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Hj. Widiawati Said
Public Administration Program, Post Graduate State University of Makassar


One of government's most important task is the empowerment of communities as

mandated in the Preamble to the Constitution of 1945, namely NKRI; "Promote the general
welfare". In order to carry out community development Makassar City Government and the
District Government undoubtedly guided by the rules of the applicable legislation, such as;
Law, Government Regulation, Presidential Instruction, the Minister, and Local Regulations so
that it can legally defensible. In the implementation, programs community development
activities consist of programs that have been determined or defined nationally, while the
regional government is just an extension of the central government in fulfilling their
development programs of the community. In addition there is a community empowerment
programs financed by any local government in Indonesia.

On the other hand, local government must selectively choose empowerment programs
that actually can be implemented effectively and fuel-efficient, as well as the need to consider
the resource capability of personnel and citizens who are involved in community development
activities itself to anticipate all possible obstacles and challenges faced at the time of the
development programs implemented. Based on the results of community empowerment
research in Regions of Indonesia shows that; the strategy adopted by the local government in
community development activities will determine the success or failure of the implementation
of community development activities. Therefore the Makassar City Government and the
District Government contained in Makassar undoubtedly apply appropriate and effective
strategies, such as strategies for collaboration, partnership, or collaboration with all elements
and elements of society, including the business (private).

In the implementation of community development activities, Makassar City

Government and the District Government is implementing community development activities
undoubtedly be able to understand, assess, analyze the factors that support and hinder
(determinants) in community development activities such as; availability of infrastructure,
human resources, and the level of support and community participation. It is therefore very
important to maximize the potential that exists in the determinant factors, and be able to
reduce or eliminate obstacles that might be encountered in the implementation process.

Therefore, the District Office in Makassar is Makassar city government units that deal
directly with the public is still often confronted with various problems that can actually
allegedly derived from the accumulation of the low quality of human resources, as well as the
low persentae achievement in carrying out the duties and functions of the principal. This
requires the importance of evaluating the performance of the organization districts Makassar.
Information on the performance of districts and the factors that affect the performance of
districts is very important to be known, so that the performance evaluation of development
programs in the district of Makassar should be translated as an evaluation exercise to assess or
see the success and failure of the implementation of the basic tasks and functions assigned to
the government of the District Makassar.

Makassar's urban communities that are affected by modern lifestyle, intelligent and
critical thinking, as well as having an understanding and awareness of democratic values
certainly face various problems of higher complexity than in traditional society so that the
necessary resources professional personnel. Intense competition pattern requires government
districts have the speed, precision, and accuracy of decision-making in carrying out
development, empowerment, and service to society. This is where the importance of
improving the performance of Makassar sub-district government apparatus as a measure of
the success of Makassar sub-district government performing its duties and functions
principally as an extension of government authority Regency / City. But in reality the
implementation of the Government Performance Accountability has not been implemented at
the District Office Makassar especially in empowerment and service to the community
because it is still quite difficult to implement in a more careful and thorough objectively.

The reality is the basis for evaluating the performance of community development
programs implemented by the Government of the District in the city of Makassar. In empirical
reality in the field shows that; Government District in Makassar has not been optimally
involve the business sector and civil society (elements and elements of society) in community
development activities that have an impact on not optimal goals and objectives to be achieved
in the process of community empowerment; empowerment and independence throughout
society groups who have nurtured and sustainability of community development programs
implemented by the Government of the District in the city of Makassar. Based on various
statements, phenomena, conditions, and issues regarding the District Government's
performance in a variety of community development activities, then motivate researchers to
conduct an in-depth study on performance evaluation of Community Empowerment In
Makassar City District Government in order to find a solution or a more community
empowerment strategy precise, effective, and fuel-efficient in an effort to improve the welfare
of the community at district level and at the level of Makassar.


Since the development of an assessment of the performance, the performance is
sometimes defined as the utilization of human resources efficiently and effectively to achieve
results (Berman, 2006: 5) is the overall performance elements and integrated processes in an
organization, which has in it the uniqueness of each individual, the behavior of employees in
the organization as a whole and the achievement of certain objectives (Supriyanto, 2009:
277). According to Robins (1990: 4) performance meruakan one entity (entity) consciously
coordinated social, with a relative limitation can be identified, which is working on a
relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or group of destinations. In line with the
above opinion, Wibowo (2007: 388) [8] states that the human resource performance problems
can occur at several levels, namely: individual, team, and organization. At the individual
level, the performance gap occurs in case the worker is unable to complete the assigned task
well or at the specified time. At the team level, the performance gap occurs when a team is
unable to complete the assigned task on time. Thus the size of the actual performance can be
seen from the complete absence of the task team through interpersonal interaction within the
team that supports the performance of the team to achieve organizational goals.

