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Schematic Diagram

Predisposing Factors: Precipitating Factors:

(+) Family History (maternal and (+) Air pollution

paternal side) (+)Aspirin use
(+) Age (> 40 y.o.) (+)Stress
(+) Gender (Females > Male) (-) Cold air
(-) Race (African- American) (-) Occupational exposures
(-) Allergies (-) Smoking
(-) Obesity
(-) GERD

Exposure to irritants

Production of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) by B lymphocytes

IgE antibodies attach to mast cells and

basophils in the bronchial walls

Mast cells degranulate

Altered immunologic response

Difficulty in Increased airway resistance Cough

sleeping Dyspnea
Mucus inflammation Chest pain

Bronchial Asthma

Stasis of secretions in large airways

Inhalation of microorganisms

Rapid bounding Invasion of microorganisms in the Rapidly rising fever

spaces between cells and between alveoli

through connecting pores

Organisms multiply in the serous Purulent sputum

fluid thus the spread of infection

Lung tissue fills with exudates and fluids

Confusion or changes Inflammation and edema of the lung parenchyma Tachypnea

in mental awareness Pleuritic chest pain

Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia- High Risk

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