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A) Cover and front page should be CENTER ALIGNED

2-Blank spaces

(12/bold/uppercase)(Two blank

<<PROJECT TITLE>>(16/bold/uppercase) (Two blank



DEGREE OF(12/uppercase)(One blank space)
(Two blank spaces)

(Two blank spaces)

(Two blank spaces)

<<Name of Student1 >> <<Examination Seat No.:1>>

<<Name of Student2 >> <<Examination Seat No.:2 >>
(Two blank space)

UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF(14/bold/uppercase)

<<Guide Name>>(14/bold/uppercase)

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

<<ACADEMIC YEAR>>(12/bold/uppercase)

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

(six blank spaces)

(Three blank space)

This is to certify that the Seminar reportentitled

(12/sentence case)(Two
blank space)
(Two blank space)
Submitted by (one line blank space)

<<Name of Student 1 >><<Examination Seat No.:1>>(12/title case)

<<Name of Student 2 >><<Examination Seat No.:2 >>

(Three blank space)

Is a bonafide work carried out by them under the supervision of
Prof.__________________________ and it is approved for the partial fulfilment of the
requirement of Savitribai Phule Pune University for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering (Electronics and Telecommunication)
(12/ sentence case)
(Two blank space)

This Seminar report has not been earlier submitted to any other Institute or University for the
award of any degree or diploma.(12/ sentence case)

<<Name >> Dr.M.P.Sardey

Internal Guide Head of Department

Department of Electronics &Telecommunication Department of Electronics & Telecommunication

AISSMS Institute Of Information Technology, Pune.



AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19


It is my great pleasure in expressing sincere and deep gratitude towards my guide

Mrs/Mr (12/bold) ,Assistant Professor/professor Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineering Department for her/his valuable guidance and constant support throughout this
work .

We take this opportunity to thank Head of the Department Mrs.M.P.Sardey and

Project coordinator Mrs/Mr (12/bold) (Name of your Project coordinator)and all staff
members of department of Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering AISSMS IOIT,
Pune, for cooperation provided by them in many ways.

The motivation factor for this work was the inspiration given to me by our honourable
principal Dr. P.B.Mane.

//(For sponsored projects)………….

I would like to thank our external Guide Mrs/Mr (12/bold) for the project idea
and for providing required data. We would like to thank for her/his immense help and
numerous suggestions during my work. //

Lastly I am thankful to those who have directly or indirectly supported for our work.

Sign Sign Sign

Name of Student (12/bold) Name of Student(12/bold) Name of Student(12/bold)

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

(It has to be on the letter head of the Company)

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Chapter Title Page No Font Size

1. INTRODUCTION (12/bold/uppercase)

2. LITERATURE REVIEW (12/bold/uppercase)

3. PROBLEM STATEMENT (12/bold/uppercase)

4. OBJECTIVES (12/bold/uppercase)

5. METHODOLOGY (12/bold/uppercase)

6. SYSTEM ARCHITETURE (12/bold/uppercase)

7. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM (12/bold/uppercase)

8. EXPECTED RESULTS (12/bold/uppercase)

9. REFERENCES (12/bold/uppercase)
Appendix A (BILL OF
COST )(12/bold/uppercase)
Appendix B (DATA SHEETS)

List of certificates and Papers presented at National/International conferences and project


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Partial/ Final Report Contents

Introduction should help to understand three key questions to the reader: Why is this
important problem? What has been done before? How does your topic (problem)bring
significant new understanding to the respective field? It should be written in present tense
and should include the following points:
i. Outline the problem you are working on, why is it interesting, important and what
are the challenges?
ii. List your aims and goals. An aim is something you intend to achieve(e.g., learn a
new programming language and apply it in solving the problem), while agoalis
something specific you expect to deliver(e.g., a working application with a
particular set of features).
iii. Give an overview of how you have carried out the project (i.e. software
development model).
iv. A brief overview of the rest of the chapters in the report (a guide to the reader of the
overall structure of the report).
v. This chapter is relatively short (2-4 pages) and must give the reader very clear
understanding of what the project is about and what your goals are.

Background and Literature review

This chapter should cover background information, related work, research done and tools or
software used in the project.
i. Provide necessary framework and background information to describe how your
project relates to what is already known or available.
ii. A survey of existing solutions, programs or applications similar to your project (if
necessary),and how your project is different than existing one
iii. A description of the project work carried out to learn about methodology used for
investigation of the problem.
iv. The form of the project work will vary widely depending on the kind of project.
Outline and key sources of information you are using (papers,books, websites,etc.).
State how each source is related to your work.
v. Introduce the software, programming languages, library code, frame-works and
other tools that you have used. Discuss choices and make clear which you made use
of and why.

Problem Statement
i. Give the detailed problem statement. This elaborates on what you may have
included in the introduction chapter and represents the starting point from which
requirements were derived. Problem Definition: Define/formulate the problem
clearly and concisely of your project work. Provide details of the overall
problem and then divide the problem into module(s).
• Method adopted to solve the problem.
• Give an overview of how can you carry out the project.
• Step-wise approach to the solution.

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System Architecture
1.Detail Explanation of block diagram and its working.
2. Hardware design and calculations. design.
Circuit Diagram
Detail Explanation of circuit diagram with specifications.

Requirements Specification: A structured list of requirements. The

requirement specifications determine specific feature expectations, resolution of
conflict or ambiguity in requirements as demanded by the various users or
groups of users and documentation of all aspects of the project development
process from start to finish. Here you should define the requirements of the
system, independent of how these requirements will be accomplished and
identify the operation and problems of the existing system.
Description of Use cases/documentation (list of use case titles, with the full use
cases appearing in the appendix).
Software and Hardware Requirements: Define the details of all the software
and hardware needed for the development and implementation of your project.

Write the expected results of the system you are going to implement.

i. List of references.
ii. Bibliography: This lists all the sources of information that you made use of during the
project but are not referenced in the text. The items in the list must be relevant to your
project, so don't just list everything you may have looked at or read.

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Any structure, building or system needs maintenance and rehabilitation, which are of course
costly. Highways and roads are also not an exception. From the very past, the construction,
extension, maintenance and operating costs of highways, roads, bridges and tunnels were
collected directly or indirectly. In the old indirect method, the expenses are compensated
either by the tax payment for fuel or by budget allocation of the national income. The
shortcoming of this method is that a number of taxpayers, who do not use any of the roads
and carriageways, have to pay extra money. However, in the other system, called direct
method, the tolls are taken directly from the drivers passing that road or street. The other
three main reasons why tolling, or road pricing, is implemented are the The advances in the
technologies related to wireless communication has led to the emergence of several
engineering designs to aid the human requirements. Today on one side the importance for
secured access is growing in several fields and on the other side with technology
advancements the RFID cards and readers are becoming low cost. Both these aspects are the
primary reasons for rapidly growing RFID based authentication system. Today, several
wireless technologies are used for building wireless networks. Among them the 2.4GHz
wireless network is most widely deployed and used. The wide usage of 2.4 GHz wireless
communication indicates that this infrastructure can give near real time responses and makes
suitable for crucial industrial systems. Global system for mobile communication is that it is
an international standard. If you travel in parts of the world, GSM is the only type of cellular
service available. Implementing mobile communication based health monitoring via short
message service (SMS). Simple wireless control device to achieve the targets, or use the
GSM network technology to achieve. Nevertheless, the functions of these devices are too
simple to prevent the vehicle theft crimes from happening, furthermore, their burglar-proofs
methods are not only character.

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

SThere are millions of drivers passing through Toll Gate Stations every day. The
conventional or the traditional way of collecting the toll from the vehicle owners or the
drivers is to stop the car by the Toll Gate Stations and then pay the amount to the toll
collector, standing (or perhaps sitting!) by the side of the toll booth, after which the gate is
opened either mechanically or electronically for the driver to get through the toll station. So
in order to stop all these problems and inconvenience, we introduce an automated or a more
convenient way of collecting the toll and traffic management. It’s called Electronic Toll Gate
Stations using RFID Technology.