Performance measurement requires precise indicators for measuring the scope and
manner of performance indicators will determine whether a public organization can be said to
be successful or not (Keban, 1995). Furthermore Keban explained that the accuracy of
measurement as a way or method of collecting data to measure performance is also greatly
determine the final assessment of performance. Whitaker (2003) mentions that performance
measurement is a management tool to improve the quality of decision making and
accountability (in LAN, 2000) Many opinions regarding performance measurement,
according LAN (1999) [10 performance measurement can be achieved by Government
Performance Accountability (AKIP ). This method uses performance indicators as a basis for
setting the gains. Performance measurement used to form the Performance Measurement
(PK). Determination of indicators based on the input (inputs), output (output), results
(outcome), benefits (benefits) and impact (impact). Based on with this, Mardiasmo (2001)
says that in measuring the performance of a program, the purpose of each program must be
accompanied by performance indicators used to measure progress in achieving these goals.
Performance indicators are defined as a measure of quantitative and / or qualitative which
describes the level of achievement of a goal or goals that have been set.

Thus it can be seen that the performance evaluation is a process of measuring the
success of an organization within a certain time that it contains uniqueness of each individual,
the behavior of employees in the organization as a whole and based on the inputs, outputs,
outcomes, benefits and impact as a measure quantitative and / or qualitative describe the level
of achievement of a goal or goals that have been set.


Empowerment concept described by Agustino (2007: 197) that: Theoretically a (draft)
of the resistance movement against the hegemony of the concept of alternative development
developmentalism development, modernization precisely. In line with these opinions,
Pranarka (1996) cited Sedarmayanti (2003: 60) points out that: The concept of empowerment
can be seen as part or soul with flows in the second half of the 20th century, which today is
widely known as a stream of post modernism, with point heavy attitudes and opinions that the
orientation is anti-system, anti-structure and anti-determinism, which is applied to the world
of power.

Furthermore, Paul (1987) in Sedarmayanti (2003: 60) also stated that: Empowerment
means a fair distribution of power (equitable sharing of power) thereby increasing political
awareness and power of vulnerable groups and increase their influence on "the process and
results of development ". Sumaryadi, (2005) describe three things within the scope of
empowerment, namely economic empowerment, social empowerment, and empowerment of
the environment. Economic empowerment is the preferred approach to the lower classes of
society to be able to indulge in economy and have a better income, so as to bear the negative
impact of the growth is happening. Social empowerment is an attempt to increase the capacity
of human resources and realize one's position and role in relation to social life in the
community. Neighborhood empowerment is an effort that is intended to preserve the
environment and menjain good relations in human interaction with the environment.

Thus it can be seen that empowerment is a process of power sharing that is fair to the
public and to increase their influence on "the process and results of development both in the
economic, social, and environmental.



The study, carried out the attempted elaborate on community empowerment program
implemented by the Government of the District in the city of Makassar to perform a search on
some programs of community development activities in the field of economic, social, cultural,
and environmental intended for the urban poor. Based on the findings of the research note that
the government districts in the city of Makassar implement empowerment programs are very
diverse. This means that the foundation of this empowerment program refers to a program that
is capable of encouraging society to be able to work together with the government in
implementing the program. PNPM Urban is a continuation of the activities of the Urban
Poverty Programme (P2KP) carried out since 1999 as a government effort to build
community self-reliance and local government in tackling poverty in a sustainable manner.
This program is one of the strategic program for preparing the ground independence of the
community in the form of community leadership that is representative institutions, rooted and
conducive to the development of social capital (social capital) community in the future and to
prepare a medium-term community programs in poverty reduction which became binding in
partnership with the community local governments and local care group.

Implementation of this program is done by channeling aid through (BLM) Aid Society
directly from the government given to non-governmental groups to carry out activities that
have been agreed upon. According to information from Saparuddin (2014) that in order to
channel funds for community PNPM, the government made a partnership with KSM who are
in the community to channel funds to fit and well targeted. Results of research on community
development programs can be described in three groups: economic empowerment programs,
social and environmental. According to the results of interviews with the Head of Makassar
(2014) that some of the activities of PNPM Urban who at that time was still named P2KP
renamed Urban PNPM Mandiri (PNPM-MP) and is within one umbrella PNPM Mandiri.
PNPM Mandiri Urban District in Makassar held by the Settlement Infrastructure
Development Unit (PIU PIP) and in its implementation under the control of Bappeda
Makassar, whereas starting in 2010 the implementation of the PNPM Urban dealt with by the
Public Works Department of Makassar.

