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EM_HDR_001 Port Code is mandatory

EM_HDR_002 ShippingBillNo is mandatory

EM_HDR_003 ShippingbillDate is mandatory

EM_HDR_004 IECode is mandatory

EM_HDR_005 ADCode is mandatory

EM_HDR_006 AdExportAgency is mandatory

EM_HDR_007 AccountNo is mandatory

EM_HDR_008 LeoDate is mandatory

EM_HDR_009 FormNo is mandatory

EM_HDR_010 CustomNo is mandatory

EM_HDR_011 RecordIndicator is mandatory

EM_HDR_012 TypeOfExport is mandatory

EM_HDR_014 RealizationExtensionInd is mandatory

EM_HDR_015 ExtendedRealizationDate is mandatory

EM_HDR_016 LetterNo is mandatory

EM_HDR_017 LetterDate is mandatory

EM_HDR_018 CountryOfDestination is mandatory

EM_HDR_019 DirectDispatchIndicator is mandatory

EM_HDR_020 AdBillNo is mandatory

EM_HDR_021 DateOfNegotiation is mandatory

EM_HDR_022 BuyerName is mandatory

EM_HDR_023 BuyerCountry is mandatory

EM_HDR_024 TransmissionDate is mandatory

EM_HDR_025 ExportType is mandatory

EM_DET_026 InvoiceSerialNo is mandatory

EM_DET_027 InvoiceNo is mandatory

EM_DET_028 InvoiceDate is mandatory

EM_DET_029 RealizedCurrencyCode is mandatory

EM_DET_030 RealizationDate is mandatory

EM_DET_031 AccountNumber is mandatory

EM_DET_032 FOBAmt is mandatory

EM_DET_033 FOBAmtIC is mandatory

EM_DET_034 FreightAmt is mandatory

EM_DET_035 FreightAmtIC is mandatory

EM_DET_036 InsuranceAmt is mandatory

EM_DET_037 InsuranceAmtIC is mandatory

EM_DET_038 CommissionAmt is mandatory

EM_DET_039 CommissionAmtIC is mandatory

EM_DET_040 PackagingChargesAmt is mandatory

EM_DET_041 PackagingChargesAmtIC is mandatory

EM_DET_042 RemitterName is mandatory

EM_DET_043 RemitterCountry is mandatory

EM_DET_044 WriteoffIndicator is mandatory

EM_DET_045 WriteoffDate is mandatory

EM_DET_046 WriteoffAmount is mandatory

EM_DET_047 CloseOfBillIndicator is mandatory

EM_DET_048 PaymentIndicator is mandatory

EM_DET_049 ShipmentIndicator is mandatory

EM_DET_050 PaymentBillNumber is mandatory

EM_DET_053 DeductionAmtIC is mandatory

EM_DET_054 DeductionAmt is mandatory

EM_DET_055 DiscountAmt is mandatory

EM_DET_056 DiscountAmtIC is mandatory

EM_DET_057 RealizationStatus is mandatory

EM_HDR_058 NewAdCode is mandatory

EM_HDR_059 Payment Sequence Number is mandatory

ED_HDR_001 Data type or length error for portCode 6

Data type or length error for ShippingBill

ED_HDR_002 No 7 [a-zA-Z0-9-_/\\s]+
ED_HDR_003 Date Format error for ShippingBill Date dd/MM/yyyy

ED_HDR_004 Data type or length error for IE Code 10 [0-9]+

ED_HDR_005 Data type or length error for adCode 7 [0-9]+

Data type or length error for Export

ED_HDR_006 Agency Data 1
Data type or length error for Account [a-zA-Z0-9-
ED_HDR_007 Number 40 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
ED_HDR_008 Date Format or length error for Leo Date dd/MM/yyyy