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Author:- Shankar Chattoraj

Manual toll systems in India are ubiquitous at present. This paper outlines a novel
approach illustrating an electronic toll collection (ETC) system which will accomplish the
goal of contact less toll payment and cutting edge surveillance system making this ETC
system more reliable. The use of Radio frequency identification (RFID) based smart card
has been used for self payment service. Vehicle like car, trucks or a trailer trucks does not
possess similar weight. This concept has been implemented with the use of strain gauge
load cell to determine the vehicles weight and accordingly defining the vehicles type. The
load cell has been interfaced with Arduino Mega 2560 which will determine the toll tax
of the vehicles. The smart card reader ACR122U NFC reader has also been interfaced
with Arduino Mega 2560 to debit the appropriate toll tax for the specific vehicle type.
The optical character recognition (OCR) system has also been used as a primary
surveillance system which plays a key role in helping the enforcement department for
vehicle licence plate identification. This ETC system will be a state of the art technology
for the areas with high traffic in toll plaza by omitting long queues and fuel wastage for
the users and also reducing human error.

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Author:- Dilpreet Singh, Akhil Sood, Gulshan thakur, Nikhil Arora, Alok Kumar

Automatic Toll Tax systems has reduced the heavy congestion caused at toll collection in the
metropolitan cities. As the population is increasing day by day which results in high traffic
congestion on roads. Most of the people find it difficult to be a part of long queue at toll for
toll collection system. This causes high fuel consumption while waiting for a payment, which
is going to extinct in coming years. The research is providing a great solution to this problem.
LIFI is emerging technology in today’s era. Here, we are using the power of LIFI for wireless
communication to transmit user information from vehicle to toll. Every vehicle will be having
a microcontroller and a memory connected to it. In addition, the setup will be used to send
useful encoded data like vehicle number via LED. The LIFI receiver is present in middle of
road at tollbooth. An intelligent processor will be there at receiver side, which will
automatically process the toll tax payment according to the type of vehicle through a wallet
linked with vehicle number. The technology will be helpful in preserving the fuel
consumption of vehicle and will create an eco-friendly environment.



Author:- Sana Said Al-Ghawi

Nowadays almost all highways toll plazas are manually operated, where an operator collects
cash from the driver and provides a receipt. Since this procedure can be slow, we often
encounter traffic jams at the toll plazas on busy highways. Automatic process of toll
collection will save time, effort, and man power. In this work propose a low cost and efficient
technique called Electronic Toll Collection using RFID modules that automatically collects
the toll from moving vehicles when they cross the toll plaza. We also assume that an owner
maintains a prepaid account, so that toll tax is deducted automatically from the driver’s
account at toll plaza. If the balance in the owner’s account is low or if the vehicle is not
equipped with an RF system, the toll gate remains close. In such a case vehicle owner will
have to pay the toll tax in cash and collect the receipt. The owner receives an SMS message
on his/she mobile about the details of the payment and there is no need for him to stop the
vehicle. How many vehicles passing through the toll gate stored in a database. We can also

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find out a vehicle how many times passing through the toll gate in a day. Through this
process of toll collection will save time, effort and man power.


Author: Alberto Carini and Silvia Malatini., IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Vol.16, pp.1558- 1563, 2008.

In this paper, we have proposed a simple, yet efficient combination of hardware and software
solution to billing in two of the largest traffic concerns in our country: Parking Systems and
Toll Systems. Using short range detection, we maintain a database of information,
automatically calculating fees against type of vehicle, timings, and weight of vehicle. We
have also proposed a strict monitoring system, which increases the security enforcements,
and reduces the number of blacklisted vehicles on the roads(especially near the borders).
These models can be easily integrated with all kinds of infrastructure making it easy to
implement, with minimal costs.


Author: S.Nandhini, P.Premkumar.

The proposed method is to provide a fast and safe environment for toll collection and to
automatically control the vehicle movements at the toll stations. The Capacitive Sensor used
here to sense the vehicle size.IR sensor is used to detect the vehicle and the Gate models are
used here to open and close while the vehicle is entering or exit in the Toll Tax unit. The
RFID reader is used to read the tag of the vehicles. The Vehicle information is stored in the
microcontroller based on the TAG number. Based on that number the Tax amount for that
vehicle will automatically transfer to the toll gate system. And that cost information will be
sent through GSM modem to a mobile phone of the owner. The status of the vehicle will be
displayed in the LCD. The main objective behind this proposal is to create a suitable
Automatic Toll Gate System to be implemented. This system uses IR technology, making it
very vulnerable to failure. Other than that, users also have to bear the high cost of owning the
two-piece tag required for this system. However, this proposed system requires major
changes in the infrastructure of the existing toll roads.

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

The Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) System is a new toll system designed to enhance
convenience for drivers by enabling cashless toll collection and thus Reducing congestion at
High-way tollgates.


 Reducing the manpower required for collection of money.

 To reduce the traffic indirectly resulting in reduction of time at the toll plaza
 To detect the vehicle identity.
 The IR Transreceiver is used for detecting the presence of the vehicle at different
 To reduce the complete processing time by few seconds.
 To reduce money leakage in a very cost effective manner.

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This is the heart of the system which controls all the operations
Raspberry Pi Model, 512 Mb with a nice black plastic case: The Raspberry Pi is a low cost,
credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard
keyboard and mouse.

LCD DISPLAY:- All information will be displayed on LCD. LCD stands for Liquid Crystal
Display. LCD is finding wide spread use replacing LEDs (seven segment LEDs or other
multi segment LEDs) because of the following reasons:

1. The declining prices of LCDs.

2. The ability to display numbers, characters and graphics. This is in contrast to LEDs, which
are limited to numbers and a few characters.

IR SENSOR:- IR sensor used to detect the object like vehicle after that camera will activate
An infrared sensor emits and/or detects infrared radiation to sense its surroundings.

RFID READER:- Rfid Reader Has Number Of Tags Which Define Unique Id. Which
Deduct Amount. The RFID tag is used as a unique identity for account of a particular user.
In beginning, the user is prompted to scan his tag or ID. The serial code of the tag is
identified by the reader module and is sent to ATmega16 for comparison with stored data. If
the identity (serial number of the tag, i.e., 12 byte data) is matched with the one already
stored in the system, the toll amount is deducted from his account and user gets to drive
through the plaza. RFID systems can be classified by the type of tag and reader. A Passive
Reader Active Tag (PRAT) system has a passive reader which only receives radio signals
from active tags (battery operated, transmit only). The reception range of a PRAT system
reader can be adjusted from 1–2,000 feet (0–600 m), allowing flexibility in applications such
as asset protection and supervision.

SIM900 GSM Module :- This means the module supports communication in 900MHz band.
We are from India and most of the mobile network providers in this country operate in the
900Mhz band. If you are from another country, you have to check the mobile network band

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in your area. A majority of United States mobile networks operate in 850Mhz band (the band
is either 850Mhz or 1900Mhz). Canada operates primarily on 1900 Mhz band.




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 Camera will detect the number plate which is predefined in the sd card and
data will be sent to the arm 11 LCD will show the pricing for the vehicle.
Balance will redacted by the RFID card when balance will reduce it will send
sms through to the user.

 It mainly consist of following blocks.

 We are going to use a Infrared receiver. It is used to detect that vehicle has
enter into electronic toll collection plaza. As soon as IR sensor get activate,
camera capture image of vehicle No. Plate. Using image Processing capture
image process. After processing it will check with database for stolen vehicle.
If vehicle is founded as stolen the no plate image mail to the RTO office & at
that same time buzzer will beep for indication of stolen vehicle.

 If image is not in database means that its not stolen vehicle, user can access
the smart card and complete his/her transaction.

 All info get display on LCD and through IOT module it will also show on
android App.

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Raspberry Pi Model, 512 Mb with a nice black plastic case: The Raspberry Pi is a low cost,
credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard
keyboard and mouse. It has the ability to interact with the outside world, and has been used in

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

real time applications. This board is the central module of the whole embedded image
capturing and processing system as given in figure. Its main parts include: main processing
chip, memory, power supply HDMI Out, Ethernet port, USB ports andabundant global

Fig. Raspberry pi module

The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized single-board computer developed in the UK by

the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The Raspberry Pi has a Broadcom BCM2835 system on a
chip which includes an ARM1176JZF 700 MHz processor Video CoreIV GPU and was
originally shipped with 256 megabytes of RAM, later Upgraded to 512 MB. It does not
include a built-in hard disk or solid-state drive, but Uses an SD card for booting and long-
term storage.

