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by Dr. Virginia Jeannie P. Lim, LL.M. Ed.D. “We are talking of an individual taxpayer. The rates range
February 23, 2018 from 20, 25, 30, 32, and 35. Now, these 5 rates are applicable
only up to 2022. In 2023, these will go down; the 20% will
*Transcribed by: M.R.A.D.C. Lumbre become 15%, and so on (25% to 20%, 30% to 25%, and 32% to
30%). So in 2023, the rates will go down a little, but the
NOTE: Some parts of the lecture were edited/omitted for clarity and
threshold amounts will remain the same.
brevity. Underlined words represent the important points to be
written down in the notebook.
“Besides doon sa main, ang papasukan ng 20% is gross income
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- of P250K and above. Kasi kung exactly P250K and below, it is
exempt sa tax. Pero ang umpisa ng income tax nya is 20%
xxxx agad. Doon sa Tax Code, 10% lang.

“Let us first understand that TRAIN is a big law; it is not just an “Thus, income ranging from higher than P250K will be covered
amending law. It is a law comprising of eighty-seven (87) already by 20%. And if your gross income is more than
sections, and in this TRAIN Law (three) 3 sections of the Tax P8.0M—income from salary, from business, or from the
Code were totally deleted—totally nabura; hindi na exercise of a profession—you will be taxed by 35%. xxxx So
ginagamit. Aside from these 3, seventy-three (73) sections makikita mong talagang mabigat.
were also amended.
“Let us go in depth. Number one is, if you are a salaried
“If you will recall, based on my previous explanations, that individual. If your income is P250k and below, you will be
before the effectivity of the TRAIN Law, almost two-thirds of exempt from income tax. And if you are exempt from income
the Tax Code (NIRC) were amended. Thus, the Tax Code tax, definitely you are also exempt from withholding tax. The
should not be read anymore. exemption will include your hazard pay, your holiday pay, your
overtime pay, and your night differentials.
“And then, when TRAIN came in, nilabo-labo na naman. In-
amend na naman yung mga na-amend na. So 73 sections “Even under the Tax Code, iyong HHON—holiday, hazard,
were amended, and aside from those, 8 sections were added. overtime, and night differentials—these items received by the
Maraming naalis, maraming nabago, merong dinagdag. minimum income earner are already exempt. So walang
pagbabago, if you are a minimum wage earner. Thus, under
“So at the end of the day, you will know that the TRAIN Law is the Tax Code and the TRAIN, HHON remains exempt as to
not really a law that will lessen the burden of taxation, but it minimum wage earners.
will increase the burden of taxation, because the government
needs more money for its infrastructure, because it has many “Yung sinasabi nating minimum wage, yung basic salary mo
programs for its buildings, xxxx so it really needs money. Not lang yun. Hindi kasama yung ibang incentives mo. Kung meron
only roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, many, many more. xxxx kang tinatanggap outside of your basic salary; call it by any
including the salaries of the police and soldiers. xxxx name, basta outside of your basic salary. It can be gratuity
incentive, 13th month, transportation allowance, Christmas
INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYERS bonus, and also included here are the things you are receiving
from your employer in kind. Convert them into their peso
“The government has put an emphasis on the fact that if your equivalent at the time you receive it, and isama mo diyan sa
salary is P250K and below, you will be exempt from paying mga other money you received outside of your basic salary.
income tax—no more withholding tax. Yun ang isang
maganda sa minimum wage earners. All others, ano ito, “If the sum total of that is P90K and below, exempt lahat sa
hagupit. Puro pataas nalang. xxxx tax. Dati dati yung exemption ng benefits is P82K, but under
the TRAIN it has gone up to P90K. All benefits outside of basic
“Let us look at income taxation. I will be discussing muna the salary, whether in cash or in kind, shall be exempt, provided it
TRAIN. is P90K and below. Things in kind are included.

“Now, the TRAIN has five (5) tax rates: “So, for example, things in kind. Maraming employers ang
nagbibigay ng sack of rice. Mayroon din nagbibigay ng
1. 20%; uniform allowances, shortage allowance, etc. Kung bigas,
2. 25%; provided it is less than P1.5K, it is exempt. Huwag mo isasama
3. 30%; diyan (sa P90K). Kung ang bigas ang binibigay sayo, instead
4. 32%; and halimbawa na 50kg, kalahating cavan lang; that is only 25
5. 35%. kilos. So ang amount niyan is less than P1.5K. Huwag mo na
isama dyan (P90K).
“Here we can see that the 35% tax rate was added.