ED_HDR_009 Data type or length error for Form No 8 or 12 [a-zA-Z0-9]+

ED_HDR_010 Data type or length error for Custom No [a-zA-Z0-9-_/\\s]+

Data type or length error for Record

ED_HDR_011 Indiactor 1
ED_HDR_012 Data type or length error for Export type 1

Data type or length error for Realization

ED_HDR_014 Extension. 1
Date Format or length error for Extended
ED_HDR_015 Realization Date dd/MM/yyyy
ED_HDR_016 Data type or length error for Letter No 20 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
ED_HDR_017 Date format not valid for LetterDate dd/MM/yyyy

Data type or length error for Country of

ED_HDR_018 Destination.
Data type or length error for Direct
ED_HDR_019 Dispatch Indicator 1
ED_HDR_020 Data type or length error for Ad Bill No 20

Date format or length error for Date of

ED_HDR_021 Negotiation dd/MM/yyyy

ED_HDR_022 Data type or length error for Buyer Name 50 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
ED_HDR_023 Data type or length error for Buyer Country 2

Date format or length error for

ED_HDR_024 Transmission Date dd/MM/yyyy
ED_HDR_025 Data type or length error for Export type 1

Data type or length error for Invoice Serial

ED_DET_026 No. 50 [a-zA-Z0-9-_/\\s]+
ED_DET_027 Data type or length error for Invoice No 30 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
ED_DET_028 Date format invalid for Invoice Date dd/MM/yyyy

Data type or length error for Realized

ED_DET_029 Currency Code 3
Date Format or length error for Realization
ED_DET_030 date dd/MM/yyyy
Data type or length error for Account [a-zA-Z0-9-
ED_DET_031 Number 40 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
ED_DET_032 Data type or length error for FOB Amount. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for FOB Amount
ED_DET_033 IC. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Freight
ED_DET_034 Amount. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Freight
ED_DET_035 Amount IC. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Insurance
ED_DET_036 Amount. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Insurance
ED_DET_037 Amount IC. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Commision
ED_DET_038 Amount. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Commision
ED_DET_039 Amount IC. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Packing
ED_DET_040 charges. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Packing
ED_DET_041 Charges Amount IC. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Remitter [a-zA-Z0-9-
ED_DET_042 Name 200 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
Data type or length error for Remitter
ED_DET_043 Country.
Data type or length error for WriteOff
ED_DET_044 Indicator. 1
Date Format or length error for Writroff
ED_DET_045 Date. dd/MM/yyyy
Data type or length error for Writeoff
ED_DET_046 Amount. 16,4 Number

Data type or lengt error for Close of Bill

ED_DET_047 Indicator. 1
Data type or length error for Payment
ED_DET_048 Indicator.
Data type or length error for Shipment
ED_DET_049 Indicator. 2
Data type or length error for Payment Bill
ED_DET_050 Number.
ED_DET_051 Data type or length error for FIRC Adcode 7 [0-9]+

Data type or length error for FIRC [a-zA-Z0-9-

ED_DET_052 Number. 50 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
Data type or length error for Deduction
ED_DET_053 Amount IC. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Deduction
ED_DET_054 Amount. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Discount
ED_DET_055 Amount. 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Discount
ED_DET_056 Amount IC 16,4 Number
Data type or length error for Realization
ED_DET_057 Status. 1
ED_HDR_058 Data type or length error for new Adcode. 7 [0-9]+
Data type or length error for Payment
ED_HDR_059 Sequence Number 20 [a-zA-Z0-9]+
Data type or length error for Changed
ED_HDR_060 IEcode 10 [0-9]+
ED_HDR_061 Data type or length error for Remarks 200 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
ED_HDR_062 Data type or length error for Status. 1

EM_HDR_060 Remarks is mandatory

EM_HDR_061 Status in mandatory

EM_HDR_062 IRM number is mandatory

EM_HDR_083 Remittance Ad Code is mandatory

ED_HDR_063 Data type or length error for IRM number

Data type or length error for Remittance

ED_HDR_083 Adcode
Data type or length error for Banking
ED_DET_058 Charges
ES_HDR_PAYRESTRICT Shipping Bill is already completed or
ED acknowledgement is not done
RICTED Payment is Restricted
ED Payment is Restricted

Expected payment realization date has

ES_PAYDATE_EXCEED been exceeded than realization date

Given payment details is not present in


ES_PAY_DUPLICATE_P Payment Sequence number should not be

ES_SB_NOTFOUND Shipping Bill data not present in EDPMS

ES_FB_NOTFOUND Form Bill data not present in EDPMS

ES_INVOICE_NOTFOUN Invoice is not matching with the data in

EX_SB_001 Invalid PortCode

EX_SB_002 Invalid Shipment Indicator.