The Raspberry Pi has a Broadcom BCM2835 system on a chip(SoC), which includes

an ARM1176JZF-S 700 MHzprocessor (The firmware includes a number of "Turbo" modes
so that the user can attempt over clocking, up to 1 GHz, without affecting the warranty),
VideoCore IV GPU, and was originally shipped with 256 megabytes of RAM, later upgraded
to 512 MB. It does not include a built-in hard disk or solid-state drive, but uses an SD
card for booting and long-term storage. The Foundation's goal was to offer two versions,
priced at US$25 and US$35. They started accepting orders for the higher priced model B on
29 February 2012, and the lower cost model A on 4 February 2013.

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

The Foundation provides Debian and Arch Linux ARM distributions for download. Tools are
available for Python as the main programming language, with support for BBC BASIC (via
the RISC OS image or the "Brandy Basic" clone for Linux), C, and Perl.


Initial sales were of the Model B, with Model A following in early 2013. Model A has
one USB port and no Ethernet controller, and will cost less than the Model B with two USB
ports and a 10/100 Ethernet controller.

Though the Model A doesn't have an 8P8C (RJ45) Ethernet port, it can connect to a network
by using an external user-supplied USB Ethernet or Wi-Fi adapter. On the model B the
Ethernet port is provided by a built-in USB Ethernet adapter. As is typical of modern
computers, generic USB keyboards and mice are compatible with the Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pi does not come with a real-time clock, so an OS must use a network time
server, or ask the user for time information at boot time to get access to time and date for file
time and date stamping. However, a real-time clock (such as the DS1307) with battery
backup can be added via the I²C interface.

On 20 April 2012 the schematics for the Model-A and Model-B were released by the
Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Hardware accelerated video encoding became available on 24 August 2012 when it became
known that the existing license also covered encoding. Previously it was thought that
encoding would be added with the release of the announced camera module. However, for the
time being there is no stable software support for hardware H.264 encoding.

At the same time the Raspberry Pi Foundation released two additional codec’s that can be
bought separately, MPEG-2 and Microsoft's VC-1. Also it was announced that the Pi will
support CEC, enabling it to be controlled with the television's remote control.

On 5 September 2012, a revision 2.0 board was announced, with a number of minor
corrections and improvements. On 15 October 2012, the Raspberry Pi foundation announced
that all new Raspberry Pi model B's would be fitted with 512 MB instead of 256 MBRAM.

USB hub

A USB hub is a device that expands a single Universal Serial Bus (USB) port into
several so that there are more ports available to connect devices to a host system. USB hubs
are often built into equipment such as computers, keyboards, monitors, or printers. When

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such a device has many USB ports, they all usually stem from one or two internal USB hubs
rather than each port having independent USB circuitry. Physically separate USB hubs come
in a wide variety of form factors: from external boxes (looking similar to an Ethernet or
network hub) connectible with a long cable, to small designs that can be directly plugged into
a USB port (see the "compact design" picture). In the middle case, there are "short cable"
hubs which typically use an integral 6-inch cable to slightly distance a small hub away from
physical port congestion and of course increase the number of available ports.

In order to connect additional devices to the RPi, you may want to obtain a USB hub,
which will allow multiple devices to be used. It is recommended that a powered hub is used -
this will provide any additional power to the devices without affecting the RPi itself. A USB
2.0 model is recommended. USB 1.1 is fine for keyboards and mice, but may not be fast
enough for other accessories.

SD Card

The SD card is a key part of the Raspberry Pi, provides the initial storage for the Operating
System and files. Storage can be extended through many types of USB connected peripherals.
32 GB SD card is used for our Project.

Secure Digital (SD) is a nonvolatile memory card used extensively in portable devices, such
as mobile phones, digital cameras, GPS navigation devices, handheld consoles, and tablet
computers. It is a family of solid-state storage media. The Secure Digital standard was
introduced in August 1999 as an improvement over Multimedia Cards (MMC). The Secure
Digital standard is maintained by the SD Association (SDA). SD technologies have been
implemented in more than 400 brands across dozens of product categories and more than
8,000 models. The Secure Digital format includes four card families available in three
different form factors. The four families are the original Standard-Capacity (SDSC), the
High-Capacity (SDHC), the extended-Capacity (SDXC), and the SDIO, which
combines input/output functions with data storage. The three form factors are the original
size, the mini size, and the micro size. Electrically passive adapters allow a smaller card to fit
and function in a device built for a larger card.There are many combinations of form factors
and device families, although as of 2013, the prevailing formats are full- or micro-size SDHC
and full or micro SDXC.

Power supply:

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Raspberry Pi can work without the main connection by using power bank that can be
connected to Pi using an USB cable.The unit uses a Micro USB connection to power itself
(only the power pins are connected – so it will not transfer data over this connection). A
standard modern phone charger with a micro- USB connector will do, but needs to produce at
least 700mA at 5 volts. Check your power supply's ratings carefully. Suitable mains adaptors
will be available from the RPi Shop and are recommended if you are unsure what to useyou
can use a range of other power sources (assuming they are able to provide enough current

 Computer USB Port or powered USB hub (will depend on power output)
 Special wall warts with USB ports
 Mobile Phone Backup Battery (will depend on power output) (in theory – needs
To use the above, you'll need a USB A 'male' to USB micro 'male' cable - these are often
shipped as data cables with MP3 players.

GPIO: One powerful feature of the Raspberry Pi is the row of GPIO (general purpose
input/output) pins along the edge of the board, next to the yellow video out socket.26 GPIO
Header in Model A/B and 40 GPIO Header in Model BThese pins are a physical interface
between the Pi and the outside world.Out of 26, 8 are dedicated IO Lines, 2 are for UART, 4
are for SPI (+1 for Another Chip Select) , and another 2 for the I2C Interface (Total 17 out of
These pins are a physical interface between the Pi and the outside world.Rest is Supply Rails.
WiringPi : Easy to use C Library for accessing the GPIO Lines via Programming (Arduino
Style Programming) These pins are a physical interface between the Pi and the outside world.
At the simplest level, you can think of them as switches that you can turn on or off (input) or
that the Pi can turn on or off (output). Seventeen of the 26 pins are GPIO pins; the others are
power or ground pins.
The GPIO port is one of the most powerful tools at the Raspberry Pi’s disposal, allowing you
to connect directly to an electronic circuit to control it. In such a system, the Pi is referred to
as a microcontroller. This is what makes the Raspberry Pi great for big projects, as you can
use it to program a machine or circuit, and even have it connect to the internet via the other
Raspberry Pi functions so that it can control contraptions with web data. Each of the GPIO
pins can do something different and very specific. At the basic core, though, you can have
them provide power consistently to part of a circuit, program a power switch to one of the

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pins, and even have it sense a change over the pins (thanks to resistance). These three basic
functions allow you to do a lot, and can be programmed with Python.

Fig . GPIO Pin Diagram of raspberry pi

The GPIO.BOARD option specifies that you are referring to the pins by the number of the
pin the plug - i.e the numbers printed on the board (e.g. P1) and in the middle of the diagrams

The GPIO.BCM option means that you are referring to the pins by the "Broadcom SOC
channel" number, these are the numbers after "GPIO" in the green rectangles around the
outside of the below diagrams:

Unfortunately the BCM numbers changed between versions of the Pi1 Model B, and you'll
need to work out which one you. So it may be safer to use the BOARD numbers if you are
going to use more than one Raspberry Pi in a project.