“Kung sobra naman ang binibigay sayo, iyong excess lang. So “If there is failure to signify this intention, the law will presume
kung ang bigas worth P2K pesos, 1.5K lang ang exempt. Kaya that you are going TRAIN. This is a special privilege. Now, who
P500 lang ipapasok mo diyan sa P90K. can choose? You can choose only if your salary is more than
P250K but below P3.0M. For compensation income earners:
“Also uniform allowance, provided it is less than P5k per no business taxes; income tax only.
annum, it is exempt. Huwag mo isasama diyan (sa 90k).
“Let’s go to the self-employed taxpayer. “Self-employed”
“If you are a managerial employee, and you are given free use means that you are in business and you are on your own. Yan
of the staff house, or you are an ordinary staff and you are ‘yung mga tinatawag natin sa mga may-ari ng tindahan: sole
assigned to the province, and allowed to use the staff house. proprietor; self-employed ‘yan. ‘Yung mga professionals—
May value ‘yan; that is still in kind. The monthly rent there will doctors, lawyers, dentists, and all others that are on their own,
form part of the P90K. So there are things in kind that are to they are called self-employed taxpayers. Self-employed
be included in the P90K. individuals and professionals are required to file an ITR
regardless of the amount of gross income. This is mandatory.
“So, for example, you add all the benefits that you received
outside of your basic salary, and it is totaling P140K. Then, you “If you are self-employed, and the total income earned is
remove the first P90k because that is exempt. Include only the P250k and below, you again, will be exempt from tax. So that
P50k in your gross income. That is now the threshold of exemption does not apply only to salaried individuals, but also
exemption on the 13th month pay. It has gone up to P90K. This to self-employed individuals.
applies to both private and public (national and local) sectors.
“If you are self-employed and the total income earned in one
“Under the TRAIN, no personal exemption of P50K. No year is between these figures (more than P250k and P3.0M),
additional exemption for the children as well. xxxx That is you can also choose to use the 8% flat rate (the choice must
Section 35 of the Tax Code, totally deleted. No more. also be signified during the first quarter of the year), and if you
have chosen this, you will be exempt from income tax, as well
“Aside from that, your health and hospitalization premium as percentage tax. Because if self-employed ka, negosyante
allowances are also removed. Under the Tax Code, if the total ka, at saka professional ka, magbabayad ka ng percentage
income of the family—the husband, the wife, and the child— tax.
is P250k and below, the insurance (hospital insurance and
health insurance) purchased by the family is an allowable “If you choose to go TRAIN, you follow the tax rate and
deduction. That is what we call the H-H Benefit. Whatever schedule under the TRAIN, and pay percentage tax; provided,
amount you pay in the purchase of this insurance policy, this your gross sale is higher than P500k. Kasi pag nagbi-business
is deductible under the Tax Code. The condition is, total ka, yung business tax na babayaran mo is percentage tax kung
income should not be more than P250K, and the premium ang benta mo sa loob ng isang taon is less than P3.0M.
paid is no more than P2.4k per annum. H-H is now deleted.
“Kung nagbebenta ka, businessman ka, professional ka, sa
“Under the TRAIN Law, if you are employed, and receiving loob ng isang taon ang pumasok sayo na pera is higher than
more than P250K but less than P3.0M in one year, you are P3.0M, ang babayaran mo VAT. So the threshold amount now
exempt from the filing of an ITR; provided you have one is P3.0M.
employer, and your withholding tax was already withheld.
“Pag negosyante ka, definitely magbabayad ka ng business
“If your salary is exactly P250K and below: exempt. No income tax. Paano mo malalaman kung anong klaseng business tax
tax. ang babayaran mo? Tignan mo kung magkano yung benta mo
sa loob ng isang taon. You add them. Kung ang benta mo is
“If your salary is higher than P250K but below P3.0M, you have less than P3.0M and below, you pay percentage tax, provided
a choice. First, your option is to pay 8% flat rate—multiply with the amount here is higher than P500k. Because if you are a
whatever salary you have, and 8% of the amount will businessman and your sale in one year is P500k and below,
represent your income tax (that 8% will also exempt you from you are exempt from percentage tax.
percentage tax, if you are a businessman). Or second, subject
that amount, whatever income you have in between the said “Let us summarize. If you are a salaried individual, and your
amounts, multiply it by the rate provided under the TRAIN income for the whole year is P250K and below, you are
Law. So, the choice is yours. exempt from income tax. If the husband and wife are both
working, and each one of them does not receive that much,
“Aside from this, if you have chosen the rate of 8%, you have they will both be exempt, because this (threshold amount)
to signify this choice in your ITR, and you have to inform the applies to individuals. So P250k and below is exempt. But if
BIR within the first quarter of the year that you are choosing your salary is between these figures (more than 250K and less
the 8% (How? By merely ticking the box corresponding to the than P3.0M), you have two (2) choices. What are your
rate chosen in the ITR). This choice is irrevocable. choices?


“Number one, you can avail of the 8% flat rate. 8% you “If you want to use the Itemized Standard Deduction, it means
multiply this to the salary, and that’s it. If you avail of this rate, to say, you met all of these (the expenses), and you have
you no longer have to pay income tax. Number two, you can receipts in support of all your expenses (e.g. rent, gasoline,
go TRAIN and follow the tax rates and schedule. So, that is etc.). Under this formula, you can claim the full amount of the
salary. expenses.

“Now you are a businessman, you will pay both income tax “Itemized Standard Deduction – This is a formula that is
and business tax. Kung ang kinita mo is between these figures available or is used to determine the extent of deductible
(more than 250K but less than P3.0M), you again have a expense.
choice. You may pay 8% income tax. If you have chosen 8%,
you no longer have to pay income tax and percentage tax. If “Let’s go now to Optional Standard Deductions (OSD). Under
you do not like this (8%), you subject that income of yours to the Tax Code, corporations are not allowed to use OSD, but
the TRAIN Law. So you apply the rate and schedule under the that has been amended already.
TRAIN Law, and you pay the percentage tax.
“Today, this formula, which is used in computing the extent of
Now, how do you compute your percentage tax? Add all your deductible expenses, is available to both individual and
sales from day one up to the cut-off period. It does not matter corporate taxpayers. It is now 40%, as amended, instead of the
what month or date you have started; the most important 10% stated in the Tax Code.
thing to remember is the cut-off date, which is December 31.
If it is less than P500K, you are exempt from paying percentage “In Optional Standard Deduction, ibig sabihin nito, wala nang
tax. However, you will still pay income tax, because the resibong kailangan. But if you are an individual taxpayer,
amount is higher than P250K. kwentahin mo magkano benta mo sa isang taon (gross sales).
Benta ha. Yung sum total, you multiply it by 40%, and that is
“If your gross sale/gross receipt is higher than P500K, but your expenses for the whole year. No need for supporting
below P3.0M, you will pay the percentage tax.” documents. You can just deduct that from your gross income.

ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS “If corporate taxpayer ka, you compute your gross income.
Magkano ang kinita mo. If you are an individual, compute
“If you are a businessman, under the Tax Code you can deduct your gross receipt/gross sale. Sa tao, magkano ang benta, sa
expenses from your gross income. Now, for the computation corporation, magkano ang kinita. Do not interchange the
of our expenses. Under the TRAIN, if both the husband and two.”
wife are working, they will enjoy P500K exemption, but the
personal and additional exemptions, as well as hospitalization “These are provided under the Tax Code. Can this be used in
allowances were removed. the TRAIN? Under the Tax Code, if the entity is a GPP (General
Professional Partnership), e.g. law firm, it is exempt from
“Let’s go now to allowable deductions. Allowable deductions income tax, but it is liable to pay business taxes. Do not forget
are only for: that. (Note: Ma’am discussed GPP at length here, but
repeated the discussion in the later part of her lecture. Thus,
1. Businessmen or self-employed individuals; GPP topic will be included only in the next page.)
2. Professionals, and
3. Corporate or juridical taxpayers. “One, last, final reiteration. If you are a professional or a self-
employed taxpayer (i.e. sole proprietors, businessmen,
“If you are employed, there is no allowable deduction for you. brokers, sari-sari store owners, repair shop owner, computer
shop owner, lawyer, doctor, dentist, etc.), you will pay (1)
“Allowable deductions are business or professional expenses business taxes, and (2) income taxes, if your income is higher
that are incurred within the year in furtherance of profit by than P250K. Because if your income is less than P250K, you are
the businessmen, professionals, or corporate/juridical exempt from paying income tax, but you will file an ITR. Pa-e-
taxpayers. (Allowable deductions are identified in Ma’am’s explain ko sayo lahat ito sa finals. Kapag di ka makapagsalita,
TRAIN Law Notes). uulit ka sakin! Distinguish what is provided under the Tax Code
and the TRAIN. Submission of an ITR is mandatory if you are a
“We have two (2) formulas that are available, at the option of businessman/professional, regardless of the amount of gross
the taxpayer, on how to deduct these expenses or in income.”
computing how much you can deduct from your gross income.
“These are the expenses that are deductible: (CRI6B-GLAD?)
“The two formulas are:
1. Contributions
1. Itemized Standard Deduction (ISD); and
2. Optional Standard Deduction (OSD). 2. Research and Development Expense


