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Factors Affecting Growth and Development

Normally growth and development between one child and another in the end is not always the
same, because it is influenced by the interaction of many factors . Factors that influence child
growth can be grouped into two, namely internal (internal) and external / environmental factors
(pre-natal and post-natal).
A. Internal factors, including:
a. Genetics
Genetic factors are basic capital in achieving the final results of the child's growth process.
Through the instruction of g enetic contained in a fertilized egg, the quality and quantity of
growth can be determined. Marked by the intensity and speed of cleavage , the degree of tissue
sensitivity to stimulation, age of puberty and cessation of bone growth. Including genetic factors,
among others, are various normal and pathological innate factors , gender, ethnicity or nation.

B. External (external) factors include:

a. Environment
Environment is a very decisive factor whether or not the innate potential is achieved . The
environment that is quite good will enable the achievement of innate potential, while the
environment that is not good will inhibit it. This environmental factor is as an outline divided
into an environment that affects the child while still in the womb
(prenatal factors) and the environment affecting the growth and development of children after
birth (postnatal factors).
a. Pranatal Environmental Factors
(a.) Maternal nutrition during pregnancy
Poor maternal nutrition before pregnancy or during pregnancy, more often produces LBW /
stillbirth babies, causing congenital defects,barriers to brain growth, anemia in newborns,
newborns easily affected by infection, abortion and so on .
(b.) Mechanical
Poor trauma and amniotic fluid, the position of the fetus in the uterus can cause congenital
abnormalities, talipes , pelvic dislocation, congenital torticollis , the facial pal , or cranio tabes.
(c.) Toxins / chemicals
Chemicals that can cause congenital abnormalities in infants include anti-cancer drugs,
cigarettes, alcoholic substances and other heavy metals.
(d.) Endocrine
Hormones that may play a role in fetal growth are somatotropin, thyroid, insulin, placental
hormones, other peptides with insulin-like activity. If one of these hormones has a deficiency it
can cause disruption in the growth of the central nervous system resulting in mental retardation,
default and others.
(e.) Radiation
Radiation to the fetus before an 18-week survival can cause fetal death, brain damage, aliens , or
other congenital defects, while the effects of radiation on men can cause congenital defects in
their children .
(f.) Infection
Every hyperpirexia in pregnant women can cause a fetus. Intrauterine infections that often cause
congenital defects are TORCH, while other infections that can also cause accidents in the fetus
are varicella, malaria, polio, influenza and others.
(g.) Stress
Stress experienced by mothers during pregnancy can affect fetal growth , including congenital
defects, psychiatric disorders and others.
(h.) Immunity
Rhesus or ABO instability often causes abortion, hydrops fetalis, kernus, or stillbirth.
(i.) Embryonic anoxia
Decreased oxygenisation of the fetus through g on the placenta or umbilical cord causes LBW.

b.) Postnatal Environmental Factors

Postnatal environment that affects child development in general can be classified as:
1. Biological environment, what is meant is:
1) race / ethnicity
Europeans have somatic growth higher than Asians
2) gender
L Men are sick more often than women but the reason is unknown.
3) Age
The most prone to myrrh is toddlers when children are easily sick and have malnutrition. Besides
that toddlerhood is the basis of the formation of a child's personality so special attention is
4) Nutrition
Food plays an important role in the growth of children, where the needs of children are different
from adults, because food for children is also needed for growth, which is influenced by the
resilience of food ( food security ) families. One important aspect that needs to be added is the
safety of food (food safety) which includes the release of food from various "poisons" physics,
chemistry, biology which increasingly threatens human health.
5) Health care
regular health care is not only when the child is sick, but a health check and weighing a child
regularly will support the child's growth and development.
6) Metabolic functions
Especially for children, because there is a fundamental difference in metabolic processes at
various ages, the need for various nutrients must be based on accurate calculations or at least
7) Birth distance is less than 2 years
If the distance of birth with the previous child is less than 2 years, the mother's womb has not
recovered properly. Pregnancy in this situation needs to be watched out because there is a
possibility that fetal growth is not good, experience prolonged labor / bleeding.
8) History of Toddlers Low Birth Weight (LBW)
Mothers with upper arm circumference less than 23.5 cm need to be aware of because it means
that you may suffer from chronic energy deficiency (KEK) or lack of gzi. When a pregnant
mother would give birth to babies r lahi low weight (LBW) and inhibited the growth of the fetus
development. Children born to mothers whose nutrition is poor and live in poor neighborhoods
will experience malnutrition and are susceptible to infectious diseases and subsequently produce
adult women whose weight and height are less .
9) Maternal birth history
If Hanil has had a pregnancy and childbirth that has had a problem before, she needs to pay
attention to the verses of bleeding, convulsions, high fever, long labor (> 12 hours), caesarean
delivery, stillbirth will affect fetal growth.

2. Physical factors, including:

1) Sanitation
Environmental sanitation has a dominant role in the provision of an environment that supports
children's health and growth. Cleanliness, both the cleanliness of individuals and the
environment plays an important role in the emergence of disease. Due to cleanliness
the less, the child will often get sick, such as diarrhea, coughing , and so on. Likewise with air
polls both from factories, vehicle fumes, or smoke, can affect the high incidence of ARI. If a kid
is often ill then tu mbuh blossoms will be disrupted.
2) Weather
The long dry season or other natural disasters can have an impact on the growth of other children
as a result of crop failures so that many children are lacking in nutrition . Likewise endemic
goiter is found in many mountainous areas , where the groundwater contains less iodine.

3. Psychosocial factors, including:

1) Stimulation
Stimulation is an important thing in developing children. Children who get directed and regular
stimulation will develop faster than children who lack stimulation
2) Quality of child-parent interaction
Mutual interaction between parents and parents will lead to intimacy in the family. Interaction is
not determined by how long we are with the child, but is more determined by the quality of the
interaction , namely understanding of each other's needs and efforts
optimal to meet these needs based on mutual love.

4. Family factors and customs, including:

1) Work / family income (parents)
Affordable family income will support children's growth , because parents can provide all the
needs of children both primary and secondary.
2) Father / Mother Education
Parental education is one of the important factors in children's growth and development, because
with good education, parents can receive all information especially about how to care for a good
child, how to care for their children, or their education.
3) Mother's knowledge
The choice of food and dietary habits is influenced by knowledge, attitudes toward food, and
practices . Knowledge about nutrition underlies food selection and has a positive association with
the development of food consumption patterns in the family. Some
Studies show that if mother's knowledge of nut content and practices is good, then try to choose
foods that are of value nutrition is increasing. Women who don't have knowledge of nutrition
will choose foods that are more nutritious than those that are less nutritious.

Soetjiningsih. 2016. Grow Child Development . Jakarta : EGC.

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