The Model B+ uses the same numbering as the Model B r2.0, and adds new pins (board
numbers 27-40).
The Raspberry Pi Zero, Pi 2B and Pi 3B use the same numbering as the B+.
importRPi.GPIO as GPIO

import time


GPIO.setup(7, GPIO.OUT)


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print “Done”


To wire up an LED bulb to be programmable from the Raspberry Pi, to turn it on and off
again a few times. For this, you will need a breadboard prototyping circuit board, an LED, a
50-ohm resistor, and some wires. Refer to our Frizzing diagram on the right, to see how it’s
wired up; the negative end of the LED goes to a ground pin on the Raspberry Pi (which is
where the flow of electricity ends), and a programmable pin goes through the 50-ohm resistor
to provide power to the LED when it’s turned on. Open up IDLE, the Python programming
software, and create a new file. Save it as, and input the code from the code listing.
What the code does is first tell Python to use the GPIO module so we can connect to the
GPIO pins, by importing the module. We then import the time module so we can create a
delay between commands. We then tell the code to treat the GPIO pins as the number they
are on the board, and to turn the seventh pin into an output. We alternate between True and
False so that it turns the pin on and off. Once it’s cycled a few times, it will print the message
‘Done’ into IDLE, and finally turn off the GPIO pins. You can do a lot more with GPIO if
you want to, and this is a good way to start before moving on to bigger projects.

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LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. LCD is finding wide spread use replacing LEDs
(seven segment LEDs or other multi segment LEDs) because of the following reasons:

1. The declining prices of LCDs.

2. The ability to display numbers, characters and graphics. This is in contrast to LEDs, which
are limited to numbers and a few characters.

3. Incorporation of a refreshing controller into the LCD, thereby relieving the CPU of the task
of refreshing the LCD. In contrast, the LED must be refreshed by the CPU to keep displaying
the data.

4. Ease of programming for characters and graphics.

These components are “specialized” for being used with the microcontrollers, which means
that they cannot be activated by standard IC circuits. They areused for writing different
messages on a miniature LCD.

A model described here is for its low price and great possibilities most frequently used in
practice. It is based on the HD44780 microcontroller (Hitachi) and can display messages in

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two lines with 16 characters each. It displays all the alphabets, Greek letters, punctuation
marks, mathematical symbols etc. In addition, it is possible to display symbols that user
makes up on its own. Automatic shifting message on display (shift left and right), appearance
of the pointer, backlight etc. are considered as useful characteristics.

Pins Functions

There are pins along one side of the small printed board used for connection to the
microcontroller. There are total of 14 pins marked with numbers (16 in case the background
light is built in). Their function is described in the table below:

Pin Logic
Function Name Description
Number State

Ground 1 Vss - 0V

Power supply 2 Vdd - +5V

Contrast 3 Vee - 0 - Vdd

D0 – D7 are interpreted as
4 RS commands
D0 – D7 are interpreted as data

Write data (from controller to

0 LCD)
Control of 5 R/W
1 Read data (from LCD to

0 Access to LCD disabled

1 Normal operating
6 E
From 1 to Data/commands are transferred
0 to LCD

7 D0 0/1 Bit 0 LSB

Data /
8 D1 0/1 Bit 1

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9 D2 0/1 Bit 2

10 D3 0/1 Bit 3

11 D4 0/1 Bit 4

12 D5 0/1 Bit 5

13 D6 0/1 Bit 6

14 D7 0/1 Bit 7 MSB

LCD screen:

LCD screen consists of two lines with 16 characters each. Each character consists of 5x7 dot
matrix. Contrast on display depends on the power supply voltage and whether messages are
displayed in one or two lines. For that reason, variable voltage 0-Vdd is applied on pin
marked as Vee. Trimmer potentiometer is usually used for that purpose. Some versions of
displays have built in backlight (blue or green diodes). When used during operating, a resistor
for current limitation should be used (like with any LE diode).

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LCD Basic Commands

All data transferred to LCD through outputs D0-D7 will be interpreted as commands or as
data, which depends on logic state on pin RS:

RS = 1 - Bits D0 - D7 are addresses of characters that should be displayed. Built in processor

addresses built in “map of characters” and displays corresponding symbols. Displaying
position is determined by DDRAM address. This address is either previously defined or the
address of previously transferred character is automatically incremented.

RS = 0 - Bits D0 - D7 are commands which determine display mode. List of commands

which LCD recognizes are given in the table below:

Command RS RW D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Clear display 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.64mS

Cursor home 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 1.64mS

Entry mode set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I/D S 40uS

Display on/off control 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D U B 40uS

Cursor/Display Shift 0 0 0 0 0 1 D/C R/L x x 40uS

Function set 0 0 0 0 1 DL N F x x 40uS

Set CGRAM address 0 0 0 1 CGRAM address 40uS

Set DDRAM address 0 0 1 DDRAM address 40uS

Read “BUSY” flag (BF) 0 1 BF DDRAM address -

Write to CGRAM or
1 0 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 40uS

Read from CGRAM or 1 1 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 40uS

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I/D 1 = Increment (by 1) R/L 1 = Shift right

0 = Decrement (by 1) 0 = Shift left

S 1 = Display shift on DL 1 = 8-bit interface

0 = Display shift off 0 = 4-bit interface

D 1 = Display on N 1 = Display in two lines

0 = Display off 0 = Display in one line

U 1 = Cursor on F 1 = Character format 5x10 dots

0 = Cursor off 0 = Character format 5x7 dots

B 1 = Cursor blink on D/C 1 = Display shift

0 = Cursor blink off 0 = Cursor shift

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LCD Initialization:

Once the power supply is turned on, LCD is automatically cleared. This process lasts for
approximately 15mS. After that, display is ready to operate. The mode of operating is set by
default. This means that:

1. Display is cleared

2. Mode

DL = 1 Communication through 8-bit interface

N = 0 Messages are displayed in one line

F = 0 Character font 5 x 8 dots

3. Display/Cursor on/off

D = 0 Display off

U = 0 Cursor off

B = 0 Cursor blink off

4. Character entry

ID = 1 Addresses on display are automatically incremented by 1

S = 0 Display shift off

Automatic reset is mainly performed without any problems. Mainly but not always! If for any
reason power supply voltage does not reach full value in thecourse of 10mS, display will start
perform completely unpredictably. If voltage supply unit cannot meet this condition or if it is
needed to provide completely safe operating, the process of initialization by which a new
reset enabling display to operate normally must be applied. Algorithm according to the
initialization is being performed depends on whether connection to the microcontroller is
through 4- or 8-bit interface. All left over to be done after that is to give basic commands and
of course- to display messages.

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Fig: Procedure on 8-bit initialization.

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Image Sensor High Quality CMOS Sensor

Image Control Color Saturation, Brightness, Sharpness and Brightness is adjustable
Image Resolution 3280 x 2460 (maximum)
Exposure Auto or Manaul
Angle of View 58 degree
Image Format RGB 24
Interface USB 2.0
Anti-Flicker 50Hz, 60Hz or outdoor
Frame Rate 30 fps
Maximum Power 1 W
Focus Range 4cm to infinity
Lens Professional camera less with 8.0 megapixel, F=2.0
A simple Webcam setup consists of a digital camera attached to yourcomputer,
typically through the USB port. The camera part of the Webcam setup is just a digital camera
-- there's really nothing special going on there. The "Webcam" nature of the camera comes
with the software. Webcam software "grabs a frame" from the digital camera at a preset
interval (for example, the software might grab a still image from the camera once every 30
seconds) and transfers it to another location for viewing. If you're interested in using your
Webcam for streaming video, you'll want a Webcam system with a high frame rate.

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When you take a digital photo or stare into your webcam, light zooms into the lens. This
incoming "picture" hits the image sensor, which breaks it up into individual pixels that are
converted into numeric form. CCDs and CMOS chips, the two kinds of image sensor, do this
job in slightly different ways. Both initially convert incoming light rays into electricity, much
like photoelectric cells (used in things like "magic eye" intruder alarms or restroom
washbasins that switch on automatically when you put your hands under the faucet). But a
CCD is essentially an analog optical chip that converts light into varying electrical signals,
which are then passed on to one or more other chips where they're digitized (turned into
numbers). By contrast, a CMOS chip does everything in one place: it captures light rays and
turns them into digital signals all on the one chip. So it's essentially a digital device where a
CCD is an analog one. CMOS chips work faster and are cheaper to make in high volume than
CCDs, so they're now used in most low-cost cellphone cameras and webcams. But CCDs are
still widely used in some applications, such as low-light astronomy.