3. Business Expenses – this is very broad, these are met

in furtherance of profit (includes: salary; rent; gasoline; “Pag dito (OSD) ka, exempt ka sa tax assessment. Hindi ka na
representation; advertising, etc. – but it must be proved sisilipin ng BIR kasi wala ka naman expense na kini-claim.
that the same are necessary and ordinary)
“The TRAIN Law affected the general professional
*Necessary Expense – one that will maximize a profit or partnerships (GPPs). Marami iyan; the doctors, they band
minimize a loss. together and put up a common clinic; or lawyers, they put up
a law firm; or engineers, they put up an engineering firm. Yang
*Ordinary Expense – one that is common to all
GPP na yan, exempt sa corporate income tax, but it is liable to
businessmen that are similarly situated (e.g. laundry
pay business taxes.
shops; they all need detergent or fabric conditioners).

4. Depreciation Allowance “So, for example, if there are 3 lawyers who joined their
resources and put up a law firm, the income that they realize
5. Depletion Allowance will be exempt from the 30% corporate income tax. At the end
of the year, if there will be income to be distributed to the 3
6. Bad Debts (worthless debts; utang na hindi mo na lawyers, they will, in turn, subject their distributive shares to
masingil) income tax. They will each report their income tax, but the law
7. Interest Expense (as in, interest paid on a bank loan) firm is exempt from corporate income tax. The law firm,
however, is liable to pay business taxes.
8. Taxes
“Now, before the corporation or GPP distributes their shares,
9. Losses they will first deduct the expenses. The corporation or GPP can
enjoy any of these two formulas (ISD or OSD). The corporation
10. Pension Contribution of Employers (SSS, Philhealth,
can choose how it will deduct expenses. That is allowed under
the Tax Code.”
“So etong mga allowable deductions, ibabawas mo na jan.
Kung ano man ang natitira, yun ang taxable. Because these “For example, the GPP realizes a gross income of P3.0M. From
are not taxable. So kung sumusweldo ka, at halimbawa ang the said amount it will deduct the expenses. The GPP can
sweldo mo is P300K every year, bago mo i-subject ito sa tax choose what formula to use. May natirang 1.2M at ang
ibawas mo muna itong mga allowable deductions. ginamit nya OSD para hindi na sya silipin at para walang
resibo. 40% lang yan. Ang matitirang pera, which is 1.2M, will
“If you have deductions and they are not mentioned above, be distributed to the 3 lawyers, so they will get P400K each.
even if you have receipts, they are non-deductible because
they are not allowed under the law. “Ngayon etong mga lawyer na ito, because they are also
people in the exercise of their profession, they will file their
“Now you are a businessman, and you met some of these, own ITR, and if there are other income elsewhere, they will
these (OSD and ISD) are the two available formulas that you add it there. And they will also enjoy deductions (in
can use. These formulas will determine the extent of your furtherance of profit) because they are professionals. They
deduction. If you say you want to use the Itemized Standard will also be enjoying deductions because these deductions are
Deduction, you can claim the full amount of the expense, applicable to businessmen as well as professionals. Thus, they
provided that expense is allowed under the law and is will deduct their expenses here.
supported by a receipt.
“Pag deduct nila, pwede din ba silang pumili between ISD and
“Now some people, they have expenses na walang resibo. Or OSD? Yes, they can also choose. Ang corporation pwedeng
humingi ng resibo pero after one week malabo na, kumupas pumili, ang individual taxpayer pwede din pumili. Pero ang
na, hindi pwede yan. xxxx Kaya kung businessman ka, ipa- GPP walang babayaran. Kaya lang namimili ang GPP para
photocopy mo na agad. Attach the thermal paper to the malaman nya kung magkano ang ibibigay nya dito sa mga
photocopy, para kung kumupas man, may photocopy, then (partners), net of expenses. So, sa Tax Code, pwede pumili ang
you can deduct. GPP, pwede din pumili ang individual taxpayer.

“Pag sinabi mong eto (OSD) gagamitin mo, hindi mo na “Sa TRAIN, isang beses lang. Pag ginamit ng GPP yung OSD,
kailangan ng mga resibo, pero ang made-deduct mo is 40%. hindi na yan magagamit ng mga partners. So under the TRAIN,
How will you do that? If you are an individual taxpayer OSD can be used only once. Kung hindi ginamit ng GPP,
kwentahin mo kung magkano benta mo sa isang taon, you gagamitin ng parter, kung ginamit ng partner, hindi na
multiply yung benta dun sa 40%, whatever you arrive at is your pwedeng gamitin ng GPP.
expenses for the whole year.
“So what is the difference between allowable deductions in
“If corporate taxpayer ka, kwentahin mo magkano ang kinita the Tax Code and TRAIN? In choosing the formula, TRAIN says,
mo sa buong taon. Multiply it by 40%, and that amount will choose. If it is a GPP, the OSD can be used only once.
represent the expenses for the whole year.