Deskripisi about Urban PNPM program activities are an attempt to create a synergy
between the government and the community through the empowerment of at least touch the
three main aspects in the context of poverty eradication. Based on interviews with Saparuddin
(Interview, July 12, 2014) note that the community empowerment program carried out with
reference to the national program of urban self-empowerment (PNPM) Urban namely the
economic, social and environmental fields. This empowerment program touches the social,
economic and environmental intended for poor people who actually run the whole program
can create an independent community and at the same time able to work together with the
government to get out of poverty jerata. Therefore, there is a tendency that the most dominant
programs carried out on community empowerment program is the provision of direct aid
community (BLM) in the form of a revolving fund for the poor.

These three areas of empowerment is implemented through several stages. In

Makassar empowerment through PNPM carried out in accordance with national standards set
consists of (1) the initial stage of the implementation of the program, the companion
(facilitators, consultants, etc.), the community is obliged to make the learning process so that
they are able to stage activities in its territory on Urban PNPMM basic critical awareness of
the substance of why and to what an activity that must be done. (2) The second phase is the
implementation cycle fully implemented and institutionalized by the community itself
periodically with facilitated companion who put emphasis on keeping the corridors
conformity with noble values, transparency and accountability. (3) The third stage is the stage
of implementation includes a series of activities that comprise the cycle rembug community
preparedness and volunteerism, poverty reflection, self-oriented mapping HDI-MDGs, BKM
formation, preparing participatory planning and implementation of PJM Pronangkis poverty
alleviation programs by the community with stimulants BLM by KSM. According Saripuddin
(Interview, July 12, 2014) All stages tesebut pursued not only happen when there is a
facilitator PNPM Mandiri Urban, but becomes a cycle that repeated every year as a cycle of
poverty reduction programs in the urban / rural poverty reduction so that the activities will be
sustainable, because several teams faced constraints associated with the mind set of the people
towards the provision of assistance and encouragement and motivation to work together with
the government. Cycles that have been implemented starting from early socialization,
recruitment of volunteers, non-governmental mapping, reflections of poverty, the
establishment of BKM, preparation of the Medium-Term Plan document Poverty
Management Program (PJM Pronangkis), training and implementation of field activities.

1. Program of Economic Empowerment

Economics empowerment program implemented by providing assistance to the
community in the activities of PNPM Urban in the form of relief assistance and grants.
Economic empowerment is the preferred approach to the lower classes of society to be able to
indulge in economy and have a better income, so as to bear the negative impact of the growth
is happening. According to the results of interviews with respondents (Interview Head of
Makassar, June 24, 2014), that most people are more dominant expects the empowerment
program in the form of direct aid because it expects to cover its needs, so sometimes become
separate persolan as revolving funds provided are intended to be venture capital for poor
people to be more independent. These findings certainly give an indication, that one of the
areas of economic empowerment program implemented by PNPM in the district of Makassar
will be a target, so we need a strategic effort that the funds can beriplikasi positively on the
lives of the poor.
Shape empowerment program in economics is
1. Assistance Assistance is in the form of assignment of consultants and facilitators along
with operational funding support to assist and empower people to be able to plan and
implement community programs to reduce poverty in their respective villages.
2. Relief funds were distributed in the form of BLM (direct community grants) that are
stimulants and intentionally provided to give people an opportunity to practice by
trying to implement part of poverty reduction action plans. Direct public funding
assistance may be used for activities that are included in the components of
environmental activities, social activities components, and components in the form of
financial activities and education; skills training, micro-credit assistance pemebrian,
revolving funds, and construction of public facilities for the general public and the
These findings indicate that the program areas of economic activity leads to a form of
revolving fund management activities for the benefit of small and micro enterprises and to the
benefit of the poor, provision of physical facilities common to create a conducive
environment for the poor.

2. Empowerment Program of Social Affairs

Social empowerment is an attempt to increase the capacity of human resources and
realize one's position and role in relation to social life in the community. Empowerment
programs are implemented according to Saripuddin (Interview, July 21, 2004) is the social
component of activities carried out directly able to grow back the social capital of society.
This social program dilasanakan in Makassar at the level of districts are expected to
beriplikasi command on the establishment's back culture of mutual cooperation between
citizens helping, creating integrity and high work ethic and creating an entrepreneurial
mindset for the poor. It is based on the assumption that the success of the social sphere will be
supporting other activities in the program development activities.