EX_SB_003 Invalid WriteOff Indicator.

EX_SB_004 Invalid IE Code.

EX_SB_005 Invalid AD Code

EX_SB_006 Invalid Country Code

EX_SB_007 Invalid Currency Code

EX_SB_008 Invalid Deduction Currency Code

EX_SB_009 Invalid Discount Currency Code.

EX_SB_010 Invalid FOB Curency Code.

EX_SB_011 Invalid Freight Currency Code.

EX_SB_012 Invalid Insurance Currency Code.

EX_SB_013 Invalid Packing Currency Code.

EX_SB_014 Invalid Commission Currency Code.

EX_SB_015 Invalid Buyer country Code.

EX_SB_016 Invalid CloseOfBill Indicator

EX_SB_017 Invalid Record Indicator.

EX_SB_018 Invalid Direct Dispatch Indicator.

EX_SB_019 Invalid Realization Indicator.

EX_SB_020 Invalid New Ad code.

EX_SB_021 Invalid Export Agency.

EX_SB_022 Invalid Export Type.

EX_SB_024 Invalid WriteOff Date.

EX_SB_025 Invalid FIRC Adcode.

ES_SB_CANNOT_EXTE Payment extension is restricted for this

ND shipping bill

ND Payment is restricted for this form number

ES_WRONG_EXTENDE Extension date should not be lesser than

D_DATE shipping bill date

E Realization Date is invalid

ES_SB_CANNOT_MATC Status in EDPMS is not matching with the

H_STATUS Process of the uploaded file
ES_FN_CANNOT_MATC Status in EDPMS is not matching with the
H_STATUS Process of the uploaded file