“Under the Tax Code, if you are an individual taxpayer, self- pinagtrabahuan mo. Sweldo mo, bayad ng pagod mo. O kaya
employed, or a professional, and at the time of paying your galing ito sa dalawang ito na pinagsama. Kung pumasok itong
tax, your gross income is higher than P250K, you will be liable tatlo na ito, any of the three given sa pera na ito, pasok ang
to pay. At the time of payment, ang babayaran mo sa BIR is income tax dito. Pero ‘pag ang pera di galing dito, hindi
higher than P2K. This is income tax only, not business taxes. income tax ang papasok; other taxes ang papasok. Hindi ko
sinasabing walang tax, pero definitely hindi income tax ang
“Under the Tax Code, you can split this into two equal halves. papasok kasi iyang pera hindi galing dito (must be from fruit
You pay the first half, on or before April 15, and the second of capital, labor, or both capital and labor).
half, you pay it on or before July 15. No interest, no surcharge.
That applies only to an individual taxpayer who is self- “So eto, pera na galing sa pera mo. Dapat ito pinapasukan ng
employed or exercising his profession, who at the time of income tax. However, hindi na sya papasukan kasi pumasok
payment will be paying an income tax of more than P2K. na ang final withholding tax. Lahat ng pera na tinatanggap mo
na pinapasukan ng final withholding tax hindi mo na kailangan
“Under the TRAIN, everything is the same, except that the i-report yan for income tax purposes because this is now
second payment is now on October 15, not July 15. exempt from income tax.

“Ang income tax and final withholding tax hindi yan sabay na
PASSIVE INCOME ipinapataw sa isang pera. It is one without the other. If a final
withholding tax is imposed, money is exempt from income tax.
“Let us look at your passive income. Passive income is income TIME DEPOSITS
earned without the active participation of the income earner.
This includes interest from bank deposits. “We go now to time deposits. Time deposits are called term
deposits. Meaning to say, you promised the bank that you will
“For example, I have P3.0M. I will put this in a savings account not withdraw the money for so many number of years. So pag
in the bank, and I will be earning interest. Now, the interest hindi mo iwi-withdraw for so many number of years, that
income that I earned from my savings account is called a means to say, the bank can program what to do with that
passive income because I am earning this and I have not money. So, they will give you a higher interest because they
participated. xxxx Now, interest income is subject to two rates are not afraid that by tomorrow you will come and get that
under the Tax Code. money.

“If it is interest in peso, the rate is 20% final withholding tax. If “Kasi yung bangko nagpapautang, meron silang mga
the deposit in the bank is in foreign—may be yen, dollar, lira, pautang, mga loans. Ang pinakamaraming trabaho sa
etc.—currency, the rate of interest is 7.5% final withholding bangko, deposit/withdrawal ng mga depositors nila. xxxx Pero
tax in that foreign currency, not in peso. meron din naman silang mga produkto—loans. Kaya lang,
iyang loan na yan, very conservative sila.
“Under the TRAIN LAW, the tax on interest earned in the peso
account is still the same, but the tax on interest earned in “Kung gusto mong mag apply ng loan sa bangko, kailangan
foreign currency deposit is now 15%, from 7.5%. may collateral ka. Kailangan good ang credit standing mo.
May maisasanglang bahay, lupa. Meron ka ngang
“At this point, I would like to reiterate, na kapag pinasukan maisasanlang lupa, wala ka namang trabaho. Aba’y di ka
ang pera mo ng final withholding tax (FWT), wala nang income makakakuha ng loan. Kasi kailangan kung mag-a-apply ka,
tax na papasok diyan, because FWT is in lieu of income tax. So meron ka nang maisasangla, meron ka pang regular source of
kung halimbawa, kumita ako sa banko ng P5K na interest from income. Pag ipinagsama mo itong dalawa, possible na maka-
my savings account. Syempre interest ito, whether I like it or apply ka ng loan sa bangko.
not, with or without my consent, with or without my
knowledge, babawasan yan ng bangko ng 20%. So babawasan “So in order for you to qualify, you have to have the two
nya ng P1K. That is the final withholding tax, at ibibigay ito ng together—you have the regular source of income and you
bangko doon sa BIR. So, ang tatanggapin ko lang at the end of have collateral. Then, you come and apply for a bank loan.
that is only P4K. Ngayon pag nag apply ka, matagal. Kasi iniimbestiga nila ikaw
na uutang, magpapa-CI pa sila, credit investigation. Ang
“But this is still money that comes to me na kinita ko sa titignan nila yung property, baka naman ang property e hindi
puhunan ko, kinita ko sa capital ko, na kinita ko sa pera ko. sayo. At kung na-approve, ang ipapautang sayo na pera, ang
Ordinarily, ang pera na kinikita mo sa pera mo is subject to pera ng depositors. Hindi nila pera. Kaya saan kukunin ito?
income tax. Kasi kung tatanungin ka, is the money that comes Hinahanap nila yung mga nagde-deposit sa time. Kasi sa time,
to you subject to income tax? (What may be subject to income halimbawa kung nag time deposit ka ng 5 years, ang perang
tax? (1) Fruit of capital; (2) Fruit of labor; or (3) Fruit of both yan pwede nyang ipautang dito ng 3 years, or 2 years. Hindi
capital and labor.) sya mag aalala na anytime you can come and get. Kaya yang
mga time deposit, binibigyan ng mas mataas na interest.
“Aalamin mo lang kung itong pera na ito, kinita mo sa pera
mo, kinita mo sa puhunan mo. Or ang perang ito


“If your time deposit is 5 years and 1 day, so that is the term, taxable na. 5% of the cost of procedure, subject now to
whatever interest income that you will earn from this time percentage (excise) tax. Under the Tax Code, it was silent on
deposit is exempt from final withholding tax. It is also the that. xxxx Madami na gumagawa nyan ngayon, kaya taxable
same with TRAIN. na sila.