The findings of a study showing that in order to create conditions of readiness and
integrity of the community, then PNPM carry out activities in the form of training KSM
community capacity development. Description Head of Makassar that KSM training is
intended to increase the capacity strengthening of the organization, preparation and creation
of business opportunities, including the implementation of practical and business skills
training for residents. In addition to the social programs that are ongoing funding pursued a
case of infant nutritional improvement programs and program 9-year compulsory education.
Revolving funds are used in social activities, according Saripuddin (Interview, July 21, 2004)
in nature is a stimulant funds, in contrast to the revolving fund in the field of social
empowerment multiple use loan funds that are to become compulsory for people to
Activities in the social field which have been implemented and are still in the planning
is a stone craft training, training, manufacture of iron columns, drug prevention education,
maternal health education, family planning counseling, Fogging for eradication of dengue
fever, free medical services, the establishment of a program package B and C , and
scholarships for underprivileged children. Some of the measures undertaken in the field of
social empowerment in Makassar such as driver training, training abacus and hand skills
training. This form of training provided is expected to improve livelihoods by providing
education and skills briefing.

3. Empowerment Program Environmental Field

Empowering environment is an effort that is intended to preserve the environment and

to establish good relations in human interaction with the environment. Neighborhood
empowerment activities, according to interviews with Sarlina (Interview, July 23, 2004) states
that environmental activities is expected to directly impact collectively on improving access
by improving the quality of environmental and settlement healthy, orderly, safe and orderly.
The program is implemented by PNPM can lead to how to empower the community together
with the government to create an environment that has the quality of a healthy residential safe
and orderly. The program is implemented by providing and disburse funds activities that are

Some forms of environmental empowerment activities carried out in the form of

infrastructure development of housing and residential facilities both for the public and for the
benefit of the poor. Specifically, according to Head Mariso (Interview, August 23, 2014) that
forms the environmental empowerment activities carried out in the form of home
improvement, construction of roads and embankments and piles including drainage and
duekker plate. The event was held at the same time as an attempt to make the arrangement of
a community-based residential neighborhood. Other environmental physical activity on
PNPM Mandiri Urban District in Mariso either already implemented or are planned are the
paving of roads, construction of latrines, drainage canals, land reclamation, construction of
buildings / pavingisasi roads, manufacture backrest roads, street lighting and sanitation
arrangement environment.
The findings of this study indicate that in order to empower communities in synergy
with the government carried out by the sub-district government in Makassar carried out with
reference to the Strategic National Community Empowerment Program (PNPM) Urban
poverty reduction, by strengthening community institutions. Empowerment of the community
institutions, aimed at creating self-reliance and sustainability ability to convey the aspirations
and needs related to public policies at the local level, whether social, economic and
environmental, including housing and settlement.

Identification results show that the National Program for Community Empowerment
(PNPM) Urban independently in social, economic and environmental still faces some
problems in its implementation. Those problems According Head of Makassar (Interview,
August 23, 2014) due to differences in socio-economic and environmental communities
Makassar city that caused the response to each different PNPM program. Another problem is
due to the budget allocation of development: infrastructure, economic, social program in each
location, in fact indicate problems needs in each location are not the same proportion. So that
the tendency of the budget allocated is no longer based on the level and types of needs but is
set to generalize the needs of recipient communities.
Government performance evaluation districts in the city of Makassar in community
development programs acquired from the implementation of development programs in
Economics, Social Affairs and empowerment program empowerment program of
Environmental Affairs. Program development activities in the form of a revolving fund
management activities and grants to be used simultaneously to create community
independence, social activities program that has been implemented is driving training, abacus
training and hands-on skills training, as well as the environmental program of activities
carried out in the form of infrastructure development common to settlements such as home
improvement, construction of roads and embankments and embankment road, including
drainage and plate duekker


Based on the foregoing description can be formulated some conclusions are:

1. Performance evaluation is a process of measuring the success of an

organization within a certain time that it contains uniqueness of each
individual, the behavior of employees in the organization as a whole and based
on the inputs, outputs, outcomes, benefits and impact as a quantitative measure
and / or qualitatively describes the level of achievement of a goal or goals that
have been set
2. The empowerment program is a program that is implemented in the form of
power-sharing process that is fair for the community and increase their
influence on "the process and results of development both in the economic,
social, and environmental
3. Evaluation of the performance of government districts in the city of Makassar
in community development programs acquired from the implementation of
development programs in Economics, Social Affairs and empowerment
programs Environmental Field empowerment program. Program development
activities in the form of a revolving fund management activities and grants to
be used simultaneously to create community independence, social activities
program that has been implemented is driving training, abacus training and
hands-on skills training, as well as the environmental program of activities
carried out in the form of infrastructure development common to settlements
such as home improvement, construction of roads and embankments and
embankment road, including drainage and plate duekker.


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