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Fasilitator : Ns. Nana Rochana, S.Kep.MN

Created By

Nama : Novantika Sari

NIM : 22020118120014

Class : A18.2




Student Name : Noviantika Sari

NIM : 22020118120014

Class : A18.2

Learning Subject (s) : English For Nursing 1 (Written Practice)

Citation Information

Author : Maharaj S, Lees Ty, Lal S.

Year : 2018

Article Title : Prevalence and Risk Factors of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in the

Australian Nurse Group

Publishers : International Journal, Environmental Research and Public Health

Volume : 16

Issue/ No :1

Pages : 1-7


A nurse figure which is urgently needed in the field of health. Nurses urgently needed in the
health sector because they not only provide nursing care, but they also provide support to
patients and families and provide education on health. Behind it is a nurse has the workload
demanded them, make them work too much and cause increasing levels of depression,
anxiety and stress. The nurse's job is indeed full of pressures and demands. The pressures and
demands of nurses perceived negatively affect mental health (sleep disorders, workload, job
satisfaction and shiftwork) and quality of life as well as their psychological well-being. The
level of stress can exacerbate the negative behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol,
excess eating and drug use. Depression and anxiety disorder that is often experienced by a
score of 12-month prevalence of 4% and 14%. Disruption of the health nurses also impacted
badly on health and patient service. Therefore, the objective of this research is to know the
value of the prevalence of anxiety, deprsi and stress on nurses.

Based on research that uses its own questionnaires, the questionnaire was given to 102 nurses
clinically active. Participants who follow the research must be screened in advance to know
the illness or bad habits like smoking nurse more than 10 rods, alcoholic drink more than 16
hiccups, depression, kecemasaan and others). The beginning and end of the study will be
conducted to check the BP as much as 3 times and then dirata-rata (requires BP < 160/100
mmHg). Using the scale of the DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) applied to find out
the value of the severity of mental condition and psychological disturbance experienced by
nurses such as situational anxiety, anhedonia, and also the stimulation level disforia chronic
no specific i.e. irritable and difficult to relax. Pearson correlation analysis to assess BP and
depression, anxiety and stress. The variables are then didikotomisasi in order to obtain a
comparison of good results. A cut-off score is ≥ 10 for depression, ≥ 8 for anxiety, and stress
for 15 > is considered to have this disorder are sourced on the DASS. Binomial logistic
regression of advanced conditional is used to measure the strength of the relationship
between variables and trying to determine an important predictor for interesting results for


Using demographics, are presented in table 1, the majority of nurses are assessed in this study
was a woman working as a nurse's Assistant in the care (AIN) and worked in elderly care and
hospital environments. The nurse assessed work in shiftwork. Table 2, according to score
there are participants that DASS gets a score above a threshold that is 32.4%. Participants for
the mild/moderate 21.57%, 4.9% and fairly heavy 5.88% for very severe depression.
Likewise, anxiety there is 41.2% of the participants who passed the above threshold. There is
also a mild anxiety to 20.59%/9.8% for medium and kecemasaan badly enough and 10.78%
kecemasaan was very severe. So also for stress, which passes above the normal threshold of
about 41, 2% of participants, 24.5% for mild/moderate stress and 10.8% for heavy enough
and 5.88% for very severe stress.

the results of demographic data, though some individuals received no score above the
threshold of normal to 86.27%, 91.18%, 95.10% of the total cohort reported several levels for
each of the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress.
Views with table 3.3.2, use Binary Logistic Regression Models to figure out the relationship
between blood pressure and depression, anxiety, and stress are not significant. For depression
is significant. This model results for anxiety are not significant because research is not
variable with age, jeniskelamin, facilities, work shift, shift, shift length type, job satisfaction,
physical problems and levels of registration. Logistic regression models for stress is


Status of anxiety, depression and stress are rated from a representative sample of nursing
Australia. The common symptoms of depression in caregivers with prevalence rates of over
30%, compared with only 4% of the general population, while Australia revalensi public
anxiety symptom prevalence rate with more than 40% compared with 14% of the general
population Australia as well as the prevalence of anxiety among nurses in this study also fell
around the usual reported in the literature (approximately between 20-60%). Ignoring the
signs of grief and depression presented may not only increase the amount of physical and
emotional stress on nurses but could result in the granting of low-quality patient care and a
higher workload in place of treatment. poor mental health can decrease the cognitive
performance such as the individual's ability to focus and process information as well as
resulting in a performance that is not good. Thus, when the prevalence of mental health
disorders is rising in the profession, will give the same impact on the economic, social, and
individuals from these disorders.


A nurse is an important figure in the field of health. They are much needed by patients to
provide the best care. The health of a nurse needs to be taken care of, their health is affected
by symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. The prevalence of the researched on this
research influenced by negative mental condition that is high. If the nurse's health
deteriorated will give negative impact in administering nursing care. This research needs to
be continued because it helps welfare nurse to reduce bad mental health in the workplace. It
also required the development of strategies to improve mental kebutuan the nurse in order to
combat the physical and psychological exhaustion related to the mental condition.

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