“However, in the Tax Code, if you pre-terminate, hindi mo “Noon sa Tax Code, nakasulat doon, when you are preparing
sinunod ito kasi nangailangan ka ng pera, if the money is with an ITR, you prepare only 3 copies. Tapos naglabas sila ng
the bank for more than 4 years, but before maturity you Revenue Regulations na hindi pwedeng 3, kailangang anim or
surrendered the same, considering that the bank has already pito.
used it for 4 years, your final withholding tax is only 5%.
“Today, under the TRAIN, 4 copies only. Original, duplicate,
“If your time deposit is there for more than 3 years, but less triplicate, quadruplicate. No more than that. Paperless society
than 4 years, and you want to pre-terminate, since the bank na tayo ngayon, so 4 copies nalang ang mga returns.
has been using your money for so long, there will be a final
withholding tax of 12%. “Under the Tax Code, if you are a businessman or a
professional, kung ang gross sale/gross receipt/gross income
“If you will withdraw your money, pre-terminate, and the mo, any of the three, is more than P150K, when you submit
money is with the bank for 3 years or less than 3 years, regular documents to the BIR, kailangan meron kang audited CPA
final withholding tax on interest earned applies. That is 20%. financial report. Kailangan na ang financial statement mo
must be certified by an accountant.
“Under the TRAIN, whatever is the period, if you are pre-
terminating, subject to 20% final withholding tax. “Today, that is no longer necessary. You need an audited CPA
LOTTO/SWEEPSTAKES WINNINGS certificate only if your gross sale/gross receipt/gross income is
more than P3.0M. So, ang mga CPA nababawasan na ang kita
“Under the Tax Code, if you won the lotto or the sweepstakes, ngayon, kasi dati dati pag 150K tatakbo ka sa CPA, papapirma
your winnings will be exempt from income tax. Today, under ka. Magkano isang pirma nila? Yung iba 1K gagawa sila ng
the TRAIN, lotto and sweepstakes winnings will be taxable, fictitious certification that they audited your books of account.
subject to income tax, provided that the winnings or prizes are xxxx
more than P10K.
“Under the Tax Code, government-owned and controlled
corporations (GOCCs) are ordinary taxpayers. Do not forget “Under the Tax Code, if you are caught by the BIR because you
that. GOCCs are government corporations which are engaged have not paid enough; you have a deficiency. So you paid your
in business. They are taxable; that is the general rule. When taxes, but kulang ang bayad, so hahabulin ngayon ng BIR is the
are GOCCs exempt from tax? (XPN) Only if the charter creating deficiency tax. Pero kung ang hinahabol ay yung delinquency
that entity provides for the exemption. If the law creating that tax, it means you have not paid, maski isang singkong duling.
entity is silent on taxation, then this entity is taxable. That is the distinction between a deficiency tax and a
delinquency tax.”
“Under the Tax Code, there are (five) 5 GOCCs that were
identified to be exempt from income tax. These are: “Now, wherever you are, whether it is deficiency or
delinquency tax, pag nahuli ka, magbabayad ka ng interest.
1. SSS; Magbabayad ka pa ng surcharge and other penalties. Under
2. GSIS; the Tax Code, the interest is 20% per annum, Under the TRAIN,
3. Philippine Health Insurance Commission (PHIC); the interest is 12% -- double the legal interest prescribed by
4. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO); and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. So bumaba.
“Under the TRAIN the interest in case of delinquency or
“However, under the TRAIN, itong tatlong to (SSS, GSIS, PHIC) deficiency is 12% only.
are exempt from income tax. Uulitin ko ha, INCOME TAX. In
2009, yung PAGCOR, inalis (ang exemption). So it is now “However, pag ma-prove nila na ang d-in-eclare mo dun is
subject to income tax, but continue to enjoy exemption from more than 30% difference from what you are supposed to pay,
all other (Internal Revenue) IR taxes. Lately, yung exemption you will be subjected to a fine. For example, kung ang income
nito (PCSO), under the TRAIN, taxable na. Under the TRAIN, mo, sa totoo, is P10.0M, but you declared P1.0M only—the
PCSO is now subject to income tax. difference there is more than 30%! So you will be fined
because you are a tax evader. Now, how much is the fine?
NEW TAXES INTRODUCED Konti lang naman: P10.0M. So your fine for tax evasion is
between P500K to P10.0M, and you will be subject to
“Invasive cosmetic procedures, yung mga pampaganda, imprisonment between 6 to 10 years. If you are convicted, the
pampatangos ng ilong, pagdadagdag ng boobs, lahat ng mga law on probation does not apply to a tax evader.
yan, for beautification purposes, ngayon taxable na. So, si Belo


“Let’s say the BIR filed a case against you. This is an actual “Meron ka rin mga transactions in Hong Kong, so to facilitate
case. The BIR won. In that decision, there is a statement that your business transactions, you also open a savings account
you are liable to pay tax of P20.0M that you owe to the there. Yung Hong Kong interest na kinikita mo jan, it is not
government, as well the interest, and other subsidiary subject to final withholding tax because it is outside of the
penalties. Granting that you are not able to pay the tax of country. Doctrine of territoriality.
P20.0M, is there subsidiary imprisonment for failing to pay the
main tax? No. “E ngayon kumita ka sa Hong Kong account ng interest na P5K.
Since hindi pinasukan ng FWT, paipasukan yan ng income tax.
“There is no subsidiary imprisonment for failure to pay the So kung merong taxable na pera na hindi pinasukan ng final
main tax in a court decision, but for failure to pay subsidiary withholding tax, income tax ang papasok jan.
penalties (e.g. penalties, surcharges, interests), there will be
imprisonment. This is a decided case. “Another example. Meron akong house and lot dito sa
Pilipinas, sa Baguio. Hindi ako real estate dealer. xxxx Binenta
SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT ko to. Anong taxes na babayaran ko? It’s a capital asset. So I
will pay capital gains tax (CGT) and documentary stamps tax
“Now, going back to the businessman. You are a businessman (DST). Do not forget this. CGT and DST go together. A house
and you are buying supplies. Tuwing magbabayad ka sa mga and lot is a capital asset. It’s a property that is not used in
suppliers mo, dini-deduct mo na yan, may withholding tax na business; it is a property that is not income generating. So
diyan. Tapos yung resibo ibigay mo dun sa supplier para yung when you sell this and you are not a real estate dealer, you
supplier pwede nyang gamitin yan, pambayad sa other taxes pay these two CGT and DST.
“Nagbayad ako (ng taxes). Kumita ako dito sa bahay at lupa
“O kaya naman yung percentage tax. Remember, kung na ito. Binili ko halimbawa ito nung 1990, binili ko lang ng
businessman ka, and you did not realize more than P3.0M in P2.0M. Ngayon 2018 na, marami na rin mga repairs, naayos
gross sale/gross receipt, you are subject to percentage tax. na rin. I was able to sell for P7.0M. Magkano kinita ko?
Under the Tax Code, ang percentage tax is payable quarterly. Roughly P5.0M.
Tapos naglabas yung BIR ng Revenue Regulation, payable
monthly. Now, all withholding taxes and percentage taxes are “Maski milyon milyon ang kinita ko dito, kung ang binibenta
payable on a quarterly basis. Inalis na yun mga monthly. mo is a capital asset, hindi yan papasukan ng income tax. Ang
papasok is capital gains tax. Why no income tax? Because
“Withholding taxes and withholding tax returns, and capital gains tax is a final withholding tax.
percentage taxes and percentage tax returns, together with
the payment, are payable on a quarterly basis. VAT is also “So meron kang minana sa kamag-anak mo na bahay at lupa
quarterly. sa Guam. Hindi ka naman makapunta dun dahil ayaw kang
bigyan ng American visa. Sa iyo pinamana yan, kaya
TRANSFER TAXES magbabayad ka ng tax dito kasi iyo na yan. E di ibenta mo
nalang yan. So pag ibenta mo yan doon, hindi yan papasukan
“We have three (3) kinds of transfer taxes: ng final withholding tax maski capital asset ito, kasi ang capital
gains tax is a final withholding tax. Walang final withholding
1. Estate; tax dito. Kaya babayaran mo ang income tax. So remember:
2. Donor; and Selling a capital asset abroad is not subject to capital gains tax,
3. Documentary Stamps Tax (DST). but subject to an ordinary income tax.