Date of Negotiation should not be lesser

ES_SB_WRONG_DON than shipping bill date

Date of Negotiation should not be lesser

ES_FN_WRONG_DON than shipping bill date

ES_PED_NOT_GREATE Payment extension date should not be

R greater than current date

ES_WRONG_LETTER_D Letter date should not be greater than the

ATE current date

ES_DUPLICATE_SHIPPI Duplicate Shipping bill is present in the

NG_BILL uploaded file

ES_DUPLICATE_FORM_ Duplicate Form bill is present in the

NO uploaded file

ES_DUPLICATE_INVOIC Duplicate invoice is present for the same

E shipping bill

EX_SAME_AD_CODE_N Existing AD Code and new AD Code are

EW_CODE same


ES_WRONG_EXISTING_ New AD Code does not match with the


ES_WRONG_NEW_ADC New Ad Code is not matching with the AD


Status is in completed for either shipping

ES_SB_COMPLETED bill or form no

Acknowledgment already done for either

ES_SB_LODGED shipping bill or form no

Acknowledgment is not done for either

ES_SB_NOT_LODGED shipping bill or form no

ES_SB_TRANSFER_RE Shipping Bill is in Transfer Requested

QUESTED status

EM_HDR_062 IRM Number is Mandatory

EM_HDR_063 Remittance Amount is Mandatory

EM_HDR_064 Remittance Date is Mandatory

EM_HDR_065 Remittance currency is Mandatory

EM_HDR_066 Firc Flag is Mandatory

EM_HDR_067 Firc Number is Mandatory

EM_HDR_068 Firc Issue Date is Madatory

EM_HDR_069 currency is Mandatory

EM_HDR_070 IE Name is Mandatory

EM_HDR_071 Remitter Bank Name is Mandatory

EM_HDR_072 Remitter Adress is Mandatory

EM_HDR_073 Remitter Bank country is Mandatory

Swift Code against Inward Remittance is

EM_HDR_074 Mandatory
EM_HDR_075 Purpose code is Mandatory

EM_HDR_076 Remarks is Mandatory

Amount Adjusted against non-shipping bill

EM_HDR_077 is Mandatory
EM_HDR_078 Adjustment Date is Mandatory

EM_HDR_079 Reason for Adjustment is Mandatory

Remittance Extension Indicator is

EM_HDR_080 Mandatory
EM_HDR_081 Remittance Extension Date is Mandatory

EM_HDR_082 Remittance Ad code is Mandatory

EM_HDR_083 Closure sequence is Mandatory

Close of Remittance Indicator is

EM_HDR_084 Mandatory
EM_HDR_085 Bill of Entry Number is Mandatory

EM_HDR_086 Bill of Entry Date is Mandatory

EM_HDR_087 Port of Receiving is Mandatory

EM_HDR_088 WriteoffSequence Number is Mandatory

EM_HDR_089 Document Number is Mandatory

EM_HDR_090 Document Date is Mandatory

EM_HDR_091 Thirrd Party is Mandatory

EM_HDR_092 Approved by is Mandatory

EM_HDR_093 IRM or FIRC Number is Mandatory

EM_HDR_094 Fund Transfer Flag is Mandatory
EM_HDR_095 FIRC Amount is Mandatory
EX_CTRL_003 IRM count Mismatch in the file

ED_CHK_03 IRM count Data type Error

ED_HDR_063 Data Type or length error for IRM Number 50 [a-zA-Z0-9-]+

Data Type or length error for Remittance

ED_HDR_064 Amount 16,4
Data Type or length error for Remittance
ED_HDR_066 Data Type or length error for Firc flag 1 Should be 'Y' or 'N'
Data Type or length error for Firc Issue
Data Type or length error for Remittance
ED_HDR_068 currency 3
ED_HDR_069 Data Type or length error for IE Name 200 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+

Data Type or length error for Remitter [a-zA-Z0-9-

ED_HDR_070 Bank Name 100 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
Data Type or length error for Remitter [a-zA-Z0-9-
ED_HDR_071 Address 200 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
Data Type or length error for Remitter
ED_HDR_072 Bank country 2

Data Type or length error for Swift Code of [a-zA-Z0-9-

ED_HDR_073 Remittance 50 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
ED_HDR_074 Data Type or length error for Purpose code 10 Purpose code Master

ED_HDR_075 Data Type or length error for Remarks 200 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
ED_HDR_076 Data Type or length error for Adjusted Amount 16,4

ED_HDR_077 Data Type or length error for Adjustment date DD/MM/YYYY

Data Type or length error for Reason for

ED_HDR_078 Adjustment 2 Adjustment Master

Data Type or length error for Extension RBI (1),AD

ED_HDR_079 Indicator 1 bank(2),Other (3)
Data Type or length error for Extension
Data Type or length error for Remittance
ED_HDR_081 Adcode 7 [0-9]+
ED_HDR_082 Data Type or length error for Firc Number 50 _/\\\\.,;:*!#$@+^?\\s]+
Data Type or length error for Closure
ED_HDR_083 Sequence No 50 [a-zA-Z0-9-]+
Data Type or length error for Close of
ED_HDR_084 Remittance Indicator 1 1 or 2
Data Type or length error for Bill of Entry
ED_HDR_085 Number 20 [a-zA-Z0-9-]+
Data Type or length error for Bill of Entry
Data Type or length error for Port of
ED_HDR_087 Discharge 7
Data Type or length error for Writeoff
ED_HDR_088 Sequence Number 20 [a-zA-Z0-9-]+
Data Type or length error for Document
ED_HDR_089 Number 20 [a-zA-Z0-9-]+
Data Type or length error for Document
ED_HDR_091 Data Type or length error for Third Party 1 Y/N

RBI (1), AD Bank (2),

ED_HDR_092 Data Type or length error for Approval By 1 others (3)
Data Type or length error for Port of
ED_HDR_093 Receiving 7
ED_HDR_094 Data Type or length error for FIRC Amount 16,4

