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TIME: - 150 MIN _________________________

∎ Read the question paper carefully.
∎ Write neatly and legibly.
∎ Pay special attention to spellings.
∎ Read the answers before submitting the answer paper.

1. Choose the correct answer: 1*8=8 Marks

i. Which of the following charts plot the data series as rings?

a. Bar chart b. Line chart

c. Pie chart d. Doughnut chart

ii. Which type of software converts and executes the source code of a high-level language program line
by line?

a. Compiler b. Interpreter

c. Assembler d. Operating System

iii. Which among the following is the largest unit of measurement of memory?

a. Petabyte b. Gigabyte

c. Yottabyte d. Terabyte

iv. Which of the following is not a function?

a. Average b. Count Numbers

c. Max d. AutoSum

v. Which of the following feature in Excel lets you format the cells when the cell contents satisfy a
particular condition ?

a. Sorting b. Custom Filtering

c. Conditional Formating d. Cell Formatting

vi. A type of software that allows the source code to be accessible to the users and organizations are

a. Pro software b. Open-Source software

b. Desktop publishing software d. Language Processor

vii. Which of the following is the correct way of specifying arguments to a function?

a. =SUM[A1:A5] b. =SUM{A1:A5}

c. =SUM(A1:A5) d. =SUM(A1-A5)

viii. Identify the chart that uses connecting dots to depict the trends over a period of time.

a. Line hart b. Pie chart

c. Bar chart d. Doughnut chart

2. Fill in the blanks: 1*6=6 Marks

i. The _______________ feature of Excel lets you apply formatting to a cell only when the value in the
cell satisfies a given condition.

ii. The _____________ is an interface between the user and the hardware.

ii. The option to apply conditional formatting is available on the ________________ tab.

iii. Ubuntu, an operating system, is an example of _______________ software.

iv. The ____________ software performs maintenance work on a computer system to help in its
smooth functioning.

v. There are three types of referencing techniques in excel- relative reference, _____________ and
mixed reference.

vi. The option to add charts in the worksheet is present under the _______________ tab.

3. State whether the following statement are True or False: 1*6=6 Marks

i. We can give the title to the x-axis and y-axis.

ii. A computer can work without an operating system.

iii. High level language programs have to be converted to machine language

using an interpreter or compiler.

iv. An antivirus program is an example of a utility software.

v. Doughnut chart can plot only one data series.

vi. We can change the location of the placement of the chart.

4. Short Answer Type Questions: 3*5=15 Marks

i. Define formulas. List the elements of a formula.

ii. What is a chart? What are the advantages of charts?

ii. What is Operating system? Name any two functions performed by the operating system.

iv. Define Functions. Discuss its structure.

v. What is custom filtering?

5. Long Answer Type Questions: 5*3 = 15 Marks

i. What is the use of the sorting feature in Excel? How is it different from Filtering feature?

ii. What are operators? List the use of some operators used for calculations in excel.

iii. Differentiate between the following:

a. High level language and Machine level language.

b. System software and Application software.

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