“Let us look at shares of stocks. I have been saying that when “We go back to shares of stocks now. When you buy, there is
you are buying shares of stocks, there is no tax obligation no tax. When you are selling shares of stocks, there is taxation
there. Wala kang babayaran na tax pag bumibili ka ng shares involved. What kind of tax are you going to pay? That will
of stock. Pero pag ibebenta mo na yan, diyan na papasok ang depend on the classification of the shares you are selling.
taxation. Now, ano ang tax ang papasok pag nagbebenta ka
ng stocks? It depends on what kind of shares you are selling. “Let’s say you are selling shares that are listed, recorded, or
We have two kinds of shares of stocks. traded in the exchanges. There are some shares that are not
listed, not traded in the exchanges.
“Do not forget this: withholding tax applies only in the
Philippines. So, for example, you are a businesswoman and “Shares that are listed are those shares of stock that are
you have a business here in Quezon City. You also have a recorded or registered in the stock exchange, stock market. So
business, say, in Bulacan or in Pampanga. To facilitate your yung presyo nito araw araw nakikita sa dyaryo. Saka ang mga
business transactions in the said places, you open savings kumpanya na nandito, mga nagbebenta ito ng shares of stock
accounts in all these locations. Yung mga savings accounts na maski sino, pwedeng bumili, basta may pera. Maski kalaban
kumikita ng interest, subject to final withholding tax. pwedeng bumili ng shares mo. The shares listed in the stock
exchange belong to open corporations, and are available to
the public.


“Pag close corporations or family corporations, their shares “Let’s say I invested in 2010. It is now 2018. I went back to the
are not listed in the stock market. You cannot go to them and company and asked them how much my shares are now. The
ask to buy shares even if you have all the money under the corporation told me the shares are now worth P410K. So, I
sun. If they do not want to sell, wala kang magagawa. decided to sell my shares, and realized a profit of P310K. The
tax here will be based on gain only. If you realized a loss, you
“Let’s say I bought BPI shares. This is a company that is listed will not be taxed. Here, you will only be taxed if you realized a
in the stock market. Let’s say I invested an amount of P300K gain.
because I know BPI is a blue-chip share, meaning to say it
distributes dividends quarterly and mataas magbigay ng “So, the first 100K of your gain is taxed at P5K. In the excess of
dividends. So, I bought these shares in 2014. P100K, you will be taxed at 10%. Only when there is a gain. So
my tax here is P26K.
“Now, in 2018, I checked the price of the BPI shares in the
newspaper in the business section. Upon computing, malaki “Who pays the stock transfer tax mentioned above? Number
na pala ang kinita ko. Tumaas na ito ng P450K. one, the seller of shares that are not listed in the exchanges.
Number two, people selling shares of stocks that listed, but
“Question: Are the increases in the values of your investments did not use the facilities of the exchanges. That is, the seller
subject to IR tax? sold the shares directly to another, without using the facilities
of the exchanges. So these 2 groups are liable to pay the stock
Answer: No. Why? Because the increase is only a paper gain. transfer taxes.
Sa papel lang nakalista na yumayaman ka. Di mo pa
magagamit yan pag bumili ka sa SM. So, paper gain is not “Now, we go to the TRAIN. Transfer taxes of shares of open
taxable. corporations are now at 0.60%, from 0.50. In shares of close
corporations, the rate is now at 15%. There is no more 5k and
“Now, you want to actualize your gains, kaya binenta mo yung 10%.
shares. Magkano kinita ko? P150K. Since, pag binenta mo na
yan, pumasok na yung Conversion Theory, or yung xxxx
Separability Theory, then this amount now is taxable. What
kind of tax are you paying? You will pay one-half of one
percent of the gross selling price. So, the tax here is P750 (Isn’t
it P2,250?). Thus, the tax when you are selling shares that are
listed in the exchange is one-half of one percent of the gross
selling price.
“Remember, maski ka nalugi, magbabayad ka, because the
tax is based on the selling price; not on the gain or loss. “So let’s talk now about special aliens.

xxxx “A foreigner will be called a special alien (SA) and enjoy a

preferential tax rate only when he is working in the following
“Let’s say there was an emergency, and I sold the shares for industries:
only P310K. Will I pay taxes even if nalugi ako? Yes. You
compute based on the same formula, so you pay P1,150. xxxx An offshore banking unit (OBU). That is a foreign bank, e.g.
Ganun din naman ang capital asset, maski ka nalugi Bank of Shanghai, Bank of China (not Chinabank), Maybank,
magbabayad ka ng capital gains tax. xxxx That’s Tax Code. American Bank, etc.

“Remember: Even if a loss is sustained, the transaction is still “Or if he is not there (referring to the abovementioned
taxable because it is based on the selling price. category), he works with a multinational company that is
operating in our country. A multinational company is a foreign
“Now we go to shares that are not listed in the exchanges. corporation that is constituted, organized, abroad, but
Let’s say I have a friend who was planning to put up a maintains branches in the Asia Pacific region, and Philippines
corporation with his friends, and was asking me to invest in is one of those places where the OBU has a branch.
their company. So I gave money to invest in their
corporation—W Corporation. Now, W Corporation is a “The two (2) kinds of multinational companies are:
private, close corporation.
1. Regional area headquarters (RAH); or
“Let’s say I gave them P100K. If I want to know how much the 2. Regional operating headquarters (ROH).
shares are now, I will go to the company and ask them how
much my shares are now. They have a formula to determine “Please remember that regional area headquarters (RAH) is
the price per share per annum, based on the assets and exempt from tax, because it is just a receiving office, not


allowed to do business, and it is the other (ROH) that is taxable forget that Revenue Regulations are part of our tax laws and
because it is allowed to engage in business. must be complied with.