Whether images are being generated by a CMOS sensor or a CCD and other circuitry, the
basic process is the same: an incoming image is converted into an outgoing pattern of digital
pixels. Let's just refer to "the image sensor" from now on (and forget about whether it's a
CCD and other chips or a CMOS sensor). First, the image sensor measures how much light is
arriving at each pixel. This information is turned into a number that can be stored on a
memory chip inside the camera. Thus, taking a digital photograph converts the picture you
see into a very long string of numbers. Each number describes one pixel in the image—how
bright or dark and what color it is.

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Infrared technology addresses a wide variety of wireless applications. The main areas are
sensing and remote controls. In the electromagnetic spectrum, the infrared portion is divided
into three regions: near infrared region, mid infrared region and far infrared region.

The wavelengths of these regions and their applications are shown below.

 Near infrared region — 700 nm to 1400 nm — IR sensors, fiber optic

 Mid infrared region — 1400 nm to 3000 nm — Heat sensing
 Far infrared region — 3000 nm to 1 mm — Thermal imaging

The frequency range of infrared is higher than microwave and lesser than visible light.

For optical sensing and optical communication, photo optics technologies are used in the near
infrared region as the light is less complex than RF when implemented as a source of signal.
Optical wireless communication is done with IR data transmission for short range

An infrared sensor emits and/or detects infrared radiation to sense its surroundings.

The working of any Infrared sensor is governed by three laws: Planck’s Radiation law,
Stephen – Boltzmann law and Wien’s Displacement law.

Planck’s law states that “every object emits radiation at a temperature not equal to 00K”.
Stephen – Boltzmann law states that “at all wavelengths, the total energy emitted by a black
body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature”. According to Wien’s
Displacement law, “the radiation curve of a black body for different temperatures will reach
its peak at a wavelength inversely proportional to the temperature”.

The basic concept of an Infrared Sensor which is used as Obstacle detector is to transmit an
infrared signal, this infrared signal bounces from the surface of an object and the signal is
received at the infrared receiver.

There are five basic elements used in a typical infrared detection system: an infrared source, a
transmission medium, optical component, infrared detectors or receivers and signal
processing. Infrared lasers and Infrared LED’s of specific wavelength can be used as infrared
sources. The three main types of media used for infrared transmission are vacuum,
atmosphere and optical fibers. Optical components are used to focus the infrared radiation or
to limit the spectral response. Optical lenses made of Quartz, Germanium and Silicon are
used to focus the infrared radiation. Infrared receivers can be photodiodes, phototransistors
etc. some important specifications of infrared receivers are photosensitivity, detectivity and
noise equivalent power. Signal processing is done by amplifiers as the output of infrared
detector is very small.

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Types of IR Sensors
Infrared sensors can be passive or active. Passive infrared sensors are basically Infrared
detectors. Passive infrared sensors do not use any infrared source and detects energy emitted
by obstacles in the field of view. They are of two types: quantum and thermal. Thermal
infrared sensors use infrared energy as the source of heat and are independent of wavelength.
Thermocouples, pyroelectric detectors and bolometers are the common types of thermal
infrared detectors.

Quantum type infrared detectors offer higher detection performance and are faster than
thermal type infrared detectors. The photosensitivity of quantum type detectors is wavelength
dependent. Quantum type detectors are further classified into two types: intrinsic and
extrinsic types. Intrinsic type quantum detectors are photoconductive cells and photovoltaic

Active infrared sensors consist of two elements: infrared source and infrared detector.
Infrared sources include an LED or infrared laser diode. Infrared detectors include
photodiodes or phototransistors. The energy emitted by the infrared source is reflected by an
object and falls on the infrared detector.

IR Transmitter
Infrared Transmitter is a light emitting diode (LED) which emits infrared radiations. Hence,
they are called IR LED’s. Even though an IR LED looks like a normal LED, the radiation
emitted by it is invisible to the human eye.

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The picture of a typical Infrared LED is shown below.

There are different types of infrared transmitters depending on their wavelengths, output
power and response time.

A simple infrared transmitter can be constructed using an infrared LED, a current limiting
resistor and a power supply. The schematic of a typical IR transmitter is shown below.

When operated at a supply of 5V, the IR transmitter consumes about 3 to 5 mA of current.

Infrared transmitters can be modulated to produce a particular frequency of infrared light.
The most commonly used modulation is OOK (ON – OFF – KEYING) modulation.

IR transmitters can be found in several applications. Some applications require infrared heat
and the best infrared source is infrared transmitter. When infrared emitters are used with
Quartz, solar cells can be made.

IR Receiver
Infrared receivers are also called as infrared sensors as they detect the radiation from an IR
transmitter. IR receivers come in the form of photodiodes and phototransistors. Infrared
Photodiodes are different from normal photo diodes as they detect only infrared radiation.
The picture of a typical IR receiver or a photodiode is shown below.

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Different types of IR receivers exist based on the wavelength, voltage, package, etc. When
used in an infrared transmitter – receiver combination, the wavelength of the receiver should
match with that of the transmitter.

A typical infrared receiver circuit using a phototransistor is shown below.

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It consists of an IR phototransistor, a diode, a MOSFET, a potentiometer and an LED. When
the phototransistor receives any infrared radiation, current flows through it and MOSFET
turns on. This in turn lights up the LED which acts as a load. The potentiometer is used to
control the sensitivity of the phototransistor.

Principle of Working
The principle of an IR sensor working as an Object Detection Sensor can be explained using
the following figure. An IR sensor consists of an IR LED and an IR Photodiode; together
they are called as Photo – Coupler or Opto – Coupler.

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When the IR transmitter emits radiation, it reaches the object and some of the radiation
reflects back to the IR receiver. Based on the intensity of the reception by the IR receiver, the
output of the sensor is defined.

Obstacle Sensing Circuit or IR Sensor Circuit

A typical IR sensing circuit is shown below.

It consists of an IR LED, a photodiode, a potentiometer, an IC Operational amplifier and an


IR LED emits infrared light. The Photodiode detects the infrared light. An IC Op – Amp is
used as a voltage comparator. The potentiometer is used to calibrate the output of the sensor
according to the requirement.

When the light emitted by the IR LED is incident on the photodiode after hitting an object,
the resistance of the photodiode falls down from a huge value. One of the input of the op –
amp is at threshold value set by the potentiometer. The other input to the op-amp is from the
photodiode’s series resistor. When the incident radiation is more on the photodiode, the
voltage drop across the series resistor will be high. In the IC, both the threshold voltage and

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the voltage across the series resistor are compared. If the voltage across the resistor series to
photodiode is greater than that of the threshold voltage, the output of the IC Op – Amp is
high. As the output of the IC is connected to an LED, it lightens up. The threshold voltage
can be adjusted by adjusting the potentiometer depending on the environmental conditions.

The positioning of the IR LED and the IR Receiver is an important factor. When the IR LED
is held directly in front of the IR receiver, this setup is called Direct Incidence. In this case,
almost the entire radiation from the IR LED will fall on the IR receiver. Hence there is a line
of sight communication between the infrared transmitter and the receiver. If an object falls in
this line, it obstructs the radiation from reaching the receiver either by reflecting the radiation
or absorbing the radiation.

Distinguishing Between Black and White Colors

It is universal that black color absorbs the entire radiation incident on it and white color
reflects the entire radiation incident on it. Based on this principle, the second positioning of
the sensor couple can be made. The IR LED and the photodiode are placed side by side.
When the IR transmitter emits infrared radiation, since there is no direct line of contact
between the transmitter and receiver, the emitted radiation must reflect back to the
photodiode after hitting any object. The surface of the object can be divided into two types:
reflective surface and non-reflective surface. If the surface of the object is reflective in nature
i.e. it is white or other light color, most of the radiation incident on it will get reflected back
and reaches the photodiode. Depending on the intensity of the radiation reflected back,
current flows in the photodiode.

