LWP)

4.4.1- Leave without Pay will not be granted in normal circumstances. However under exceptional
circumstances a maximum of thirty (30) days Leave without Pay will be granted only with the
approval of Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer.

4.5- Short Leave (SL)

4.5.1- If an employee is late for more than fifteen (15) minutes, then he/she will have to apply for short
4.5.2- Short Leave can only be availed under unavoidable circumstances but for not more than two (2)
hours. If in case employee needs leave for more than two (2) hours maximum up to three (3) and
half hours, it will be considered as a half day leave.
4.5.3- In case the total number of short leave hours reaches up to eight (8) hours in a month, one day
casual leave shall be reduced from his/her leave balance.

4.6- Compensation for Time-off (CTO)

Human Resource Department Prepared & Reviewed By: Approved By:

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Effective Date
May 06, 2019

4.6.1- Employee who has worked for a full day on a public/gazette holiday will qualify to claim a CTO.
Employees will have to claim a CTO within fiscal year. Failing to which CTO will be considered
void. A CTO however can be adjoined with any other leave other than medical leave.
4.6.2- Employee must submit a CTO request duly approved by Head of Department, at least twenty four
(24) hours prior to schedule work on an off-day.
4.6.3- Human Resource Department will verify the employees’ attendance against the claimed CTO.
The scheduled workday will then be recorded as a CTO and credited to employees leave record.

4.7- Leave Record

4.7.1- Leave Record will be maintained centrally by Human Resource Department. The management
has also nominated a resource person who will be responsible for maintaining and furnishing
monthly personnel record to the Human Resource Department.

Human Resource Department Prepared & Reviewed By: Approved By:

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