“He or she could be working in an OBU, or an ROH, or with a “We go now to the TRAIN. So, under the TRAIN Law there is a
contractor or a sub-contractor that is engaged in: cut-off, which is January 1, 2018. Ang sabi dito sa TRAIN yung
mga Special Aliens na nandito na at dati pang nag-e-enjoy ng
1. Energy; preferential tax rate, will still be taxed at 15%, pero yung mga
2. Exploration; pumasok ng bansa after the cutoff will now be subjected to
3. Gas; the TRAIN Law. Inalis na ni Duterte ito. He vetoed this. No
4. Oil; more special aliens under Revenue Regulations and the Tax
5. Geothermal exploration, Code. Basta they come to work here, they pay the same taxes
as the Filipinos.
“And the contractor or subcontractor has a service contract
with the Philippine government. So the Philippine government FRINGE BENEFIT TAX
is a signatory to the contract with this entity.
“Another one also, is the fringe benefit tax. This is one of the
“However, the foreigner should not only be in any of these new taxes that was strengthened by the Tax Code. Because
three (OBU, RAH, or working with a contractor or sub- under the Tax Code, we have introduced four (4) new
contractor) industries, but he should be a manager in these corporate taxes, because corporations are the most abusive
industries, or he should be holding a highly technical position of all taxpayers. They can come up with fictitious documents,
(HTP) in these industries. fabricated documents, everything they can do to save on
taxes, with the connivance of these two, the accountants…
“So, there is the kind of business, and the position held. These xxxx.
two must concur, in order for the alien to enjoy a preferential
tax rate of 15%. Whatever he earns, whatever salary he gets, “Our government has introduced these 4 new taxes:
multiply by 15%, and that is the income tax. He will no longer
have to file an ITR because ang boss nya ang magfa-file. 1. Minimum corporate income tax (MCIT);
2. Improperly Accumulated Earnings tax (IAET);
“Now, if this foreigner works with Dusit Thani, Sofitel, or other 3. Fringe Benefit tax (FBT), this has been there in the old
big hotels as a chef or manager, he is no longer considered a Tax Code, but under the new Tax Code, the government
special alien because the work does not involve any of the included a penalty;
three industries mentioned above. So how will the foreigner 4. Optional Corporate Income tax (OCIT).
be taxed? Regular income tax applies.
So these three new taxes (MCIT, IAET, and OCIT) apply only to
“So a special alien (SA) is somebody who occupies a corporations, but the fringe benefit tax applies to individual
managerial or highly technical position in any of the three taxpayers giving benefits.
industries (OBU, RAH, or Contractor/Subcontractor). “We go to FBT. All employers now, whether you are exempt,
whatever is your classification as a taxpayer—domestic,
“A Filipino who is working in the abovementioned industries foreign, nonresident, private, government—basta you are an
and positions can also be considered a special alien. However, employer, you are required to segregate your employees: the
because he is a Filipino, he is given an option. He can choose rank-and-file in one column, and the managerial or
how to be covered by taxation. He can enjoy the 15% tax rate, supervisory employers in the other column.
or if he does not like, he can choose to be subjected to the
normal income tax under the Tax Code. So this is Tax Code. “Is there a special definition for the managerial employee for
tax purposes? None. Who are these people? These are the
“However, prior to the effectivity of the TRAIN, the BIR issued people who will implement corporate policies. They have the
a Revenue Regulation in 2016. A Filipino can still be considered power to hire and fire.
a special alien and enjoy the preferential tax rate (15%) if:
“Under the Tax Code, if you give benefits to these people (rank
1. He hold any of the positions mentioned (position test), and file), there is no fringe benefit tax payable by the
2. He works full time with the industries mentioned, not employer. The employee receiving the benefit will be taxable
merely as a consultant, and he has no other employer on the benefit received, and will be responsible for reporting
(exclusivity test); and the benefits they have received. No fringe benefit tax to be
3. He should, at the beginning of the year be able to identify paid by the employers.
that his income for the year is P975K (salary test).
“But if the employer gives benefits to these people
“If he is able to meet all of the three requisites, he is given the (managerial), fringe benefit tax applies. The benefit is not
option to choose between the preferential tax rate, or the taxable to these people, provided that the fringe benefit tax is
normal income tax rate under the Tax Code. If he does not paid.
meet all three, he is subject to normal income tax. Do not


“How is fringe benefit tax computed? It depends on the “If the family cannot comply within 30 days, they can ask for
classification of the managerial employee. You are a Filipino an extension of another 30 days. So a total of 60 days. But the
and you are a manager, what is the highest tax rate applicable extension prayed for must always be filed within the original
for individual taxpayers under the Tax Code? 32%. If you are a period (30 days).
special alien and you qualify under the Tax Code? Your rate is
15%. “So what is the exception to the rule? Notice of Death is still
required even if the value of the properties left behind is less
“If you are a non-resident alien not engaged in business and than P20K when it includes registrable properties. What are
trade (NRANEBT)? Example of this: you are a consultant, an these registrable properties? These are properties that cannot
exchange professor, hired by the UP to lecture there for three be transferred without a tax clearance. Example of a
(3) weeks. But because your stay is less than 180 days in the registrable property: real properties; shares of stock; bank
country, you are considered an NRANEBT for tax purposes. Tax deposits; motor vehicles, etc. Pag registrable property, wala
rate is 25%. Thus, the rates are different for these individuals, nang amount involved.
based on their classification.
“Under the TRAIN Law, Notice of Death, under Section 89, is
“So pag binigyan mo ng benefits itong mga taong ito, the no longer needed. This provision has been deleted.
computation will depend on the said rates. If you give benefits
to this person (Filipino manager, as mentioned above), the Aside from that, you will note that under the Tax Code, the
computation will be: Value of the benefit multiplied by 32%, rates were between 5-20%; 5, 8, 11, 15, and 20. Under the
and divided by 68. (32 + 68 = 100) TRAIN Law, 6% estate tax only. xxxx

“For the special alien it will be: value of the benefit multiplied “Under the Tax Code, the estate tax payable in six months.
by 15% and divided by 85. (15 + 85 = 100). To determine the Under the TRAIN Law, it is payable within 1 year.
divisor, 100 minus the tax rate.
“Under the Tax Code, if you paid the estate tax beyond the six-
“Under the TRAIN, WALA NA LAHAT YAN. Basta benefits given month period, you will be subjected to surcharge and interest.
to managerial employees, taxed at 35%. You also have to pay in full.