If the surface of the object is non-reflective in nature i.e. it is black or other dark color, it
absorbs almost all the radiation incident on it. As there is no reflected radiation, there is no
radiation incident on the photodiode and the resistance of the photodiode remains higher
allowing no current to flow. This situation is similar to there being no object at all.

The pictorial representation of the above scenarios is shown below.

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The positioning and enclosing of the IR transmitter and Receiver is very important. Both the
transmitter and the receiver must be placed at a certain angle, so that the detection of an
object happens properly. This angle is the directivity of the sensor which is +/- 45 degrees.

The directivity is shown below.

In order to avoid reflections from surrounding objects other than the object, both the IR
transmitter and the IR receiver must be enclosed properly. Generally the enclosure is made of
plastic and is painted with black color.

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SIM900 GSM Module – This means the module supports communication in 900MHz band.
We are from India and most of the mobile network providers in this country operate in the
900Mhz band. If you are from another country, you have to check the mobile network band
in your area. A majority of United States mobile networks operate in 850Mhz band (the band
is either 850Mhz or 1900Mhz). Canada operates primarily on 1900 Mhz band.


Overview of AT Commands Description


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 RFID systems can be classified by the type of tag and reader. A Passive Reader
Active Tag (PRAT) system has a passive reader which only receives radio signals
from active tags (battery operated, transmit only). The reception range of a PRAT
system reader can be adjusted from 1–2,000 feet (0–600 m), allowing flexibility in
applications such as asset protection and supervision.

 An Active Reader Passive Tag (ARPT) system has an active reader, which transmits
interrogator signals and also receives authentication replies from passive tags.
An Active Reader Active Tag (ARAT) system uses active tags awoken with an
interrogator signal from the active reader. A variation of this system could also use a
Battery-Assisted Passive (BAP) tag which acts like a passive tag but has a small
battery to power the tag's return reporting signal. Fixed readers are set up to create a
specific interrogation zone which can be tightly controlled. This allows a highly
defined reading area for when tags go in and out of the interrogation zone. Mobile
readers may be hand-held or mounted on carts or vehicles.

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A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, which may

be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric. Typical uses of buzzers and beepers
include alarm devices, timers and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or
keystroke. The first electric buzzer was invented in 1831 by Joseph Henry. They were mainly
used in early doorbells until they were phased out in the early 1930s in favor of musical
chimes, which had a softer tone. Piezoelectric buzzers, or piezo buzzers, as they are
sometimes called, were invented by Japanese manufacturers and fitted into a wide array of
products during the 1970s to 1980s. This advancement mainly came about because of
cooperative efforts by Japanese manufacturing companies. In 1951, they established the
Barium Titanate Application Research Committee, which allowed the companies to be
"competitively cooperative" and bring about several piezoelectric innovations and inventions.

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 Win32 Disk imager
 OpenCV

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Python is a widely used high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic

programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability, and its syntax
allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than possible in languages
such as C++ or Java. The language provides constructs intended to enable writing clear
programs on both a small and large scale.

Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including object-oriented, imperative and

functional programming or procedural styles. It features a dynamic type system and
automatic memory management and has a large and comprehensive standard library.

What is a Python program?

The Python programming language actually started as a scripting language for Linux.
Python programs are similar to shell scripts in that the files contain a series of commands that
the computer executes from top to bottom. Python is a very useful and versatile high level
programming language, with easy to read syntax that allows programmers to use fewer lines
of code than would be possible in languages such as assembly, C, or Java.

Compare a “hello world” program written in C vs. the same program written in Python:

Fig : Basic comparison between C and Python

Python programs don’t need to be compiled before running them, as you do with C
programs. However, you will need to install the Python interpreter on your computer to run
them. The interpreter is the program that reads the Python file and executes the code. There
are programs like Py2exe or Pyinstaller that can package Python code into stand-alone

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executable programs so you can run Python programs on computers without the Python
interpreter installed.
What can a Python program do?
Like shell scripts, Python can automate tasks like batch renaming and moving large amounts
of files. Using IDLE, Python’s REPL (read, eval, print, loop) function can be used just like a
command line. However, there are more useful things you can create with Python.
Programmers use Python to create things like:
o Web applications
o Desktop applications and utilities
o Special GUIs
o Small databases
o 2D games
Python also has a large collection of libraries, which speeds up the development process.
There are libraries for everything you can think of – game programming, rendering graphics,
GUI interfaces, web frameworks, and scientific computing. Many (but not all) of the things
you can do in C can be done in Python. Computations are slower in Python than in C, but its
ease of use makes Python an ideal language for prototyping programs and applications that
aren’t computationally intensive.

How to create and run a program in Python

We will only cover the basics of writing and executing a Python program here, but for a great
tutorial covering everything a programmer needs to know about Python, you might want to
check out the book Learning Python 5th Ed. (O’Reilly) by Mark Lutz.
Python 2 and Python 3 come pre-installed on Raspbian, but to install it on another Linux OS
or to update it, simply run sudo apt-get install python3 or sudo apt-get install python. To
access Python from the command prompt, type “python” or “python3” depending on which
version you want to use. This opens up the Python REPL (read-eval-print-loop), from which
you can enter Python commands just like you use the command line.

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Fig : Python terminal window

Our first program in Python will be the standard “hello world” program. To begin,
enter sudo nano at the command prompt to open the nano text editor and
create a new file named
Enter this code into nano, then press Ctrl-X to exit and save the file:


print "Hello, World!";

All Python program files will need to be saved as “.py” file types. You can write the
program in a text editor such as notepad or notepad++ as long as you save the file with a
“.py” extension.
To run the program without making it executable, navigate to the location where you
saved your file, and type python
We can make the file executable by entering chmod +x hello- at the command prompt. Now, all we need to do to run the program is enter: ./hello-


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Raspbian is the recommended operating system for normal use on a Raspberry Pi.

Raspbian is a free operating system based on Debi an, optimized for the Raspberry Pi
hardware. Raspbian comes with over 35,000 packages: precompiled software bundled in a
nice format for easy installation on your Raspberry Pi.

Raspbian is a community project under active development, with an emphasis on improving

the stability and performance of as many Debian packages as possible.

SD Card

Recommend an 8GB class 4 SD card Display & connectivity cable Any HDMI/DVI monitor
and any TV should work as a display for the Pi. For best results, use one with HDMI input

Keyboard and mouse

Any standard USB keyboard and mouse will work with your Raspberry Pi. Wireless
keyboards and mice will work if already paired. For keyboard layout configuration options
see raspi-config.

Power supply

The Pi is powered by a USB Micro power supply (like most standard mobile phone chargers).

You'll need a good-quality power supply that can supply at least 2A at 5V for the Model 3B,
or 700mA at 5V for the earlier, lower powered models.

Low current (~700mA) power supplies will work for basic usage, but are likely to cause the
Pi to reboot if it draws too much power.


Ethernet (network) cable [Model B/B+ only]

An Ethernet cable is used to connect your Pi to a local network and the internet.

1 Downloading Raspbian and Image writer

Need an image writer to write the downloaded OS into the SD card (micro SD card in case of
Raspberry Pi B+ model).

2 Writing the image

Insert the SD card into the laptop/pc and run the image writer. Once open, browse and select
the downloaded Raspbian image file. Select the correct device that is the drive representing

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the SD card. If the drive (or device) selected is different from the SD card then the other
selected drive will become corrupted. SO be careful.

After that, click on the "Write" button in the bottom. As an example, see the image below,
where the SD card (or micro SD) drives is represented by the letter "G:\"

Fig. Win32 Disk Imager window

Once the write is complete, eject the SD card and insert it into the Raspberry Pi and turn it
on. It should start booting up.
3 Setting up the Pi

There might be situations when the user credentials like the "username" and password will be
asked. Raspberry Pi comes with a default user name and password and so always use it
whenever it is being asked. The credentials are:

Login: pi
Password: raspberry
When the Pi has been booted for the first time, a configuration screen called the "Setup
Options" should appear and it will look like the image.

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If you have missed the "Setup Options" screen, it’s not a problem, you can always get it by
typing the following command in the terminal.