EX_SB_026 Invalid IRM Number

EX_SB_027 Invalid Remitter Country

EX_SB_028 Invalid Remitter Bank Country

EX_SB_029 Invalid Firc Flag

EX_SB_030 Invalid Purpose code of Remittance

EX_SB_031 Invalid Record Indicator

EX_SB_032 Invalid Remittance Date

EX_SB_033 Invalid Firc Issue Date

EX_SB_034 Invalid FircNumber

EX_SB_035 Invalid Remitter Currency

IRM Closure currency not matches with

EX_SB_036 the IRM Currency
EX_SB_037 Invalid Adjusted Amount

EX_SB_038 Invalid Adjustment Date

EX_SB_039 Invalid Reason for Adjustment

EX_SB_040 Invalid Bill of Entry Date

EX_SB_041 Invalid Adjustment Date

Adjustment Date should be less than

EX_SB_042 expected utilization date of Remittance

Letter Date should be greater than

EX_SB_043 Remittance Date

Extension Date should be greater than

EX_SB_044 Remittance Date

Remittance Date should be less than the

EX_SB_045 expected Payment Realization Date
EX_SB_046 Invalid IRM Closure Sequence Number

EX_SB_047 Invalid Close of Remittance Indicator

EX_SB_048 Invalid Port of Discharge

EX_SB_049 Invalid Third Party

EX_SB_050 Invalid Document Date

EX_SB_051 Invalid Fund Transfer Flag

EX_SB_053 Invalid FIRC Amount
EX_SB_054 IRM and FIRC Number Both Exists

_SHOULD_BE_GREATE Remittance Amount should be greater
R_THAN_ONE than one

Y_IN_CLOSED_STATUS Remittance is in closed Status
OSED_STATUS FIRC is in closed Status

CLOSURE_EXISTS_FOR IRM Closure exists for the same Closure

_REMITTANCE Sequence Number

TANCE_REF_NUMBER Duplicate IRM exists in the Uploaded File

NUMBER_EXISTS Same IRM Exists in the database

NUMBER_NOT_EXISTS IRM Not exists in the database

NSION_NOT_EXISTS IRM Extension not exists in the database

SURE_NOT_EXISTS IRM Closure not exists in the database
ES_REMITTANCE_DATE Shipping bill Date should be less than
_EXCEEDED Expected Utilization of IRM

Sum of FOB, Freight and Insurance

ES_EXCESS_REMITTAN Amount should be less than or equal to
CE_AMOUNT Pending Remittance Amount

Sum of FOB ,Freight and Insurance

ES_EXCESS_FIRC_AM Amount Should be less than or equal to
OUNT Unutilized Firc Amount
ES_EXCESS_ADJUSTE Adjusted Amount should be less than or
D_AMOUNT equal to Remittance Amount

HOULD_BE_GREATER_ Adjusted Amount should be greater than
ADCODE Invalid Remittance Ad code
CE_ADCODE Invalid Remittance Ad code

ES_SB_COMPLETED Shipping Bill is in Completed status

R_WRITEOFF Remittance is Utilized
Exporter is in defaulter
list, please follow the RBI
norms The Exporter is in defaulter List

ES_FIRC_NOT_FOUND FIRC Number not exists in the system

TS FIRC Number already exists in the system
IRC_NUMBER_EXITS_IN Duplicate IRM or FIRC Number exists in
FILE the file


ES_INSUFFICIENT_FUN FIRC Amount should be less than or equal
D_TRANSFER_AMOUNT to Pending Remittance Amount
ES_DUPLICATE_PURPO Duplicate Purpose code exists for the
SE_CODE Remittance.
_ONE FIRC Amount Should be greater than one
CY_CODE_NOT_MATCH Realized Currency code not matches with
ES_IRM_CURRENCY the Remittance Currency
ULD_GREATER_THAN_ Sum of FOB, Freight and Insurance
ONE Amount should be greater than one

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