TRANSFER TAXES (Part 2) “Under the TRAIN Law, you may ask for an extension of
another 1 year (which must be prayed for within the original
A. Estate Tax 1 year period), for a total of 2 years, and you can pay in
installments without interest or surcharges provided that you
“Let’s go the biggest impact of the TRAIN, which is on transfer were able to pay within 2-years from death.
taxes. Estate and donor’s tax.
“Under the Tax Code, if the peso value of the properties left
“Do not forget that the estate tax under the TRAIN Law applies behind is P200K and above, there will be an estate tax to be
only to people dying this year and who are leaving behind paid. Under the TRAIN Law, estate tax is imposable only if the
properties. So, if the person died last year, apply the Tax Code. value of the estate is more than P5.0M.

“Remember, in estate taxation, what applies is the law at the Under the Tax Code, if the peso value of the properties left
time of death, NOT at the time of partition. Valuation of behind is more than P20K but below P200K, the family is
properties will also be at the time of death, NOT fair market required to submit:
value (FMV).
1. Notice of Death;
“If you are asked a question for purposes of examination, 2. Estate Tax Return;
always look at the date. If there is a date and it is on or prior
to December 31, 2017, apply the Tax Code. If there is a death But no tax payment.
and the date is January 1, 2018 or onwards, apply the TRAIN.
“Under the TRAIN, for as long as property is P5.0M and below,
“If the question is silent as to the date, you qualify. You answer just submit an estate tax return, but no tax payment. Return
both, and you qualify. is MANDATORY.”

“Let’s compare what is provided under the TRAIN. “Under the Tax Code, if the peso value of the properties left
behind is more than P2.0M, the estate tax return must be
“Number One: Under the Tax Code, if a person dies and the submitted together with financial statements certified by a
peso value of all the properties left behind is P20K and above, CPA.
then the family is required to file with the BIR a Notice of
Death attaching therewith the death certificate within 30 days “Under the TRAIN, CPA certification is required only if the
from death. That is MANDATORY. value of the gross estate is more than P5.0M.


“We go to allowable deductions for estate tax purposes under expenses)? Only upon presenting proof of estate tax payment
the Tax Code: to the manager, who will verify the same with the BIR.

1. Standard Deductions; “Under the TRAIN, you can withdraw any amount, provided
2. Share of the Surviving Spouse; that you subject the money to 6% withholding tax. And if it is
3. Ordinary Deductions (funeral expenses, claims against an account maintained with co-depositors, the latter will have
the estate, claims against insolvent persons, judicial to sign an authority, and also a waiver allowing you to
expenses for testamentary proceedings, unpaid withdraw the money.
mortgage, indebtedness, losses, unpaid taxes, losses);
4. Medical Expenses incurred 1 year prior to death, with “If the decedent was a non-resident alien who left behind
supporting receipts (no more than P500K); properties within the Philippines, the properties will be
5. Vanishing Deductions; subject to estate tax. What are the allowable deductions? His
6. Amounts received by the heirs pursuant to R.A. No. heirs may claim ALL, except the following:
7. Transfers for public use; 1. Funeral expenses;
8. Estate tax paid abroad. 2. Medical expenses incurred 1 year prior to death;
3. Judicial expenses for testamentary proceedings;
“Under the TRAIN Law, items removed from the allowable 4. Amounts received by heirs under R.A. No. 4917.
deductions are the following:
“Under the TRAIN, the standard deduction has now gone up
1. Funeral expenses; to P5.0M. For non-resident alien decedent, however, standard
2. Judicial expenses for testamentary proceedings; and deduction is P500K only.
3. Medical expenses incurred 1 year prior to death.
B. Donor’s Tax
“Under the Tax Code, you can automatically deduct an
amount of P1.0M from the gross estate of the decedent, as an “We go to donor’s tax. There are changes here. Under the Tax
ordinary deduction, without the need of supporting Code, there are seven (7) brackets, tax rates between 2-15%
documents. (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15). Those rates are applicable if the
donation is in favor of a relative within the 4th civil degree of
“Under the TRAIN, the automatic standard deduction is now consanguinity. But if the donation is in favor of a stranger (or
P5.0M. somebody who is not within the 4th civil degree of
consanguinity), there is only one rate, which is 30%. This rate
“Under the Tax Code, family home is considered an allowable is called “gift to stranger.”
deduction, for an amount of up to P1.0M.
“When corporations are giving donations, the applicable
“Under the TRAIN, you can deduct P10.0M for the family donor’s tax rate is 30%. If you are donating to politicians,
home. political parties, the donation is exempt under the Omnibus
Election Code.
“Under the Tax Code, if you inherited property, but within six
months it was damaged or lost in a fire, the loss can be an “Under the TRAIN, there is only one donor’s tax rate: 6%. No
allowable deduction provided that the same occurred 6 more 30%. The other tax rates are deleted.
months. As the loss can be deducted from income tax or
estate tax purposes, you can choose where to deduct. As “Under the Tax Code, if the donation is more than P100K,
income tax is more expensive, you can choose to deduct the donor’s tax applies.
loss from there, but it can be deducted only once.
“Under the TRAIN, the threshold amount is raised to P250K.
“Under the TRAIN, the loss may be deducted provided the
occurrence should happen within one year from death, and “Under the Tax Code, if you are donating real properties to
with proper documentation or certification from the LGU, your relatives within the 4th civil degree, there is no
certification from the BIR that you reported the loss within 30 documentary stamps tax (DST), just donor’s tax.
days. So from 6 months, naging 1 year under the TRAIN.
“Under the TRAIN, donation of real properties is subject to
“Under the Tax Code, once the decedent dies, leaving behind documentary stamps tax (DST), which is 15% for every P1K of
money in a bank, and the manager of that bank has knowledge the value of the real property.
of the death, the decedent’s account is automatically frozen.
Nobody is allowed to withdraw from the account. The only “Also, if you are donating properties or gifts to your child
instance you can withdraw is you need money for funeral because he is getting married, under the Tax Code, if the gift
expenses, but no more than P20K. If you need more, then you is given prior to marriage or within 1 year after the marriage,
get an authority from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue the donation will be enjoy a dowry deduction of P10K.
(CIR). When are you allowed to withdraw (aside from funeral


“Under the TRAIN, no more dowry deduction.

“If you repudiated an inheritance, it is not subject to donor’s

tax, provided that the repudiation is in favor of a co-heir. But
if the repudiation is in favor of a third person (not a co-heir),
it is subject to donor’s tax. This applies to both Tax Code and
TRAIN. xxxx

“Under the TRAIN, documentary stamps tax is increased by


“For other changes under the TRAIN Law, refer to Ma’am’s


- END -


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