The raspi-config tool helps you to configure your Raspberry Pi; several settings can be
changed with this tool without having to know the correct commands to use. It is written as a
bash script, run in a terminal window, and uses whiptail (whiptail is a "dialog" replacement
using newt instead of ncurses, see "man whiptail") to create the windows, menus and
messages. Some changes require "administrator" permissions, so the tool must be run in a
terminal with:

sudo raspi-config

This can be run from the command line or from a terminal window if using the GUI. Older
versions of Raspbian would boot to the command line and the raspi-config tool would run on
first boot after installation. NeIr versions boot to the GUI and do not run raspi-config. There
is a similar GUI configuration tool that can be run from the menus.

Although it is already installed on Raspbian, and there is an update option within the menus,
it is installed or updated from package raspi-config.

sudo raspi-config

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Once you execute this command the "Setup Options" screen will come up as shown in the
image above.
Now that the Setup Options window is up, we will have to set a few things. After completing
each of the steps below, if it asks to reboot the Pi, please do so. After the reboot, if you don't
get the "Setup Options" screen, then follow the command given above to get the

Select the first option in the list of the setup options window, that is select the "Expand File
system" option and hit the enter key. We do this to make use of all the space present on the
SD card as a full partition. All this does is, expand the OS to fit the whole space on the SD
card which can then be used as the storage memory for the Pi.
Menu Options

Here is a description of each menu entry.

info - Information About This Tool

It helpfully advises that it is for initial configuration, and can be run at any time. You may
have difficulties if you have heavily customized your installation as the changes it makes
might not be correct if what it attempts to change is not what it expects.

expand_rootfs - Expand root partition to fill SD card

The usual distribution images are 2 GB. When you copy the image to a larger SD card you
have a portion of that card unused. This option expands the initial image to expand to fill the
rest of the SD card, giving you more space. You need to reboot the Raspberry Pi to make this

configure-keyboard - Set keyboard layout

This option selects the keyboard being used, so that the characters produced are the same as
those typed (important examples are # and /). It is slow to display, while it reads all the
keyboard types. Changes usually take effect immediately, but may require a reboot.

Brands of keyboards are chosen first folloId by other choices to set up the nationality of the
keyboard. The default is a Generic 105-key (Intl) PC. If you cannot find your keyboard on the
list then use one of the generic keyboards.

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change_pass - Change password for ‘pi’ user

The default user for the Raspian install is "pi" and its password is "raspberry". If you change
the password, other people will need to know the new password, including you, to logon to
the Raspberry Pi. Each user/password combination can be different on each SD card.

change_locale - Set locale

This option selects the characters and other symbols being displayed on the screen, and is
important if you want to use the non-english ones. It is slow to display, while it reads all the
locale information. Changes usually take effect immediately, but may require a reboot.

You usually select only the one(s) you want (press space); this will generate the configuration
data for all those you select. The default setting is en_GB UTF-8 UTF-8

change_timezone - Set timezone

This is where you setup your system clock; if it’s wrong it just means the date and time
assigned to files you create (automatically when you make them) will be wrong. It is slow to
display as there are lots of selections. First you select the continent, then select a City from
that continent. You may have to select the one nearest to you.

The Raspberry Pi does not have an onboard clock (you can add one), so the "clock" stops
when you poIr it off. If you are connected to the internet the Raspberry Pi can be set up to get
the time from an online time signal.

boot_behaviour - Start desktop on boot?

The official images are supplied with the Raspberry Pi booting into a command line,
presumably because problems with connecting the display are feIr and simpler. If you think
you are ok with the GUI interface you can boot to this. You can change this at any time.

Desktop (GUI interface) - gives a picture based screen, similar to a Windows, Mac or
smartphone, that requires a mouse to select actions (usually). This option also skips the login
by using the pi user. Pressing the red Exit button on the right hand side of the screen will give
the options to logout, shutdown or reboot. Using logout will give a GUI login screen. Using
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace also gives a GUI login screen. To use a command line open the Terminal
window. To get back to the command line, logout and press Ctrl-Alt-F1. To permanently get
back the command line, run raspi-config and reset the boot behaviour and restart.

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Command line - gives a text based screen that requires the user to type commands on the
keyboard only. Usually the mouse is not required, but some command line programs can use
mouse control. You can switch to the GUI screen by typing "startx" and pressing 'Enter'. This
time the red Exit button on the right hand side of the screen will only give the option to
logout. This returns you to the command line. To stop or reboot the Raspberry Pi type "sudo
halt" or "sudo reboot" and press 'Enter'.

update - Try to upgrade raspi-config

The raspi-config utility has changed quite a bit since it started, and is likely to continue to
change. Use this option to check if your version of raspi-config is the latest, and if not
download the latest version; you will need to be connected to the internet to update it. Once
updating is complete, raspi-config will close. You should restart raspi-config with "sudo
raspi-config" to make sure that you have completed all the options.


Use this 'button' when you have completed your changes. You will be asked whether you
want to reboot or not. When used for the first time its best to reboot. This should restart your
Pi. There will be a delay if you have chosen to resize your SD card.

 The second thing to do:

Select the third option in the list of the setup options window, that is select the "Enable Boot
To Desktop/Scratch" option and hit the enter key. It will take you to another window called
the "choose boot option" window that looks like the image below.

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In the "choose boot option window" , select the second option, that is, "Desktop Log in as
user 'pi' at the graphical desktop" and hit the enter button. Once done you will be taken back
to the "Setup Options" page, if not select the "OK" button at the bottom of this window and
you will be taken back to the previous window. We do this because we wan to boot into the
desktop environment which we are familiar with. If we don't do this step then the Raspberry
Pi boots into a terminal each time with no GUI options.
Once, both the steps are done, select the "finish" button at the bottom of the page and it
should reboot automatically. If it doesn't, then use the following command in the terminal to

sudo reboot

4 Updating the firmware

After the reboot from the previous step, if everything went right, then you will end up on the
desktop which looks like the image below.

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Once you are on the desktop, open a terminal and enter the following command to update the
firmware of the Pi.

sudo rpi-update

Updating the firmware is necessary because certain models of the Pi might not have all the
required dependencies to run smoothly or it may have some bug. The latest firmware might
have the fix to those bugs, thus its very important to update it in the beginning itself.


import numpy as np

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

Numpy is the core library for scientific computing in Python. It provides a high-performance
multidimensional array object, and tools for working with these arrays. If you are already
familiar with MATLAB.

A numpy array is a grid of values, all of the same type, and is indexed by a tuple of
nonnegative integers. The number of dimensions is the rank of the array; the shape of an
array is a tuple of integers giving the size of the array along each dimension.

We can initialize numpy arrays from nested Python lists, and access elements using square

To import the RPi.GPIO module

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

By doing it this way, you can refer to it as just GPIO.

Pin numbering

There are two ways of numbering the IO pins on a Raspberry Pi within RPi.GPIO. The first is
using the BOARD numbering system. This refers to the pin numbers on the P1 header of the
Raspberry Pi board. The advantage of using this numbering system is that your hardware will
always work, regardless of the board revision of the RPi. You will not need to rewire your
connector or change your code.

The second numbering system is the BCM numbers. This is a lower level way of working - it
refers to the channel numbers on the Broadcom SOC. You have to always work with a
diagram of which channel number goes to which pin on the RPi board. Your script could
break between revisions of Raspberry Pi boards.

To specify which you are using (mandatory):


# or


To detect which pin numbering system has been set (for example, by another Python

mode = GPIO.getmode()

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The mode will be GPIO.BOARD, GPIO.BCM or None


It is possible that you have more than one script/circuit on the GPIO of your Raspberry Pi. As
a result of this, if RPi.GPIO detects that a pin has been configured to something other than
the default (input), you get a warning when you try to configure a script. To disable these


Setup up a channel

You need to set up every channel you are using as an input or an output. To configure a
channel as an input:

GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.IN)

(where channel is the channel number based on the numbering system you have specified
(BOARD or BCM)).

More advanced information about setting up input channels can be found here.

To set up a channel as an output:

GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.OUT)

(where channel is the channel number based on the numbering system you have specified
(BOARD or BCM)).



First, install the fswebcam package:

sudo apt-get install fswebcam


Enter the command fswebcam followed by a filename and a picture will be taken using the
webcam, and saved to the filename specified:

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

fswebcam image.jpg

This command will show the following information:

--- Opening /dev/video0...

Trying source module v4l2...
/dev/video0 opened.
No input was specified, using the first.
Adjusting resolution from 384x288 to 352x288.
--- Capturing frame...
Corrupt JPEG data: 2 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd4
Captured frame in 0.00 seconds.
--- Processing captured image...
Writing JPEG image to 'image.jpg'.


The webcam used in this example has a resolution of 1280 x 720 so to specify the resolution
want the image to be taken at, use the -r flag:

fswebcam -r 1280x720 image2.jpg

This command will show the following information:

--- Opening /dev/video0...

Trying source module v4l2...
/dev/video0 opened.
No input was specified, using the first.
--- Capturing frame...
Corrupt JPEG data: 1 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd5
Captured frame in 0.00 seconds.
--- Processing captured image...
Writing JPEG image to 'image2.jpg'.


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Now add the --no-banner flag:

fswebcam -r 1280x720 --no-banner image3.jpg

which shows the following information:

--- Opening /dev/video0...

Trying source module v4l2...
/dev/video0 opened.
No input was specified, using the first.
--- Capturing frame...
Corrupt JPEG data: 2 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd6
Captured frame in 0.00 seconds.
--- Processing captured image...
Disabling banner.
Writing JPEG image to 'image3.jpg'.


OpenCV was started at Intel in 1999 by Gary Bradsky and the first release came out
in 2000. Vadim Pisarevsky joined Gary Bradsky to manage Intel’s Russian software OpenCV
team. In 2005, OpenCV was used on Stanley, the vehicle who won 2005 DARPA Grand
Challenge. Later its active development continued under the support of Willow Garage, with
Gary Bradsky and Vadim Pisarevsky leading the project. Right now, OpenCV supports a lot
of algorithms related to Computer Vision and Machine Learning and it is expanding day-by-
day. Currently OpenCV supports a wide variety of programming languages like C++, Python,
Java etc and is available on different platforms including Windows, Linux, OS X, Android,
iOS etc. Also, interfaces based on CUDA and OpenCL are also under active development for
high-speed GPU operations. OpenCV-Python is the Python API of OpenCV. It combines the
best qualities of OpenCV C++ API and Python language.

Python is a general purpose programming language started by Guido van Rossum,
which became very popular in short time mainly because of its simplicity and code

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readability. It enables the programmer to express his ideas in fewer lines of code without
reducing any readability. Compared to other languages like C/C++, Python is slower. But
another important feature of Python is that it can be easily extended with C/C++. This feature
helps us to write computationally intensive codes in C/C++ and create a Python wrapper for it
so that we can use these wrappers as Python modules. This gives us two advantages: first, our
code is as fast as original C/C++ code (since it is the actual C++ code working in
background) and second, it is very easy to code in Python. This is how OpenCV-Python
works, it is a Python wrapper around original C++ implementation. And the support of
Numpy makes the task more easier. Numpy is a highly optimized library for numerical
operations. It gives a MATLAB-style syntax. All the OpenCV array structures are converted
to-and-from Numpy arrays. So whatever operations you can do in Numpy, you can combine
it with OpenCV, which increases number of weapons in your arsenal. Besides that, several
other libraries like SciPy, Matplotlib which supports Numpy can be used with this. So
OpenCV-Python is an appropriate tool for fast prototyping of computer vision problems.


Install OpenCV 2 with Python 2.7 bindings on Raspbian.

Step 0:

Install OpenCV and Python your Raspberry Pi 2

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo rpi-update
Step 1:

Install the required developer tools and packages:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake pkg-config
Both build-essential and pkg-config are likely already installed, but just in case they are not,
be sure to include them in your apt-get command.

Step 2:

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Install the necessary image I/O packages. These packages allow you to load various image
file formats such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc.

$ sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev libtiff4-dev libjasper-dev libpng12-dev

Step 3:

Install the GTK development library. This library is used to build Graphical User Interfaces
(GUIs) and is required for the high gui library of OpenCV which allows you to view images
on your screen:
$ sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev

Step 4:

$ sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev

Step 5:

Install libraries that are used to optimize various operations within OpenCV:
$ sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran

Step 6:

Install pip :
$ wget
$ sudo python

Step 7:

Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper :

sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
sudo rm -rf ~/.cache/pip
Then, update your ~/.profile file to include the following lines:
# virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper

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export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/
Reload your .profile file:
$ source ~/.profile
Create your computer vision virtual environment:

$ mkvirtualenv cv

Step 8:

$ sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev

We also need to install NumPy since the OpenCV Python bindings represent images as multi-
dimensional NumPy arrays

$ pip install numpy

Step 9:

Download OpenCV and unpack it:

$ wget -O

$ unzip
$ cd opencv-2.4.10
Setup the build:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
Compile OpenCV:

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$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig

Step 10:

If you’ve gotten this far in the guide, OpenCV should now be installed
in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
But in order to utilize OpenCV within our cv virtual environment, we first need to sym-link
OpenCV into our site-packages directory:
$ cd ~/.virtualenvs/cv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
Step 11:

1 $ workon cv
2 $ python
3 >>> import cv2
4 >>> cv2.__version__

This is finally OpenCV and Python is now successfully installed on your Raspberry Pi.

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 Increases user convenience from payment without stops.

 Less Traffic Congestion.
 Less operating cost.
 Better audit control.
 GOVERNMENT/SOCIETY Transparency of Toll Transactions.
 Reduces Revenue Leakages.
 RFID tags are inexpensive technology, and can minimize cost to customer.

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19


 This project can be used in Toll collection plaza on Highway.

 Used in VNR system.
 In characters of extracted plate are separated segmentation. Finally characters
& number using template matching.


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AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

By doing automation of toll plaza we can have the best solution over money loss at toll plaza
by reducing the man power required for collection of money and also can reduce the traffic
indirectly resulting in reduction of time at toll plaza. In our project, we have introduced the
techniques such as Radio Frequency Identification. This technique will include the RFID tag
& reader which in coordination with each other can be used to detect the vehicle identity.

By effectively utilizing this technique at different stages of our project we are able to
represent the automation in toll plaza which will reduce the complete processing time by few
seconds which is very important as well as helps to reduce money leakage in a very cost
effective manner.


AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

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[2] Han-Yen Yu, Jiann-Jone Chen, Tien-Ruey Hsiang ”Design and Implementation of a Real-
Time Object Location
System based on Passive RFID Tags”: IEEE Journals & Magazines Volume 25 Issue 9
[3] A. Selamat, “Location-Based System for Mobile Devices Using RFID”: In Modeling &
Simulation Second Asia
International Conference on AICMS 08, (2008).
[4] Ramchandran, A., “Plant Scanner: A Handheld PDA Using RFID Tags for child Visitors
to The Michigan 4- H children’s Garden”: Masters of Arts thesis, Michigan State University,
MI, 2004
[5] Arun N. Nambiar, “RFID Technology: A Review of its Applications” : Proceedings of the
World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2009 Vol II WCECS 2009, October
20-22, 2009, San Francisco, USA
[6] Raed Abdulla. “A Conceptual Study of Long Range Active RFID System for Reliable
Data Communication” Frontiers of Communications, Networks and Applications (ICFCNA
2014 - Malaysia)
[7] Lei Yang, Jiannong Cao, Weiping Zhu, Shaojie Tang “Accurate and Efficient Object
Tracking Based on Passive
RFID”: IEEE Transaction on mobile computing, (FEB 2014)
[8] Kashif Ali; Hossam Hassanein “Passive RFID for Intelligent Transportation Systems”:
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[9] Ling Zhang Jian ping Yin Yu bin Zhan “An Anonymous Digital Cash and Fair Payment
Protocol Utilizing Smart Card in Mobile Environments”: 2006 Fifth International

AISSM’S IOIT/E & TC/2018-19

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